/Itapol/ Ongoing Race-War Updates [Election Edition]

Luca "The Roman Soldier" Traini to prosecutors: " I Have no regrets, I'm sorry they are not dead"

Pamela's Mom: "Thank you, Luca"

Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "we are scared now"

Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples

Antifa tried a pro-immigrants manifestation in Pavia but they end up BTFO by Police

Luca Traini arrives in prison, welcomed with applauses: "He's an hero"

A lot of financial support from other Italians, Traini "I'm honored, please give all the money to poor families. But they have to be Italian families"

Other urls found in this thread:


Nation Election Day 4 March
Last Polls:

Right Wing Coalition: 37,5%
- Forza Italia [conservatives] 15,8%
- Lega [identitarians/populists] 14,3%
- Fratelli d'Italia [nationalists/fascists] 4,6%
- Noi con l'Italia [christian democrats] 2,8%

Globalist Coalition: 27,9%
- Partito Democratico [liberals/globalists] 23%
- Più Europa [globalists/progressives] 1,9%
- Insieme [greens/social democrats] 1,6%
- Civica Popolare [liberals] 1%
- SVP [South Tyrol identitarians] 0,4%

Movimento 5 Stelle [populists/greens/pirate party-esque] 27,2%

Liberi e Uguali [progressives/social democrats/SJWs] 5,4%

What happened.

How long sentence can he expect?

Those feels

He's accused of "Strage" (sorta of domestic terrorism) and maxium jailtime is 15 years (bc no one died). I've no idea the racial motivation how many years can add on the total.

Someone explain to me why I should care about some shithole papist country without saying WE WUZ ROMANS MAMA MIA

I could care less about greasy Catholic wops

rememeber to filter meme flags.

Come potete essere felici con l'azioni di Traini? Non fa niente chi sono ma amazare non é mai la soluzione. Possone essere mafiosi pero amazare non é giusto. Questa era gente innocente che ha amazato, non avete niente senzo del valora di una vita humana? L'animale amazanno a chi non li piace siete animali. Come ti sentiresti se uno ti sparava per la tua razza.

I see you are shilling from the old thread memefag, do you happen to be the same jew defender from this other thread too?

Ma infatti qui nessuno vuole uccidere nessuno. La soluzione politica è sempre la migliore. Io tutti sti stranieri in Italia non li voglio.

I...Is this it? The beginning? The igniting spark?
I read somewhere that Nostradamus predicted that "'the people of the boot' would rise up and fight back against an invasion". I couldn't find any confirmation on that, and by the way, isn't Nostradamus prophecies very vague and open for interpretation?

Look dude, This is the first time a country got invaded by another (Africa) and no one is doing anything. Can you remember another period of history where people from a place had the "permission" to move and settle in other people land without any figh?

Was only a question of time ihmo. I hope in a political solution btw.

Nice triple sevens.
I have serious doubts in this mess being solved with words only, but we will see.

>people of the boot

Is this true?

For most of History nationalism wasn't a thing and people just lived wherever irrespective of borders. There was no strict control, its only really after the world wars that mass deportation of minority groups began.

Oy Vey la Bonino su La7 a shillare che gli immigrati sono una risorsa.

Europe, is it time already?

he is a hero
I hope he will be released/broken out of jail and Italy will come back to uncucked nations

I remember people always use to conquer and get conquered actually. Since we were organized in tribes (read the Bible)

>Duplicate thread at the same time
>Different names
>No link to prec thread
>No updated OP

Kings and the nobility would conquer but didn't give a crap about who lived anywhere. They just wanted land and money.

>L'animale amazzanno a chi non li piace
Learn the language ape

fuori di qui o sei il prossimo, negretto

The OP is more update than the other attention whore OP, check the last links.

Destra o sinistra?

>nice trips
In fact, the first time I know about foreign people being allowed to settle was the Roman Empire. During the large migrations from the East, different groups were allowed to settle in the Roman Empire.

Needless to say soon enough many of them tried to take over. Iwould never, ever understand how Italians accepted boats after boats after boats of niggers and sandniggers to reach the shores. Going to save them at sea, even. You let a bunch of crazy communists taking over.

And when someone move to conquer usually the occupants are in charge of the defense of their place. The thing happening now is unprecedented.

not even death wants to take that witch away, jesus

che schifo le negre!

*screams of thousands souls from hell*

Va che se i barconi erano pieni di pornotroie tipo ana foxx tu saresti il primo a prenderne un paio come domestiche.

What an absolute hero. God bless him. God bless Italy. God bless all who seek self rule and self determination.

>vita humana
Stop importing niggers and muslims into Europe retard. Normal people are getting very upset about the situation, and when their kids will be hurt, they will take your "human values" and stuff it in your ass with a large spike.

>t. zoofilo

>Needless to say soon enough many of them tried to take over

This is because power need to be exercised. If you create a vacuum that vacuum will be filled (by others) and power exercitated again. This is kinda whats happening between men and women in western society.

no, non mi piacciono le negre. Credo che se ti piace qualcuna che non è della tua razza (es a me neanche le giappe piacciono) è più come se avessi un fetish che altro. Tipo il bondage.

nice triplo sette

Italians aren't white.


stop talking about porn and talk about italian elections
dammit Francesco, why falling for jewish media?

>people will reply to el goblino extinguido fishing

True, we're not a color.

Try to search through Nostradamus quatrains and see if you find anything

No one fell for anything actually. We were simply unlucky because when the migrant crisis happened we had our first leftist govt (I think they will not govern again for at least 100 years after these disastrous years)

la creatura...

Mum, i'm going to make a terrorist attack.
>0 deaths

god bless Italians.
t. Sicilian descendant.

El abominaciòn

>Being broud of yur basd is sdubied :-))))

Has a confederate flag

>when the migrant crisis happened we had our first leftist gov
we had one too and they took money from germany
now we do not have them
remove leftists
then remove invaders
Good luck

E che cazzo ragazzi. Abbiamo delle elezioni di merda da vincere e voi ancora fate ste strozate di fare due thread, non fate meme, gli unici che li fanno sono il cecofra' e me.
Fate qualcosa, amebe.

A political point can be to make immigrants feel not welcomed. I thought it was a succes if you read around or if you've listen some interview.


Con quel cazzo di turbante sembra che si sia convertita all'islam .
Farebbe più bella figura a mostrare la pelata,sempre che sia vero

Nell'altro neanche ci sono i sondaggi. Mi piace lo spirito Romano dell'altro user ma non è buono a fare la pasta per OP. Non ci posso fare niente. Questi devono essere thread informativi (per gli stranieri e i nuovifagotti) non LARP a giocare a fare l'Impero Romano.

>A political point can be to make immigrants feel not welcomed.

and the best way to do that is to kill them.

Fucking memeflaggers. Italy bros I hope you slaughter every last person whom is responsible for the mess y'all are in.

Deo Vindice! Hail Italy, Hail Europa, Hail Dixie!

"lo spirito romano" sono due immagini e usano esclusivamente queste, al massimo tre, invece di essere produttivi e creativi.
Veramente deludente.

Infact I think the best way to destroy leftist is to make then rule for one round. But they almost managed to destroy the whole country.

Senti ma che senso ha un thread di politica dove non ci sono neanche i sondaggi?

Come potete essere contenti delle azioni di Traini? Non importa chi siano, ma uccidere non è mai la soluzione. Possono essere mafiosi, però uccidere non è giusto. Quelle che ha ucciso erano persone innocenti, non avete alcun senso del valore per la vita umana? Gli animali uccidono chi non li piace, siete animali. Come ti sentiresti se qualcuno ti sparasse per via della tua razza?

different races reacts differently from others and need to live in their ecosystem. it applies to animals and us as well.

ours sold stuff to the west and pushed marxism
now our economy is starting to get better, and patriotism is stronger than ever, while leftists screech but they are powerless as new govt is obviously better

Based Italians keep these threads up. Glory to the right wing


sei una stronza e stai danneggiando la tua stessa gente all'inferno

Non c'è proprio niente... nemmeno il link della live di Salvini:
www PUNTO kikebook PUNTO com/salviniofficial/videos/10155522792433155/

Lets keep these threads going P R A I S E

He's not italian.

We still have the political way (elect someone who BTFO all africans and arabs). I've no idea about UK and US for example.


Tra un po' quel turbokike di Formigli fa una trasmissione sui Faxisti che possiamo seguire qui:


e commentare nel thread.

Con quel cazzo di turbante ,si è forse convertita all' islam o sta facendo propaganda per la sharia? Ah no dimenticavo anche l'inferno l'ha risputata

>still no parlamentary majority for the right wing coaltion in sight

Berlusconi is going to team up with MS5 and maybe some leftist small party and there is nothing anybody can do to stop it

Are kikes from EU still pushing to send you immigrants or they give up?

Too much fantasy here.

Persino il cancro si è arreso. Satana quando l'ha vista avrà pensato "questa mo mi riempie l'inferno di negri e islamici" e l'ha mandata via.

>people of the boot
I like this. The people of the boot will stomp the (((children of the lie))).

I do not even follow what bullshit kikes from EU want to push on us at the moment
whatever we do it is wrong, so we just ignore their bullshit, ask Hungary to veto them and it is all fine and dandy

He must jerk off a lot because his right arm is much bigger. lmfao

Che poi la balla dei migranti come risorsa l'ha smontata Borghi un annetto fa...ma perchè continuano a dirla?
Adesso anche "il Bilderberg non è il KKK" eh infatti il KKK qualcosa di buono l'ha fatto.

is this actually what it looks like?

It looked like over 500 people in frame doing the roman salute unironically...

Please explain in a little more detail what is going on Italbro

it's a rally to commemorate 3 guys who got killed in the 70s, they went to the building where they were killed and gave a salute

Yes, it was a manifestation to honor the fallen and to remember this happening: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acca_Larentia_killings

Qualcuno piemontese? Per quanto ne penso io qui non sta succendendo un tubo.

Assuming this is the real thread and there will be no more duplicate retards, some updates from the other thread.
If someone can translate the articles, thank you
>pic related is latest polls i found from a kikebook research/survey institute page,(don't know how much accurate is)
>abstained/undecided : 41.5 % of the total
>refer to for parties names/alignment.

>Luca Traini welcomed in jail with applauses from other inmates.
>Also he thanks whoever donated to his crowfunding and said to give the money instead to poor italian families

>(lost link unfortunately)
>Fratoianni, politician member of the Social Democrats/Progressive/SJW party, proposes to give free italian citizenship to the wounded niggers from the assault as reparations
Is the left playing 64D chess or just want to lose elections so bad?

>hail dixie
yeah thanks for bringing in the niggers in the first place.

¡Viva Italia!

C'è in OP il tuo link...li devo sistemare alla rovescia così i nuovi si leggono prima.

>duplicate retards
I think its only me and SPQI user who makes OP pasta. Penso che ci dovremmo alternare così gli /itapol/ così risultano meno noiosi (ho sentito qualche lamentela a riguardo)

user Imperiale se mi stai leggendo quando questo thread finisce aprilo tu.

>mfw renzi was a complete bullshit but he still runs again and has the second biggest party

>M5S 28%


>Operation 120dB Italy
Put up posters of Pamela in Italy, especially Macerata. This will boost #120dB and keep the media focused on Pamela instead of the shooting.
>Pamela was butchered by a nigerian drug dealer; this is what made Kratos go on the shooting spree against migrants.
Pamela poster PDF:
media.8ch dot net/file_store/922b235a5a8a1c169874ed5add3cdb1a7db03b6db8d67b2d61adcff3eb546fbf.pdf
>Defend Europa Italy has been contacted, members near Macerata will ikely be putting them up - support & reinforcements appreciated.
>Mediamatters.org is already tracking this operation, we need to act fast:

pardon non l'avevo notato, comunque non sono io l'OP dell'altro thread, inoltre scegliamo un nome definitivo per i thread da ora in poi

I'm not going to jewgle translate, give us archive.is links

The disgusting commie Formigli is beginning whith his filth

Is MSI still a thing there? There exist large numbers of actual fascists still in Italy?

la7 DOT it/dirette-tv

Ok next pasta i'll give you the raw link (lots of link are indipendend or right wing national newspapers so dont worry to click)

Hai visto che ha detto quel tizio di Macerata? "il giorno dopo che ha sparato 3/4 (di negri) se ne erano andati da Macerata" ayyy mission accomplished.

Right now on national tv people are cheering for /ourguy/

in honor of my trips, pls run them through archive.is, thanks pham