Is there anything more bluepilled than killing yourself over a woman?

Is there anything more bluepilled than killing yourself over a woman?

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Emotions are evil.
How else can such actions be explained?

Emotional training class should be required in all schools. This is bullshit.

>Is there anything more bluepilled than killing yourself over a woman?

Yes, raising another man’s child.

But he wasn't even a cuck yet technically. Cucks know they're being cheated on, let it happen, or raise another man's child.

Should have at least taken her down with him.

There has to be a correlation between the amount of suicides related to relationship problems.

As we know, men have a much higher suicide rate, and a lot of the commit suicide after break-ups and the like. For whatever reason, it seems as if when a relationship fails, it utterly breaks the man.

I wouldn't call it bluepilled, but sure, it could be considered "weak". I think it has something to do with men making themselves vulnerable to women, letting down their defenses, and when they're betrayed it utterly devastates them. Women get upset, of course, but it seems like it's easier for them to shrug it off, as they don't seem to have as much of an emotional defense up all of the time.

he wasn't married to her, so he wasn't cucked

Killing yourself over a black woman.

No, a cuck is someone whose girl (wife, usually) has sex with another man. That's it. Some men have a cuck fetish and LET themselves be cucked. A man can be a willing or unwilling cuck.

I don't know, he'd probably have had to pay child support.

Yeah. You're right and I'm retarded.

so true.

at least he won't be paying alimony

The woman probably would have forced him to pay child support. He should've killed the roastie along with himself

No because this world is garbage anyways, at least he's free now

If he was going to throw away his life, why didn't he just murder the guy and violently abuse his ex girlfriend like she deserved?

You can't be forced to pay child support for a child that isn't yours.

why do huskies do that anyway? my sister's husky did that when it was a pup.

True story coming up.

I had an uncle until recently. Paranoid schizophrenic. Claims he was was in the background in a lot of hollywood movies because he was living on the street in Los Angeles at the time a bunch of them were filmed. Would brag about huffing gasoline when he was a preteen.

Anyway, he gets a 20 something girlfriend with no teeth, he invites her, her kid, and her father into his grungy apartment.

They have a fight, and the girlfriend with no teeth kicks him out of his own apartment. He yells something like "Maybe I'll just go kill myself!"

He drives to a secluded area, overdoses. Body isn't found for a week and by then it's gruesome liquefied cleanup.

Stop posting your shitty articles here everyday dailymailfaganon. Saged

actually you can in certain cases, but he wouldn't have had to in this one I don't think.

Must suck to be called a cuck in your obituary

But he wasn’t married to her. He didn’t have any reason not to just leave her. Or if he really wanted to die he should have murder-suicided

This. Its like a viral marketing psyop

Oh well, nothing of value was lost.

You can in the uk

This is in the UK; I don't know about other jurisdictions.

I don't think he killed himself over the woman. I think he killed himself over the shame of the matter. It's what I would do

The second link clearly says Texas and the third was about some guy in Iowa

Being with a woman. Being with anyone. Isolation is the ultimate redpill.

He would've lost the wish to die by the end of it and seen the world as a beautiful place. Then he would've been jailed and executed for manslaughter.

Wath an idiot.
Should have killed the guy, the woman and the kid and then take down as many cops as possible coming for him.

Have standards people, leave a statement.

thanks mr. spock

He should have killed the other two and then rampaged at the lying press or hunted bankers until he was slain

> not killing yourself for the woman you love
> redpilled
The absolute state of „straight“ people.

Here's his tats!

It might be to help cool off. Blowing bubbles into water lifts tiny water particles into the air and onto your face, which cool your skin as they evaporate.

Alright, why is this news?


Kek has blessed me.
Praise kek.

It's the inequality of the sexual marketplace. It's far easier for a woman to find another man than it is for a man to find another woman. And a lot of times when a woman breaks up with a guy she already has another guy to latch onto. Take the tilted demographics where there are more men under age 40 than women under age 40, then add in more male immigrants to tilt it further, then take away monogamous marriages formed at a young age, and allow women's hypergamy to run amok to the point where the 80/20 rule of a truly free market begins to show up, and you have a sexual marketplace that is comperable in inequality to the economic marketplace of the Gilded Age.

Do you think his girl got BLACKED? Or was it some white Chad?

Not trusting Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour cuck

looks like a guy thats 40 but trying to be 20. Probably was dating a really trashy girl. That being said, a woman that gets knocked up by another guy and then tries to get her beta to raise the kid is about the lowest thing in the world a woman can do to a man. You should legally be allowed to beat a woman slowly to death when finding this out.

at least kill the other guy first

There's truth to this.
Research has shown that in general, women get over a breakup really fast. I think it's something ridiculous like the first new fuck.
They may still be distraught but then it's in relations to something they miss, not because of selfless feelings.

While men actually never get over a breakup.

>Then he would've been jailed and executed for manslaughter.
No, then he would've been jailed and murdered by the Muslim prison gang.

Agreed. Men should be organic robots and do nothing but calculations and manual labor. Anything else is not autistic enough.


That's an interesting theory for sure, but I don't know if that can explain everything.

When a big break up like that occurs after a long-term relationship, whether male or female, people tend to have the idea that "they'll never love again", their life is ruined, etc etc.

But yeah, with what you're saying, a woman might be able to pick herself up easier with all the thirsty males that have been waiting for this opportunity. Yes, she's single, now it's time to strike! Or she can just go on a dating site and get immediate results, regardless of how attractive she is in most cases. Whereas when a male goes through a similar breakup, they don't have women hovering around them, they've probably sacrificed friendship relations in order to meet the demands of the girlfriend, which leaves them with this void that eats away at you for months, years at a time.

I've recovered from something like that before, and I definitely spent a good two years trying to put my life back together. I wasn't cheated on or anything, it was just a shitty breakup. Every relationship I've been in where that happened, 3/4 times the girl is already dating someone within a couple of months.

at least cripple her.

There is an evo-psych explanation for that. If two tribes went to war and the winner kills the men of the loser tribe and then takes the loser's women, those women who were loyal to their men and put up a fight were killed, while those that went along and fucked the men from the winning tribe were allowed to live and pass on their genes. Multiply this process out over tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years if we go back to earlier forms of hominids, and women would evolve a coping strategy to get over losing a partner.

That headline is the cherry on the sundae of his cuckening

I wish there were more women here to share their experiences, and counter some of the women bashing that goes on here without getting hostile. Are deep thinking women really so fucking hard to find??

The echo chamber is real, but often times when you talk to women about their friends or just women in general, they'll agree yes "women are awful!".


I still remember before I was fully redpilled, and I still thought it was reasonable to fall in love with women. Then my girlfriend of one year went missing. I filed a missing persons report, the while nine yards. I nearly had a breakdown with worry and fear. I couldn't bear to even consider that she might simply have left town without telling me, out of the blue. I spent the next two years looking for signs of her, until I lost hope and felt more depressed than I could have ever imagined. I felt like I failed her, like something happened to her and I couldn't find out what it was, or save her.

Then at random, I found her profile on social media, under a different name, through a person she was friends with on her "fake" FB account that I knew about. I looked through her photos, and realized she was married to someone else, on the opposite end of the country. They had been married since before she met me. Turned out she was cheating on her husband with me, without telling me, for an entire year while on a contract away from her home state. Once I had time to think about it, I realized I had seen her use an out of state ID, but thought nothing of it. She had recently moved to my city, she just hasn't applied for an in-state license yet...

When you still believe in love, and you still think women are human beings, you project your own values and emotions onto them. When thy betray you, it hurts so much worse because you think they're your equals. You don't realize that they're not fully formed, kind of like dogs and cats have pieces of human personality, but are still massively incomplete. Women are good at fooling us, but they're not fully human either. There are important parts missing from their brains or souls.

Women behave like self-destructive children because that's what they are. If men let them, they'd destroy the world and not bat an eye-lash.

It's not going to change without total societal collapse.

Well god damn. Thanks for sharing. It seems a little less disheartening when explained in a rational manner like that. In the end though, the men pay the price. Survival of the fittest and all that

That's clear autism.

She got fucked by SUPERIOR ASIAN COCK

I agree OP. He should have killed the woman, the man, and shot the stomach to kill the abomination. THEN run into the woods, live as long as he could, killing himself only after being caught. But alas, he chose the coward's way.

they're in the process of evolving in to aquatic animals

Maybe because of socioeconomic reasons bt all that shit has to be denied to find reality. The truth is that the society is shit, but what happens if you are free of it mentally, unlike most people? I put alot into this, into understanding people. I was a gimp, i had no social life and i have some very pretty girls that claim that i broke their hearts and ruined their lives.. they claim this for 10 years now. I barely knew these people and felt nothing for them but a little horniness. They certainly dont just get over it whether they are desperate uglies are barbie dolls. Whats with all these studies now days that lean heavily on sociological distortions? The world has become nothing but a muckraking war zone.

If you are hurt inside and depressed or fearful then what you think is not the truth, even if things happen which support those views, because when you are like that it effects your relationships with other people.

Most women/people never get over any hurts unless they were lying to you and only want sex etc.

Did you at least tore up her holes?

A female psychologist actually told me it's because modern society has no support structures for men.
A man's major support is usually his wife or gf.
And often during divorce a man's family will even side with his wife over him.
Leaving him literally no one to support him.

Of course if we accept that theory then it means women have less in-group loyalty than men, so we should limit their political power since they would not vote for what is best for the tribe, or in this case the nation. That's why more women vote for taking in waves of immigrants and refugees than men. They don't care if their own people become minorities in their own homeland.

So you had one awful experience with one woman, but I can assure you they don't all behave like the one in your story.

Hell, we could find a situation where a man does exactly the same thing, and yes, this happens all the time. People have secret families, they hide it from their "other family", and will go back and forth. In fact, it's a phenomena more common with males, so if you're going to attribute that to women not being humans, you could say the same for males.

I'm of the belief that you need to analyze people on an individual basis. Being X does not qualify you as being a "person". You can be a shitty person regardless of the amount of chromosomes or melanin.

There are women out there who constantly get betrayed as well, who just want to have an honest relationship. I know it seems impossible, but they do exist.

βαντζινα τζου

Very obviously on roids. Probably made him emotionally unstable.

Plus she's a cosplay bitch? No doubt dude was nuts as fuck then. Only the most emotionally unstable narcissistic guys go for these girls. When she demonstrated he really wasn't shit it broke his sense of self and he couldn't handle it.

this is true of families that are run by 2nd wave feminists with emasculated fathers that will ostracize a son dealing with depression until he kills himself. which is sad because even then no woman will ever take responsibility for her actions.

ding ding ding, i will never vote a woman ever, they are petty spiteful creatures.

This guy was obviously too stupid to understand the benefits of being a cuck.

Yes to the vulnerability and the betrayal of the trust one put in the woman. Yes to the utter destruction of the Manx No to the lack of emotional barriers on the woman's end - I think women are much more likely to erect barriers at the first sign of anything that could be considered a slight to their self-concept, which is often quite fluid and not tied to a central justifying principle. As such, bricks build in the wall, and if the woman does not have the wherewithal to adress the slights as they happen, they appear larger and larger every time it (whatever the 'slight' was) happens, eventually entirely blocking out the man emotionally, and then (or in the same moment) physically. It's that fluidity and proclivity to put up barriers to 'slights' ('abuse') that appear to allow a woman a much easier time 'moving on' - but only if you are dealing with a woman who DOES NOT hold herself to some external principles, or those of her male partner. If she does, then she will likely have a much more difficult time, as there will be a broken consciousness on her part or some real abuse or sustained slight/disrespect on the part of the man.

Personal experience.

She paid "damages" to keep her husband from finding the photos I had of us. I decided to feel grateful to her for redpilling me on love and women, so I didn't stay angry. Life feels a little emptier, but it makes more sense this way.

>So you had one awful experience with one woman
No, my life was filled with awful experiences with women. I was one of those idiots that kep asking "why do I keep meeting these awful women", and it never occurred to me that I was the one making women treat me like shit. Women can't respect men that fall in love with them, that's the thing that's missing from our early upbringing and education. So I kept learning the hard way, but never connecting the dots.

>Hell, we could find a situation where a man does exactly the same thing

No, there are patterns with men and women, and its sad to see you try to force a false equivalence. I'm not saying men are perfect; I think the vast majority are sub-standard, especially in the current era. But women are almost entirely dependent upon the structure men and male-dominated society provide for them. The degree to which this is true is so extreme, that one wonders if human beings didn't specifically evolve with these requirements: perhaps its a built in fitness test, where women automatically detect when their men have become weak, and instinctively self-sabotage and sow chaos until men from other tribes notice and invade. Who knows, but its a pattern you will recognize in everyone woman in your life once you start looking for it. Maybe women were different once, just like men didn't used to be soyboys, maybe the two types of degeneracy are connected.

Doesn't matter to me, all that matters is knowing what women are capable of, and not putting them on pedestals or trusting them with my well-being. Learn from my example or learn the hard way, its your choice.

That's when a few close friends can really save your ass from self destruction, but those are hard to find. But if any of you are reading this, please be kind to your friends, be there for them and don't flake out. One of my best friends committed suicide after a break up as well, and since then I've been beating myself up for not being there when he needed me. Be there for your bros, and they'll be there for you.

Slow down there bucko. Even if every man in the US riled up to remove women's suffrage, the backlash would be insane. That box has been opened, and there's no going back. I hope you all realize that.

Nope, that is the APEX of bluepulled.

MGTOW all the way, boys.

His father failed him. His fathers one lesson he needed to teach his son was to never have attachment to females. They are a utility, albeit a fun one. But they should always know they're disposable - including in a shallow grave if they fuck with you. He failed to value his own life above a whores. His father should be fucking ashamed. Every son should be taught how to treat women as inferior vassels that are lucky we give them any attention.

In his case, he could have spiked her food/ drink with abortion inducing compounds and walk out on her. Double win.

>checks comment section

Maybe it's just fun?

What women say is never what they feel, it's always what they want you to think they feel.

Really sorry to hear that dude - the support system is real, you need friends to talk to, and they need you just as much. Be good to people, and if they are good, they will return the favor to you.

What's the bet that she'll try to sue her dead boyfriend's family for child support?

The guy must have really loved her to kill himself. Most women don't understand that for men, allowing yourself to love a woman is one of the most dangerous things they can do. Talk about getting a piece of yourself like that is no small decision. For her to completely disregard his vulnerability in that way is disgusting.

>obviously on roids
how much of a skinny twink faggot are you that you dont think you can achieve that without roids?

fucking nu-males

You preach to know the answers, and send out a warning that all women are evil, yet I know this not to be true. I feel as if I'd get better advice on women from a Vogue magazine, knowing full well advice on women from women is just plain misleading as they oftentimes don't even know what they want.

If your theory is correct, and that women only respect those that are strong, then perhaps women aren't the problem, but you yourself for not being the kind of person they can respect? If you want to drop out of the "race" because you consider yourself weak, then so be it. But to me it seems as if you're projecting your own bitterness and loss on the rest of us, something I've noticed a lot of MGTOW tend to do.

Yes, love is a dangerous game, and sometimes even fatal, but good things can come of it. If it were only resulted in pure suffering and loss, nobody would do it.

I've learned a lot of lessons from women, I've had good experiences with them. There are things I don't understand, things that annoy me, things that I hate about them, and yes, at times I wonder if it is really worth it. But the life you suggest is a cold one, a lonely one, and results in more suicidal thoughts than if you were to have a "happy family". Look up the statistics, it is single men who live alone that are most likely to off themselves.

The guy couldn't love himself without her, and if you can't love yourself, you can't love anyone. If anything, this woman's cheating on him completely eradicated any self-worth he had, but if the effects were this drastic, it's likely that he couldn't separate his own self-worth from her - i.e. the relationship. I hesitate to call that 'love' for another person.

>Even if every man in the US riled up to remove women's suffrage, the backlash would be insane. That box has been opened, and there's no going back. I hope you all realize that.
Show tits or GTFO.

>You preach to know the answers
It's obvious you have two X chromosomes.

>Slow down there bucko. Even if every man in the US riled up to remove women's suffrage, the backlash would be insane. That box has been opened, and there's no going back. I hope you all realize that.

Modern society is not sustainable. I hope you realize that. The future belongs to those that show up. Women's liberation has produced birth rates below replacement level, so the more patriarchal cultures will out breed us. There are two possible futures: 1. A societal collapse as there aren't enough people to support the welfare state/national defense/and debt load, after which the men who take over make sure women don't get a say in the new government that is formed. Or 2. People from more patriarchal cultures immigrate to countries of declining native population and replace those natives so quickly that the immigrants don't assimilate into the host culture, but instead impose their own on the remaining native minorities.

Why wouldn't he kill her instead of himself? Can anyone explain his reasoning to me?

>Agreed. Men should be organic robots and do nothing but calculations and manual labor. Anything else is not autistic enough.
you got it backwards, brah. Emotions are robotic impulses to stimulus. Reason is human, emotions are animal.

You're talking to a roastie larping as a dude.

he was also a cuck by meme-definition

>Are deep thinking women really so fucking hard to find??

Yes. Sorry but you sound young.

God damn. If a bitch fucks up cast her off and move on.
I used to be a whiny emotional mess back in HS. Crying and shit. Whining bullshit like "don't leave, stay!"
One day out of the blue my GF at the time was like "I'm not feeling it, I need more". I replied "okay, you do you, see ya." Changed my life.
After that she wouldn't stop slobbering on my cock.
Not only should you treat them as disposable, they WANT to be treated as disposable.

if reason is human while emotions are robotic impulses: why can computers not experience emotions but perform reasoning?

It's not about support at all. Women are just sociopaths who don't actually pairbond, except with your bank account. If a bigger one (or a bigger cock) comes along, you can say sayonara sucker.

No, a cuckhold is someone who has the fetish. If you get off on it you're a cuck, if you're cheated on you're just a poor sap. That's why soy boys are called cucks, because they have the mentality of someone who gets off on their girl fucking other men.

programming a computer to exhibit emotional responses to stimulus would be very easy. It's reason that is difficult to program

At least it got downvoted to hell.

>not killing the girlfriend
>not killing the boyfriend
>not dissolving the bodies in acid and then dumping the remains in the ocean

Wow, what a fucking brainlet