Continuation of >>159698962

Continuation of Gnosticism, Religion, Nazism, Spirituality, Occult general.

i believe that islam is the answer

there are so many faiths on this earth, but they all seem to link back to satanism or to the abrahamic God

why would the elite try so hard to defile judaism, christianity and islam, while other beliefs are left alone?

why do the elite practice evil, make sacrifices to the abrahamic devil of all types of devil beliefs, and spend money on creating false flags and false "religious" groups to tarnish these religions?

its like theyre trying to hide the truth

its almost as if its good vs evil
followers of the abrahamic god vs the devil he created

this is just scratching the surface, but there are reason why i dont believe in other faiths

one example would be reincarnation, many believe the good and bad things you do in this life determines how well off you will be when you are reincarnated
but who determines what is "good" and "bad"?

yes as we discussed we both can understand that causing suffering is bad

but what about most things society is trying to push as "good"?
they act as is being sexual and multi gendered is good
or drinking and partying is a good thing
people being open sexually is good to "discover themselves"
they are now pushing pedophilia

im sure 100 years ago if you killed a pedophile people would assume you have done a good deed that would help grant you a good reincarnation
but now that they're pushing pedophilia as a good thing, would killing the pedophile would become something to cause a bad reincarnation? you understand where im going?

what in the belief of reincarnation sets the rules for good and evil if society can change it so easily?

If you view religion as a choice you haven't experienced anything particularly spiritual. When you see the natute of reality clearly, and directly, there is no room for "I think", only for "I have experienced ". Having said that, you are of course welcome to believe in whatever you like.

read my posts in old thread

damn this is what it is /thread

I agree with the basic spirit of what you've said, I've just concluded that gnosticism is closer to the truth. Actually, in my opinion most of the world religions are saying the same thing when you break it down. They're just in different languages and they're addressing different cultures. Just as a basic example, Jesus and Christianity addressed Hebrew culture and Buddha and Buddhism addressed Hindu culture. But I argue that the core teachings are quite similar.

My view on the major Abrahamic faiths of today is that they've all been subverted by Jews. Take Islam, for example. The Kaaba is really the Black Cube of Saturn, which symbolizes the material world and the prison of souls I described in the previous thread. It has 3 dimensions and is black. Or look at Christianity. The cross is just an unfolded Cube, and Christ is often depicted DEAD upon it, even though he was most likely tied to a mere stake instead of a cross. Why worship your own God's death? Why worship a gigantic black cube? All Christians and Muslims have been tricked into worshiping the demi-urge by Jews.

I see your argument about rules changing over time. My answer is that these are merely the rules of society. What is right and wrong do not change over time, and this information is always accessible to the conscience, as described in previous thread. Molesting children is always wrong, it cannot become right over time. All that can happen is that many people can share the mistaken belief that it's okay, but they know in their heart of hearts that it is not.

No thank you.

>Christianity. The cross is just an unfolded Cube, and Christ is often depicted DEAD upon it
This isn't an argument against Jesus Christ, it's an argument against organized religion.



I believe in the universe, nothing more, because everything else is just an expression of the universe and mankind imagined all religion trying to explain it and tell others that they're stupid and wrong for not believing in their drug fueled imaginative story.

>why would the elite try so hard to defile judaism, christianity and islam, while other beliefs are left alone?
Wanted to address this too. Early and later gnostics were persecuted and burned at the stake, and many of their holy books were lost for centuries. If persecution is evidence of righteousness, gnosticism is looking pretty good, though I wouldn't claim that it is sure evidence.

Also, eastern beliefs may have been less persecuted because they were less accessible to the (((persecutors))) who worship Satan.

I know what argument I've made and I accept Jesus. The question is, why did you assume it was intended as a criticism of Jesus rather than the Churches?

like what he saidits like when some people see an upside down star they jump to saying satanism or loominati

it might be but its about the intention

Oh, I'm sorry. I misread your OP. I thought you were in favor of Gnosticism.

More of this schizophrenic BS. You faggots need to stop thinking only in memes and actually do some real quality and thorough reading. You are all a mess, and it shows in your artistic sensibilities, lack of nuance, vapidness, distortions, and more.

What is the intention of worshiping and circling a gigantic Black Cube instead of just praising god in your heart?

I am in favor of Gnosticism. Are you thinking that's incompatible with acknowledging Jesus and his message?

>Are you thinking that's incompatible with acknowledging Jesus and his message?
In favor meaning that you just accept that you could be wrong?

Most Gnostics were docetists and did not believe in a historical Jesus. That was added later by rival Christian sects.

Gnostics treated Jesus as a celestial spirit that guided people to gnosis.

Learn to read a fucking book, philistine scum.

Well the cube is perfection, perfectly symmetry all 6's, so I guess it is God in way at least his purest form of expression of his grand design

>Most Gnostics were docetists and did not believe in a historical Jesus
>Gnostics treated Jesus as a celestial spirit that guided people to gnosis

You seem to be contradicting yourself and failing to contradict anything that I've said. You're the guy in the last thread that was calling everyone a philistine and didn't even know who he was replying to, right?

I think the Cube, and 666, are symbols of the imperfect material world, the prison of souls. And my argument is that the major Abrahamic religions have been fooled into worshiping this false and materialistic god instead of the True God of truth and light in the spiritual realm.

Yes, of course I could be wrong.

Well 666 is the building block of everything desu so yes it is the material but I see what you are saying how it can represent the material as opposed the spiritual makes sense the truth is only people that actually worship it can tell you why like anything else you are likely to get many answers and levels of understanding

I'm not contradicting myself. I'm saying most Gnostic sects didn't believe in the historical and physical Jesus, but some of them used Jesus as a metaphor or believed in an actual celestial spirit.

Regardless, most sects of Gnosticism are not compatible with Nazism or most of the Occult.

The kaaba is the oldest center of monotheism
turning towards the kaaba is turning towards God

and anyway if God has told us to pray in that way then its what we will do

Who told you God wanted that?


Who tells you what God wants niglet? If you let men tell you what God wants you are nigger tier bro, if you quieten your mind and listen he will tell you, stop being a cuck

By continually using the word "most" you're admitting the exact things that you claim you're refuting. For example, if most Gnostic sects are not compatible with Nazism or most of the occult, then some of them are compatible with Nazism and parts of the occult. Also, I haven't claimed to be a gnostic, Nazi, and occultist all at once. I am not. I was merely asked to make a new thread and quickly wrote some keywords that I felt would capture the thread's spirit.

Also, if most Gnostics didn't believe in historical Jesus, then some did, and I could accurately claim to be a Gnostic who believed in historical Jesus, though I've claimed neither of those things.

Exactly as other user said, who told you to do that? I argue that Muslims were subverted by Jews, and that Kaaba worship is channeling your spiritual energy to the demi-urge rather than the True God.

Talking about Gnosticism without specifying the actual sect or trend of beliefs leads to muddy waters. Also, did you tell me your top 5 films or top 3 writers?

Listen, most of you lack contemplative depth and any real insight because, 1) you do not get frequent solitude within natural scenery, 2) you read and consume shit

Yes I answered that question for you. Not because I felt it was relevant in any way, but in the spirit of good faith and the benefit of the doubt - which I'm not certain you deserve.

What is your basis for saying I lack frequent solitude in natural scenery? I live in a tiny cabin on a lake in the forest on a mountain. The nearest small town is 40 minutes away. I go there once every week or two. You are making claims about things you could not possibly know, and they're false.

>I go there once every week or two.
Not enough.

What are your top 5 films and top 3 writers?

Enough for what?
>You: did you tell me your top 5 films or top 3 writers?
>Me: Yes I answered that question for you
>You: What are your top 5 films and top 3 writers?
Are you just trying to annoy people and waste their time? I am not going to respond to you any more because there is nothing to gain from it.

>there is nothing to gain from it.
As Zen literature says, there is nothing to gain nor lose when we apprehend our original nature, which was before our parents were born. You being a piece of shit, cannot comprehend this.

The finger pointing at shit saying it is Infinity is shit.

its mentioned in a hadith

The kaaba actually has a semi circle connecting to it rendering it more of a rectangular shape, as well as the building being a brown structure with a black cover on it. in the past green cover and white cover has been used, but it became tradition to use back

Does this mean muslims are worshiping saturn? no, theyre thinking of God in their prayer

BUT since the saudi family are supporters of the elite satan worshipers, i would think theyd try to make it look like saturn worship in order to mock believers, since thats what makes the satan reward the elite.

Well, as I said in the last thread, I believe that Allah IS Saturn. Just different names for the same being. So in my viewpoint Muslims are literally worshiping Saturn, who is Satan (a title meaning opponent, enemy), openly just as Christians are. In the case of Christianity the Jewish trick is the false doctrine of the trinity, which is designed to disguise the fact that the God in the Old Testament is the enemy of Jesus in the New Testament, not merely another aspect of him.

I don't know enough about the particulars of Islam to say very much, but Allah worship, the black cube thing, Muhammed being descended from Jews, and the obviously subversion of the Saudis is enough for me to be convinced in asserting that they're subverted and worshiping Satan just like Christians.

but like i said in the previous thread

the elite are clearly against islam, christianity and judaism

why would they go against religions that you believe worship the same thing?

Well, what do you mean, exactly, when you say they're against those three religions? I consider it obvious that Saudi Arabia, the Catholic church, and most Jews are all working together with the global elite.

As I see it, all Christians, Jews, and Muslims are worshiping Satan in some manner, mainly as a result of being misled by their leaders. Their leadership is completely aware of this and they worship Satan openly among themselves. Their goal is the creation of one world government and one world religion where the worship of Satan is out in the open and doesn't need to be hidden any longer. What we're seeing is just the long transition from secret Satan worship to overt.

>Gnosticism, Religion, Nazism, Spirituality, Occult general
Very little of this has anything to do with Star Trek.