The Absolute State of British Television

Why do they do this?

Other urls found in this thread: of london&rlz=1C1AVNE_enDE781DE781&oq=pop&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j69i59j0j69i60l3.4995j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Because its true

My Ancestor.

(((They))) told them to, because UK is slated to have their people exterminated and replaced.
Because lies are what (((they))) do.

Yes - 10,000 years ago.
Tell the hoards entering Europe there's a 10,000 year wait to enter, and they have to turn white.

Why the fuck did they make it look like it's gonna ask me for spare change at any moment?

They seriously do believe that Britain as an actual country was once black. I'm not joking. They've been on the news this week spouting this crap.

is that an elf on the bottom left?

Is that "Roman soldier" GAY?!?!?!


London is 70% non-white.
BBC is in London.
They're just reflecting their demographics.

Because Britain is a biological entity doesn't exist to these people--or worse, they are ashamed of it being so.

Because black people would cry if history was portrayed accurately. Gotta make sure they feel included, otherwise they might not vote

it's just a really tan white guy, not afro.

By the way blacks, asians and gays as a percentage of our population are overrepresented at the BBC, but they’re pushing for more. Blacks are 3% of our population, but anything above that isn’t seen as being overrepresented, it’s seen as being more representative. 1.5% of our population is gay, but you’d think it was more like 40% judging by the amount of gays you see on the BBC.
An attempt to be representative of our ethnic demographics: bullshit.

>London is 70%
So like only 2 millions white live there now or what nigger?
> of london&rlz=1C1AVNE_enDE781DE781&oq=pop&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j69i59j0j69i60l3.4995j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

To be honest, the ethiopian king was the only one who could fight achilles one v one. They were on the same level in fighting skills and both were half gods. Achilles was probably a black man too.

>mfw I can't buy a H&K G36

They actually think this is evidence blacks were here when William the Conqueror invaded. We're a "nation of immigrants" now apparently.

No that's friar tuck.

BBC can't handle criticism at all.

If ONE person complains, they back down. One dissenting nigger voice calling for diversity?

They change the whole fucking thing.


Germans like to make guns no American can buy and sell them to people who can't legally use them.

Wtf are you talking about you muppet.

>holds Walther CCP tightly

Tho how does 40 year olds and younger doesn't notice it? I mean they were in school before us and should know that they weren't any niggers in ancient times? How many are redpilled when they see (((this)))?

Someone explain what is this meme?

lmao. Ive known quite a few swedes abd a fair amount of Brits and the Brits might be worse. Swedes tend to be even keeled and hesitant to fight back in my experience but I never met one like the number of Brits Ive met who seemed obsessed with denigrating their own people and history


To slowly normalize the demographic change


All examples from the BBC literally a corrupt money grubbing shill corp that expect everybody in Britain to pay over a £100 a year to finance this bullshit propaganda

Don't forget the BBC discriminates against white men and is proud of it.

Dont forget BBC literally have a Pidgin english section just for blacks who can be bothered learning to read, this is the sort of shit they speak in london



That's how I see and hear it, I'm also afraid to ask, but how many jews are in BBC? 100%? 200? Over 9000?

The black people in Europe during the Middle Ages ones are the ones that piss me off most. When I was a kid they would show black Anglo-Saxons on educational shows which started me on my journey to the red pill. The others are either potentially possible or fiction and are okay by me but the 3rd one is annoying.




...why are kikes so obsessed with the white race

To make Sup Forumstards and similarly mentally ill fuckfaces cry, which is good and cool.

battle of troy, you history illiterate fuck.

Is this Cheddar man Sargon's granddad?

anti-White genocidal monster detected

basically, the king of ethiopia fought against achilles in the battle of troy. he was known as the only man who could fight one versus one against achilles. The king of ethiopia was also believed to be a half god, the son of a deity (i think his mother's name was eos). most "greek" heroes are descendant of african bloodlines. herakles, for example was a descendant of danaos (danaos was brother of egypt). the "greeks" admired their phoenician and ethiopian ancestors, to the point of elevating them into god like status.

here's memnon, king of ethiopia

here's herakles, a half giant black man