Why are people making such a big deal out of the black panther movie?

Why are people making such a big deal out of the black panther movie?
Correct me if I'm wrong but we're all fine with a nearly all black movie about africa. we'd only have a problem with an all black movie about europe, or shoehorning black people into historical movies about white events.

>I know that it's marketing, but why it it working so well?

seeing niggers gloat over fantasy is just too much for me to handle. i din't give a shit about this movie either way until i saw all the uppity niggers we wuz kangin on shitter

Take the same movie. Make it about a "White Panther" Super Hero from Europe. Make his entire entire message about the struggles of Europeans/Whites. Make the movie a "victory" for Whites all around the world.

And imagine said Whites were 38% of the entire globe, but felt they needed a movie about " White power". See how that goes.

>Why are people making such a big deal out of the black panther movie?
Same reason they made a big deal about Wonder Woman - entitlement issues.

I'm sure the movie is just as bad as any other Marvel shit.

The problem here is China style silencing of any negative opinion.

Pretty much this too

is she /oururbancinefile/?

Poor lady. She's gonna get bombarded with ebonics-laden hate mail.


>Why are people making such a big deal out of the black panther movie?

hollyweird media hype.
People hate us! Come see why!
Truth is, it's a fucking average movie.

>Why are people making such a big deal out of the black panther movie?

You must be on the wrong board or site?? Nobody here gives a single fuck about this movie. Go shill elsewhere you faggot jew.

Hate the term "alt-right" but pic related is true. Imagine the shitstorm liberals would cause and the unfighting that would result from nationalists liking this movie.

black panther is red pilled, wakanda is an ethno-nation

Ok, i'll correct you.
We have problem with how they push it and the narrative they push.

Guess what. I think i can say majority of Sup Forums likes the real "first black hero movie", Blade. Because it's a good film, a good story, a good actor, and no one gives a fuck about his skin color because they never promoted or mentioned his skin color.

people aren't making a big deal, in fact nobody fucking cares. It's the media and outrage industry manufacturing controversy over nothing. I give zero fucks about this capeshit movie.

white people dont give a fuck what little baby culture of niggers does let them have their movie and shit its irrelevant to anyone impotant

black people on the other hand have opened pandoras box because they wanted to show white people how progressive and equal they were but now they have to spend the rest of their life acting like apes defending their movie from the criticism inherent to existing in a consumer market. watch as black people experience for the first time ever actual criticism of a work. since work is new to them so will be the criticism and it will be interesting to see how they handle actual social interaction in the real world, like white culture has for ever.

Blade is fucking great
Wesley Snipes is /ourtaxdodger/
he abandoned black women for asians and isn't wasn't ashamed to say it's because of black women's behavior
that's why they killed his career

I've been avoiding these threads because I don't really care about it but this one time I wanted to go on record as saying that I don't care about it
heck, I'll probably see it when the dvdrip comes out next time I do a marvel movie marathon, and it'll probably be decent
but I really don't care about the black panther and I don't understand why anybody else does either

oh wow, you're black, so what

fuck off

What pisses me off is that it's just a super hero movie, but everyone tries to make a political statement out of everything these days. To people who are into comic books and super heroes this is just another Marvel movie that they're going to see, but you have people on both sides, who would never normally care about a movie like this, roaring about "YOU CAN'T HANDLE A REAL BLACK SUPER HERO" etc. I just want to see a good dumb superhero movie. Same story with the new Doctor Who; people who wouldn't care normally are making it political, when actual fans are just hoping for a good series with decent writing finally, as the writing has been garbage for the past few years.

why are white companies in a white country obligated to use their resources and people to make a movie about black africans?

one of the two white actors with minor parts, Andy Serkis released a gushing statement saying something like "this is such an important movie . this is the first all black movie on this scale and it's about time. in fact it's been far too long"

As though it is white people's responsibility to make blockbusters for black people.

>Black people make movies starring basically all black people and openly targetting the black audience
"it's great for the black community to get together and produce their own works celebrating their culture and making movies targetting their people" - liberals
>majority white country makes movie with majority white actors
"ugh, too white. this is basicallly white supremacy. why isn't it more diverse? You're keeping black people down by not paying them to act in your movie" - also liberals.

Black panther and the glorification of niggers and africa is clearly part of an anti-white agenda.

It's basically the number one priority of jews in the media not to tell white people anything but bad things about them or their culture so that white people feel ashamed to be white and lose their sense of shared identity and will then allow jews to do whatever they want to their countries and flood them with immigrants and be bred out of existence apart from a few tiny enclaves so that it will be like brazil but even worse since any mainly-white area considered a desirable place to live will be explicitly targeted for cultural enrichment and importing a tonne of niggers there.

I think it‘s not about the movie itself. It‘s about all the niggers and self loathing whites crawling out of the woodwork who use this wish fulfillment flick to whine about muh KANGZ and colonization.

>hurr durr what could‘ve been if the white devil didn‘t colonize Africa
That sort of thing.

Also many of these degenerates actually are trying to link this movie to real life politics which is absolute madness.

We aren't making a big deal out of it. The media and the studio and the SJWs are making a big deal out of it. And those fuckers work for globalists.

Pretty much, this massive deal is being made because Hollywood can't afford more Ghostbusters and The Last Jedis. Chosen diversity movies need to be protected by any means necessary so they fabricate ratings conspiracies and threaten to ban anyone that leaves a negative review. In doing so they make it obvious that reviews are now completely useless, movie reviews are the new video game reviews.

why do you keep creating threads shilling for the Niggerman? one is enough

And I should add, with both Ghostbusters and The Last Jedi bad reviews were largely legit, neither was a good movie, there was no actual massive reviewbomb conspiracy, and there once again isnt one, but reviewers beware if you dont want to be banned all the same.

You said it yourself though, it's a fantasy. Niggers are infantile creatures let them gloat in their fantasy while the rest of us pity them. I'm actually glad this movie exists. I hope they make more of them in the future and keep funneling black actors into these garbage power fantasies. Hopefully, this will lower the amount of niggers shoehorned into other films. I mean, now they have all the representation they could want.

On a side note, I like how they are making such a big deal about this movie like it's revolutionary. Pic related did it better. The first two Blade movies were actually good and Blade himself was a pretty awesome hero.

Yep, it also helped that Blade as a character is stoic and serious. He's not like 99% of black characters that are just loud obnoxious niggers. I also kind of liked Hancock, it was campy and despite his politics I like Will Smith.

Because muh ethnostate, except it's niggers.

There are roughly 1 billion niggers, out of 7 billion humans. That's less than 38%

17% and declining.