Why should all countries not copy the 'soft-touch' Scandinavian justice system?

Why should all countries not copy the 'soft-touch' Scandinavian justice system?

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google.com.au/search?q=oslo rapes 2011

>soft touch

I don't want any touching!!

The prison system was adapted to the local population. Not the other way around.

What works in one place won't necessarily work in another. The all-consuming South Korean education system probably wouldn't work in the west for instance.

> Figures reflect 2011 data

What happened 2011 in Norway? Think hard and long.

The problems of reintegration it seeks to solve are not unique to Scandinavians. It seems to me this system would also prove superior in a different population.

gee I dunno

google.com.au/search?q=oslo rapes 2011

And all a muzzie has to do is muster an entire family and he’s got lodging for life!

The USA is completely uninteresting when looking at stats like this, given the highly variant nature of American lifestyles. A state by state breakdown is much more reasonable.

I was thinking more of :

kids shouldn't be counted

Handgrenade rapes

Fair enough, and the gentler system is also used in Norway anyway.

What we really need is some case in which there was a major overhaul of the justice system; a country changed from one system to the other.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but it's something to be aware of. They should certainly trial it somewhere and even if the system wouldn't work, parts of it might. Other things like private prisons need solving too.

Then look at the British hacker Lauri Love. The maximum sentence he could have got was 99 years. People can say all they like that he wouldn't have actually got that, but it's ridiculous that was a possibility. The sentences they give out are insane and their prosecutorial plea bargaining is an affront to justice. Stack up as many charges as possible and force them to plead guilty in exchange for dropping certain charges and lowering others. Pure blackmail.

Capital punishment for being nigger would bring that rate down to Japan levels.

That's the issue. You switch to Scandinavian justice system and those convicts aren't going to change their ways. That behaviour is cemented and it isn't going to change.

Then I think the influence of other convicts while in prison is a huge factor too. You can't change the system when you have one set of prisoners from the previous system and a new set after. You'd have to separate them or any rehabilitation isn't going to work.

>I'm not saying you're wrong, but it's something to be aware of.
I'm definitely aware of it. But if it's not the justice system which leads to low reoffending rates someone will need to explain what it is about Scandinavian people which makes them not reoffend.
It's quite pointless just to say 'because they're Scandinavian'; there has to be something behind it.

Because like everything else in cuckflag countries it only works in a bubble.
Take their military for example. If not for US grasp on the world, they would already be speaking German, Chinese or Russian, they would be replaced and faced genocide.
Same with law enforcement and justice systems. We see it crumble and fail as soon as they're exposed to foreign predators.
Same with social benefits and welfare, etc.

If you just counted white Americans it would still be the highest on the chart.

How do you know it only works in a bubble?

How they deal with poverty and drugs would give some indication. The homogeneity of their societies too (which the raise in crime in Sweden due to immigration goes to show). Then how they deal with prisoners once released. I doubt they deny them social housing or state benefits once released either.

Less poverty and inequality definitely correlates with less crime on an international level but I'm not sure if the justice systems aren't also playing a role.

It's countries like Germany, Iceland, Scandinavia etc. which have less inequality and they also have softer justice systems.

It may have worked when they were an ethnostate, filled with educated, morally sound and competent people worth redeeming, but the whole system will crumble if they keep bringing in leeching foreigners.

Not at all.

I'm not discussing their immigration policy. It doesn't seem at all relevant. In any case the problem of reintegration isn't unique to white people.

>Not at all
It was proved by the image in my post.

What I'm saying is that
>the whole system will crumble if they keep bringing in leeching foreigners
Is irrelevant when assessing their criminal justice system; and that, even if they were bringing in thousands of people from more violent countries, that doesn't mean that they ought to change their criminal justice system to one more like America's for example.