BREAKING: Russia hacked voter rolls for Donald Trump

Uh oh Spaghettio's.... Even George W. Bush is saying it's an open and shut case against Trump now.

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Oh right, I forgot we're supposed to like Bush now

Yeah Russia was the reason Hillary was +10 the exit polls against Bernie where the voting machines were electronic while Bernie was +.5 at paper ballot locations.

this just in, WMD found in trump case!

are you even trying?

"pretty clear evidence" that Iraq had WMDs as well...

>media spends 8 years portraying Bush Jr. as a retard
>wants to use him as a source now
Why is our media so garbage?

It's time for Trump to step down as President he clearly didn't win.

Meanwhile, in an actual court of law. Gotta jew fast now, it's the final countdown.


Wasnt the federal government caught hacking state election databases at this time?

Jeanette manfer is a former Obama administration Whitehouse employee ;d. She has a bachelor in arts from John's Hopkins university

And..... if you read the story, they determined that there were multiple Russian penetration attempts in the 2016 election, but no data was lost or altered, so..... importance of story is simply THAT Russia tried to penetrate our voting system, failed, and we need to stay vigilant against penetration of our voting systems (what's wrong with paper and #2 pencil??).

Oh, and the NBC story is a re-tread of the same story that broke 8 months ago.

But ShareBlue: Please get all of your employees and bots into this timeline and discuss amongst yourselves all day.

>infamously retarded warmongering republican president
>Hero to the left

what the fuck happened

Hey isn't it just possible, that, due to the nature of 'Russian hackers' and bots, that since you can't exactly trace these things, isn't it just possible that they could have been payed by Trump's enemies to promote him in order to be used to discredit him later? Isn't that kind of why russian hackers are evidence of nothing? Unless you have like a check Trump himself wrote out to them or something

The russians registered 3 million illegals for voting?

sounds like the dncs work

Sure buddy. Your overlords told us it was impossible to hack. When ever it’s convenient, you just switch the script.

This won't save you libtards, Obongo and Clintons will hang from nooses like they themselves predicted

He's go down as the guy who should have never been president.

That was ombama's moniker from day 1. Thank God for Trump.

He's an FBI informant. Can't question his integrity according to the left

It's things like this that make me feel like Russia was literally trying to help Clinton win


Wouldnt that make more sense? Why hack the election and deploy russian bots if it's so obvious? If any of it's true it's coming from Clinton's camp to discredit Trump.

Of course they were. That is exactly what went on here, and beyond that they were in bed together on the U1 deal. Why do you think Obama expelled ALL the russian diplomats just before he left office? It was cover for their partners to leave. If just a couple diplomats suddenly left people might look at them more closely. The Obama Administration was literally an intelligence clearing house for anyone with the money.

Tick tock Trump.

Yes Obama can see into the future now?

Yet when blue states were asked to hand over database files for voter fraud investigation they refused.

>does anyone even care about this shit anymore..
>I think the 24 hour Rubberband/Ballsack challenge would do you good
>Successfully Breeding for you is a bad thing

Watch them all be in California (implying it happened anyway) making the "hack" null and void to begin with.

>Russians hacked voter rolls
>in a tiny amount of states
>no votes were actually altered

THIS IS A TRAVESTY. We need to go back to hack proof paper ballots! Also to prove that no russian is voting we need voting I.D's that prove you are American before you're allowed to vote! We should have never let Russia hack our elections. NEVER AGAIN!

and surprisingly enough they can make any hack look like it was perpetrated by any other country.. if they want, per wikileaks

back when hillary was 'ahead in the polls' he sure could, according to the left anyway

>muh only world superpower
>muh imports smartest people
>muh burger
>muh security
>muh cia
>muh best nation in the world
>muh cold war winners
>muh everything

gets humiliated by russia and north korea
while gypsies have better interwebs and hack better

>yfw blames someone else for being that stupid

Is the USA even a real country/nation/wutevafederation

Obama's DHS director Jeh Johnson even testified that Russian 'hacking' did not change any outcome of the election.

They hit S.C.

Notice the number of S.C. People working in trump team.

Trump's closest allies are crying and talking to lawyers right now because they know they're all about to be arrested. Tick tock.

Entire Trump team will be indicted by summer. Constitutional crisis election by this fall.

Is that the same GW Bush that fled his Air Guard flight physical, since he knew he'd flunk, since he was coked 2 the eyeballs and his Daddy saved his ass?

Man and dnc belongs in /x/ . Do yoy play sega?
I have a sega genesis.

So what you're saying is, we need some form of secure national ID for voting?

>yfw the reason democrats claim the election was """hacked""" is because their ballot-stuffing didnt work like it was supposed to

A woman is in charge of cybersecurity? Now everything makes much more sense.


And during Yeltsin's election campaign the US sent case loads of money to buy votes across Russia. Ensured that pro-US Oligarhs gained control of the national media, and sent every matter of NGO, to rally support of the new "Democracy".

But hey, those registration rolls in "jefferson county", or wherever the fuck. That's "too far".

What goes around comes around, fuckers.

This is a meme I've seen more and more.
Are Irish-Americans supposed to be SJWs?
I always thought majority were at least nominally Republican (McConnell, King , etc.)

Social conditioning.
Lots of "wow plebbit, W was sure a swell fella right?"
I knew some bullshit was coming down the pike after seeing him being portrayed as JUST A REGULAR GUY XD for months.

neocons and libs have the same big money backers, so of course they tow the same line. look at jebs 150m fundraising.

Steve King? Because he's German

I like how they're trotting out this story again after like a year and a half. Not even changing it either.

Oh look, (((OP))) left out the most important part.

“No evidence was found of voter roles being altered in any way”


>Peter T. King
Closest thing we had to a McCarthy (another Irishman)


Uh huh...
The Mueller investigation has only produced flimsy indictments and charges that had nothing to do with the Trump campaign.

You have wishful thinking, as it is clear Mueller is going to have to come out and tell you nuts that he's got nothing against President Trump. The more Mueller keeps digging...the more the Obama administration and Secretary of State Clinton/Presidential candidate Clinton look like the colluding corruptors.

>"my constitutional obligation... do everything I can to help them succeed"
Obama literally violating constitution.

It depends. I'm Irish Catholic. Many of us fiscally democraticic and socially conservative -- although most seen to vote democratic, especially emong the working class. We're niggers. I hate my ancestry.

I guess catholics are just supposedly more likely to be democrats

Prove it.

>even George Bush is saying it

Like that fucking means anything. Low-brow appeal to authority. Get rekt.

Full audit of voter rolls.
How many dems go to jail?

>even George w. Bush
>as if he is not a globalist neo con.
>as if his dad was not head of CIA.

None, it won't happen


It's almost like they gave her and her husband tens of millions of dollars a few years before the election.

if you bothered to read the actual article you would see that the "russians" were able to view who is on voter rolls in some states. you know who else can do that? YOU you stupid fuck, most states make this a matter of public record dumbass

and even GWB, really? now he's a fucking genius

> George W Bush
> HuffPost

Nah. I'm good.

Already debunked and disproven. Check Snopes.

>Russia definitely hacked the election and changed votes
>But don't you dare look up the actual voter rolls goyim that would be racist just take our word for it okay

>case reopened due to partisan hackery at the FBI
>informants already delivering new testimony
>"B-b-but d-debunked!! Debunkkkkked!!!!"

DHS is calling obama a liar, DHS is racist

Registration records have nothing to do with actual votes. It is just names and address of those registered to vote, just like what was stolen from Uber recently. Don't be so gullible.

So was Christopher Steele.
*sips tea*

Shill, this BREAKING NEWS was widely reported in September 2016. Why have they dragged it up again like it's something new?

All they have left are buzzwords and celebrities.
Go for the throat.

They are extremely desperate given the bombshells about uranium one being dropped today again. No escaping it now.

NO. This information was first released on 2/7/18 (yesterday.) Check every mainstream news site this all broke late yesterday.

>Check Fake News Reddit
Fixed that for ya, 56%er

Nope. It was talked about back in September 2016; the user you replied to was correct, you are just being gullible, forgetting recent history, and being easily taken in by recycled news. Don't forget the DHS tried to break into Georgia's election system; that broke at the same time in 2016.

>Mother Jones
Are you fishing for (You)'s or do you really believe anyone here would take that seriously?

>implying it matters who is elected President

This leak is likely a warning that someone can prove US responsibility for any attacks that originated from this malware server [that the hacked files originated on]. That could have significant foreign policy consequences. Particularly if any of those operations targeted US allies."

In other words, Snowden thinks Russia is sending a warning that if the US decides to publicly blame it for the DNC, it will retaliate by leaking potentially damaging information about US cyber-intelligence operations to the world.

>no voter rolls were changed

wow its nothing

Big if proofs. But where are they OP?

By the way, here is a September 29th, 2016 article about this from ABC news: . Again, you are being slammed with dem propaganda and mind games meant to catch the gullible. You need to work at being skeptical and hardening your mind so you are not so easily fooled by concerted media campaigns.

Jesus its not a rumor, you guys really are dumb in the UK.

OLD AF, nope sorry you lose again


IT MAKES MUCH MORE SENSE, they could bet on Hillary because they knew exactly how she operated

What a retarded image.

Crowdstrike paid by DNC/FBI/Clintons said it was Russia.

Everyone agrees because they're all corrupt.

>Even George W. Bush
>he thinks anyone from Sup Forums likes Bush
You shills aren't even trying anymore. Lazy motherfuckers.

They're recycling months old headlines now?

>Trump's going down
What else is new?

Their desperation is showing

More than a year old, actually

Funny that you cropped the source out of your image. And that in two seconds I find that your source is BREITBART LOL!!!!!!! Try again with a real source buddy.

Sure- he got hundreds of thousands of people killed under false information, couldn't form a coherent sentence together and was a ZOG puppet, but at least he knew how to act presidential. Amirite fellas?

Dude, they looked at non-classified information that was open to the public
Talk about spin
>Russia looked at data that was open to the public , they rigged the election!

the source is reality, loser. try again

If you can't read information showing you are being manipulated by propaganda, how do you expect to grow and escape your puppet level of gullibility, user?

The veil is lifting