What happened to the Internet?

Aside from Sup Forums, there is no free speech left on the Internet. Ten years ago, it was the Wild West, with dozens of fun websites. What happened?

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yeah i wonder (((who))) or what started to monetize and censor the internet

yes yes, its always the jews...

Ten years ago it was easier to monetize a website. Now for every new dollar that's spent on the internet, google and facebook get around 80 cents.
So, adblockers and big guys

I think it's partially that people found websites that they liked, and used them. Then they got bought up by larger media companies. Then those companies instituted various censorship regimes on them. This happened to reddit, twitter, etc.

Free speech is RAYCIS



>10 years ago
>media still strong
>realise they're going to die unless they evolve
>rich media giants find decent web services
>buy them
>monatise them
>internet becomes easier to use
>smartphones/tablets made the internet easier to interface with
>internet seemingly accessible anywhere
>most traffic floods to sites like FB and YT (reliable ones)
>shit sites try to keep up by "copying the masters" (Chinese thing)
>industry forms around the internet
>everyone's out to make money
>advertisers = biggest source of revenue
>cencorship of "vulgur content" appeases advertisers

The internet's not even that old either, so who knows how bad things will get before they get better.

The only way to circumvent this is to build an internet that doesn't rely on advertisers, ISPs, or government-controlled infastructure. But lol good fucking luck with that.


It was quickly becoming a problem for ((them))

>What happened?


This. The internet has been getting consolidated for quite a while now. The majority of normal internet traffic goes through an increasingly smaller number of owners.

future of america

>advertisers = biggest source of revenue
>cencorship of "vulgur content" appeases advertisers
That's the narrative, and to a certain extent it might be true, but it ignores a lot of censorship and the question, "Why don't advertisers like 'vulgar content'?" and the whole media ***((((media))) reaction to it.

I agree. Just look at what happened it reddit. It used to be pretty kiked, but there were still palces like cootown etc.Now it's just a leftist echo chamber with some atheists trying to be edgy.

before than the only people on the internet where people with computers and to operate a computer back then you had to be competent enough not to fuck it up.

When i was human, glitch.

wrong. pol is not free, its just harder to tell shills apart.

Dude, I was around in 1980s usenet groups. It wasn’t free speech either. I remember the first steps of the www... no free speech either.

There were always SJWs around fucking over you.

Normies happened. Social media happened. Akamai happened. Go look up just how many websites are under the umbrella corp of Akamai.
At first glance, it appears to be based in Hawaii, but upon further inspection, the trail leads back to Oy Vey land.

The same thing that happened to the actual wild West.

And no one remembers he stole fakebook from a black man, it was a black person dating site out of Austin,Texas go ask the blacks there, then white started using it as a new my space.

over the last 10 to 15 years the amount and range of people using the internet has grown to the point that there is no internet community anymore. Sure there are perhaps communities that exist largely on internet but there is no "internet culture".

So where it was once you can call someone a dick and it was just the internet, now its internet bullying, and people get arrested.

you thought you could go up against corrupt billionaires and putting trump into office would absolve you of having to work hard to protect it

There won't ever be such a thing as free speech as long as we have laws again "hate speech" which is pretty much opinions you disagree with.

It's all or nothing.

maybe over in euroland, but over here in burgerworld everything was up to the sight admins who ruled over their forums like god-kings, some times you would get good places (Sup Forums is the last example of a good old style forum).

we are living in the post-community era, Sup Forums is the last vestige and will soon die.

>What happened?
due to the large number of visitors it became a public space
and public spaces are policed and interest groups begin to dictate this and that

I was there when the internet was free. I remember when I first noticed that access restriction began, through login and account data. Back then it was unusual that you needed an account for anything (exception forums). Nobody asked for names and emails. You just went where you wanted.
I remember the early days of youtube as well.
I remember when we fought against steam because we wanted physical products and not just digital stuff you had to download with always online restriction garbage like today

all of that shit is gone now. Soon they'll charge money for entry email names and telephone and all that. Shitty times

People get so offended so easily these days you cant even play around with them, and human contact is becoming a taboo. The Crybaby generation.

Because a car manufacturer doesn't want to promote their product on a fourm where everybody says nigger, Jew, kike.

If you could say the sort of shit on Facebook as you could here, Facebook would lose a lot of ad revenue.

It became, or always was, a for-profit endeavor funded by advertising.
And marketing panders to the majority view in order to maximize profit.
A fringe of free speech purists isn't a large enough market to cater to so here we are.
Someone says nigger and they in turn become the untouchable nigger.

I know that feel. This is the only place I go online now, everywhere else feels so foreign and alien.

His colorblindness issue drives my mind mad trying to think how it sees. He gets $6 a day on each account. Over 2 billion users world wide.



ja I only come here because of the nostalgia.
I came here from Sup Forums years ago because b became complete garbage. Today I think Sup Forums holds the place Sup Forums used to have

Jews need to start culling their own herd of rats like this

Jesus wasnt Jewish thats why they killed him, but the jew bot is definitely Jewish!

Good kids trying to get an education.

It always reminds me of that scene at the end of Casino, where he looks on in disgust as the old people pour into the casino while remembering what it once was.

Back in the day the internet used to be for the foxes and wolves, but now the grazers have caught up and think that it’s for them.


Basically in 1996 WJC signed the Telecommunications act that destroyed all local and regional media and ownership consolidated into its current form.
This also indirectly/eventually gave rise to the 24hr news cycle, CNN, MSNBC, FOX all developed out of the mergers of AOL.
h ttps://www.fcc.gov/general/telecommunications-act-1996
You won't find it explicitly stated that the Telecom act created this environment but I'll submit to you this wiki snippet:
>MSNBC and its website were founded in 1996 under a partnership between Microsoft and General Electric's NBC unit, hence the network's naming.
This stuff didn't come out of nowhere. There was probably intense lobbying to get the media consolidated under the control of these massive corporations.
What we have now is the genesis of this mass-media consolidation, WWII propaganda techniques and more modern COINTELPRO probably.
Basically they can control the signal to noise ratio of all media, all websites, all radio now. If you listen watch or read media you have to be so fucking aware of all the little techniques used to distract, diffuse, discredit and deceive in order to figure out wtf is going on.
That's my 2 cents anyways. Not an expert in the subject matter or anything.

Good call, there's really no telling how much bots have fucked everything up.

Especially during the election, It was like we where back in 2006. Now that it's over I feel more depressed than ever.

That's a teacher covering their ass.
Teachers up with the ZOG machine.


We should make everything green so this bot cant see us. ( ;

Fuckin smart phones happened.

You should get a hobby and meet some people in rl

I wasn't there 2006. Joined 2009. I remember how nostalgic people were about 2006 & 7


Trash blog will solve this problem

Hordes of normies came and they were closely followed by (((advertisers))) and (((profiteers)))

They eliminated the litmus test of being able to set up your own connection and finding the sites

2006 and 2007 where the golden years

I do but the internet is no longer the thing I fell in love with and that makes me sad.

beat one i've seen

We got to take their remote jewish breast plate to control the bot.

The Internet will be shut down if it continues. All we need are shovels and Kevlar snips.

Because the internet gave people access to facts and information without the filter of the mainstream media. Also it allowed people to trade ideas, and thoughts that were not in step with popular opinion. Since the Left comprises mostly of whiny screaming four year olds who can't entertain the possibility of different viewpoints, they naturally felt they needed to wage intellectual jihad against it.

Also, because noobs were the minority, or at least had no wizard-power and were therefore irrelevant, noobs were pretty much forced to obey the rules of the internet or they'd get harassed until they an heroed
I think a significant factor was also that the internet was homogenous, and everyone was a 40 year old virgin pedo, but now the internet has gone all multi-kulty.

Like the crap on the Internet isnt a bunch of lies. If i believed everything on google then human anatomy has changed.


It's called consolidation.
Strengthen governments and corporations, weaken individuals.

Those governments and corporations are controlled by individuals.

It seriously needs to be! I get my popcorn and go to the park to watch all the parents glued to their phones while their children are falling off the play equipment crying. 2yr old birthday girl drowned at her birthday party around 20 adults, glued to their phones. Teachers are glued on their phones not teaching ask the children. 2yr old gets out while parents were reading the news on their device and was hit by a car died. My circle of friends is small and 3 people i know within 6 months have lost their tikes and their all social media junkies.

The morons got involved, they always fuck everything.

We shall assemble together at the libraries and bookstores Wearing green!


they look like 'juvies' from judge dredd comics, they are proving to be less satire and more prophesy by the day

My brother once made a gorilla at the zoo shoot the finger, didnt take much effort on his part.

Its gentrification and it's cyclical.

Start colonizing the Dark web,
We can call it the gray web.

What do you think?

A couple of decades ago, the Internet was mostly the territory of white people, mostly white men. As Internet access became more affordable, more demographics started bleeding into the Internet but it was still majority white. Then came cell phones with Internet connectivity. Suddenly for the first time blacks, shit skins, Arabs, shitholers from the third world in general, were let into the magical world of the Internet. The final nail in teh coffin was social media. With all these new idiots, social media flourished more than ever before. Now FB, Twitter, etc are ubiquitous and by the very nature of what they are as platforms they are forced to kowtow to the millions of unwashed masses who demand all sorts of gay censorship and even demand that the social media platforms themselves virtue signal like they do. So now the major social media platforms are for "approved opinions only" and the rest of us Internet natives and late-comers who don't fall into the SJW trap have nowhere to go anymore except the chans and a few other corners that SJW hasn't yet infected.

The funny thing is, while all of this was developing, many of us old school Internet users were saying things like "this is the golden age of the Internet, enjoy it while it lasts" because we thought anti-piracy legislation would herald the Internet's destruction. Instead, it was just letting more people use the Internet that will kill it (for the most part).

Centralized internet will collapse on itself, people are not as stupid as you think

Check em

The genius of our Founders was in making free speech brainless. We have free speech, period. Everyone else has a conditional right to justified free speech provided you can be reasonable.

This is also why GamerGate was clearly a politically motivated attack organized by globalist actors. GamerGate was the first salvo in a war on white men, because it's not enough to drive us from their social media platforms, or to drive us from higher education, or to drive us from this that or the other thing. They intend to completely eradicate any more enclaves of white men enjoying themselves in civilized society. From now on, they will hunt us wherever we go, to bother us incessantly because we want to basically live our lives and be free thinkers. The globalists can't have free thinkers, so now they've established a mechanism for massive mob justice that essentially transcends old laws, old customs such as due process, hell, it even transcends the truth itself as the truth is no longer relevant. What is relevant is how the mob feels, and when the mob is hungry it wants to feed. So when free thinkers come along to threaten the official narrative, the mob is mobilized and no amount of logic or reason will appease them. They are gone, they are completely unified in their opposition to people being able to say what they want without being silenced, or think what they want without being punished.

this is a pretty good analysis but then you fucked it all up by saying "monatise"

I, for one, welcome this dystopian cyberpunk future. Time to become netrunners, ghosts in the wire. I hate it, yet love it. Time to adapt.

Social justice cucks. "oh we deserve free speech but if you say something we don't agree with then you have no right to talk." fucking hate those cunts


Lordy, I hope so. Digits seem to indicate.

>GamerGate was the first salvo in a war on white men,

>before they get better.
lol it's all downhill from here until the internet is completely locked down. Might take decades, but it will happen.

It's time to adapt. There is still free speech for users who know what they are doing. Learn to use VPNs, Tor, create fake accounts, attack anti-freespeech retards, spread the word.
The mainstream social networks are just containment camps for the sheeple, we still have everything else, we can still get servers up and running.


Essentially the games media were pushing some dumbass game made by a feminist with tangential connections to Democrat operatives, and suddenly she claims she is being harassed and blah blah like they always claim. Now the games media starts churning out a bunch of shit about how gamers are pathetic toxic virgins and suddenly that narrative gets shoved down our throats constantly by the same shitty games media. You start seeing articles about how "gamers are over" and shit like that. That narrative never died, it just progressed to where we are today and "just gamers" extended to become "white men".

Yeah this is a fairly common consensus. Right after Eternal September, 2007 was a silent paradigm shift, a date that nobody recognizes as monumental or important.

reddit is like the worst example, started with a guy that was anti government overreach, the cia niggers killed him, got taken over by some career woman nobody liked, now you cant even have a section for AI face algorithms on a site which has a robot as its mascot, without some blue haired cunt coming and shutting it down from within



Oppresses mijorities not allowed to express themselves

ohh ok, I thought you meant gamergate itself was against white men I was confused

You don't have to "build a new Internet." You just have to get enough people blocking ads that ad-supported content dies as a business model. That removes most of the cancer, and it's already starting. Coin-miner JS is a tacit admission that web advertising doesn't fucking turn a profit anymore except for the ad companies, and it in turn is already blocked by uBlock Origin and other competent ad-blockers.

I remember when facebook was invite only for college/highschool students(of any color). Don't recall it ever being a black website. This was while myspace was still popular and livejournal was waning

If this doesn't hit the nail on the head perfectly

I've been on Sup Forums since 2005, and was playing text based MUDs for fun in the late 90s. The internet isn't weird or fun anymore, its weird like Portland is. Its this artificial approximation and commodification of weird, designed to make the average person feel like they are a part of something exclusive.

Social Media + SJW destroyed the fun

retards don't know how to use search engines to look for different subjects and instead got suckered into social media sites like FB and Reddit

Normies' inability to use search engines appears to be a brain defect. If it was teachable, most tech support jobs wouldn't exist.

Let's see if he was bullshitting. might explain all the crazy shilling.

The smart phone and tablets

1 - before, being anonymous on the internet was a common thing and forums were big

2 - now you have a handful of social media, where everyone exposes their personal life

those 2 things make it harder for people to say whatever they want and don't give a shit

you still see some shitposting in places like youtube because of fake accounts though

Thats fucking hilarious and terrifying. I totally agree.