Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni

Who's the main girl?


I am glad that LNs like these are adapted because it will atleast help me in convincing faggots that SAO and Asterick Wars are'nt as bad as they say it is.

The Blonde Princess. Because shes the one who suggest polygamy.

Thanks to that, he got whipped easily, not that his personality helps on it.

>not bad
fuck off

The first episode of this anime was such a masterpiece of how to completely fuck everything up. Bad, boring characters in an unappealing world. No real dialog, just info dumps. No motivation, no drive, no tension or danger. The protagonist is not only your generic stale, featureless mc, but he's also gifted by god to succeed at everything he does for no reason other than he's the protagonist. And the girls have the appeal of a block of wood.

I have to keep watching because I want this to get worse. I want this to be the ultimate trainwreck. And I want to hear people try to justify that it's good.

They look familiar...

I feel that, user.
It's like a morbid curiosity to see just how completely uninspired they can make this show.

Like how can studios even justify this? You might as well animate paint on a wall drying, that'd probably have more character.

>Like how can studios even justify this?
They don't need to. They just need to make money.

The Smartphone

You'd think this would market a specific cellphone to get additional funding opportunities... But they didn't even do that.

>tfw you finally got a series bad enough to bait people with kino posting and being a contrarian
god bless the isekai boom

This also reminds me of girlish number for some reason, all the cast are prob newbies in the seyuu biz

>name of the show starts with Isekai
is there a bigger red flag than this ?

Is this shit as bad as people say it is?

its not bad in the sense like that one martian OVA, it just bland to the extreme, here got it half right, you wanna bad isekai, you wait for the anime adaptation of death march

It's bad in a sense of it lacking anything unique whatsoever. It's bad in a sense that it glosses over literally everything about isekai you've seen before. Every trope is done in this, but like at a rapid pace so your guy in the span of like 10min is every protagonist from other isekai ever.

Welp that was kinda boring i don't know maybe if this was the first fantasy world i have ever seen in my life i would be more interested but i've been playing dragon quest for a decade, like dude there is so much more you can do

have the main guy be unable to use magic so he gets to exploit his phone as a source for infinite knowledge give the phone some magic apps or something don't just give the guy magic godmode in episode one

i find it funny the twins made me remember that one guy from konosuba who wished for the op magic sword that the main character sold like the only way i think i could enjoy this is if it becomes a super comfy slice of life comedy anime with no fights at all

god there are so many good examples of how fantasy worlds work in western media and in classic japanese tales but somehow only a few very special japs still know how to write this kind of story

A perfect, cookie cutter playing it safe isekai adaptation, if you can handle the low budget animation that is
a study on mediocrity, expect a bunch of e celebs doing vids on it cause this is THE low hanging fruit and its juicy as FUCK

That's right. The girls were walking stereotypes

So he marries them all right? Is the idea of sex brought up once? What is the exact plot or goal of this isekai? Konosuba has the "demon king, re zero has Stella. What about this?

It becomes a muv luv later on, and yes he marries and fucks every girl in the harem

So I follow this series, the biggest issue is that the smartphone is never like. Used in battle or anything. He barely utilizes it at all outside of the moments away in the background to do really mundane shit.

The most egregious thing about this isn't that it's dull, it's that the gimmick of the isekai is so underutilized it might as well not even exist.

He does fuck them? For real?

He use it for battle though.

What you and most people on Sup Forums fails to get it (and it baffles me to be totally honest about it) is that smartphone is pure unrefined wish fulfillment shite, you shouldn't had expected nothing above it.

Yes they have the potential to rise above it, but they won't capitalize on that until a new series shakes the industry awake again.

I feel exactly as you do bro.

Fuck you, Isekai Shokudou is great

it's fun and cute girls, i like it

Anyone else just likes to go out for long walks hoping that maybe someday a portal, lighting or truck san isekais you

god, if im doing so well without magic in a shithole full of terrible people i can save whatever fantasy world full of kind hearted people you sent me to

for anal

You'll just get disappointed if you're expecting trainwrecks. The story is just a bland comfy adventure with an overpowered protagonist and convenient plot devices. Later on, for example, he searches for ancient advanced ruins in order to turn them into a sekrit base, something like that. Kinda like Skyrim house mods where you have to finish the quest first before getting all the fancy stuff inside (and you use cheats, lol). Yes, I read the WN. That's why I know the story in the first place.

It's the same feeling as reading AARs on Paradox Forum. Everything is so terribly convenient, lel.

This has to be the most generic by the numbers anime I've seen in a long while.

even the animation is extremely boring.

the characters are bland.
the premise is bland.
the plot is non existent.
nothing interesting happens.
the weapons/powers/magic system is boring.
I mean even the fucking "grand food" he makes is literally vanilla ice cream.

how is it "fun" what does "fun" even mean in this situation? Define what you mean by "fun" as all definitions of "fun" for me this show did not meet.

>cute girls
hundreds of better shows with cuter girls.

without looking on a wiki/googling what are the names of these "cute girls". Do you evne remember? Hell whats the name of the MC?


what eludes my understanding is the Sup Forumsfags shitting on this
its like anita all over again

I like shows like this because they have everything I love about anime. Cheesy power fantasies with cute girl harems are the best.

>Sup Forumsfags
You mean Sup Forumsfags, right? There is no such thing as a Sup Forumsfag anymore.

I hope he keeps that dumb smiling face for the whole show, his life is so stress-free there can't possibly be a situation where he has to show any other emotion.

true that, video games got too popular for their own good and now its board became a hellhole