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Kelly serves the kikes anyways and has been the major proponent of legalizing DACA since he was in homeland security. Him being fired would probably be good if he could get someone better in there.

>the trumpkin mental gymnastics begin

>Kelley serves the kikes and kushner doesn’t let’s pretend this administrative disarray isn’t just foolishness
>the absolute state of drumpfkins

You guys are so retarded lol and you GLORIFY retarded decisions with your own misguided “pride”. Kill yourselves lmao

Q predicted this

lol stfu you can love Trump and admit when he makes mistakes. I don't think Kelly should've been fired over this kerfuffle.

Q predicted this


How do I delete my post

>Kelly serves the kikes anyways and has been the major proponent of legalizing DACA since he was in homeland security

Wait, he hasn't even been fired yet. OP is a kike liar.

if this guy beat both ex wives AND the white house staffer he dated all of 2017, there's a 99% chance he's already been abusing hope hicks

can't wait till she's spotted with a black eye or bruised neckline

if/when Kelly is fired i bet 100 bucks swamp king Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is CoS

or gary cohn. lose/lose either way. kikes and swamp own trump

wow i'm so demoralized now. dems 2020

Did Q predict this? (I think Q predicted this)

Right. Am I supposed to give a shit if a dude clocked his wife a few years ago when the country heralds Ted Kennedy who left a woman to drown in his car?

Quote your own post, write 'DELETE THIS' in the name field and sage field. Good luck.

>vanity fair
that magazine died when Hitchens did, it's another Cosmo cuntrag now.

Did you see the Vanity Fair piece on the BroodWich?

More fake news.


A Jewish professional who cons people. Taken from the Shakespearian character Shylock, in "The Merchant of Venice."

That shyster is stealing my money.


[pic related]

Hitchens and his brother were closet kikes who claimed they didn't know their mom was jewish until the late 90s. the guy was a fraud exploiting goys

oh and just a coincidence he and his brother both married kike broads before learning they were jewish lol

Just like the million other times this was in the news about Kelly


you guys moved on from supporting a pedophile in Alabama to wife beaters lol

Its like Trump supporters are all dumb white trash!

Trump is a cheater not a wife beater so I think Trump hates this situation an will get rid of Kelly who is also a wife beater.
