Why is hating trump degenerate?

I like trump, and i think hating trump IS degenerate, but why is it? I kind of feel like hating trump is a function of inferiority. The more inferior you are, the more you hate trump. Is that the link, in your opinion?

Hating trump is irrelevant. Hate the game not the player

Who's the ugly morlock?

Did Jazz get highlights?

desu I'd say the same about people who idolize him. I guess at the end of the day sane people just either don't care or can accept that it's a mixed bag.

Beliveing anyone in the government is going to do anything good is degenerate

>The more inferior you are, the more you hate trump

Pretty much this


Meh... you nerd to stop overestimating yourself.

>hating trump IS degenerate

praise tv celebrities is really degenerate

What you're experiencing is being a blind zealot. You're degenerate for being a mindless follower of something you can't even coherently defend without fishing for support.

How? It is a mixed bag dude. I can name good things he's done and bad things he's done. Society's biggest speds are the ones who think he's literally Hitler or literally the messiah.

Awe sweetie, i didnt mean to mess with your jimmies... my point stands. Youre angry bc you cant refute it.

> Christian
> veteran
> millionaire
> 2 college degrees
> white with white wife
> 3500 sqft home

I hate Trump, but I hate all Republicrats. Come at me bro.

Yes feast your eyes on this spesimen of strength of honor and power

Demlibs are hypocrites, at least emperor Trump is clearly in control. Deepstate dummies don't want to admit they're brainwashed so they scream and shout about how awful Trump is despite his not doing anything to them individually. Hillary and her goons have liberal cucks wrapped around their fingers.

Youre larping as an independent/centrist. The reality is you know there are armys of sharp people who love trump, and you onow my op holds water. Voting against trump and voting for the government to take care of your helpless inferior ass are strongly correlated.

Trump isn't even right-wing. The rage is because he's an unabashed, unrepentant CIS white alpha male

I don't particularly like Trump.

Weak people hate strong people, it's just how it is

If you can't go anywhere in life, you try to drag others down to your level

Chris-chan and Dobson are in a whole different level of autism that can't be compared

A successful, wealthy, straight, married, white Christian, male.. everything that is evil to a liberal progressive

I love it when dems and liberals say he's athiest, it really gets my gears going

Yeah, of course there are plenty of smart people who love Trump and I'm sure they have their reasons. I like Trump. All I'm saying is that those people who think he's the second coming of Christ or some shit are nitwits. That doesn't apply to people who view him positively because of A,B, and C.

Your argument is stupid. Who cares about the blind supporters of Trump? I don't need to speak French to know when I'm being insulted.

Nothing about that excludes the possibility that you are inferior.
Smart ppl relate to trump just like smart ppl relate to jeremy clarkson.
If you find trump repulsive you probably dont have much intellectual talent.

Da deepstate is against trump

>Triggered deepstate dummy
Suck on that "muh freedumb" ideology, mutt

Well the topic of the thread is basically blind people, so that's why I mentioned it. Do you feel insulted by what I've said? Because that was not at all what I wished to convey.

Ding ding ding!

My point is you don't need to have eyes to see.

I'm not offended. Your fear caused you to submit to me, but groveling is pathetic. Stand your ground.

Take break from the zionist controlled media lad

>Implying I watch that drivel
Le not my president

It's one thing to dislike Trump or his policies, but if you're full on rabid "drummpff!" posting then you're the exact kind of lemming that everyone says shouldn't participate in the political process, you instinctively feel put off by them because you can tell they are just parroting shit they heard on comedy central and they're acting like they're better than you for it. Coincidentally this is exactly the kind of leftist you most often see "raiding" Sup Forums.


Anti-Trumpers are siding with people who want to destroy America and Western society at large. That makes them traitors.

Dude what?

Its a sickness
medical term Trumpaphobia ...no known cure

>killed for the Jew, Jewish mercenary in Middle East
>is bluepilled

Surprise. All veterans are scum

>been divorced multiple times, has kids with different partners
>haha liberals hate this about him!

True.. how dare he be a white man with many children for multiple females...
That behavior is strictly for Black males!

Deep state the term stared with him during the election then it went to hannity then it spread its a made up term like globalist

Not all, but the one you quoted sure is.

No it is nigger shit. Having children with different partners is fucking degenerate. A child should only be born from a man and his wife. And divorce is fucking degenerate too.

You blindly support king goyim

HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!

Communists called all HERESY! fascism.

Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.

Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"

They call people who speak HERESY! names.

You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.

When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.

But it tells us ALL about YOU ANTI-WHITES.

Most of them hate cops and hate laws,
they vote for the stealing $ Democrats who love to make new stupid laws!

Because there dumb liberals but whats the difference when republicans say they love small government and pro life then cheer for the the police state and meaningless wars

>neocons and conservatives are the same thing

If anything in 2018 it’s the democrats who are cheering for meaningless war with Russia and a federal police state

True. Thats why libertarianism is the only wsy for inferior ppl to stop being inferior. If you are a libertarian, you are superior, no matter how inept you are.

its a battle between good and evil. Look at the people who hate trump. Take a good look at them. And of course there are shit heads that love trump for the wrong reasons (thinking he really hates minorities etc)

Yea because if you calling trump a conservitive hes the same ss a neocon we are going to war with russia and with china we are already in a trade war this almost always leads to real war mad dog already said that terror is no longer our focus but russia and china plus syria and iran
Yea you are right they are pushing war while acting like they hate trump

Maddas didnt add syria and iran i did but you can plainly see this by watching trumps speeches to the un and niki hailly

Its simple faggots.
Capitalism vs non-capitalism.
Dont clutter shit up with your homosexual detritus faggots ;)

who cares about the fat fuck named trump

It's not the act itself that is degenerate. Look at the behavior associated with it and the public virtue signaling. It is an inforcing of group think. They don't care what it even is that they are protesting. They just know that no matter what. It is their job to be angry and to protest and to make sure everyone knows it. It's a catch all collectivist shaming tactic that they have been reduced to in lieu of having the power that they had and we're so accustomed to being able to abuse.

Look at Conan and Kimmel. Their ratings are hot garbage, but guess what? They stay on the air as long as they play their masters fiddle for the masses. It doesn't matter if their side is right or not just as long as there is a constant never ending opposition. When they have control again they will just rewrite the history to fit their narrative.

Because most of the people who criticize trump gets their news from pic related.

Not that simple wevare currently in a system like corporate capitalism like china its like comunistic capitalism where the government props up the big business and the markets with printed money

What exactly is it that leads up to a """person""" like this existing?

When I see things like this I like to believe that it's all an act, and they spout the absolutely absurd leftist shit they do because they know it's ridiculous and it brings them attention. But when I really think about it I come to terms with the fact that this is actually a real person who believes what he says. If you confronted him in real life he would say the same things he says on the internet.

What exactly causes a such a pathetic excuse for a human being to come into existence at all? Is it da jews?

Somebody's mad.

I think it's a lack of what's called 'reverence'. For people that weren't brought up going to Church, or didn't have a powerful figure that they respected in their life early on, they truly don't get the concept of 'respect'.

That, and the fact most people don't think for themselves and just join the herd.

People who hate Trump tend to do so because they can't see past the media's framing of him. They also tend to have poor relationships with their fathers, and they project onto Trump.

Same thing with people who like him. Trump supporters tend to have great relationships with their fathers, and so they can see that sort of relationship in Trump.

Basically what I'm saying is that Trump detractors tend to be spoiled brats with little critical thinking skills and impulsive need to virtue signal while Trump supporters tend to be (actually) good people who do good things to no fanfare.

This is the united states there should be no respect or reverence for the government and definitely not one that doesnt respect our constitution which is all of it since 1875

Very true, you only have to look at the 2016 voting patterns to see this, only minority trash and inner city retards voted for Hillary, whereas patriots who love America all voted for Trump. It couldn't be any more obvious.

Do you shit into ziplock bags like your boy stalin?

True. I was only frying to streamline the debate