Prioritizing hedonism is the only correct way to live your life

prioritizing hedonism is the only correct way to live your life

go on, prove me wrong. i'll wait.

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frig off

Who is that beautiful Asian girl?

>prioritize hedonism
>don't breed because babies kill my vibe
>hedonism party over in a generation
good plan

show your flag you cunt

here, cunt

Is that a mustache?

enjoy being deeply unhappy on your death bed because the cummies train is coming to an end and you were unable to put intrinsic value in anything other than dopamine

Their are greater and more fulfilling things to strive for than brief flutterings of meaningless joy.

Things like:
>playing with your kids
>taking a moment to pray
>celebrating traditions
>connecting with friends
>building something
>helping society
>taking a walk
>contemplating existence itself
>bonding with your family
>engaging the mind with puzzles or challenges or new ideas

All that comes with a life of hedonism is shallow joy. What's the point of eating cake on your birthday when you can just eat it whenever? Where's the fun that can be had in discussing what comes next in the TV series when you can just binge-watch the whole season in ten hours? What fun is a game when it becomes daily reality, instead of being a temporary reprise from it?

A hedonistic becomes sad because he forgets what real pleasure is. When things that were once delicacies or luxuries become commonalities, they lose what made them special, what made them actually pleasurable to indulge in. Having a beer once in a while tastes great; having ten every day will kill you. Thus the hedonist kills his soul, his happiness, and becomes burdened with depression, and instead of correcting his ways, he merely purchases pills and tries to go on his merry way, because the pills will work! So he still goes watching his porn, his cartoons, his shows; eating his candy and tasty treats; going on roller coasters and bumper cars and bungee jumps; but can never find his happiness again.

Amen user. Everything else you do is just a means to an end to secure your joys. Never fear your true nature

>destroys the collective
>annihilates civilization
>impedes humanity on it's ultimate goal of universal domination

to auschwitz with you

nah, just an ugly gook

>not wanting a tragic life full of struggle and self improvement

i'll be at peace after living a happy life, no worries my man

>ultimate goal
set by who?
also it doesnt affect the indivdual atm at all so there is no reason to give a shit

Hedonism doesn't exist. There is life affirmation and life destruction.
fuck off jamal

Well put.

Vapid existence. You'll never fill that hole no matter how many drugs you take or how much you travel.

the elites will get rid of most of humanity anyway. if we stop breeding and just live our lives in peace and quiet, at least we get to avoid the "biological weapons / nuke" ending. humanity has lost, do you get it now? elites have the entire planet under their control, and they want most of us gone in a generation or two. the elites are the next step in human evolution and they cannot be stopped.

>butthurt yellow fever fag
neck yourself, mutt

you can't have money if you prioritize hedoism