What's the first thing you notice about this image?

What's the first thing you notice about this image?

haircut of the guy on the left

Red nipple

he dude on the left is missing his donut

Araki draining the life of another victim.



That Araki looks suspiciously like Todd Howard in that image.

The guy at the back has a HUGE forehead.

I can't see Araki's stand.

We say W I D E around here, friend.

Are you implying you're a stand user in the first place?

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is Araki's Stand. It's incredibly meta.

Araki's power is waning.

At least post the right one.

He's only in his early 40s

He's approaching 60.

I might be

Backwards aging vampire


The size of the guy in the center back's forehead

That dapper suit.

Who else are Benjamin Button japanese vampires besides araki and Sakurai, the guy who made kirby?

Wow, Keanu Reeves got fat.

The hand on the chest