Should women be held to the same physical standards as men in the military?

Should PFT and other such test scores be weighed the same as men?

And should women partake in the same training intensity and volume as their male counterparts?

Yes, why not? Unless they just want some sort of administration role.

Yes to both

Are they fighting in the same unit and wars as men? Then I guess fucking about you ask an actual question that doesn't answer itself within the question you fucking retard

Because despite this some will still argue the opposite.

Yes of course.

If they don't meet the same requirements as men, whatever group they get put into and replace a man in they will lower the total ability of the group and put everyone's life at greater risk.
But that's not even the reason I think they shouldn't serve. Soldiers fight to the last bullet or get killed, if they get captured they are at the mercy of their enemy and in the middle east and you're male that usually means tortured to death. Women only need to fear unwanted sex, or if psychology studies are to be believe, 50% actually enjoy the rape. I feel women would be more willing to surrender and take the sex instead of fighting side by side with the men until death. Women surrender, half your surviving supporting unit is now gone and the men left alive need to fight 2x harder.

every country should have a mens and womens side of the military
men would fight the men. and women fight the women
clearly the only fair way

Agreed for the most part, although I do feel women can play an important role oversees. Perhaps as a cook. Definitely not as an infantry member. But I think that we can agree that, should the times call for it, women are more productive to their country's war effort domestically. I.e., creating munitions and other supplies.

And I most definitely think women should never be placed in the same units as men.

Do chicks in the military get a timeout during war so they can change their tampons?

Legit question

no question

This guy gets it, your accountants and bureaucrats don't need to be at peak physical condition, but anyone who wants to do physically demanding work in life or death situations should pass the physical tests.

yes, no co-ed units to avoid war children ofc. I also believe the same physical tests should apply. after all they do have the same job. Women's role in the manufacturing industry during wartime should not be forgotten, one of the reasons the US and UK outproduced the Third Reich is that Hitler's ideology called for men to go out and do war, and women to become homemakers and produce new children. He was so bent on this ideology, navy ships were referred to as "him" instead of the traditional "her", and women were in most cases prevented from taking jobs behind the front lines, leading to a shortage in labor.

Women back in WWII played important roles back at home too.

Of course they should be held to the same standards. Gender is a social construct after all. Too bad bullets and bombs aren't.

We had WACs in WW2, that's what women in the military should do.

meant to reply to you

not you

No. It’s well known that women are physically inferior to men. What should be done is limiting their roles to support and stop pushing the women can do anything agenda.


If this was actually done there would be less than a thousand women in the entire US military. So it should be done, but it never will be done.

And thanks to that we now have to consider the contributions of women in the military and during the war as equal to male contributions. God forbid you're caught saying "god bless all the men who gave their lives in the war" during a ceremony remembering WW1&2 Veterans only for a woman to overhear you and makes you add "AND WOMEN!".

You wanna know why they would never do that? Because they already have the infrastructure to support women in their current role at the percentage of the military they occupy, if suddenly half the women in the military were no longer fit for service they'd have a ton of facilities that would be completely useless. This is part of the reason the military doesn't want women in combat arms, because almost no women would make the standard and having even a few women would necessitate the construction of additional facilities to support the women. So essentially they'd be paying double for facilities in combat arms MOS' when men would outnumber women 100 - 1

In combat roles... absolutely

The only sensible answer is yes

yes then most will be kicked out