Hitler killed the white race, prove me wrong

Hitler killed the white race, prove me wrong

What does this have to do with LDS?

your right he did. if he only knew about the soy boys....

>let's build a church
>what should it look like?
>oh, I dunno, how about something that looks like an evil Ice Queen dwells in?
>sure, whatever

Soyboy is also about the /comfy/ and technology stuff we have today, but ultimately Hitler killed the aspiration for white pride and unity. He killed our capacity to defend ourself and view other as what they are: our nemesis

> Blaming the victim
You're nothing but a nazi

I guess nobody here want to talk about anything else than that disney-like church

Also, what is this absolutely disgusting architecture?

It was the Jews

If think you need to read again my post fag


No I don't, we have 5 posts exactly like this every day.
YOU have to LURK MOAR.

Wow. You got me.

Yes he did, but he it was going to die anyway, his was the last white resistance.

Q predicted this

degenerate culture of the last 30 years making pathetic beta faggot men killed the white race.

Nice one

>Black plague is devouring the patient
>Caretaker try a radical operation to save the patient life
>Patient dies during operation becouse the sickness is in terminal stage
>Caretaker fault.

whatver shlomo

blaming it on just hitler is short sighted, but yes ww2 essentially was the beginning of the deathe of western civilization

he was merely our puppet goyim..

Thats what you get when a sheep leads the lions.

Maybe, but I'd say the brown people are giving him a run for his money.

no you fuckin idiot, it was angela merkyl!

hitler only responsible for like 250 million dead in ww2, angie baby destroyed the whole fuckin country in the same period of time ... literally had a black out!

she just couldn't get enough of that bbc ...

just like mad maxine

Thanks for that.

we meant to kill europe with it as revenge , wasn't meant for you why the fuck did you take it .

Fuck you.


what do you mean?

go home, druggie!

My wifey Hate niggers. Im not even as racist as her. Had to put her in her place today when She said that niggers in Norway should go back to Africa Even if they speak perfect Norwegian/is nationalistic. In my eyes a patriot is a patriot. Want the WALL tho. Fuck you

It's happening in your "country". You people are the absolute worst. All you do is pollute, to make everyone as miserable as you are.

>my wife would never cuck me
>proceeds to make 95% of post about how wife would never cuck him just to convince himself.

Go home nerd. Oh wait, youre already in your moms basement.

Nah im good, shes huge with Alliansen and a nazi. Nice try Tyrone

Why did you post a Mormon Temple?

I can’t.

>Caused WW2
>Made everyone have self hating white guilt for holocaust
>normalized socialism

He was the worst thing to happen to the 14 words

Dont you get it tho? I Hate them for losing, not for trying.

we're not as miserable as the goys , we're happy because the goy is miserable .

You're all physically deformed, unhealthy, and ugly as shit. More likely to have certain diseases because of centuries of inbreeding. You're jealous of the goy. I just can't wait until your own plan backfires on you, and every last kike is getting blacked.

Also, Jewish women are the sluttiest. True life. Your mother has no shame.

and yet you goys cant help but lust after our women , making jewish children and turning your bloodlines into jewish bloodlines .

know your place beneath the boot of an IDF soldier , goy

The fuck are you talking about? No self-respecting man goes after Jewish chicks. The only thing they're known for is sucking dick because that's all your people have ever been good at

>56% : the post


This is beautiful. A rootless rat with no history projecting. You kikes are so pathetic.


If we turn our bloodlines into Jewish bloodlines doesn't that make us the IDF? Why would you put the boot over your own people?


well some accept the jewish rule , others get the boot , aint complicated
sure thing achmed

no, i dont like kikes, but abigail has really nice milkers

My ancestors put you in pogrom after pogrom. I can hold my head high.

How can we remove Mormons in Utah country out of America?

Fuck you nigger, also SAD!

Mormons will account for 30 million conservative whites in 2050

he and every german who fell were european martyrs
they told the truth about the jew
without them we would still be slaves today with no hope of freedom

they will be avenged


darn it fine

Frig off

>Posts legitimate problem
>Posts by accident picture of legitimate solution
Lik puddery

Murder charges require intent.