Dutch anti-immigration party FvD starts race and IQ debate in the Netherlands

>dutch anti-immigration party FvD starts race and IQ debate in the Netherlands

truly based :)

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Who cares? I don't even know where you are on the map lol

i persuaded a shitton of normie friends to vote FvD next elections
many of them were already naturally gravitating towards it
i hope this sinking ship can still be saved, it sure does give me hope

Very rude 56% mutt, don't insult my gauda-niggers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please elaborate on the FvD !!!!

they're basically a meme alternative to the PVV who were founded just before the latest elections and currently hold 2/150 seats. They are led by frontman Thierry Baudet who started off his political carreer with the controversial ukraine referendum.

Their token based colored man prominent party member publically let out something that alluded to a link between IQ and race and all traditional parties lost their shit

How many % could they get in the next election ?????

Do a race and beauty debate instead?


currently at 15/150 according to the most prominent polling station
at some point last year they were the 2nd largest party according to the same polls
but then again the next election are still a few years ahead

should be noted that for a large part those votes are from former PVV voters

He's getting gangraped by lefties in a debate as we speak because of it and the crowd is loving it

Thanks for the information.

Political landscape is of course pretty divided here
Last polls (frontbencher.nl/peilingen/) give them 15 seats. The largest party is the VVD with 27 seats in the last polls. To form a government 76 seats are required, always done through coalitions.

>Their token based colored man prominent party member publically let out something that alluded to a link between IQ and race and all traditional parties lost their shit
That dumb guy is a sperg that couldn't hide his powerlevel - ofcourse everyone knows there is a relation between IQ and race. What was he thinking, 'we need the race-realist vote now'? No, he just couldn't keep his 56% mouth shut.

PVV made the most out of it, Geert Wilders said something along the lines of 'I don't give a rat's ass about IQ I just want to get this Islam shit out of the Netherlands'.

Is he going to go to jail? Didn't that cuck Geert have to face court for saying no more Moroccians?

>He's getting gangraped
(Citation needed)

>Is he going to go to jail?

>Didn't that cuck Geert have to face court for saying no more Moroccians?

There have been cries about muh racism, but I haven't heard anything about him being sued or some shit

Pretty much this. They probably brought it up way too early. Although if this can force the debate to happen it might also go in our favour

kom op het was niet om aan te zien

>muh klimaathoax
>muh ras en IQ
>muh partijkartel

zelfs Kuzu stond er minder miemerig bij


Guy on the left is so handsome it makes me feel like a true untermensch in comparison desu.

Should be mentioned that Thierry Baudet has also stated that he wants Europe to remain predominantly white
He has also spoken about the "homeopathic dilution" of the Dutch population

>muh ras en IQ
Waar denk je dat je in vredesnaam bent?
Met betrekking tot klimaatverandering heb je een punt. Ik zie geen reden om te ontkennen dat het bestaat en Baudet schiet zichzelf in de voet door het hier constant over te hebben

>Waar denk je dat je in vredesnaam bent?

wat ik bedoel met "muh ras en IQ" is dat hij er compleet niets mee opschiet. De stem van de rasrealisten heeft hij al lang en breed in de zak en die gaat hij ook niet kwijtraken. Het enige wat ze met een dergelijke uitspraak bereiken is twijfelende VVD- dan wel CDA- dan wel PVV-stemmers afschrikken en daar wordt de partij niet beter van.

>en Baudet schiet zichzelf in de voet door het hier constant over te hebben

mee eens. Haast alsof er iets achterzit

Fvd are Israel shills

>unironically denying racial IQ differences


where did i do that

Like i said here I find it a bad move to keep going on about it on his part because he gains nothing from it. The race realist's vote is already in the pocket.The only thing he does by yammering on about muh IQ is alienating hesitant moderates.

>wat ik bedoel met "muh ras en IQ" is dat hij er compleet niets mee opschiet. De stem van de rasrealisten heeft hij al lang en breed in de zak en die gaat hij ook niet kwijtraken. Het enige wat ze met een dergelijke uitspraak bereiken is twijfelende VVD- dan wel CDA- dan wel PVV-stemmers afschrikken en daar wordt de partij niet beter van.
Mijn fout, ik begreep je verkeerd. Ik ben het met je eens dat dit geen goed moment was. Maar ik hoop dat dit debat eindelijk eens een keer geopend wordt. De tijd tikt

Well, that would be much the same here, but the thing is racial genetic differences are the key reason why multiculturalism will only destroy the West. Someone has to bring it up before that happens.

That's party leader Thierry Baudet
He's /ourguy/

I was just in your country, it didn’t seem that bad except for parts of Rotterdam and The Hague, which surprisingly seemed to have more shitskins than Amsterdam (maybe due to housing prices?).

If you helped to get a monarchy in the United States, then this country would be one step closer to Netherlands, remember.

>A leaf on vacation in America.
fuck you


I wonder how long he's gonna keep his cool, he really gives off the impression that he's had enough of these media hyenas


This is one of my favorite vids of him. What an exceptional dude to have in politics.

Not sinkin at all, just cleaning. The MSM goes nuts on /our guys/

Where can i watch the debate?

The madman was defending Race discussion and exposed global warming hoax.

He's /ourguy/

I gave PVV a try last election but if FvD keeps growing and becomes more radical about race and IQ than PVV they will have my vote. They're also a bit too much of a meme party at the moment so there needs to be more convincing.

Highest percentage of non-Western immigrants in Rotterdam, but isn't that much different from the other two cities from what I know. Also depends largely on neighborhood
If you haven't seen it yet, Woes made a nice video walking through a neighborhood in Rotterdam

Hadn't seen it yet.

There is no such thing as Netherlands
Sage on all fields

BTW out of interest, how is the political situation in Belgium?

>De stem van de rasrealisten heeft hij al lang en breed in de zak en die gaat hij ook niet kwijtraken. Het enige wat ze met een dergelijke uitspraak bereiken is twijfelende VVD- dan wel CDA- dan wel PVV-stemmers afschrikken en daar wordt de partij niet beter van.
Als je consequent wilt cucken op rasrealisme is 'civic nationalism' het hoogst haalbare ooit. Als je iedere keer dat je van racisme beschuldigd wordt meteen door het stof gaat, blijft racisme roepen een krachtig "argument".

Ik vond het grappig toen Thierry zei dat de mens weinig invloed had op klimaat dat Jesse zo deed van: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME"

Go work for muhammeds 7 kids and his new house you cheese-head, also let ali (49) fly in his kiddy wife (14) and pay for it with your taxes. Cheese heads are just slaves.

Thierry must now take a step back, regain his cool and let Annabel take the wheel in the Amsterdam elections. His anger is good and was necessary but it must not become a prolific thing.

Seconding this even though I don't speak swamp German

We don't have some kind of FVD. Many voters are disappointed in the N-VA and will return to Vlaams belang. Elections this year in october

>Many voters are disappointed in the N-VA and will return to Vlaams belang.
And what are the chances of Vlaams Belang?

FvD is overhyped, they say some interesting stuff, it gets popular, they rebuke with the partijkartel mantra 'we don't judge based on race, gender, sexual preference etc.'

VB copied this slogan from AfD, but Antwerpen's demographic situation is truly fucked right?

>h-hey guys you better vote PVV because FVD wont change anything.

Daily reminder that de PVV is now the second biggest party in the Netherlands and they still havent done anything significant after all these years.

>inb4 but they're not in the government

Yes, but FVD has a an actual politcal party which you can join and help accelerate our movement.

Now's a bit late don't ya think?

The race IQ thing is an argument against open borders but in Europe we tend to allow in immigrants who have big job offers and they tend to be high IQ. Like Indians have an average IQ of 80 but the ones who make it to Europe probably have 100-105 average.

Nah, he didnt actually say that. Infact he did not say anything. The number 2 of a local party said that there is a difference in IQ between nations, in an interview he gave a few years back (when FvD did not even exist yet). Baudet refused to disavow that statement. So now all the other parties and almost the entire media are calling him a racist.

I wish I was making this up.

Tussen twee haakjes, wat is er aan de hand met onze allerliefste Anne Fleur Dekker?

It goes a bit further than that. Hiddema, the party's number 2, has called the IQ differences "proven" and "science"
>Kandidaat voor de Amsterdamse gemeenteraad Ramautarsing had eerder gerefereerd aan onderzoeken waarin een verband werd gelegd tussen IQ en volkeren. Hiddema had in De Telegraaf laten weten dat hij daar geen probleem in ziet. „Nou, wat is daar nou weer mis mee? Dat is al lang bewezen. Dat is wetenschap.”

Whenever muslims infiltrate a forum, they post this. :)

On every suingle platform it is a muslim behind this.

I am christian, Look how jews win the fight against muslims. We will eventually learn from them.

>"unpopular opinion: als ik mezelf vrouwelijk kleed, make up gebruik, me overal scheer en graag onderdanig ben in maakt me dat GEEN slechte feminist"

Keihard genomen door een rechtse pik.

Yeah I know. Yernaz Ramautarsing said those things too:


Wauw, ze is dus niet compleet achterlijk

If he said asians score higher on average no one would bat an eye. Are niggers a protected class or some shit?

probably because you fags drop out of school when youre 16

>tfw Rutte IV will happen in your lifetime

tfw we all live in poverty soon

Rutte is a psychopat, look how he walks and talks without empathy, no 'soul'. A fake plastic face and gay.

He Points at baphomet


>I push everyone further left and my autism thinks I'm making progress

Point was that it wasn't simply the "number 2 of a local party". It's the number 2 of the national party. Plus I really suspect Baudet agrees with the whole thing but doesn't want to say that

In case anyone was confused on what scientists think

The heritability of intelligence increases from about 20% in infancy to perhaps 80% in later adulthood.

>Je weet gewoon wat dit betekent

Nice try Achmed, but muslims cant magically cross the mediterranean sea without the (((people))) that enable them to come here.


He actually does agree with it, he does not deny it at all. The point is that it isnt (just) about race. The statements made also do not imply that people of another race should be treated differently (racism). But that is the frame.

>Linksjes vreten Anne Fleur leeg voor het hebben van FvD vrienden


It only becomes racism(or discriminatory) if you take the studies and actively disqualify individuals based on these presumptions. It's not inherently racist or discriminatory to state scientific findings. I fully understand why the Cartel uses the frame though, Thierry would probably do the same if he was in their position.

Bied Anne Fleur nu vriendschap aan. Als ze ziet dat SJW's haar opvreten terwijl FvD'ers leuker zijn zijn de SJW's weer een vertegenwoordiger kwijt

Godverdomme hoe maken nederlandzrs zoveel goede miems met zo weinig mensen

As a FVD member i believe that baudet's intentions are legit. They are the next big thing after fortuyn

Antwerp is filled with migrants and lost like Brussels

God you just know he wants to say, yes of fucking course i am saying african dobbernegers are the scum of the earth that shouldn’t be seen as humans

also pechtold is echt een smiecht

Dit citaat van Hiddema al gezien?

I agree. Perhaps Thierry would, but that does not make it less dishonest. Also even if he did, the media would make sure to put in a context to make him look bad.

aanzetten tot geweld had nooit in dezelfde wet gemogen.

Maybe the second biggest after n-va

netherlands is one of the best countries in history, empire builders and innovators... american history sucks

Nope, normies are done with politically correct cancer due to progressives trying to take away black pete and pushing the slavery narrative upon them.
80% of higher education isn't infiltrated with SJW cancer. So frankly nobody gives a crap


What even is this man-made climate change that Klaver is so actively referring to? Has he ever presented what he deems as evidence for these statements? Or is it literally what he said in the debate "Muh 97% of scientists agree"?

Ah joh weet hijveel, zn partij eist dat ze zeiken over klimaat.

1 vulkaan uitbarsting staat gelijk aan 1000en vluchten met een passagiers vliegtuig.

En dat parijs akkoord is helemaal kanker, leuke stukjes tekst over hoe we het klimaat moeten helpen en dan verstopt ertussen dat europese landen elk jaar (((((klimaat)))) vluchtelingen moeten accepteren.

Yeah I realize that it's being pushed by his party(and their investors and lobbyist groups) but what are his actual statements/pieces of evidence that he has ever given? Would gladly work on refuting them thoroughly.

dood uzelf

Isn't it good for Dutch markets tho? I heard we are leaders in (((green))) innovation

>sea/ship related metaphor

I’d rather be a third world tier poor country than to have to be forced to take in 50k africans every year because muh climate related draughts.

I'm reading their party's point of view on climate change right now and they literally point to 0 pieces supporting their claims. They even call Co2 as one of the main causes of the warming of the planet. How does one manipulate a man so thoroughly that he starts to believe that one of the essentials of all life on earth is what is killing them?

set up genius sperm banks and donor networks (fresh sperm) and pay people to have smart kids, to increase the IQ of the population.

Honestly how do the Dutch possibly go about being MORE green? You've got the most bicycle commuters in the world. How do Dutch leftists make such a big deal about the environment? Why does the public even care?
>They even call Co2 as one of the main causes of the warming of the planet.
I understand a large amount of CO2 from the port of Rotterdam is captured and sold to greenhouses. Yes, the free market did that. Just keep the markets free and things will be fine.

that's good


They mainly make an issue about our coal burning industries(which are among the cleanest already). I seriously can't find what evidences they present in regards to climate change except "muh rise in co2" which they don't even support

We aren't even close to historic measured CO2 levels (I believe we're at like 10% of Jurassic-Cretaceous era). They previous times in history where high CO2 levels were found were followed by glacial periods instead of "warming of climate". If anything the rise in CO2 could cause the next glacial period of the "current ice age".