He's losing it


Other urls found in this thread:


as much as I don't like Peterson it's not like he is completely wrong on this one specific issue

"Having men work with women is like a grizzly bear working with salmon dipped in honey."

Women can't work with each other either. Things always turn into a pecking order. Infighting is bound to break out if one of them gets too uppity.

ouch. he really went off the deep end and he's going to pay for that one. he was better off naming the jew.

I wonder if he'd apply that argument to multiculturalism, probably not

Nah, it was good. He'll get some good conversations started with that.

Preferred pronouns? Thats bloody Marxism!
Makeup in the workplace? Not on your life, bucko!
Mass migration that destroys national identity and ethnic heritage? Well slap my daughter and call me Daddy. Sign me right up!

let's rename this board to /Pet/ - Peterson since apparently he's the only thing we talk about now.

Is the full interview somewhere?

he's quite right, though
women use make up to cover up their incompetence and emotional instability

i cant find anything wrong with what he is saying.

Vice wouldn't do something like that to themselves

He's correct though.

>a woman wearing makeup in the workplace can't complain about sexual harassment



this is the most autistic shit ive ever seen

Peterson has never advocated for mass migration and doesn't agree with open border policies (And has retweeted articles calling out said policies as "dangerous"). His attack on "whiteness" is referring to that it is more identity politics, which he despises. Your failures as an individual should be made up with individual effort, not filled by your status as a white guy. So far the biggest criticisms of Peterson here have been giant strawmen and lies by omission. The fact that there are so many of these threads popping up all of a sudden points to deliberate character assassination, I don't care how much you dislike Peterson, this shit looks more like it's coordinated rather than some guy just being autistic.

But hey, what do I know, Soros is paying me good money to post this.

Me neither, he's absolutely spot on.
Women preen their appearance for one purpose and one purpose only, and that's sexual validation.
Doesn't even have to be validation from men, it can be validation from other women by competing with them to look the best within the social group in question. In fact, this is most often the case. Women care far more about what other women think of them than what men think of them. Although the root of that "care" is what men think of them, but they don't think about it like that. Their primary concern is outdoing and outperforming other women because that then secondarily gives them access to higher status men.

>can't complain about sexual harassment
>so you're saying

Nice try, shill.
Peterson's attack on identity politics itself is a strawman. If your base assumption is that anyone who wishes to collectivize as political strategy has some mental hangup then you're arguing from a false assumption. You've already poisoned the well. Thats exactly what Peterson did.

Are you really going to pretend like his infantile Twitter tantrum didn't happen, shill?

Me either

No one knows the rules

Yeah that is the one I watched but it seems edited. Maybe they only talked for 5 min though.

Seriously, it went from 1 or 2 Peterson threads every few days to 12 anti-Peterson threads every day.

(((someone))) is afraid of his message of self-improvement and responsibility.

What's wrong with what he's saying? it's all true...Fuck off sjw OP

> a woman wearing makeup in the workplace can't complain about sexual harassment
nowhere does he say that during that interview you dumbfuck.


I love how they basically lump the JQ in with a question on UFOS, the book of enoch and the nephilim as if the JQ is up there with that sort of metaphysical thing.

Very nice. Hes not backing down from any of the numale aggression. Hes saying the truth.

>I'm going to wear an ancap flag so people don't realize how disingenuous I am about this issue.

Nice one Schlomo

The problem is that his message isn't just self improvement.
His message is "be a hyper atomized individual, you have no real connection to your race." He presents suicidal opinion as if its fact. He'll gladly lead millions of young men down the path of feel good civic nationalism while demographics continue to change and the brown wave gleefully votes away your liberty.

Who? Vice? Or Jp? Or just the whole interview? Why?

Goddarnit I love Peterson. Shills can take a fucking hike. He puts lefties on blast by pointing out obvious things they can't accept.

Nope he said everything perfectly right

You know someone is getting closer to the truth when he/she begins to get attacked in this manner by the status quo media.

jbp isnt losing it. however he seems more and more butthurt with every interview he is giving. i think hes trying to play a "truthtelling badass" card and it doesnt work out at all

he does seem off

> a woman wearing makeup in the workplace can't complain about sexual harassment
The way of expressing that, if there is any merit to it, is pretty crap. He soundslike an Islamist.

Work on yourself

>So you're saying...be a hyperatomized individual with no real connection to your race

my bad... makes her hypocritical

Probably irritated by this fucking wimp sjw soyboy with an agenda spewing nonsense at him

Yikes. He's starting to blow it, he knew he would do this eventually. He has said it multiple times.


That's why I wanted to see the whole interview. He seemed pretty upset so I was wondering what the interviewer said to him to put him on edge.


Women wearing makeup in the workplace creates sexual tension which may lead to other things

>So you're saying...

so is this false? i dont see how


He's getting a little irritated but nowhere did he blow it

omfg this is unironically true.
Make up really is an issue if you want to combat sexual harrassment

Again, pretending like his infantile twitter tantrum never happened isn't a defense.

Jordan Peterson is literally trying to deracinate our society by driving a wedge between men and women. Holy shit.

indeed, this guy was probably trolling him like an absolute retard for the last hour









well okay you could argue that by todays standards you are supposed to wear some wakeup and if you dont you break social rules and become weird / office talk

so i think hes right when talking about provocative makeup, but i can see how his position, as stated, is exaggerated

What twitter tantrum? Fuck you sjw


That's one of the most logical things I've heard him say.

in his own home as well

>invites soy boy numale interviewer into his home
>soy boy numale interviewer insults him by behaving arrogantly and combatively

>y-y-you're an SJW
>stop criticizing my false god
You need to sort yourself out there, bucko. Seems like your life is a mess.


What's the problem here? That he pointed out makeup and heels exist to enhance sexual attributes?
Are we supporting the feminist delusion that women "dress up for themselves" now? Bravo Sup Forums

Nice try, shill.
Peterson's attack on identity politics is not a strawman as his statement is correct - as insulting as it is, a desire to collectivize is pathological in nature and history as well as clinical psychology both agree. You accuse me of poisoning the well when that is also what you are doing, by accusing everyone who disagrees with you as being a "shill", which in itself is a paranoid delusion and indeed a mental hangup. Infact, it seems far more likely that YOU are the shill, because you are making 12 fucking threads (if was counting) attacking Peterson's character per day. You are either incredibly autistic and mentally "hungup", or you are apart of a leftypol shill campaign designed to attack Peterson from the right since your attempts to attack him from the left have failed on every front.

His "infantile" (Disagreeable) Twitter "tantrum" (Blowing (You) the fuck out) did happen, shill.

>Things always turn into a pecking order.
If only. Women aren't capable of creating a heirarchy: that's one of the key reasons they can't work together. A group of men will begin by disagreeing, one will emerge as being dominant, and the others will follow his lead, if begrudgingly. Women will would rather leave a group that they aren't in charge of than follow someone they disagree with, and they try to fracture group to create followers for themselves or they stay in that group and actively undermine the leadership until the group fractures that way.

If you haven't seen the reality show where a group of men and a group of women are dropped off on two different islands and tasked with surviving, I'd look for it. It's highly informative.


I just dont see why you're crying about JP everything he said was perfectly rational. I'm on the side of reason, end of story, I dont care much about the messenger although I do respect him for putting up with so much nonsense everyday

What he said is true.

He didn't say women shouldn't bring sexuality into their jobs. He just acknowledged that sometimes they do.

>shilling a vice video with obvious shill responses
>the video is cut and doctored

Yeah lol, females put on makeup and dress up only because they like doing it for no other reason. They just like doing it in a complete vacuum and even if NO OTHER MALE existed on this planet they would still dress up and wear makeup because they like it so much

Women shouldn't be in the workplace at all though?

>questions women being in the workplace and the actual intentions of what they do
Fuck he's going to get rammed for this one. But he's got a wave of support right now with his channel 4 interview and the Wilfrid Laurier University thing.

Hmm, I've heard this reasoning before.

holy fuck he's way more redpilled than i thought. it's women, not jews that are driving the west into the ground. when men were in charge we were weary of jews

he's right, he's winning

we're winning

you leftists are losing

good point
this was probably really unfairly edited by (((vice)))

I hope this is the start of JP getting truly redpilled. It's only a matter of time before he brings up the JQ


So many people strawman peterson its ridiculous

When you are so blind and don't see your allies.

>Because it's cool to hate on people who do more to fight SJW than you will ever do in your entire life

That's because women bring their sexuality with them literally everywhere. It's innate.

it's not women, it's men.
women are only able to behave as they are because men as a whole are too passive.

Don't worry the jew problem will be dealt with, however the jews hold tremendous power right now, massive, and he must bide his time carefully for the time to strike.

He'll get reamed for everything no matter what. But most guys in most workplaces KNOW that shit was relatively comfy in the past before forced gender equality in the workplace and now it's like traversing a minefield with the eye of sauron (HR) watching. It's pretty easy to move from that to "women don't belong in the workplace."
And yeah at the very least we need mutually agreed upon rules of engagement. The current state of "try your best and we'll see if it's "rape"" is fucking ridiculous.

he already knows.

>All men think with their cocks

You are less than.

Haven't seen much of him but I thought he made a great case here, make up question especially.
>why do women wear make up and perfume
>because they are ugly and smell bad

If "losing it" means being convinced of facts then yeah he's lost and clearly needs help.

this deserves a 9gag meim

so do men.

"everything in the world is about sex. except sex, sex is about power." - oscar wilde

I don't like Peterson at all. He's not wrong here, but he won't get this point across the way he does it. Only the already converted even understand what he's getting at.

To the bluepilled main audience he just came across as unhinged and a crank, which is what Vice wanted. The baffled asian diversity hire plays his part perfectly, he's just STUNNED that someone could question the results of equality, even though I bet you'd find him complaining about the very same in 2 minutes of searching his twitter.

He's not too dumb to get the point, but he's playing it up so the audience understand how STAGGERING it is to question this.

>So you are saying that woman must wear the burka?

God, you are retarded.

Stating opinions and presenting them as fact is a lie, shill. Jordon Peterson is a habitual liar.
Countries are not founded on the type of individualism that you reddit obsessed newfags latch on to, the type that Peterson espouses. The founding fathers of this country are nothing like the retconned fictional characters that you try to present them to be.
All human beings are inherently collective. This is a fact. We evolved living in small groups with tribal tendencies. Every single people to this day still displays a strong in group preference. Even if people are consciously conditioned to reject it, they still subconsciously desire it. Studies like Bowling Alone prove it. Peterson's childish and frankly illogical position is torn asunder when actual facts are brought into the debate. Homogeneous societies perform better. Homogeneous neighborhoods are safer, people have higher degree of social interaction, people have larger families, there is even less mental illness.

You don't have any factual basis to argue the position that you do. You're a liar who is shilling for a false prophet that is attempting to do irreparable damage to society. Cute how you try to pretend like your pilled out loser surrogate dad didn't lose his composure and spazz out like a teenage girl. Your esteemed professor was reduced to making petty insults and pointing out typos to people arguing against him. The best part? They were his own fans.
Peterson is simply mentally unstable. You, who follow him, are every bit mentally unstable.

now you're turning it into a gay argument you faggot jew

>worked 40 years together
>cant work
What a moron.

This is the truth that stormniglets will never accept. A country receives the jews it deserves. White men let women take control of their countries, now they are fucked.

JP is right about this, spot on as always boss