Go give We wuz gangs the Movie shit rating

Go give We wuz gangs the Movie shit rating imdb.com/title/tt1825683/

Blacks have unbelievably fragile egos


Because they know, deep down, that blacks have never created a modern country that rivals even the most mediocre of modern white countries. They HAVE, however, managed to destroy several formerly white nations which were successful.

They know they are inferior, and desire only to tear everyone else down to their pathetic, mewling level of existence.

If only they were this enthusiastic about fatherhood

remember to put female in your account settings

i'm giving a bad rating because it's been over hyped and my expectations were too high as a result making the "critics" completely dishonest and likely under Disney's influence.

Black Panther sucks ass.

>shit on a movie that glorifies ethnostates and strict border control
why though?

>Unapologetically nationalist
>Anti- multiculturalism
>shits all over political correctness
>masculine, no time for gender bending sissies
>Monarch of a monocultural ethnostate
>Makes political decisions based on the interests of his genetic in-group
>100% racially pure cast, no need to add token minorities for "muh political correctness"

Why the hell is the Alt-Right not fully endorsing Black Panther? If we do, the left will eat itself in despair.
This is literally a redpill movie showing how great an ethnostate can be, why the fuck are we not supporting it?

You want all blacks to live in their own ethnostate just as much as I do. Fuck globalist multiculturalism.


What if you aren't really all that racist, but you find the plot convoluted and the dialogue sort of stunted... it's a real quandary.

I guess, you just plug your nose, go to rotten tomatoes and give it a sincere 100% rating.

create flyers please. I want to see.

because niggers

Black fragility is a real thing


(((Oh wait...)))

>these people have lived in their hermit kingdom while people literally starve to death elsewhere

Nah, I liked the patronizingly positive review angle better. All movie ranking systems have already been pozzed long before Black Panther showed thanks to cultural marxism so there's no standard to "ruin" by making We Wuz the greatest movie ever reviewed.

spread this everywhere.

What an insightful and well worded review.

Did anyone actually see this movie? Was it just your usual marvel garbage with 90% more kangz?

signal boost that shit!!!!!!!

If anything, this is going to redpill normies in to realizing that the "race card" is total bullshit. Soon, they'll all be on the same page as we are and laughing at these baboons.

Niggers even need affirmative action at the film critics.

I am a racist

>Nobody cares about Black Panther movie
>Try to falseflag "operations" on Sup Forums and /biz/ supposedly trying to organize anons to down vote Black Panther on RT
>Nobody bites, everyone immediately sees threads for what they are: falseflag invasion bait for some Snopes/vice faggot to write an article about later
>Wife's bull gets mad that you aren't doing enough to expose the evils of WYPIPO
>decide to try it on Sup Forums

Sorry faggot, we still see right thru you you glow in the dark nigger.

I gave it a 10. I'm not a racist.

im still betting this movie will have a major second week drop off in ticket sales. as passionate as people are pretending to be about a we wuz superhero film, they just wont stay as intrigued with a character no one gave a shit about, or even knew was a thing, before he was dropped into a better superhero's movie. plus this actor is basically a literal who. but maybe im underestimating the mongs who are won over simply by flashy colors and explosions

Like this generic hero movie or u iz a bigot

Wow, they're really itching for a positive review, aren't they?

doesnt matter how good this is, its going to do amazing in sales

The movie isn't even out yet, the only people who have written real reviews are people at newspapers etc who have been to advance screenings

Cold reality. You cannot insult a person by calling them racist. Its like saying they have a nose or eyes or some other commonly held attribute. Someone who wishes they werent racist is akin to a child wishing he had never been born. Get it? Got to work on your insults son.

funny how white super heros are all Something MAN. Black super heros are all animals.

Wakandan policy is the kind of shit we want. Let the niggers stay in their own country, and that's exactly what they're doing. Isolationist, anti-immigration? Can't knock that.

This is what they said about The Last Jedi too...

What about a mediocre rating? Which is not bad but not good.


Did niggers make this too?

if you can't read that, then you white

who would have thought?

Did we just go back to 90s tripod/geocities website design?
Only thing it is missing is yellow text on a black background.

>It has grossed over $1.3 billion worldwide, making it the highest-grossing film of 2017, the 6th-highest-grossing film in North America and the 9th-highest-grossing film of all time, as well as the second-highest-grossing film of the Star Wars franchise

they know im from here so they make my experience as shitty as possible

still shit

Food stamps don't buy movie tickets leaf

update your browser

thats what i said though, it doesnt matter how shit it is, its going to make a ton of money

>your rights end
>where my feelings begin
Never paid for a single marvel movie, but im definatley going to be giving this one some shit.

Episode 9: The Turd Festers

We should praise its accuracy as a historical documentary.


I can't believe these niggers forgot all about Blade.
Hell the first movie was blade, a black vampire, and his black female co-star, VS a small platoon of Euro trash white blond vampires.
It's literally black VS white.
And they act like this movie is the first time there's ever been a black hero in a film. Haha.

People are over hyping it because affirmative action muh oppression muh diversity sheeeeeit

I've been telling you fags this shit for months

niggers are the only animals on this earth that cant create an habbitate
asians do it
whites have it
even fucking arabs in the fucking deserd have it
what is holding you back nigger?

He doesn't care. He doesn't care. He doesn't care.

>idc idc idc

thats the equivalent of a child plugging his ears and screaming to blot out sound he doesnt like

Too Che

any twitter trends we can get going on opening day?

This. Pathetic "journalists" are coming here looking for someone to blame if the reviews go down 1% but the original story of Black Panther is based.

This is awesome and could actually be spread easily.



100% true.
it's a good movie. rotten tomatoes review is simple. is it good or isnt it. if you is it gets 100% from you. if every one that saw it thinks it's good, it will have 100% positive reviews.

i assume that some of you saw 'american psycho' and thought it was good. would you like it if some SJW would give the movie a negative review because 'it depicts violence against women'? no.
a good movie should get positive reviews. it's a given.

It's all so tiresome


You can dislike Marvel capeshit simply because it's capeshit.

Black Panther is one of the boring characters too. Literal Ant-Man tier boring.

you didnt see the movie. it's ok. you can admit it.

10/10 let's do it Sup Forums

Is nigger mocking MCU fanboys or endorsing them?

ikr, "no u" is a retarded non-argument but its literally fucking true, all we're getting accused of, our accusers are guilty of it themselves

I didn't say I did.

Black Panther's comic story is boring. Marvel tends to take their stories straight from the comics too.

Iron Man was pretty interesting with him getting captured and having to use his knowledge to make a suit.

Thor has that Norse myth.

>humans are hypocrites

holy shit, someone get this guy an honorary degree in humanities.

I've seen it already. No different from other MCU movies. Bit too preachy, and the ending needs work - reminded me of Thor 1. Would've preferred less ex machinas.

Christ do you people ever stop with your Jew contrarian rhetoric

These are the black creators of Black Panther. It's puzzling why these two white males changes their names.

I was once told that everybody who doesn,t like Beyonce is racist

Obviously because Hollywood is so antisemitic that they could never have made it there with their real names

i'm sorry for being too intelligent to make an argument you cannot refute, you dumb inferior goy.

I looked this up and it's true.

I hate when political is right.

And it happens fucking constantly.


This is the new ghost busters movioe all over again. "If you don't like it you're _____"

I hope it's good. It'll probably be really good. But the hysteria behind it is amazing. Part of me hopes it sucks so much that the only reason you'd like it is if you're drinking the cool aid of the leftists.

But it'll probably be pretty good.

so they want everyone to lie and pretend a shitty nigger movie is good, even if it's not? that makes niggers even more pathetic and objectively weaker than other races.