What the fuck does this have to do with gender politics?

What the fuck does this have to do with gender politics?

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They replaced class struggle with racial/gender/sex struggle. Everyone is equal but they already have all the same rights as everyone so they have to destroy everything to be ''truly'' equal.

That's bullshit. These people aren't smart enough to being Communist ideas into their ideals.

Who pushed this behind the scenes?

They need another class of “suppressed” people in order to put forth their ideology. The evil rich vs the poor suppressed groups of the world, later only to be taken over by those suppressed groups.
It’s a load of bollocks. They just want to gain power.

Frankfurt school and ya know the heebs

Pushed by (((them))), Frankfurt school and what not.
But it also stems from their genetics. R/K is the true redpill. The poor genetics do not look upon the great as examples but those who suppress them, therefore they are envious of them. They know they can’t do it themselves, so they get a large number of them to take them on. Not to take over, but to destroy it.

>all the politics is just r/K Selection theory

What makes you think you are the wolf ?

Deconstructivism is a branch of post-modernsim, and is the driving train of thought for most social justice causes.

That is horse shit. Equality is a fucking lie. Some people are worth more than others.

Marxism is about destroying all individuality so you can be part of a 100% equal collective, which is impossible. In the mean time they will continue to break apart everything that defines a person. Look at what they fight: religion, tradition, race, gender, sexuality, etc. They are trying to break all these down since they believe they are societal constructs that cause inequality. They haven't realized that not everyone is equal, and they haven't realized that all that society is the reflection of the people that make it up, not the opposite. Until then they will fight the patriarchy boogeyman and whatever the fuck else since Marxism REQUIRES an establishment to fight against.

Come up with a better theory then.

Also, it's all about wording. "Deconstructivism". What does it mean to "deconstruct"? To destroy. Jewish wordplay at it's finest.

This. Equality is preached by the weak in order to get their resources.

If you are fighting against a society you are a part of, are you not also fighting yourself?

>Come up with a better theory then
So even in your wildest theories you can't come up with a reason as to why you should be the wolf ? Wow, you really are the rabbit

This has really been a sleeper redpill for me. Everytime I think about it the parallels deeper and I am at the point that I look at one and look at the other and can't tell them apart for the life of me. I really hope this is common knowledge in the future.

>Preaches myth of equality in the material world
>One world government / Brotherhood of Man
>Claims to advocate for the oppressed
>Has lead to mass death everytime it was implemented
>Politicians that shill for it NEVER redistribute their wealth
>Is marched through the institutions.

>Preaches myth of equality in the material world
>One world government / Brotherhood of Man
>Claims to advocate for the oppressed
>Has lead to mass death in Rhodesia and South Africa. (Europe and American pending - cities are suffering)
>Politicians that shill for it NEVER live in multicultural communities
>Is marched through the institutions.

the frankfurt school basically destroyed western liberal phallogocentric epistemology exposing it for the bourgeois tool it was from the very beginning, designed only to seize power from the aristrocracy while keeping the masses at bay to maximize their capitalist gains

liberalism and marxism are also old as shit and we need to transcend history and humanity and become homogeneous superbeings and basically if you still believe in these outdated as fuck ideologies you are a suburban retard stuck in the beginning of the 20th century

catch up faggot, you can think whatever the fuck you want and you don't even have to make sense, so you might as well think yourself out of your pathethic shackles, and thus gender studies, ethnical studies, liberation theology, etc. were all born

Oh dear, not at all. Alls I said was come up with a better theory then.
Planning ahead finically for my first child which is due in July with the woman I’ve been in love with since I was 13 and not being or sleeping with anyone else could be a factor. Especially at the ripe old age of 23. Is that rabbit behaviour?


The Five-Factor Personality model is a much better theory. It is measurable and has predictive power.

There's a big difference between culture and skin colour.

Multiculturalism fails when the cultures clash.
So then what is diversity exactly?

If you are trying to figure out the logic behind Marxism, you will just be run in a circle by dogma and paradox.

I was a fun social experiment, but that shit is against human nature, or just nature in general.

Either way it’s an understanding how genetics play a massive role of how you function in the world. Pareto Distribution is great as well.

extremely little, Sup Forums is philosophically illiterate

t. person who has done at least basic research on the topic

this user is almost correct, but as much as they want to "destroy everything", that won't happen. Because the jews that are behind all this only care about money, social issues are not a concern. But if you alienate white men long enough, you'll start losing a market, so they're trying their best to lobby for diversity, the more people consume products, the better. Remember that Antifa is labeled as a terrorist organization at the end of the day, Jews don't want anything to do with that, they want capitalism and liberalism, not anarchy or communism

>we swear it's just the color of their skin goyim
I believe culture, like IQ, height, pretty much everything, is "Hereditarian" in nature. Part Genetics, part environment.
American Blacks have had a pull on their behavior by being in a white society leading them to just be niggers as opposed to absolutely rabid like they are in Africa. But they will never be able to appreciate white culture because they will always have only part of its ingredients.
So there can be no separation of race and culture. The question should be what races are compatible? Which is a great and interesting question, unfortunately we are still fighting for people to admit race even exists in a useful sense.

Fun Fact : Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian Fascist whose determination to mathematically expose Marxism created foundational concepts of modern economics.

Bloody marvellous.

I didn't say that. That is what they think. I am a white nationalist with Natsoc leanings.

not sure if satire

Opressed vs oppressor.

Oppressor used to be bourgeoisie

Now it is white men.

I am dead serious. Don't be a useful idiot.
