What the hell is wrong with our world...

What the hell is wrong with our world. Somebody redpill me on why so many Westerners are on psychiatric medications (anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic). This is an old article, but still, it's pretty fucking crazy. What can we do to stop this epidemic?

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xanis are a good recreational drug, try to take a bar , take a bathtub bath chilling with a cigar, faggot.

If you think that is bad, wait until most of them are forced to go off their meds suddenly when the financial system collapses.

My 23 year old sister for example used to be a ruthless child growing up. We assumed she has a chemical imbalance. She would cause a ton of problems, act up, yell at people, assault others, even did this throughout her college years. 2 years ago after failing with a number of psychiatric meds, Prozac worked for her and she's hardly ever irritable, somewhat easy-going. It's scary knowing that she's an easy-going person when she's drugged up and that if she were to get off of her drugs she'd turn back into the nightmare of a zombie she used to be.

Read my post below yours. I know exactly what you mean.

i also find this pretty alarming. my friend group is only about 5 other people besides myself, and 4 of them are on anti depressants. they're also as blue pilled as they come, for what that's worth

I've got a bunch of mental problems and I tried meds and got off them immediately after. The reason so many are on them though is that these people do not fucking ever stop pushing them - not just psychiatrists, but every doctor you ever see about anything if they even get a HINT of you having a mental problem they will obsessively tell you again and again every time you see them the entire time you see them that you need to see a psychiatrist and get medication.

I've done it before. Years ago. Why not just have a cup of ice cream or eat healthily instead? Or a beer or yes, keep the cigar, but why a drug that shuts down your brains receptors?

Is this your sister?


Another form of passive population control from (((them))).

xani feels great to me, i used at as friday ritual, nothing in the line of addicted, i find it very enjoyable to game on my pc or the casino.

Mental illness is hereditary for me
I take the lowest doses possible

Lol, no, but great vid. I mean, my sister was aware of her actions, but my goodness, she was a monster. I couldn't imagine if a guy got into a relationship with her and saw her as a nice, easy-going person and then suddenly she couldn't get her meds and he just became dumbfounded at how evil of a person she actually is. lol hahaha

>in the 60s, the world was normal and people took drugs to make the world look weird
>now, the world is weird, and people take drugs to make it look normal

Look, it's no surprise that more people are on antidepressants/etc year on year. "Normies" aren't happy with the way the world is going either, but we have an outlet in this board and know that other anons feel the same way. Normies just feel like they are the only ones who feel that way, so they repress it and get depressed, hence reliance on jew pharmaceuticals which make them not give a fuck anymore. We need to reach out and help the masses somehow.

you hit the trifecta of degeneracy there bucko

drugs keep the masses docile and stupid, so that they can serve other's wills

I guess I understand. If you're using it in that way then that's not bad, but I just think a few beers and a cigar would be a lot better and better on your mind frankly.

Get people exercising and eating vegan. Boom you will basically drop all cancers and premature diseases by 90%. Everyone is overweight and eating meat and dairy which is riddled with mamillia estrogen, so we suffer from all sorts of preventable shit and have low T. Like legit people eat gallons upon gallons of the secretions of a pregnant female cow and we wonder what the fuck is wrong. It is our diet and lifestyle.

Because jews in the pseudoscience known as psychology enjoy making up fake illnesses with broad definitions that they can diagnose half the population with. The jews in pharma then give them meds they don't need which are addictive enough that they keep coming back for more.

Lol, I drink a half gallon of whole milk a day, not gonna lie, but I exercise and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. I'd like to see what the rate of mental illness is in Mongolians. The reason I want to know is because Mongolians pretty much just consume meat and milk. If they have high rates of mental illness then perhaps you're right, but if that's not the case then you're wrong

People have been eating meat and drinking milk for thousands of years.

I tried a few of these sorts of drugs but they were all completely weak compared to getting drunk. Now I do no drugs at all and life is fucking boring

Also promote the growth of social capital (ie family, community), and mental illness will decrease significantly. This last factor is one reason why we have a drug addiction epidemic.

Because we closed the asylums. Nuts were taking drugs to hide their nut which caused them to have nut offspring which made the problem worse. We're full of nuts everywhere.

Correct. I don't think it's the meat and milk. I think something else is going on. Some people in this thread have had good answers, but I think the explanation for the rise in psych meds is a complicated one

Food additives and monstrous social engineering that creates a brain full of noise and a life full of debt. Even women are superestrogenated. The meds inhibit your serotonin receptors so your brain actually functions and finds motivation rather than constantly dosing on serotonin. As a response the brain is less receptive to its own pleasure and reward centers. Similar things happen with meth use

redpill me about adderall

I've been taking 30mg of amphetamine (sometimes more) every day for almost a year now and I've gotten my shitty life together.

But I never take any other drugs not even simple OTC painkillers. I can't imagine xans or some other shit like that

Two sides of the same coin.

>Jews fuck up the world, turning "neutral" people depressed
>Jews sell a drug to cure manufactured depression in order to make people not care about the problems (((they))) created, allowing them to push more degeneracy and making normal people need more drugs, thus earning more profit



the animals used for meat and milk production weren't being fed copious amounts of drugs and antibiotics and soy-based diets thousands of years ago

You're correct. There really isn't the sense of strong family bands or strong community bonds in Western society that there used to be. No more bowling leagues, game nights, etc. I honestly think the Internet and staying at home to play games or watch videos on your computer instead of getting out with the family/community is really driving a lot of this.

How do you get xanax?
Clonazepam (rivotryl) is more common in our country. And I would recommend it because it has a higher mid-life in your body

The diagnosing guidlines for these drugs are written by the drug manufacturers. The very natural anxiety, helplessness and depresion people feel from living in our modern fucked up world is only remedied by blunting the human perception with these soporific concotions.

Research the us governments involvement with UFOs and the occult and it will make a lot more sense

Start off with Richar Dolan a Rhodes scholar finalist

What you will find after going down the rabbit hole is... very fucking disturbing. Not funny at all. But also very real... a reality we all face. We must figure it out

Uhh, no they're not. Please provide sources. Diagnostic criteria comes from DSM V.

This, mixed with every bad feeling someone has is labeled a fucking major problem by the (((television))) and the (((doctors)))

Can anyone back this up? If true, then damn, that's messed up

Any other leads my good man? Not asking to be spoonfed or anything, just really interested in getting as much information as I can. I'm planning something big (to help the masses) is all.

Does the Adderall actually make you more productive when you take it day in and day out? I heard that the effect wears off as you build up a tolerance. Also, I've heard it can cause brain damage and heart problems with extended use in some people. One person I know specifically has heart issues from it since they were on it for a few years as a kid.

Who do you think writes the DSM framework?

Modern shit depletes your shit. So big pharma sells you a fix. But we’re too uneducated to know its just a bandaid that slowly kills you

President Trump will address the opioid epidemic, but he won't address the 1 in 6 americans rotting their brains from psychiatric medications. The problem is that even though everyone knows these things are exacerbating societal problems and turning people into zombies that aren't themselves, you cannot show people that "x amount of people died" from psychiatric meds and it's hard to put a direct cause and effect on it even though we all know what's fucking going on. Trump really should pull the plug on these medications, but he won't.

Well yeah, that's literally how SSRIs work. SSRI itself stands for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and essentially what they do is block the natural pathways for serotonin to be "retaken" into the brain, meaning that you have a far higher amount of free serotonin in your brain, creating a false sense of happiness/fulfillment. This makes your brain get resistant to serotonin, and means you can't really ever get off of them after you've been taking them for a long period of time. Unless, that is, you can get your brain to produce more serotonin than it was before you started taking them.

Look into the long term effects of hravy MDMA use on the brain. It's a pretty similar mechanism, and pretty similar damage.

Phycologists, peer reviewed documentation, and historical data? Have you read the DSM?

Nobody can.

>pull plug on (((SSRIs)))
>more people depressed than ever before
>attribute it to Trump because he took meds away rather than (((those))) who pushed meds in first place

Shit's all fucked up, user.

Thanks for the explanation. That really spoke a lot to me. This is both astounding and sad.

Was on anti-depressants for years. Quit cold turkey and normalized in about 2 months. Stop perpetuating wives tales. You'll scare people that need help away from potentially life-saving meds.

Benzodiazepine withdrawal is worst than heroin's.It can take up to two or more years for the symptons to fully alleviate(if ever).
Also they have severe effects of your short-term memory.
Check this doc with leading experts on the field: youtube.com/watch?v=xchp6FFn1sc

Agreed, user. It's terrible. And we know which wing on the political spectrum takes all the SSRIs. Damn.

If you read the article, you'd notice that 21% of whites take psychatric meds compared to just 9% of Hispanics. Perhaps the Hispanics having better family and community bonds keeps them from desiring to abuse these drugs.

how many times will edgelords blame jews?


He's referring to (((them))), user. I'm a psychiatrist myself, and even I cannot deny the sheer amount of Jewishness in the field. I've watched it change a hell of a lot over the years. I don't even want to be in this profession any more. I don't even prescribe drugs any more (apart from antipsychotics to those who really, really fucking need them).

Psychology is no longer about helping people, and you'd do well to stay well fucking away from that entire clusterfuck of a field.

I honestly have wondered the same thing. I think there are a few possibilities:

1. The belief that a pill will magically cure all your problems
2. You can't be jailed for possession of prescribed drugs.
3. Some people fake problems in order to gain access to these drugs because see #2
4. Insurance helps pay for the drugs. Why not let insurance pay for it.
5. Many people are unhappy. They are unsatisfied with their hollow lives. Why not snort some adderall as a pick-me-up?
6. Drug manufacturers, despite creating some really great life saving drugs, lobby doctors way too hard to push their SSRIs and anti psychotics.

It amazes me how many people -especially girls take SSRI drugs. I swear doctors pretty much prescribe birth control pills and prozac when a girl hits 13 as a matter of practice. Very sad how fucked up people are these days. I take no medication, I always refuse it unless it's absolutely necessary like an antibiotic which is very rare.

Yeah, I know, lol. I'm just ignoring those people. Big pharma would've arisen with or without the Jews. You should look into Hitler's drug cocktail btw, my god.

I'm more of an Ativan kind of guy myself

Yeah I'm 100% sure a psychiatrist is browsing Sup Forums. If you knew anything about the field you would know that a large amount of the population has testable chemical imbalances in the brain that require SSRI, SNRI, NDRI medications to have any semblance of a normal life. GTFO. We can DNA test for this shit now.

At .25mg xanax roughly twice per week, will I get withdrawal?

Then you were the exception rather than the rule. I've seen many patients fuck themselves up very badly with SSRI use as their serotonin axioms were completely fried.

Do you mind if I ask how long you were on them for? And what the reason was that you quit cold turkey? Assuming that you aren't, of course, a shill.

Great explanation, and I agree. And props to you for staying away from meds. Yeah, personally, I only have coffee before I exercise sometimes and I'll have drinks at the bar with my friends occasionally.

Because life is hard.....and there is this belief that these pills will fix our shitty reality.

Why does such a large percentage of the population have this though? Like my sister as I explained earlier in the thread. Something has to be going on. Clearly natural selection would not have allowed for a sizable number of people with chemical imbalances (genetically defective) to carry on.

Read my earlier posts you fucking brainlet and you'll see exactly why this phenomenon is occurring. And why exactly is it such a surprise that a psychiatrist uses Sup Forums? You shouldn't exist solely for your job, user, and I don't. I have a lot of interests outside of psychiatry. It's just a job to me, same as sweeping the streets. Fuck, I'd rather run a sandwich shop than work in this field right now.

I do like what you said earlier. How in the 60s, the world was normal, and people took drugs to feel weird. Now, the world is weird and people take drugs to feel normal. Seems correct to me

I’m in med school right now and I’m actually thinking about going into psychiatry. We need red-pilled psychiatrists.

Asymmetrical warfare

Post with your real flag jew.

We do. Don't expect it to be a happy job though. Which area of psychiatry are you looking at specializing in?

i suspect there is a very strong correlation between antipsychotic use and leftists right now. i'd say it's half leftists and half stepford wives.

You will gain tolerance pretty quickly because xanax stays much shorter on your organism compared to other benzos and thus your body will crave more and more in a short span of time(just weeks). These kinds of drugs are too dangerous to even consider start using, and I mean dangerous because they totally fuck up your brain in a silent way.
To you and anyone reading this post I absolutely recomend reading this: benzo.org.uk/manual/

Its written by the first person to run a benzo rehab clinic in the world for more than 10 years. Professor C Heather Ashton from New Castle University, look her up if you are already addicted or considering experimenting with this evil drugs.

Oh, most definitely. The right is pretty much against drug use besides coffee and a few beers. Moderates (most) and Right-wingers never have tantrums the way these sjws do.

I used to suffer from severe depression, I had thought about killing myself a lot and was hospitalized twice.

In the past two years I'm a lot better and haven't really been that depressed. All I did was make some lifestyle changes.

>sleep 8 hours a day (i used to be an insomniac and nothing could put me to sleep, now I go to sleep naturally, wake up without an alarm clock and don't need caffeine to get me going)
>quit alcohol
>made good friends
>got a decent job which gives me purpose
>exercised and ate well

I think what I've learned from all this is that we're animals and it's quite unnatural to sit in front of screen all day and eat corn syrup.

If I was to specialize in psychiatry it would probably be child and adolescent psychiatry. However, there are other fields of medicine that also interest me. I’m only a first year student and so I have a long road ahead of me.

I'm on xanax and I'm a fucking Nazi, I suffer from social-anxiety. That's about it.

I used to be a fat tub of shit until I put the fork down, now 217 and 6'2

Not my finest work, but at least you got my drift.

Avoid medications in general and you are probably better off for it. Even now they are studying links between antibiotics and overall health. There are some theories that disrupting normal gut flora can have long term health effects. Obesity is already being linked to their use. google search it if interested.

I am not one of those anti med people, if you need a blood thinner because you have clots then you need it to save your life. Period. But casually accepting every pain med, and every antibiotic is not the best choice.

My wife had surgery not long ago. Do you have any idea how many people we know asked if she had any left over pain meds? She loves to tell them she never took them and threw out the bottle. The sad look on their face...lol

My mom forces me to take them. I feel like a human turned into a docile pet by chemicals.

Western countries have more degeneracy like single motherhood which messes up kids.

I literally just took a Xanax. Stressed as fuck from work and school and life. It helps bring the edge off so I can have a decent night

Parents teach children to hate themselves.

This is basically it.

Niggers don't do it, asians do it -- but to a smaller degree. Only whites love to do this to their children. I don't know why this is so.

Worse you can't just stop or you will likely crash. At best you would need to cut in half, wait a while and half again. I hear stopping can be pretty wicked. But you could try cutting back on the sly.

" It makes no obvious explosive noises, causes no obvious physical or mental injuries, and does not obviously interfere with anyone's daily social life.

Yet it makes an unmistakable "noise," causes unmistakable physical and mental damage, and unmistakably interferes with the daily social life, i.e., unmistakable to a trained observer, one who knows what to look for.

The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon.

The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but that is because of the technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational way, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore, they do not know how to cry for help, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it.

When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and they crack up.

Therefore, the silent weapon is a type of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses. "

---Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

And yeah I know it's degeneracy..I try to minimize my use of it to know more than 0.5 a week (one dose) only shit when shit gets too crazy

And the ones who don't teach children to hate themselves -- teach them to love themselves so the kids grow up complete degenerates.

There is no balance.

Antidepressants lower test. No wondee the us is flooded with spineless soyboys

The the natural reaction to this world, it's the ones that are not or should be medicated that concern me, being ok with the world not heavily medicated means your mentally fucked up

so it sounds like it's helping her then? isn't that a good thing?

She always checks to make sure I’m taking the right amount. I’m fucked.

Great post user. I actually screenshoted this because I want to keep it. I 100% comprehend what you just said and agree.

I guess, but human-beings should be who they were meant to be. They should be who they were born to be. If she can't get access to them at some point, she's just going to revert back to her natural, evil-self.

>What can we do to stop this epidemic?
Put the (((chosen))) in to camps

I take Cymbalta. Since I've started I've lost my suicidal ideations and become employed full time with benefits. I've also started something of a relationship and I've tried my best to leave racism behind. Alcohol and drugs no longer control me.

I still have some major problems in the noggin', but I'm a better man now than I was.

Some of us need these drugs.

Like jordan peterson says, the meaning of life is responsibility. I think that job gives you a lot of that

do you have mental illness?

Life is pretty much boring without em. Don't listen to the propaganda!

> (OP)
>My 23 year old sister for example used to be a ruthless child growing up. We assumed she has a chemical imbalance. She would cause a ton of problems, act up, yell at people, assault others, even did this throughout her college years. 2 years ago after failing with a number of psychiatric meds, Prozac worked for her and she's hardly ever irritable, somewhat easy-going. It's scary knowing that she's an easy-going person when she's drugged up and that if she were to get off of her drugs she'd turn back into the nightmare of a zombie she used to be.
So she's just a normal woman then?

Blame soundcloud rappers and ravers promoting the substance. It's a huge problem in California among teen and young adult girls. Coincidentally (probably not) most of these girls have BPD (Borderline Persoanlity Disorder) and tend to be left-leaning and either pastel goth, nu-goth, or Instagram thot.

Also, a problem I have with my sisters Prozac use is that her problems being serviced by drugs has an effect on the culture as a whole. The shitty parts of society won't change until people's problems stop being serviced by big pharma. Those of us that choose not to use these drugs will have to deal with the weird world we live in as it is.

If it takes Xanz, it belongs in the can.

Probably a combination of fucked up diet consisting of animal products that are pumped full of hormones and other pollutants that accumulate, not to mention an social environment that encourages one to be isolated without a communal support. Then those people are pregnant or have kids while in those states of stress which probably have some epigenetic effect and you combine that with the bad habits of the parents. You jsut have a vicious cycle that fucks everyone.

Not at all. I had PTSD as a child and adolescent, but I'm doing well now. No mental illness. No psychiatric meds

Lol, no. Those of us that have been around her will tell you this is different from most women, and I understand that most females are crazy.