Just had a thought

What do you think it's like to be someone like Netanyahu, who knows about and helps spread all the Jewish lies, meeting some holocaust "survivor"? I bet that the survivors actually believe that the holocaust happened, to others, and so imagine that unless they get exposed, they're home free. Of course a man like Netanyahu would have been given the run down on how things actually happened, so while meeting all those nasty little Jewish liars, he would know, but they wouldn't know that he knew, because the holocaust is real to them, even if their place in it is a lie.

Must be like having the very worst parts of yourself thrust in front of you all day long, like a black person being forced to look into a mirror without looking away.

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you understand the quote right
they are expecting the diaspora to return 'home', and thus increase the survivor count in israel

2035? Wouldn't they all be dead

>60,000 105+ year olds

yeah nah

That picture has to be fake

>60,000 holocaust survivors in 2050

5 year olds at the end of 1945? Lmao

They'd have to be at least 110 to have any recollection of the Holocaust

>American education

What proof is there the holocaust never happened? I've literally never seen any.

>It's just interest, goy

oh good point, didnt even do the math. i think the tweet pic is fake


What are the odds they get added to the death count

Yeah could be. I was just going through my maymays, saw this one, and thought about what it must be like to know you're meeting a line of liars and that they're just like you lol

in 2100 there will be 1 million SURVIVORS !!

when is Germany going to put its foot down and stop sending a monthly check to all the tens of thousands of "holocaust survivors"? You know that it's become a scam, and is behind the "you pass traumatic experiences down to your children thru your DNA" pseudoscience, they're trying to get their kids and grandkids signed up for the checks.

Dude. The holocaust is real. At least in the sense that Jews were put in ghettos, then put on trains to concentration camps, and a lot of them died.

Were there six million? How should I know? Was Germany so economically dominated, largely by Jews, and threatened by Jewish Bolshevism that removing Jews from Germany and/or stripping their property rights was necessary for the German people to escape a crushing economic depression? It sure didn't seem to hurt.

The point is that rounding up people on trains is wrong and a lot of people died in the most humane ways just on the way to the concentration camp. It's not right to treat other humans like that. And I don't think it is controversial that a lot of the casualties were simply a result of wartime conditions, including a lack of food and clean water all around.

I think the world needs to re-think the holocaust in terms of a tragedy that can never happen again, rather than the greatest most tragic event in the history of mankind that grants Jews perpetual utmost victim status. People are willing to believe the former but people are increasingly skeptical of the latter, because it just isn't tenable. There are have been other genocides, and the likelihood of there being more seems to be increased the more we pretend that genocide was then and always will be a specific racial/ethnic phenomenon.

I think at this point most of the "survivors" were so young they probably really believe those things happened, just from hearing it so often and filling in memory gaps with false info.

if the holocaust were real, the world would be a better place

>that standard
It was war dumbass, and don't forget that Jewish suffering isn't somehow more profound than that of non-kikes.

Yeah totes, Jews died and all that, but a metric shit ton of Jews have been caught lying about "surviving the holocaust", and the definition of a survivor is already as loose as "someone who had to move because of the war", so a person like Netanyahu would of course know this, and when he met them, he'd be met with the grossest parts of himself, face to face, mirrored in another Jew. Just thought it was funny.

You're right though, except where you say that rounding up people on trains is always wrong. Sometimes, if they won't go, you gotta do what you gotta do. In the Jews' case, I feel like they'd be lucky to get a train car and deportation given how they've treated the last few... every culture ever.. who allowed them that option even after the crimes which called for it. The shit they've pulled, and how many chances they've been given, they'd deserve pretty much whatever they get, and we'd be justified in pretty much anything, given the scope and stakes. I think it's a testament to white's good nature that the first thought that comes to mind is train cars and deportation, personally.

Expected to rise?