Which side would you have fought on during American civil war and why?

Which side would you have fought on during American civil war and why?

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Union entirely because Lincoln said he was going to deport all blacks after ending slavery.

Because I like the United States the way it was meant to be - with state rights.

I would have started my own nation based on the ideal of only white slavery

Canada, as in we shouldve attacked the northern states too

The Republican Party platform promised not to interfere with slavery in the states, but opposed the further extension of slavery into the territories.

Union because my ancestors fought union. I love the north east / new england area too. would never ever live in any of the CSA states, that's degenerate subtropical territory. real men freeze their asses off and enjoy it.

the whole war could have been avoided if it wasn't for lincoln and now he will live in eternity as the savoir of blacks.

lol okay. you fags were always useless.

>real men get raped and murdered by urban niggers while white liberal politicians forgive them

fucking faggot

Union because I believe we shouldn't be separated.

I wonder how different the US would be in the confederacy won

I would not have fought on either side. I don't believe in slavery but I also think the south is within it's rights to secede. So I would not fight to keep them in and yet I would not fight for the South. I would probably move to Iceland or something and go adventuring if I had the money otherwise, north to Canada or soemthing.

Same as Lee. My home is in the south, and the north invaded. I dont really want to kill, but a man has to defend his home.

Neither, I wish they both lost.

Had a badass history teacher in highschool that gave us this prompt for a paper and I said the south and explained why. When she gave us the papers back and was talking to us about it we weren't allowed to say who we fought for because she wanted to know how we really felt without judgement of our peers. She let everyone know in a real subtle, quickly on to the next subject kind of way, that I was the only one who got the answer right and kept going on with the days lesson. She treated me like royalty after that paper. Her and I smug peped every time someone mentioned it and why my paper was better than everyone else because it never occurred to them that I fought for the confederates. They just assumed it was a good paper. Little did they know.


Obviously, the Confederacy. Humans were owned like cattle back then, all over the world. The POTUS didn't have the authority to just declare them no longer property. The Confederacy was the last time a large group of individuals stood up to federal tyranny.

The Union because we need to get the fucking negroes out of the country. Make sure Lincoln doesn't get killed either, he wanted to repatriate them.

15 of my family fought in the war as Recruits from Nova scotia. 2 for the north and 13 for the south. I would fight for the south. all the niggers ran to my province.

I was born in the north but raised from age 5 to now 27 in the south. I probably had ancestors that fought for the north. That being said, I would proudly fight and die for the confederacy.


fuck off kike

The south. I may not be southern, but I moved to and grew up in Florida, and because of that it's my home.

Also I would have fully supported the repatriation of blacks to Liberia - a higher number of civilized people in the nation would have quite literally revolutionized it, allowing for modernization and even potential industrialization.

Iron man. (Probably union because I would’ve preferred the nation not be destroyed)

Well, it's hard to judge what might've happened had John Wilkes Booth (a likely crypto-Jew) not killed Lincoln. I'd like to think that he would've repatriated them. I unironically oppose the American Revolution anyway.

The south were Jews. Be glad they lost.


Probably the confederacy just by default.

The war was unavoidable. The north and south were too different both culturally and economically. The US tried to avoid a civil war for decades leading up to 1861.

The Confederacy couldn't win. It was impossible as long as the Union was committed to fighting. They tried to get Britain and France on their side but France was bogged down in Mexico (who they were only able to invade because America was at war with itself -- and even then America managed to fund and supply the Mexican army) and they both knew better than to fuck with an emerging power.

man imagine the blowback if a fullblown jew assasinated lincoln?


Gas all Yankees!

i take this back because as i write that modern headlines would read:

"how jews fought union bigotry"

Booth was likely a crypto Jew, in all seriousness: forward.com/culture/217871/was-john-wilkes-booth-jewish/

Anyone who is woke on crypto-Judaism knows that this is totally plausible.


The south because I could have a negress and qt southern belle at the same time

If only us Texans could've just left the union and the confederate states and moved west, conquering all the way to california.

This is the only legit reason to fight for the south knowing hindsight.

People today do not realize just how underfunded and out manned the Confederacy was. By the final couple years of the war the south could barely feed and clothe its army. The Confederate dollar was worthless. Disease was rampant.

The only thing worse than being a southern solider was being a prisoner of war in the south.


Lincoln was a tryant! Four union states still had slaves during the war. They teach our children it the civil war was all about the slavary. The south takes all the blame for slavery, so the Union can feel better about waging an illegal war against the south.

I ain't no racist! Hell most of the women I dated were black.

>I ain't no racist! Hell most of the women I dated were black.
boomer detected


The union, because the secession of the South was illegal under the Constitution, and the South owns half the original 13 colonies which hundreds of thousands of men died for. Like I am going to let some faggots who want to fuck niggers run free. The south is the reason there are so many niggers in America today.

Sad thing is, if they didn't invade PA, and didn't lose Stonewall Jackson, they had a real shot at winning.

>I ain't no racist! Hell most of the women I dated were black.

get a grip dude

You don't belong here. This board isn't for you.

yee YEE



South and I'm from PA. Fighting for freedom is better than fighting for revenge. The North also had terrible commanders aside from Sherman while the South had some of the best American Generals to ever live.

double nigger

grant was alright


Grant was pretty gud, after the north realized generals need to be from the military class, and not the political one they started pumping out competent leadership

Don't back losers. What is not to understand? The Confederacy, Communists, and Nazis all fucking LOST. Don't back losers unless you want to be a loser too.

I would have paid somebody to fight in my place for the Union.

The same side all of my ancestors fought on. Yankees are statist, government worshiping trash and the reason why California, New York, Chicago, etc. are all commie shitholes.

Yankees are losing too.

South because US history is tale of a gradual and steady shift away from the original founding fathers' vision to an autocratic authoritarian central state, and the South was closer to the original vision of the USA.

>inb4 attacked by shills
Undoubtedly the original Agrarian Republic the founders believed in has been subverted to throw people into factories making weapons of war. The North was pro-munitions factories, pro-immigrant, anti-free speech and was the starkest contrast to TJ's utopia. The Southern Country Gentleman was what the American Revolution was fought for, not factories in which men of every creed toiled away to send their sons overseas to fight and die in ideological wars. Read up on the Monroe doctrine or the centuries of religious wars that were fought in Europe before the FF's went to America.

t. loser

Union because I wouldn't want to die fighting alongside niggers

You realize that Southerns literally had blacks fighting in the war for them? It was only a matter of time until niggers became full equal citizens as they were becoming increasingly integrated into society.

The problem wasn't with Lincoln, he was going to send them back to Africa - the only REAL solution to ending their presence and integration into American way of life - the PROBLEM was when Lincoln was assassinated.

Shelby Foote was once asked this question...

Had you been alive during the Civil War, would you have fought for the Confederates?

No doubt about it. What's more, I would fight for the Confederacy today if the circumstances were similar. There's a great deal of misunderstanding about the Confederacy, the Confederate flag, slavery, the whole thing. The political correctness of today is no way to look at the middle of the nineteenth century. The Confederates fought for some substantially good things. States rights is not just a theoretical excuse for oppressing people. You have to understand that the raggedy Confederate soldier who owned no slaves and probably couldn't even read the Constitution, let alone understand it, when he was captured by Union soldiers and asked, What are you fighting for? replied, I'm fighting because you're down here. So I certainly would have fought to keep people from invading my native state. There's another good reason for fighting for the Confederacy. Life would have been intolerable if you hadn't. The women of the South just would not allow somebody to stay home and sulk while the war was going on. It didn't take conscription to grab him. The women made him go.

Fugg is nico cute.

>I ain't no racist! Hell most of the women I dated were black.

Glad you Southern scum were murdered en masse

It's the same today, the Northerners might be more "accepting" of blacks but the North is still 99% white. You Southerners are BLACKED to death with all the pretty blonde cheerleaders at UBama riding nigger dick. You guys actually mix with your niggers down there, even to the point where some 90% of white Southerners have a tiny percentage of nigger in them.

The Civil War was a massive and bloody contest between Northern liberalism and Southern conservatism. Yankees died for their government's right to obtain ultimate power. Southerners died to be free.

go back to facebook gramps we dont take no kindly to aging neocons like you around here

Waiting for some libtard/marxist fag to argue with this.


You mean based Israel right? Good job buying millions of niggers from Jewish merchants because you dumb lazy fucks couldn't do your own farming. You faggots ruined America. You were already integrating the niggers into your societies, Lincoln wanted them out of the country entirely. It's unfortunate he was assassinated or the entire problem would have been fixed. Fuck you dysgenic Southern mutts.

Only one will save my Anne.


Opposing further extension allowed for an unbalanced congress resulting in a majority no slavery congress. Eventually the south would’ve had no voting power and couldn’t stop the complete abolishment of slavery. This is one of the reasons why they tried leaving.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

Probably the south just based on where I was born.

Union so I could participate in the glorious slaughter of a bunch of proto-Trump voters


Wherever I lived because it's my home.

Three hundred thousand Yankees
Is stiff in southern dust
We got three hundred thousand
Before they conquered us
They died of Southern Fever
And Southern steel and shot
I wish there were 3 million
Instead of what we got

union, the separatists were today's left/democrats

Get your DNA test back yet Cletus? What's your negro admixture? 5%?

I'd register as a Canadian businessman and sell arms and munitions to both sides. It's a win-win!

Muh family were Quakers and abolitionists.
Fought with the Northern Army.
Hooray for President Lincoln and ship em back!!

I really wish I lived on my family's land in Mississippi, now it's apartments full of niggers

she wants to fuck

>no qt black woman

South/North Carolina. Half my ancestors at the time did. Some hid in NC's swamps and the other was blind

Southern society was based on societal hierarchy/aristocracy. The privilege to be free, not the right. Yankees were proto-socialists then and are full blown commies now

>The brainlets that wanted to keep sold Africans in America
>That wanted to constantly have to deal with slave revolts and escapes
>The brainlets that seriously thought that slavery would stick around and an institution far into the future
>The brainlets that wanted to fight a war they knew they were going to lose because of muh-crop sales

Yeah, you deserved to lose. The union stood firm afterward and America grew as a world power. Even when the slaves didn't go back to Africa. The good guys won. Fuck off.

probably the union because my family was living there
if it happened right now i'd fight for the confederacy

This. I say this as a Southern person and all Confederates were traitors and deserved what they had coming to them. Fuck off.

Being born here doesn't make you Southern. You and your parents should go back to where you came from

The Founding Fathers would have supported the State's legal right to leave over that faggot Lincoln and his invasion of the South/destruction of the Constitution.

>This board isn't for you.
Yeah I can see that! Because most y'all seem to be very racist, and while normally that'd be you're own damn problem, cause of y'allz shit stirrin and people like y'all, I got explain myself to damn near every one who enters my living room and sees ole Dixie hang'n on my wall. Nearly got my ass beat down stand'n a lone in a one man demonstration defend'n a local confederate moment.

If I so much utter one positive mention about Trump around folks I got explain myself cause people think I'm some queer lynch'n bastard who hates anyone who aint white.

Man fuck y'all!

shut the fuck up boomer

english please

Back where I came from? Fuck you, I was born here in America. I may be a second generation American but that don't mean shit. Fuck you, you fucking traitor. You people killed American soldiers. YOUR THE FUCKING TRAITORS.

You mind explaining why then after the war Jeffersons Davis's trial was thrown out of court due to lack of legal grounds?

>I may be a second generation American but that don't mean shit
lel good bait actually

Because he didn't do it? John Wilkes Booth did you fucking traitorous scum. Know who helped him? The Jews. He was a Jew too. If you wanna be mad at anyone, be mad at the fucking Jews you traitor.


I would have spent more resources breaking the embargo. Also, would have argued that slavery would die out naturally, as it did in England - and wouldn't cost a half million lives.

My grandfather came here from Norway on a US naval ship in the 60s and gained legal citizenship when here. Fuck off.

Both sides had slaves.

>traitorous south

Britain would like a word with you, unruly colonist.

The confederacy. Definitely. And I'm originally from Massachusetts.

I would fight to restore the breakaway colonies to the Empire.