Muh body muh choice

>muh body muh choice
>•unless we need someone to die for Israel

>u fought for tha wrong side grandpa

Please tell me what we gained from wwii

What did the white race gain from Hitler killing so many white people?

>don't join the military you're fighting for israel

Hitler killed Slavs
Still don’t see how that’s my problem
There was a draft


Slav are a lot whiter that you mutts tho.



>White people fuck themselves up
>Blame jews
>Do it again
>Blame jews
>Extinct by 2150
>Blame jews
White people are dindu nuffins. Always fucking themselves up and scapegoating jews as if there is no personal responsibility. Fool you once, shame on jews. Fool you continuously for 100 years in fucking yourselves up massively to the point of immanent extinction - it's probably your own fault

I don’t care
I am not interested in dying to save their communist governments

wasn't american forces in ww2 overwhelmingly volunteer?

I blame white men for listening to jews

Good thing no white Germans died fighting those battles right?

Good thing that is not my problem


Not on my watch

There were more volunteers in nam


Too easy

>What did the white race gain from Hitler killing so many white people?
Are you sure about that?

More shekels for the jews.

How did you escape your camp?