What's Sup Forums's feels about the legalization of Drugs, most recently Marijuana?

What's Sup Forums's feels about the legalization of Drugs, most recently Marijuana?
> not a commie.

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Up to the states to decide. Faggot.


I don't know what it is that makes people say drugs are illegal, because I don't think anywhere in the world they are "illegal", what is punished is possession


whats goin on in the picture?

cop stealing peoples milk during boston bombing manhunt



I feel like making the distinction between "drugs being illegal" and "possession of drugs being illegal" is a pretty meaningless semantic one, especially considering that in most cases it isn't even "just" possession that's illegal (as is production, selling, trafficking etc.)



I think some old lady went to the store to get milk but had a heart attack in her front lawn. So while the amberlamps took her to the hospital, this guy went to put her milk in the fridge for her.

Do not spend money on drugs or on the war on drugs. Ascend, and spend money on things that matter.


Ignore the meme flag I am trolling the commie general.


I completely support drug legalization. The war on drugs is unconstitutional.

Just think.. if alcohol had to have an amendment to be banned, then where was the amendment to ban drugs?

The courts didn't have the power to ban drugs but they did it anyway. They give themselves whatever powers they want.

It doesn't fit the spirit of the constitution to allow for a grown man, who possesses drugs, in his own home, for his own use, to get in legal trouble.

>tfw no catgirls to pet after a hard day of work

legalize all drugs medically, only weed recreationally to make all gangs dissipate and force niggers who at least are in the weed game get jobs. Drug testing optional but raise the limit because it stays in your system for so long. raise it to where it only takes a month to get clean. That fixes some stability and income problems with the black community cause almost every black person smokes weed. Also minimalizes mexican gangs. the rest of the drugs are decriminalized. weed must remain cheaper than street price so it becomes government sponsored and we hire a shit ton of weed farmers to lower the price. Make a whole government association for weed. The rest of the drugs, if you're caught with them it is decriminalized, BUT make all the other drugs prescriptions and it would be illegal to have a nonprescribed drug such as heroin meth or coke. ofc it would be in a different form than raw like it is on the street. Also mass produce it to make it cheaper, maybe government sponsored. however it is not recreationally available like weed.

We are getting closer, brother.

Up to the person, but I personally feel like anyone who uses any is a weak person. Not just to use them to escape reality, but most of the time they use it just because they hear of people using them for that reason or that they make you feel good. They are weak to peer pressure and society. And this includes weed and alcohol, either face your demons or be a demon, quit holding back.

Torn on it actually

On one hand its a waste of potential for a few young men led astray. But on the other hand it would bring back natural selection, i mean if you're moronic enoigh to OD ypu werent contributing to society anyway.

That photo made me laugh for some reason. LOL where is it from?

It doesn't matter what Sup Forums feel about anything. The people on here have no power and are losers that live on the internet, many with low IQ's and social disorders.

Let's hope Jews don't ruin it. I want my waifu already

Honestly I don't give a shit but it's a good way to make money off of some stupid saps

>legalize all drugs medically, only weed recreationally
> to make all gangs dissipate

The black market weed industry is tiny compared to all other drugs, and them being legal medicinally would do little to hurt the market (and hence gang support) for them.

Sorry but your waifu will always be imaginary.


Hey, how old are you?

I mean, it's been shown a number of times that in countries that actually decriminalise all drugs and treat addiction as a public health issue rather than a criminal one, whilst drug use goes up the actual rate of overdoses drops dramatically. So if you want more people to OD and die supporting prohibition (and so poorly regulated, inherently criminally supplied drugs) is the best way to do it.

Would you ever date a Filipino woman? You could probably get one and they may be close to a waifu you know. Consider it.

we've talked about it enough already. thats how I feel.

As a libertarian, I'm for the legalization of all drugs for people 19+, but as someone who has watched marijuana turn my brother into an ambitionless stoner, I think it is dangerous if everyone in a nation has access to it, that nation may turn into Spain.

Eww No. I would never Racemix if I had to choose between a race to mix with it would be a Japanese.

What is his purpose?

really? I was under the impression weed was the biggest. isnt the cartel all about weed and coke? I know all us gangs deal weed

I honestly don't care what people put in their own body and don't understand why anyone else should. As long as they are an adult let them consume whatever the fuck they want.

he just wants to deliver your milk, let him do his job asshole

Weed is certainly a disproportionately large market, but compared to every other drug combined the vast vast majority of illegal drug money is going towards more expensive, easier to cut and more addictive drugs.

Not to mention the fact that the spate of legalisation in the US has massively disrupted cartel cash flow.

I smoke before bed and only then, and I want to keep it illegal because I hate stoner “culture” to the core.

I think they make most the money with meth and heroin

It being illegal is the only reason why stoner culture is so prominent. The "cool factor" of it being a scuryyy illegal drug plays a huge part in the rate of kids using it.

It's been shown that in places where it's legalised, use by children (outside of accidental, which is obvs the parents fault) actually goes down. Largely due to the fact that a legal, regulated drug that your parents do on the weekends is a lot less debonair and edgy and hence less desirable for edgy teenagers.

It's a baddd badddddddd idea in our society.

If you aren't free to kill or excommunicate, to defend your community, then your community can't be allowed drugs.

Making drugs illegal is equivalent to having a free world where the community can police itself.

Since we're leaving everything up to the cops, then some drugs must be illegal.

lol there is alot of japanese cybercafe refugees selling pussy online

>It's been shown
Show us then.


>inb4 washington post hurrrr
It has links to all the relevant statistics.

I live in washington where weed is legal, can confirm user's claim

Absolutely degenerate. Sessions should lock up every last weedfag for life.

Legalize cocaine and zyklon B.


Statistics are bullshit. You can cherry pick any statistics and use it as needed. This is well known. What makes you think teens didn't just move on to another drug?

Are you claiming it is better for teens to use drugs other than weed so weed should be legal?

That's a little too far, some shit like that should be illegal, but the thing is possession should not be a criminal offense

Your brother was ambitionless before he found pot. Now he has an ambition and it's to smoke pot.

>"Statistics are bullshit."
go back to the 1700s, foul puritan

>Statistics are bullshit. You can cherry pick any statistics and use it as needed. This is well known.

The fact that statistics can possibly be manipulated and misused doesn't really mean that any and all statistics should be immediately thrown out. Feel free to do your own research on the topic and sift your own balanced views from the available data.

>Are you claiming it is better for teens to use drugs other than weed so weed should be legal?

Of course not, if your reading comprehension was a bit better you'd know I wasn't advocating or making any claims about anything being "better", I was just pointing out that as far as the data so far seems to show, use of weed by kids decreased after legalisation.


>milk makes it okay

I will never not be mad that we let this happen.

> Implying we know how that technology will play out, or that any of those uses will see the light of day.
Lulz aside, the possibilities with CRISPR technology go both ways.

I was JUST thinking about that picture for no reason. Haven't seen it in years since it was a /fit/ & misc meme and I haven't been to either in a while.

I've been doing that a lot lately - thinking of obscure, useless things right before seeing/experiencing them. What does it mean Sup Forums?

The US spends billions on the war on drugs at the federal, state and municipal level every year. Despite that only a fraction of illegal drugs are interdicted. Every drug is available in every city, town and village across the US. Prohibition, just like with the prohibition of alcohol, stops nobody that wants to use drugs from using.

So what's the fucking point??? We should legalize it all. Let capitalism take the incentive away from cartels, stop arresting everyone and wasting billions to incarcerate nogs and beaners. Not only would it save billions of tax payer dollars it would generate billions in new tax revenue.