Is there some kind of list for things the white man has stolen from the hard working folks of color?

Is there some kind of list for things the white man has stolen from the hard working folks of color?



i simply want evidence/proof


FACT: black people invented white people

No wonder his "whiskey" tastes like shit.

There was a list, but the white man stole it.

You want my source on that? Too bad, it's mine. I stole it from a black guy.

This post itself has since been stolen by a white guy.

White guys can and do steal everything.

Except bikes.

Yes. It’s called Wikipedia.
Stay woke.

No because we aren't niggers. Except for the Irish

>tfw paddy

Is this twitter black history month shit just ironic shitposting or retarded fake news?

>black people invented white people

Shitposting that they actually believe.

All the inventions were stolen by whitey Google told me so

>Nearest Green
The most believable part of that article

>clock boy

Clock boy gave us so much material.

Don't you fucking dare! Our Paperclip Nazis worked hard to develop the so called AIDS virus! After all these years of field testing I'm sure that a selective bio-weapon has been developed.

Irish are based. Fought oppression and colonizaton from the world power of the time. Have tons of kids.

The potato famine was caused by the english fucking up their fields, destroying harvests and buying up all the potatoes.


Incredibly misleading title for that clickbait artice. Couple of things from a Tennessean:

>A preacher/grocer hired Jack Daniel as a boy to work for him, and thought he showed some promise/interest as a stiller
>The preacher's slave--Nearest Green--was himself pretty good with the still
>The preacher set Jack to work with Green so that Green could teach him how to work a still
>Jack Daniel's whiskey wasn't "invented" by Green, Green just taught the young Jack how to work the preacher's fucking still
cut to
>The preacher frees Nearest Green later
>Green freely chooses to continue working with him and Jack
>Jack opens his own stillery
>Jack hires Green to work with him because they're homies and Jack is a cool guy
>Greens sons and grandsons were all offered jobs at Jack's stillery and all worked for the Daniels family
>Nearest Green taught Jack Daniels how to work a still when he was young, and Jack respected him as his boyhood teacher so much that he guaranteed Green's family employment for generations

meanwhile, in current year:
oh, and also: if you read the NYT article that popularized this story, you'll note that it is 100% oral tradition, and has NEVER ACTUALLY BEEN VERIFIED HISTORICALLY. Even still (no pun intended).

>find picture of famous person with a black person in their general vicinity
>make up fan fic about how the black person is actually the entire reason the famous person is famous, but this "fact" has been lost to history cuz racism

This is actually considered a worthwhile and profitable thing to spend your time on in the current year plus 3

Thanks TNanon

I wish it was fake but it's all part of this movement with black people claiming to be "woke". That history is just whitewashed and black people were Kangz etc....
Hell I've seen some stuff going about how blacks where first to discover America and the natives were originally African.

>i'am 1/16th irish on my step-mothers side so you can call me paddy

So who taught Nearest Green to use the still? Because by the logic they are using THAT person invented Jack Daniels.

>three of the results are screenshots of that query

Which one of you fucks is doing this? Great bait, but niggers actually believe this shit.


LMAO, so any time a white inventor is seen sitting next to or talking to a black guy, he must have stolen the inventions from said black person... seems about right.

It wasn't "Stolen". The nig gave the knowledge to whitey and whitey capitalized on that idea. And the nig was property therefore apart of jack's brand

How did an African man teach a white man about a type of alcohol that already existed in white nations and not in Africa?

for posterity user

There need to be more stories like this circulated around. It hits a lot of birds with one stones.
>those evil whites treating slaves so horribly
>muh ebil gabidalism
>blacks and whites not being at each other’s throats
That’s the one thing that always bothered me about the narrative behind slavery. Poor treatment of slaves is made out to be par for the course, yet there are plenty of stories where those same supposedly abused slaves stuck around and served their former masters


This, but they refuse to teach it in schools to keep blacks down.

>giving anyone knowledge
pick one

Just another reason never to hire a black person or have your photo taken with one. All your accomplishments will be washed down the drain with delirious fan fiction written by a bitter loser who has nothing to show in life but a timeline of bitter resentment and jealousy.

Nice, thanks user. Always a rare surprise to get capped. Post it well
Yeah I mean... there were probably a lot of bad dudes but it's overly politicized. Green and Daniel were bros--they both worked in this shitty little barn at the outset brewing bad whiskey together. It's fucking anime-tier comfy. Also, the black fella in OP's picture isn't Nearest, it's 'likely' one of his sons. Still, most black employees would be made to stand in the back row for similar photos taken by comparable businesses at this time so it is striking that young master Green there is sitting next to Jack himself. In any case... definitely not a HUWHITE MALE STOLE BLACK INVENTION story by any stretch of the imagination.


My grandparents on both my mom's and dad's side came from Ireland in the 1910s.

Guess I'm not Irish.

When you're so black you start to steal history
>pic unrelated

Belgians arent exactly known for liquor distillery and Congolese people generally werent brought to the Americas.

niggers stole the credit for inventing peanut butter

>learned a trade
>open your own business
>hire several of the children of the man who may have helped teach you some of the trade
Das steelin’ White boy

thats a fucking poo in loo

PFFFFTTT... 'Shakes head many times'..

Niggers.. The ultimate meme race..

Nearest Green is something the slaves used to talk about.. they wanted to get away to better pastures.. I have known a few sub nigger tier nogs and they always mentioned things like this...

There was one nog i worked with at wal-mart who smoked meth and he said he worked in a glass or ice factory... Was a total degenerate piece of shit.. He spoke of these things..

Another nog that i used to work with was named Baron (dont know why)... He was a fucking asshole.. Basically a nog rapist that goes on to get a job... He called me McCaully Culkin Because i was white.. Tried to fuck with me before i understood about PC (2002)..

Terrible people to say the least.. It has made me hate all negroes, and almost all Hispanics.... I will not forgive or forget these incidents..

First person on the Moon was Nelly Legweak, who was a black handicap lesbian women.

Needs more ellipses