Words cannot describe my hatred for l*bertarians

Words cannot describe my hatred for l*bertarians

>let's shut down the govt twice in a month during tax season while the Dow is plummeting, because the deficit hurts my feewings :( Even tho I already voted on a bill that massively increased it
>roads, infrastructure, schooling, healthcare? My daddy is rich go fuck yourself

I hope Randy boys next encounter with his neighbor ends his pathetic life.

Other urls found in this thread:


You live in Ancapistan now thanks to based Rand Paul, be grateful and enjoy the meth.

>the deficit hurts my feewings :(
The deficit hurts the country you moron, god I can't wait for the debt to collapse so the Pauls get proven right once again.
>Even tho I already voted on a bill that massively increased it
Are you talking about the tax cuts? That bill did not affect the deficit negatively, in fact tax revenues are up.
>roads, infrastructure, schooling
A tiny fraction of the budget compared to military and entitlement spending.
Hahahahahahahaha fuck off commie.

>aboo hoo hoo
>muh gummint shut down
>i still get my mail
>the ATF is still faggots
>no one but gummint employees give a shit
You're a fucking faggot

Why are you even bothering?



It would be fun to watch you die.

Nice rebuttal, I guess Jew debt is good for the country now? Being forever indebted to the Fed, that's what you want? Because raising taxes won't stop that, the only way to end the deficit is to decrease spending.

I suspect Rand and this individual's definitions of terms like stable, functioning, liberty, and capitalism are quite different.
Blaming Rand for the deficit would be like blaming a husband who refuses to rob his neighbor in order to cover his wife's spending problem.

same thing in terms of how authoritarian and shitty your governments can be. There's a reason countless nazi scientists fled to the US even before 1939.

Remember when the right understood economics and debt? Oh, wait. They're as fucking detestable as the left when they get some power. Please drink bleach, OP.

Hahahahahahaha he actually fell for "the Fed is evil" propaganda lmaooooooo

Jeeeew debt lmaooo

Please kill yourself, you keynesian faggot.

Does it hurt to be this retarded?

Oh okay, you're trolling. I guess was right.

If words can't describe it then post on a charades board faggot.

Preserve my liberty to get stuff?

>libertarian speaks full common sense and conservatives start name-calling because they are triggered and can't argue

muh roads
muh healthcare

What's with all the libertarian/ancap hate threads right now? Is the stormy or bazbol wave back?

>Government's job is to steal your stuff, and steal somebody else's stuff, and provide you an illusion of liberty


Market tables because of the lack of spending caps in the new budget. Paul's filibuster made futures go up.

>triggered conservative can't take the truth, goes into name-calling


Holy shit.

The Gerber retard baby commercial was the kick off

7/10 decent b8 m8

>Rand Paul
Are you retarded?

>down jones is crashing and burning all drumpfs fault

>"take that,liberals!!"

you drumpfkins are cult like

Are you stupid?

Since when do conservatives vote to increase the size of government by 13%? Rand is correct.

this place went to shit after the election

don't worry. we libertarians are still here. government cucks are just way more vocal right now.

The government should just take the money straight from your checks to fund quail cocaine sex studies.