Baki Dou 166

here we go again on my own



oh, hey, it's the hooky girl from Shaman












I am with you, user.





End chapter.

Nobody wants to comment on the fact that Hanayama's grip is significantly more powerful than Pickle's?

Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with not talking about it. I'm just making sure that we're all on the same page here.

>mfw musashi wins again

They hype up his grip so much I gotta accept it. Otherwise Hayama is just 100% discount Pickle, instead of 95%.

Still, I cant even understand why he's out performing pickle.

Then, do you think Hanayama might win this?

Pickle's neck and bone structure is the only thing I got from him being special, I am sure Hanayama is also skill and experience which was the whole point of the Pickle fights of explaining

Pickle is just a beast.

This is top performance MAN.

I actually like Dou all the way through. It is kind of like slice of life, with manly men doing battle instead of cute girls.

I like how Baki is not about justice, so you have things like Yujiro owning the US, and Musashi making mincemeat out of government forces because they challenged him to battle. Even though they are do not have any superpowers, all the Baki characters get a world of respect in their own universe, moreso than characters far more powerful than them in other works of fiction.

Baki has a pretty unique atmosphere due to that. I get the sense that fighting autism is rewarded in that world and I like it.

Keep up the good work OP, I like reading this stuff.

Memesashi will whoop yujiro for the first time in his life and that will set up a character growth for him and baki.

Can someone make a tier list of the characters?
Im really confused.

In terms of what? overall power ?

Yujiro, Kaku , Musashi

Pickle, Baki, Doppo, Oliva , Jack, Che

Hanayama, Doppo, Katsumi, Goki, Convicts

yep doppo can be in both tiers at the same time, but I think Che is a meme

Whoops didn't see the repeat of Doppo.
I based this list on who has the higher chance of defeating someone.

Still thinking of revising and putting Pickle on Tier 1. Put Che on 2 becasue if I recall correctly he nearly beat Oliva but was distracted and can beat multiple strong guys at once.

Nowhere is good to read this shit without jumping chapters, it's fucked.

>no Motobe
>Doppo higher than Shibukawa
what are you doing

Baki destroys pickle, he should be in tier 3 along with jack who jobs and kaku who chickens out of fights.

here's a nifty official one

Last time I checked Pickle knocked Baki out and wasn't severly injured at all.

Kaku has the technique that makes him almost invincible to regular attacks and gave Yujiro a run for his money until it was revealed Yujiro could do the same thing.

Jack is tenacious. And is probably on the same level as Oliva.

That's votes by fans.