G'day lads. Looks like Melbourne got enriched with another terror attack again. Be sure to spread that on social media.

>'Islamic State-inspired': Woman charged over stabbing in Melbourne

>Plan to use Illawarra steel for defence vehicles to shore up manufacturing jobs

>Statistics paint clearer picture of crime scene in Victoria

>Former treasurer Wayne Swan to bow out of federal politics

>That sinking feeling: trust in politicians lower in Australia than in most other countries

>CLP handed $200,00 by Cormack Foundation

>Jim Molan offers lesson in courage for gutless Greens

Other urls found in this thread:


>crosspost from last thread

>mfw work in a law firm
>mfw high volume of legal aid clients
>mfw just got referred a somalian with 5 pages of criminal history
>mfw he's a refugee
>mfw he's not even a boat person, he was flown here from the camps after being accepted by our humanitarian intake
>mfw he has never been employed
Think about all the money that has already been wasted on this nigger. Think about all the money that is yet to be wasted. Think about the people like me, who make their livelihoods solely off being paid by the government to pass this nigger around from government service to government service solely to keep him occupied and away from the white Australia so that Australians don't realise the problem.

Because I think about it.



>The most serious are child sex offences, but on the less serious end of that bracket of crime (hence why he's not still in prison). Since then it's mostly failure to comply with reporting conditions.

Lots of petty violence and unauthorised dealing with shop goods and so on.

what does child sex offences mean, did he fuck kids or just have sex with other teenagers and send dick pics etc?

>what does child sex offences mean
Grooming and so forth. I haven't read the court brief in depth because those are finalised offences but I get the impression it was a family member.

sounds like an upstanding member of the community, so glad we let him flee his war torn country. we should have this fine fellow speak at schools about how you should take lollies from a stranger and that constable care is a cunt

I want him back so bad

They're just dumb.

No impulse control, stupidity, and shamelessness and entitlement combine to form the petty criminal. But stupidity is the main factor.

eat three onions in front of a mirror while chanting guess who's back, tony's back and he will appear

do you have to take on any legal aid case your firm gives you? shit like this would shit me off If I had to defend someone like that in court

I want him back just to make the left have epileptic seizures but apart from that he won't do anything good. Except stop more boats.

So you need criminal nigs just to have a job.

I wish that was true. I would do it all day and all night.

Yep, sure do. I mean you can weasel your way out of it if you really want to but it's free money so why would you? Also people have a right to legal representation even if they're subhumans.

Solicitors (that's us) have more lee-way but barristers are bound by the cab-rank rule - they have to take any brief from any person so long as that person can afford their fees (and they have time to work on it and so on). It's set up that way so that a) everyone has an equal opportunity to get good legal representation regardless of if they're being flayed by the media or are public enemy number one and b) it means that the barristers who DO represent public enemy number one can point to the cab-rank rule and say "I didn't have a choice, honest!" (while pocketing the cash).

Whites make up the bulk of our clients because there are more whites than blacks. We just need criminals.

who /apprentice/ here?

>tfw want to get job because bored af
>cant get job

I don't know how to respond to this, part of it makes me fucking disgusted because it just seems like money is all that is cared about

Just blame the jews.

get a hobby? go buy a cheap fucking guitar and teach yourself or something

Way ahead of you
I had a hobby of gaming but gaming has died
Jews ruined it

ha ha guy that got stabbed had her living with him. Was a student that arrived one month ago.

This is Australia's future you know it to be true.

>it just seems like money is all that is cared about
The law isn't served if only those "worthy" of legal representation are represented. Everyone has to be able to access lawyers or there's no point even having law because of how utterly unequipped a self-represented litigant is to defend themselves. If we choose not to represent people because we don't think they deserve it, that's not justice.

At the same time, lawyers gotta eat too. You pay us money, we represent you. And hey - if you tell me you didn't do it, it's my job to believe you.

do you feel bad if someone get's off when you know they fucking did it just because you managed to convince a jury that they might not of done it?

No, because
1. I can't possibly know that they did it and still claim in court that they didn't, because that would be misleading the court which would get kicked out of being a lawyer. It's not allowed to run a defence based on "He didn't do it" if the client has told me he did, because I'm not allowed to lie. I could run a defence on "He did it, but it was self defence," for example. So long as I don't say anything I know to be untrue. So the only time someone would "get off" would be either if they had a defence to the charge, or if I only suspected they did it, and didn't know "for sure." I might /suspect/ they did it, but my suspicions are as meaningless as yours - only the jury matters.
2. If they 100% definitely did it, and the prosecution fails to prove this in court, then the law isn't served by me taking it upon myself to sabotage their defence. If the defence is cooperating with the prosecution to put someone in jail you've got a kangaroo court, not justice. Even if they're guilty. If they're guilty you should be able to prove it. If you can't prove it, how do you know they're guilty?

But for 99% of lawyers this never comes up anyway because pretty much every criminal client pleads guilty because pretty much all of them are - and obviously so. Fighting a pointless trial serves nobody, and in the case of a legal aid client it's not allowed. People funded on the basis of a legal aid grant have to take the advice of their lawyer or they lose funding.

Aren't they Korean?

who /wagecuck/ here?

How do I stop being nihilistic and live with purpose Aus/pol/?

watch anime

already do that. a lot

Lads, pack it up. We're not a real country.

same, I must have watched around 30 episodes of various shows today

She's right. We're a Chinese colony now.
I did that much for like a week but couldn't sustain it atm I'm watching the Monogatari series. Run out of good stuff to watch or just get distracted. Got any recommendations?

Pic related is mal, but I've forgot to update it occasionally.

This is what happens when you make your universities Marxist indoctrination camps. You get a lot of dumb people becoming academics because they are well-trained at parroting out the same shit. It's not the initial error that's so concerning with this story; it's the teacher's stubbornness to listen to someone else or do any type of research initially that's the problem. She was probably a minority.

Sadly, Australia is becoming much the same way. I know Arts students who have developed the capacity to talk about Australia needing to become more diverse very well but not much else.

I wish we could get an education reform through like Shinzo Abe's. Get highschools and primary schools to teach love of country and Australian history.

yeah the top 50 of Mal is good, I just finished watching Clannad, 100% recommended

Welp Lads looks like I might lose my job because I was talking to a South African coworker during a quite period. About the farms being attack as he mentioned how his uncles farm has been attack but they fought them off.

Cue flamboyant faggot lisp and all faggot coworker jumping in saying it's its happening that often, that the white farmers deserve it and we are racist for speaking about it because the offending party are niggers.

I fucking hate the degenerate left sooo fucking much they have lost all ability to use reason and logic in their arguments. I pointed out his double standards he still thinks it's racist because muh poor oppressed blacks/browns and still yelled out racism.

Right Death Squads When? I sooo getting sick of this blatant anti-white propaganda brainwashing being pushed in western society and media.

>Cue flamboyant faggot lisp and all faggot coworker jumping in saying it's not happening that often, that the white farmers deserve it and we are racist for speaking about it because the offending party are niggers.

who else here is going to america to live in freedom?
i am fucking done with this country, melbourne is like east germany.

Don't ever show your power level user. It only leads to bad things.


I just said people being killed is a horrible thing

If any of yous vote Liberal i'll smack ya

Yeah but you were talking about South Africa and "White Farmers". Mate, white people get no sympathy.
I'm voting liberal in the SA state election, afaik its only Libs vs Labor in MOST electorates (I think Xenophon is running in 2 and Bernardi in 1).

>Yeah but you were talking about South Africa and "White Farmers". Mate, white people get no sympathy.
I hate what the left has done to western soceity.

Its annoying. Just have to sit there and take it or be labeled a nazi/white supremacist and risk losing your job. I'm concerned I'll fuck up and say something at Uni and some cockhead will spread my name across the internet and I'll be unemployable.

Keep in mind, I don't browse Stormfront or anything like that, I only support Pauline Hanson/Cory Bernardi, so I'm not about to go waving a swastika around, but I do have strong anti-immigrant views which would get me labeled a "fascist".