Humans can't survive on just meat!

>Humans can't survive on just meat!
step aside

absolutely tru, cause you need fresh water too. eskimos melt snow and get their water from that

It's been fairly well known now that you can survive on just meat.
Read "Why WE Get Fat" and watch "The Perfect Human Diet"
The guy who said you should eat grains, like a cow fattened for slaughter? Jewish.

they also drink blood

I eat 98% meat. Spices for flavor. Been at it for years. Great results.

>this kills the soyboy

child's blood. In uganda they do not have water so they drink child's blood.


Where grain had to be meticously stored in relatively pristine conditions, meat was available year round.
A poor harvest or destruction of the grain would have forced them to wait for months until agricultural produce became available again.
Honestly it still surprises me when people absolutely insist that they need that loaf of factory bread not because they like the taste, but because they genuinely believe they'll die without its carbs.

>so they drink child's blood.
Jews do this too

I can survive on beer and tobacco. it's actually really strange I don't remember the last time I done a shit

Would have been a perfect picture if the child with the cup had his pinky out.

they should have built an airplane and fuel out of gaja and flown south.

Chinks aren't human, I thought we had established that.

Am transitioning to a meat/egg diet currently. Partly because it's an easy way to stay away from carbs, partly because I believe this is what humans meant to eat.

I already notice the differences. More energy, need less sleep. Small ailments like tight muscles go away etc.

People living in those latitudes are obsessed with meat.

Ozzie post is best post

You should also ass nuts like almonds, pecans, and walnuts. Very high in fat and protiens, very low in carbs. Also it's the most natural thing for humans to eat next to berries.

Turns out you have to eat the whole animal and not just select cuts.
>Liberals will never understand that eating meat is more than just eating flesh.


They aren’t obsessed, they just literally can’t grow crops because of the weather. It’s hardly a choice.

Not going to ass any nuts man. In all seriousness though I might try to add them when I find the diet to get too stale. But I first want to see how it goes for me before doing that.

>they eat just meat
They have one of the highest fat diets in the world. Fat is the key to all survival diets and staves off rabbit fever.

They do have some vegetables though

gee it's almost like if you eat cartilage your body can make cartilage out of the digested parts. I bet none of them have arthritis

let's hunt endangered wales because of muh traditions

Trips of truth. Thank you Australia.


traditional whaling does not endanger the whale population. it's when people use modern technology to saturate the market of asian dicklets who use whale shit as an aphrodisiac.