Imagine if this was said about women

Imagine if this was said about women.

As in an escalator to women, or there being a sign designating that that escalator is for men and children?

Either way, I don't get it.

Designating that it's for women*

Hm, okay. Let me imagine it...

>This doesn't work outside of a patriarchal construct, you shitlord
>LOL lonely virgin hiding behind a frog tries to make a funny. What a cuck!
>Oh, did we hurt your widdle white feewings, you pwivewedged baby? So sowwy!

I imagined it.

It’s implying that men on twitter are children.

Isn't everyone on twitter a child?

That photo is actually a good example of the rabid materialism of women.

These clothing shops have a floor dedicated entirely to women, which is usually packed.

The upper floor, sometimes smaller, is enough to men and children, and it's usually much less occupied by either customers or items.

>Imagine if this was said about women.
Still butthurt over that "Girl's Dress Half Off" sale meme.


>t. woman

I think it's a clothes store indicating that the men and childrens' sections are on the same floor, since more than half of the store is womens' clothes.

Wait can we back up a second
What are we upset about, the implication that Twitter is largely composed of men and children? Because that's what's being said.

You wanna imagine what would happen if there was a sign that said women, children and you said "oh look, Pinterest?" Nothing, user. Because there's nothing pagetoid about that mildly humorous statement.

Can you pinpoint the tone where you started getting off on literally just fantasizing about other people being outraged?

Which is the irony since she herself is technically one for pointing out something that childish.

So what? Women like clothes more. No matter if they're a preppy chick or a smelly hippie, they all love their clothes.

If anything it's saying women are children because men are already labeled

Came here to post this. Everyone already accepts women have the minds of children.

As a man you aren't suppose to be offended by shit like this. Feminists have a bunch of double standards. Feminism is a corrupt ideology. Feminism is cancer. Feminism causes hate to rise between sexes. Everyone on Sup Forums already knows this. By being offended by shit like this only perpetuates hate. If you believe that men are more mature than women then stand firm in your belief and stop getting offended over their hypocrisy; instead find a good one and grow together.

Seriously, how is giving this cunt attention helping? By retaliating you are perpetuating ((((/misogyny/)))) and feeding her hatred towards men. Imagine if every feminist was ignored. Their ideology would stop growing and they would lose any political power. Instead you keep feeding into the cycle of hatred which gives them leverage for for them to explain why we ((((/need feminism/))))

It doesnt need to be said.

>an escalator to twitter
lol, thats funny though. i wonder what man wrote that joke for her

>how is giving this cunt attention helping?
This is it in a nutshell.
Women live for attention - good, bad, doesn't matter. By giving a shit what this woman thinks, you're validating her and her beliefs.
Don't do that.

but I use twatter on my phone? why would I need to go upstairs?
women will never stop being awful at comedy.