Army made me hate Niggers

Army veteran here.....

I didn't hate niggers until I joined the Army.

Artillery Unit....90 percent Niggers!


Even twenty years after the army.....


Mississippi White Boi....Johnny Cross

Catcher University Mississippi Baseball Team...

Hates Niggers!

Any army fag...come on....

the army makes you hate NIGGERS!

cool story bro

i got blue falconed by a nigger recruit in usmc bootcamp
i was taking a piss while we cleaned the squad bay and he's like did you ask the drill instructor? im like nope he pushes his forehead against mine and i grab his shirt and shove him then he goes and tells the fucking senior drill instructor on me

fucking dirty nigger

Latin American here. My time in the USN made it apparent what a nigger was

Similar experience here user. The Army redpilled me on a lot of things. It was basically Sup Forums IRL before I even knew what Sup Forums was.

Shut up you fucking string puller. Did you intentionally join artillery? Only people who fail out of training go to artillery. I bet you had to get a waiver for your ASVAP

You have to score pretty fucking low on an aptitude test to end up in artillery.
Like niggers did
Like you did.
Think about that for a while..

What happened?

give us your story, faggot.

Any stories for the reason behind your change of view?

Found a nigger.

You got suckered into joining the military. You should hate yourself.

>room tempature IQ
>grouped with niggers

Try working at a 7-11 with a nearby hookah lounge
You will learn to hate anything that isn't white

I was Fire Direction, which was the BRAINS of artillery.....we were all WHITE...the gun bunnies were all niggers. is my story. Born in Wisconsin. Dad was parartrooper in 101st airborne. Very Patriotic! Love America. Want to be a soldier. Join Army. Tell recruiter I want to work with computers...he tells me to be Fire Direction in Aritillery. I say "OKAY!"

Get to Fort Sill OK...niggers everywhere! All the niggers are gun bunnys. All the White people like me are "Fire Direction"...the BRAINS OF ARTILLERY. My experience with niggers iz this..."Do you eat pussy?" I say "HELL YES!" Nigger sayz "I only eat wat on a plate."

Niigerssss....they aren't human. I hate them

If you don't know about Cornulla you ain't shite!

very well articulated.

I was a tank gunner, didn't hate niggers until being in the Army with them. Sure there were a couple white guys who were pieces of shit but the niggers were just animals with few exceptions.

Fuck i cant imagine have to serve with then nig nogs every day. I wiuld have shot them

My greatest fear in the army wasn't was NIGGERS!

>race is only about IQ
looks like your IQ is only a couple above his

I thought that was a gorilla with a head sticking out of its ass for a second.

Niggers are the bane of civilization.

I could have been anything in army. I choose Fire Direction in Artillery. All the gun bunnies were NIGGERS...All the FDC were WHITE.

Niggers are STUPID!
I got out of army and worked in Actuary.

White = Awesome
Niggers = Apes

Why are they mostly on the altillery unit?

Army here too, i didnt hate nigs and spics till i joined the army.

Lol right

Did they rape you?

Sitting behind the lines lobbing shells at hajis while everyone else gets their legs blown off by ieds actually sounds like the better choice. Niggers actually not making decisions detrimental to their lives is a surprising thing to see.

In artillery...the lowest IQ requires pulling a string. The niggers pull the string in artillery. The White people calculate distance, elevation, rotation of the earth and things of that nature to reach the target. Niggers just follow direcctions.

It's funny. I was West Germany...I was more afraid of American Niggers than Russians. Russians are nothing compared to NIGGERS!

Tell us some stories, Jim Monaa

No, I am genuinely curious. Were they beating you or just harssing? Did you fight back? Tell us what happened. entire family history were soldiers.

We are patriotic!

Nope, wasn't low IQ enough to join ZOG's minions

I was Army Germany West Germany 1980's.. My unit was 80 percent ghetto NIGGERS! It was horrible. When you are minority there is only so much you can do. One time 30 NIGGERS come into my room because one black guy get in argument with one White guy. I HATE NIGGERS!

Now is different time. Niggers can't go into army without high school degree. Also, I work with many people from Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Russia.....I like them more than NIGGERS!

What do you want to know? I tell you.

I had pueto ricans in my unit. I didn't realize at the time but PR are the worst mutts.

PR are niggers and spic mix....the bottom two races mixed together. PR SUCKS!

I was lucky in that the first four years I was in I was in a Ranger battalion, not many blacks there. So I was still pretty blue pilled as you guys say, coming from a liberal family.

It wasn't until year four when I went to Korea that I was in a unit with blacks/niggers. That was an education.

It was only a year though and I was out. I continued to make excuses for years after words.

When you stop making excuses you become a racist. Which is what happened to me.

Okay...I tell story. We are on NATO manueveur. We pull into small german town. All the children run up to us to say "HI". I am embarassed because so many NIGGERS! Our unit is 80 percent NIGGERS and all these children are thinking America must be 80 percent Niggers. My State was 99 percent White. Wisconsin had NO NIGGERS!

Also...every NIGGER in the army in germany had a WHITE german girlfriend....maybe half of White GI's had german GF. It was unFUKKEN Believeable! many reasons to hate little time.

operation human shield

My human shield

>Fighting for ZOG

I was before zog....

my gf

two black USA artillery soldiers blew themselves accidently in Iraq last year

Airborne infantry. Maybe one out of twenty. Nogs like the easy jobs.