My son came back from school today and mentioned his teacher said that the United States has never lost a war

My son came back from school today and mentioned his teacher said that the United States has never lost a war.

What does Sup Forums make of this? Should I write the school board?

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retarded liberal teacher or someone telling you kids fairytales.

What war did we lose anyhow?

You should redpill him on the differences between things you learn in school, and out of school.

Vietnam, We lost to the Hippies.

1812 (was a draw more or less)
Civil War, nobody won

Well obviously get your kid out of government school if possible.

We got our asses kicked in 1812.

The charter for the First Bank of the US expired in 1811.

England kicked our asses in 1812, we created the 2nd bank of the US 4 years later.

England has been in control of our financial system ever since.

Well, Except for the brief period after Andrew Jackson abolished the 2nd bank of the US.

Jackson hated the English with a passion.

England took control back when we created the FED.

The greatest irony is that they put Jackson on the $20. It's the bankers last fuck you to him.

* the war on poverty
* the war on drugs
* the war on discrimination
* the war on

We are still at war with Korea.

Depends on how you look at Vietnam. By causalties, or??

Yeah draw.

We won the civil war. But I get what you are saying.

We are still at war in Afghanistan.

Clear win with Iraq.

It all depends on how you define "war" and "lost".

Is saying the US has never lost a war now a leftist talking point, or am I in an opposite day thread?

No such thing as discrimination.

>What is Battle of New Orleans

Damn, you Murifat libtards literally have no education because even I knew this.

* with North Korea

Bullshit. We thoroughly trounced them in terms of the war itself. It's the aftereffects that fucked things up.

>unironically recognizing north korea as a state rather than a rebellious province

We won one battle after the peace treaty was signed and our capital was burned to the ground.

I'd hardly call that victory.

Because we have let them be one with the bullshit ceasefire

Officially only, America fucking destroyed Vietnamites.

Iraq and Afghanistan were part of Bush's wider "war on terror" which was a spectacular loss. Saying Iraq was a clear victory is like saying the Germans won WW2 because they occupied Poland for a while.

VV day aka Victory in Vietnam day

Any war with battles taking place on your soil where you maintain or expand your territorial control is a victory. This is especially true prior to 1945, and even more so prior to 1917.

Nope. Clear win in Iraq.

The cold war, the communists won in the end

it's true. You can't call that shit they did in Vietnam or Afghanistan a war. they lost because they refused to actually fight

t. faggot

We haven't been invaded in a very long time and we haven't fully surrendered. Seems like a good track record if your definition of winning is self preservation.

>Saying Iraq was a clear victory is like saying the Germans won WW2 because they occupied Poland for a while.
No. It's like saying Germany's war with Poland was a victory, which it was. Same with the invasion and conquest of France. But they weren't lasting victories.


Also, we lost the civil war faggot

If it wasn't for the ceasefire this war would have been won, but it would possibly go nuclear.
Won. Only hippies will say we lost this war, the same hippies that would cry if we just executed every last commie there.
>1812 (was a draw more or less)
Lost, to Canada. They even burned down our White House.
>Civil War, nobody won
Who is the Union? What was the reconstruction period?
See: Vietnam

Nope. Clear loss in Iraq.

>withdraw and isis immediately revolts and takes control of half of the country

we've had a few draws, and even a few strategic defeats. however, we have never been occupied by a foreign government since the formation of our government and the only time we lost territory was when we granted the Philippines their independence.
given the current state of that nation i imagine they might have some regrets about the matter

You lost the race war, USA will be Nuevo Mexico in 20 years.

No such thing as a victory that doesn't last. That's not a victory. Poland won in the end.

Why do so many people think winning = killing a bunch of people and not accomplishing winning conditions?

Says the faggot who attempts nation building in hostile territory.

the US lost the Cold War (culture war). sure, USSR collapsed, but our way of life was completely destroyed. we spent all of our money policing other nations and building nukes that we forgot to protect the country. their ideological subversion was successful on a grand scale and now america is choosing between a common 1970's democrat (trump) and full on socialism.

>the Gallic Wars were a Roman defeat because the Roman empire fell and the conquered regions regained their independence

Idiotic. We've lost plenty of conflicts.
>War of 1812
We were supposed to capture Canada and failed. In a way it's a failure and a stalemate mainly because even though we failed at capturing Canada, Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson BTFO the Brits in New Orleans
>World War II
Fought to remove Fascism AND Communism. FAILED. The entire globe became engulfed in needless bloodshed because of our failure to wipe out the Soviets and the Chinese
>Korean War
Failure. Gave us the Korean split and we're still trying to fix this fucking thing even though it shouldn't be our problem
It was literally a constant game of capture the flag. Despite us winning on all fronts it was a massive failure because if we really did anything it may have caused World War III
>Current Middle Eastern wars
All failures. We're destroying an entire region of the world for no fucking reason.
There is a lot to be proud of our country but we have definitely lost on multiple occasions.

That wasn't like 5 years later.

>My son came back from school today and mentioned his teacher said that the United States has never lost a war.
Vietnam and the MEME war

So what's the cutoff? Ten years?

Ceasefire was signed, war is still technically on so no loss. Draw at least.
Wasn't our war to lose
>1812 (was a draw more or less)
>Civil War, nobody won
False, CSA lost
Not a war
Saddam was defeated, thus a win for US

How the fuck did we win Vietnam? It became a communist country and we had to literally emergency evac because they were about to march into saigon. Getting a high kd ratio does not mean we won.

If anything the fact that we did lose is why we changed our military from drafted troops with decent gear to heavily investing into them and relying on tech/machines more than manpower.

>U.S. never lost a war
Your kid's teacher is correct. All wars that the U.S. have ever been in were victories or mutual cease fire agreements. At no point at the end of any conflict did the U.S. give up concessions in a peace treaty such as a losing side might do. Not winning a war ≠ losing a war.

The boomer logic is that Vietnam wasn't a war because there was no declaration of war.


>hurr durr Mexican is a race
>German intellectuals


Perfect list ty

I'd argue we lost the Civil War

US exited the war before it finished
>Civil war
the United States won
not finished

I see you're talking about the Dutch East Indies. I'll give it to you though, before the Japs kicked your ass you guys sure had a nice slavery run there. It's a shame for you the U.S. did all the heavy lifting kicking the Japs out and then the Indonesians told you guys to take a hike.

The only way to lose a war is through surrender or destruction.

No longer taking part in invading a sovereign country isn't "losing" a war, but rather giving up while failing to complete the objectives of the war.

America has never lost a war.

>Who is the Union? What was the reconstruction period?
user we are referring country wise, technically civil wars and revolutions = country losing and winning at the same time, since the confederates were also american

It depends how you look at it and how you define winning or losing.

To me losing a war means having to surrender and most likely get occupied by the victor, which hasn't happened yet.

The US by that definition didn't lose Vietnam, Korea, Middle East, etc. They just chickened out.

However if you go by the definition of not winning = losing, then they've lost a couple


Admit it.
There is a reason Hitler gave the Asians Honorary Aryan status.

Many of them are the perfect ideal of the Aryan despite being small in mass.

Official answer: Not a war, but a police action.
Actual answer: Draw, theoretically ongoing, was a massive victory over the Koreans themselves, but a massive defeat to the Chinese who "liberated" the Norks.
Official answer: Not a war because undeclared.
Actual answer: Probably the most likely example to be appropriate called a loss. We entered the war to defend the Vietnamese nationalist government from being overrun by the Vietnamese communists. The side we were supporting lost, unquestionably. It may have lost because we exited the war, but it was not winning while we were present.
Our invasion of Canada failed, but our defense against the British retaliation succeeded despite significant losses (e.g., DC was captured, burned).
>Civil war
Unquestionably was won by the United States of America. All rebel territorial claims were terminated.
Ongoing. We toppled an enemy government and forced it into effective exile.
Unquestionably American victory. The enemy government and military were destroyed. The rise of ISIS was the result of the power vacuum caused by our withdrawal. That what we did was a bad idea and had a bad outcome doesn't make it a defeat.

Yeah, if you destroy your enemy to the point where they can’t attack you and have to rebuild for decades... it’s pretty safe to say you’ve won.

New Orleans was an absolute ass whipping. Also a kickass song.

No he only gave it to the Japs

spare an argument, sir?

Name a war in which the US was defeated in, dumbass.
Hint: You can't.
The US has never lost a war the have only won or quit.

Saigon is named Ho Chi Mihn City

They didnt do that cause we stomped their asses