Standard American English (SAE)—the language taught in schools and used in most public discourse—is widely regarded...

Standard American English (SAE)—the language taught in schools and used in most public discourse—is widely regarded as the “proper” and “correct” way to speak English in the United States, despite the fact that the country has no official language. One needs Standard English fluency to navigate much of the formal economy and government institutions; it is the language of power. However, many linguists have long rejected the idea that any one way of speaking is inherently better or more correct than any other. According to Rebecca Wheeler, language researcher, “Linguists have this saying: ‘As we see a people, so we see their language; as we see a language, so we see its people…. Our attitudes about language and culture and people flow through each other without us realizing the equivalency.”

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AAE is not actually English it is a pidgin language. Prestige dialects and languages will exist no matter what society tries to do, but no one is prevented from learning them, this is literally complaining about nothing.


>google AAE
>random shit about root canals and archery
>no results have anything to do with language

Is google racist?

>Current year+3
>Not being fluent in both SAE and AAE

iz like ya'll cracka stiffs dont wan to smash


>Talking White.

I believe you meant to say "speaking properly".

Wow we died for Jews we deserve it all

Midwestern English is bland as fuck; the language of law and business should be that posh southern dialect from around North Carolina and Virginia. I'm sure blacks would love that.

"I'm treated differently for choosing not to speak intelligible english and throwing my feces in the courtroom and that's a miscarriage of justice and white supremacy is to blame!"

t. Tyrone

I'd imagine people who spoke Old English read OP like what the fuck is this nigger shit.

Fortunately, we provide 12 years of free public education to every American (and any illegal immigrant who happens to come here as a child), which is taught in Standard American English.

If someone pleads their case in court in a bastardized dialect, it's their own choice to do so and they should bear the consequences.

its ebonics

Complex thoughts cannot be formed without complex language; Language isn't just "The words you speak", it is the very system with which the mind processes and builds advanced thought.
Limit the language, limit the thinking.
The cattle will not be able to do much more than work and post nonsense on facebook and that is exactly what (((they))) want.

There can be no scientific, sociological or cultural advances if there are no words to construct the path towards them.

Like LDC in Django. i'd be alright with that

I've been talking like Cullen Bohanan for years now and folks respect it. This dialect produces results.

>proper grammar is white supremacy

Really chips my beef.

I used to think this was all bullshit until I heard it for myself.
I watched a kid talking on a cell phone in a shirt and tie in the city. He was black, speaking clearly, and was suddenly harassed by a bunch of younger black kids for "acting white" and "talking white." I really couldn’t believe what I was watching.

They actually became hostile toward someone not speaking the way they expected. Isn’t that racism?

wow america amerikaaaaa, never stop to amaze me. Basically what they are saying is that if you dont consider inferior subhuman nigger language as the same and equal, and if you god forbid dont understand animal language then you are racissssssss, I say you should give retards the same chance also, most of the time they are more reasonable than subhuman niggers anyawy, why should they be left out.

they could learn to speak the only fucking language they know.

>"limit the language, limit the thinking"

LITERALLY one of the main tactics of Ingsoc in 1984. We may not be living in the darkest timeline, but only by a couple of shades it would seem.

This shouldn't even be controversial, find a linguist who disagrees. Particular dialects gain favor due to political and social factors, doesn't make non-standard dialects any less valid.

>Talking White

This produces very favorable results.

sounds like a good place for nigger_language.jpg that explains why niggers are fucking inhuman, and if we let them keep using nigger language then they'll stay subhuman

>but no one is prevented from learning them


it actually takes blacks more effort to learn their retarded nigger language (which is inherently incapable of communicating a complete thought) than it would for them to simply talk like 99.9% of the people they need to interact with

>Isn’t that racism?
Ummm no sweetie in order to be racist you have to have both Privilege and Power

I faind yew in cunteyumpt of cawt.

The complexity of law, science, literature is impossible to navigate in ebonics. The rules of our grammar and the depth of our vocabulary exist to make the communication of complex ideas possible, not to oppress black people.

Ironically the legitimization of 'non-standard English' will hurt black people more than anyone, since they will be permanently kept in their stunted bubble of linguistic retardation.

>mfw big words is rayciss

I killed the clerk. I KILLED the clerk.

So, Mr. Tipton, how could it take you five minutes to cook your grits, when it takes the entire grit-eating world twenty minutes?

It stands for African American Vernacular English, aka Ebonics.

>note the tyre and gasoline
Every time.

I'll die before I'm forced to speak and write like a nigger. Even when I was a young, bluepilled child, I still subconsciously found nigbonics to be an intrinsically revolting dialect. At least Swahili is its own language. American chimp babble just sounds like a deliberate insult against true English.

> not chimping out in the courtroom is a necessary precondition to being found innocent

Sup Forums needs something more than caps to adequately express the YA THINK.

The future of courts in The West


>MoFucka ma son din do nuffin, he a gud boi, why you always keepn us down?
>why da justice sayin we tawk wrong?

YFW My Cousin Vinny is destined for a blackwashed remake.

Trump should make standard English the official language
Problem solved

Do americans actually do this?

Um... The privilege and power argument is made so that blacks can be racist against whites with no guilt. Racism is treating someone differently based solely on the color of their skin. PERIOD.

Did you just say youts?

>Rebecca Wheeler
I knew it.

i just put socks on after a shower and rubbed my foot a little and went to scratch my nose thinking I myself may stink.




Fun fact: The first printed use of the word racism was used by a communist leader to describe ethnic Russians not committed enough to communism.

So this is how democracy dies huh?

What have you noticed user?

Who here speaks Jive ?

There is no way though, as there isn't that much of a cultural divide between various groups of black people throughout the us.

When blacks were slaves, their illiteracy rate was near 100%. AAE today is a spin off of the butchered English blacks spoke back then.

Idiot blacks have been mislead into believing AAE is part of their African roots. More recently migrated Africans know that's not true.

I'm pretty sure SAE stands for "society of automotive engineers" and is found on SAE wrenches and motor oil.



But seriously, ebonics has 0 place in America.

For fuck's sake.

>in order to be racist you have to have both Privilege and Power

You used the buzzwords without seeing or understanding their presence and application in the described scenario. About what I’d expect from a sweetie poster, though.

Ok, so here’s a quick rundown on what you missed in the other user’s post. We’ll address the Power aspect first. The group of younger blacks were very clearly projecting their power as a function of mob rule. They outnumbered the older person whom they were harassing, thus their power is clearly a function of superior numbers. It’s the most primitive and common form of power out there, and the easiest to get.

Now, to the privilege aspect: the group of young blacks was vested in two sources of privilege, one physical and one societal. The physical aspect came from their numerical superiority. The most common, and most easily acquired form of privilege, and the easiest to lose. The societal privilege derives from their age. Simply put, as minors they don’t face the same consequences for their actions as adults. They’re fully aware of that fact, and take full advantage.

>Language isn't just "The words you speak", it is the very system with which the mind processes and builds advanced thought.
that's just liberal arts bullshit. no one who is really good in maths or CS can honestly claim he maps out his thoughts in internal speech. indeed the part where you struggle to put your idea in any sort of formalism, not even necessarily into a spoken language, is a major challenge at which many people fail. but that failure is nothing compared to the failure of the man who never mastered a scientific discipline requiring non-verbal thought and who, therefore, thinks all thought must be based on language, thus projecting his unrecognized deficiency upon his betters.

don't feed the pidgins.

Very well put, user. Sapir–Whorf hypothesis for the win.


Math is a language, Magyarbro.

They were illiterate in Africa. They are generally biologically incapable of mastering a full language, that is why they bastardize every tongue you try to teach them .

As the white race declines, so does civilization


How does it feel that such a stupid argument has been promulgated with nearly zero pushback on every media platform possible and the masses unquestioningly internalize it?
Don't you feel like this world might not even be worth saving...?

>Complex thoughts cannot be formed without complex language; Language isn't just "The words you speak", it is the very system with which the mind processes and builds advanced thought.

This nigga read his Hayakawa, and I agree 100%. The structure and complexity of the internal monologue absolutely defines the structure and complexity of thought, and indeed self-identity. After learning a second language and basically speaking it full-time, I became of just how differently I was perceiving life, based on thinking about it in another language. It was an unsettling experience. However,


Fuck right off. The semicolon exists only to identify pretentious homosexuals and has literally no other use in any language. Do not use them if you wish to be taken seriously.


Math is just another language, unique in that it is probably the only one in which actual truth can be expressed. There is no way to twist, interpret, or misunderstand 2 + 2 = 4.

The trick is then appreciating that 99% of people, who are not math-literate, therefore have no ability to comprehend truth. And, since your entire life is just going to be a series of interactions with people, there's no point to truth unless you're a low-level engineer or educator.

>even spics can speak normal english, da white man be racist for not speaken the black english

math _formalism_ is sort of a language, and I as a mathematician keep struggling to formalize my ideas, because math formalism is unnatural but a necessary barrier to climb, since it makes one's ideas amenable to verification. but internally, there's a clearly different representation on which the manipulations are performed. I used to teach math, too, and those who are hopelessly unable to learn it are trying to do it in some inner monologue.
this whole "thinking" == "inner monologue" is now a frankfurt school-tier idea (Shapir and Whorf,go figure), first because muh verbal intelligence, second because it allows a line of attack, that of PC language, muh pronouns and no N-word, which I infer to be 'Nigger'. claiming that thought is done in inner speech is 1984 tier, although it started and keeps getting promoted by people who are really limited in this respect, so much that they cannot even realize it.


>be lawyer
>pour over books and shit for years
>difficult for me to understand some of it
>finally scrape through school and pass the bar
>have to server as public defender for a while
>first case
>get this dindu who stabbed some guy when he tried to rob a liquor store
>no way this guy is innocent
>got camera footage of him and everything
>do my best as a public servant to the people to try and scrape together the best defense given the terrible circumstances
>new bill passes stating I have to use more relatable language when dealing with these people
>go into court
>judge is black
>prosecution is black
>they're jumping on tables a hootin' an'a hollerin'
>Look desperately at the bailiff
>he looks confused as fuck
>I can't understand anything
>total chaos
>cross examination consists mostly on the prosecutor making unintelligible grunts and noises at witnesses
>witness begins twerking
>courtroom applauds
>I walk out.
>Go home.
>Find my copy of To Kill a Mocking Bird
>Look up a bunch of abuse porno of some bigger getting beat and fun on by a bunch of white men
>cum on book
>shoot myself in the face

>Ay yo, hol up, So is you sayin ya dun be not at dat hoes pad that night muh nigga?
>>Straight up muh homie. was rollin wif da boiz gettin dem FREE DRANK at the corna store
>Shiiiiiiet da one with dem arab motha fuckas?
>>Shhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeet nigga yea, fuckin a-rab tried to charge me but i bolted on his mofukin bitch ass
>Case dismissed my nigga

>I as a mathematician keep struggling to formalize my ideas

Don't bother. The overwhelming majority of people are literally unable to conceptualize absolute truth, and the sooner you accept that the happier (and more socially successful) you'll be. The ability to think rationally is about as common in people as the ability to slam-dunk a basketball (though infinitely more useful to the species, and thus valued infinitely less).

>this whole "thinking" == "inner monologue" is now a frankfurt school-tier idea

Sort of true. The Frankfurt School's idea of PC is just a modern veneer on the pre-literate concept of taboo words, which have been around since before people knew how to write. But it's not the WORDS people use, which PC and taboo practitioners obsess over, that define their thought process - it is the very structure of the language. You as an at least bilingual person will have noticed that you think about stuff much differently than monolingual people you know. I as another bilingual person have noticed the same, even though we likely only share one language (and probably thus entirely different ways of interpreting the universe).

It's not the words, it's the structure.

When are people going to start calling out jews for their non-stop racist hatred for whites?

>Sup Forums hates culture and the unique experiences of a people

Why am I not surprised at how this site has fallen? Its NOT essential to know Standard English in every case and emphasizing on it heavily in school is counterproductive to the goal of teaching the act of communication.

Strictly teaching Standard English takes away from the beautiful, organic nature of language and what makes dialects and the rules and protocols of different dialects unique. Enforcement of the shitty standard American monodialect is why accents and dialects are disappearing in the US and Canada and I think this is a horrible thing steals from the descriptive, colorful way of speaking individuals have and actually detracts from the evolution of language (which may actually be a goal of such strict enforcement).

Latin is often seen as a "pure" language without deviance but even Latin, the language had crazy dialects, each beautiful in their own way. You could argue that French, Spanish, Italian, and Romanian are Latin dialects to some degree and those languages all fostered unique cultures in their own rights.

Prescriptive grammar enforcement is fucking retarded and EXACTLY what the Jews what. Rather study of literature and writing in a colorful but coherent voice should take precedence, even in ebonics. Relabel Standard English as "formal English" to teach loosely alongside literature rather than a dull, shitty universal strict prescriptive grammar adherence. Free, honest communication is hindered with Standard English adherence and fuck all of you good goys for defending it.

like Jared Taylor?

Gee I wonder who could be behind it

>dey think it don't be like it is, but it do

fuck off, Midwest US English Best English, I'll proudly sneak Ls into my "both"s until the day I die

The sooner cultures can organically drift apart, the sooner we can have our ethnostate. The monodialect you good goys support is pure Jewry.

Must you post this terrible bait?

I wouldn't work that hard on b8.

Okay, well you're legitimately retarded then.

>The monodialect you good goys support is pure Jewry.


A monodialect implies equivalent ability to comprehend language, which is, on the face of it, ridiculous. Christ, even in a homogenous society you'll have the King's English and Cockney for the idiots.

>though infinitely more useful to the species, and thus valued infinitely less
our smile and optimism: gone.
>You as an at least bilingual person will have noticed that you think about stuff much differently than monolingual people you know.
I'm more unfortunate than that; I grew up tri-lingual and then learned English as an adult. (the other two languages are Romanian and German; native of Transylvania here.) and yes, I have experienced the difference in thinking brought by the choice of language, but I'm not so sure that it is the language that gives one's thinking any sort of structure by underlying it; what I think instead is that certain topics are easier to express in one language than in the other (not necessarily because those languages differ in expressivity but also because one's skills may differ from one language to the other, even from topic to topic since one's non-native vocabulary is always lopsided in some way, e.g. I can even do legalese in English but could not make heads or tails of a text on agricultural techniques). I think that the requirement that you express your thoughts in a certain language simply propagates backwards and limits the complexity of the thoughts in anticipation of running into insurmountable difficulties when putting them into words, but the thinking itself is not done in words or in any other one-dimensional structure conforming to a recursive grammar.

My old neighbour was a nig from the DRC and he spoke perfect English. Literally no excuse.

not an argument

Whorf-Sapir please fuck off. The entire history of art says no.

Every damn time.

Exactly its inevitable. So let the niggers keep their commoner Ebonics, let them teach it to each other in school, let them use it in courts, let it grow and evolve official grammatical guidelines, and let it even get recognized as its own language.

This will further the divide between our cultures and create a need for separation. It might even help them in developing an actual culture not just centered around degeneracy.

When u muthafuckas gunna lern black englisch, niggas??? Smhtbh

Linguistics as a field needs to be value neutral to accurately study a language.
There is no reason we should apply that academic value to mass culture though. Other user is right. Prestige and shithole dialects will always exist. We can and should have values towards how we speak.
"All language eventually morphs" does not mean we HAVE to value that morph. Let alone encourage it.
Notice how linguists never bring up how wonderful Iceland is for preserving it's language. Or how France birthed political unity by stamping out other languages. Their bias is telling.

Why would anyone argue with a retard?

not an argument

>Christ, even in a homogenous society you'll have the King's English and Cockney for the idiots.
Only when your society is being run by retarded trust-fund manchildren with no ability or interest in doing their jobs

Only when government is about prestige and a huge paycheck instead of serving your nation.

Only when you've dumbed down your society to the point where the only reason you're still alive if because they lack the knowledge of how to tie the knot needed to hang you.

Nigger culture is Liberia.

Why do you want to enable that?