"Hispanic" is treated as an "ethnicity" vice a race according to census and federal gov't paperwork

"Hispanic" is treated as an "ethnicity" vice a race according to census and federal gov't paperwork.

What is the justification for "Hispanic" being treated this way instead of like any other race?

Why is it that a mexican/Irish halfbreed is considered "Hispanic/White", a mexican/congo halfbreed is considered "Hispanic/Black", but a Irish/Congo halfbreed would be considered "Mixed" or "Multi-racial"
What is so goddamn special about "Hispanic" it lets you forever taint bloodlines of the "Non-Hispanic"?

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No such thing as a Hispanic. It’s propaganda created by liberals.

It’s all about separation and domination my friend.

A language or culture can't "taint" a bloodline. My children would be white if I impregnated a Mexican completely descended from German immigrants, someone who is technically Hispanic. Hispanic is not a race.

So your argument is that a white man boning a white female (descended from German immigrants) living in Mexico would produce white kids??
That's true and I don't disagree.

I'm asking why isn't the typical hispanic/South American phenotypes and haploid groups separated from White(European) and Black(African)????
>tan skin, straight black hair, round face, thin eyes, patchy facial hair, short and wide bodies, "ehhhhh" sounding voice, fat deposits all over and dark eyes
you know of whom I refer when I speak of these people. Why are they an "Ethnicity" and not their own race?

Hispanic's not a race dumbass

You can't be racially hispanic

There's no "Half hispanic" or "Pure hispanic" because some hispanics are filled with spanish blood and other hispanics are filled with aztec blood

Brown hispanics are brown due to indian/mayan/aztec genes not "Hispania" descent.

Hispanic is a meaningless word

Hispanic with your way of thinking of a specific group might be popular due to mestizo immigration, but it's still slang to what it actual is

Hispanic people are a race. They specifically root from the Spaniards who went to South America. Unfortunately, the Spaniards were not wise in their conquest. Instead of killing the native Indios, they completely absorbed them. We actually don’t know how much Indio DNA they have, but they probably have at least 30%, and it’s been mixed in so well they’re essentially no longer white at all.

Not all hispanics are mestizos and not all mestizos are hispanic

>You can't be racially hispanic
Then what race is this guy???

Also I get it, some "hispanics" are spanish blood/aztec blood but that's true of practically everyone at this point - in Europe you have millions of people who are called white but have Gaul blood/Saxon blood/Italian blood/Slav blood etc

WHY does the US gov't treat it differently?

I get that "Hispanic" is an "ethnicity" but why is it the only "ethnicity" tracked this way on the Census? Why is it that a white man with Polish parents who grew up in Poland is "Caucasian" on census paperwork the same as a white man with Swedish parents who grew up in Sweden while a brown-skinned man with Peruvian parents who grew up in Peru "White Hispanic"

This nation is obsessed with race, especially this board.

Why the fuck do we just accept that our gov't doesn't actually track the Hispanic/Mestizo/South Americans the same as Europeans, Africans, Asians, even fucking Pacific Islanders.

Funny enough the same is true of Arabs, they're not tracked specifically on Census, but anyone can look at the average Arab and tell you they're not "White". Indians also get lumped in with Asians even though they are clearly physically different

Have you ever visited Mexico? I went to Cancun one year for spring break, and trust me, they’re not white. Even after how tan I got by the end of the trip, I wasn’t even as dark as 99% of them. Also, their hair is darker, more curly, and their eyes are a darker brown than most Europeans who have brown eyes. I don’t think any of them don’t have some mixed race DNA of at least like 15%

That guy is a Amerindian and Caucasian mix. Hispanics are generally mestizos but there are black Hispanics and white Hispanics. Hispanics aren't a race.

>while a brown-skinned man with Peruvian parents who grew up in Peru "White Hispanic"

White hispanic was meant for Hispanics with no are barely any native blood.

There's two types of white hispanic, white hispanic with no native blood and then there's idiots that think hispanic is a race and say "White Hispanic" like being half white and half hispanic (Which hispanic is not a race)

Blame retards for thinking a geographical term is a race

>Then what race is this guy???

Indigenous at best

Hispanic's not a race, I don't get why you're hell bent on it

>Why the fuck do we just accept that our gov't doesn't actually track the Hispanic/Mestizo/South Americans the same as Europeans, Africans, Asians, even fucking Pacific Islanders.

Hispanic's not a race but the government just lumped any lineage with spanish speaking as "Hispanic" regardless of race to create a large victim demographic

1. When did I say mexico was white?2
2. When did I even bring up mexico?
3. I didn't say hispanics were white or non white. I said Hispanic's not a race and hispanics can be of any race from dirt brown to fairly white to unironic white. There's a legit caste system of this

You low iqs need to stop putting words in others mouths.

4. Mexico is not the only hispanic country in the world, there's 23 hispanic countries (Any country that speaks spanish) They aren't all going to look the same

When you say Hispanic what you’re refereeing to is southern Americans and Latins. None of them are white. I don’t see what you’re talking about at all. Hispanics are a race the same way “Asians” are a race. Is a very broad term that covers a lot of similar ethnicities

They were just classified as white up until the 1980s I think.

Only reason the Hispanic classification was created was so that they could be treated as a minority and get more gibs.


You're still not getting the point. Hispanic is not a race and if you think it is, then you're viewing it as slang.

>They were just classified as white up until the 1980s I think.

There is is "They" with hispanics, the more spanish hispanics were called white but the more native looking ones were viewed as a natives.

Fine, let's say "Mestizo" then.

Why the fuck isn't "Mestizo" tracked the same way "Caucasian" is? Why doesn't anyone on this shit board seem to care?

If a "Mestizo" has a kid with someone of any race, you can expect to see "Mestizo" traits get passed on to that kid. Therefore "Mestizo" is practically a race, same as Indian(dot) and Arab. If you were casting for a commercial and your boss told you to "pick a white guy" you wouldn't pick a "Mestizo", or an "Arab" or an Indian, you'd pick a Euro/ descendant of Euros.

"Mestizos" aren't going to exhibit typical "white" characteristics as often - a ginger white kid is relatively common, a mestizo Costa Rican with red hair and freckles is very rare. A European descendant kid with blue eyes isn't surprising. A 5'4 200 lb Mexican with blue eyes is.

They have their own diet they've adapted to for thousands of years.

"Mestizos" are a goddamn race. It doesn't matter if they had "white" ancestors 400 years ago, they are a separate and distinct race from Asians and Europeans but, and this is the crucial question this entire thread is based on, THE UNITED STATES GOV'T DOESN'T GIVE A SINGLE FUCK ABOUT THAT DIFFERENCE. Why is a Smith and a Rodriguez not distinguished in the inherently racist, particular and inquisitive UNITED STATES CENSUS paperwork?

Southern American is not a race lmao

That guy is mostly native american, he might have some smaller amount of white or black admixture.
>in Europe you have millions of people who are called white but have Gaul blood/Saxon blood/Italian blood/Slav blood etc
All those groups are white

> Spaniards are Arab

Whats the problem again?

When did I say mestizo is not a race? I think the government should make a "Mestizo" category. Then hispanics with less native genes wouldn't be getting blamed for their actions.

*Hispanics with no native genes

Hispanic is not a race at all. You have hispanics who only have european ancestors, or less than 5% non-european admixture who look completely white, you've got hispanics who are 10% white and 90% niggers, you've got hispanics who are a mix of native american, white and niggers, or just native american and white. The last are the most common, but there are still vast amount of white hispanics. Hispanic is a cultural/linguistical term, not a racial one.

>"Michael" has ancestors from Belgium and France. He was born in America. He has blue eyes and blonde hair.

>"Miguel" has ancestors from Tiujuana and Venezuela. He was born in America. He has black eyes and black hair.

>Both of these individuals are classified as "White Americans"

There's got to be a better solution for this.

Well? What's Miguel's skin color?


>You have hispanics who only have european ancestors, or less than 5% non-european admixture who look completely white

All three of them? For fuck's sake.

Besides, if a guy with 100% Spanish (European) ancestry moves to America he shouldn't be considered different than someone with 100% French (European) ancestry. That's a stupid fucking way to look at this. But there's the 90% of all "Hispanic" countries that have a mixed up genetic background that are coming to America and there's no easily distinguishable, clear and reliable way to track them according to the Census.

I'm not saying I'm against the hispanic categorization, at least for those with mixed ancestry, I'm just trying to say it's not a race.

>All three of them? For fuck's sake.

So you acknowledge white hispanics exist?

Wrong! Mestizo still is not a race by itself because they are european mixed with native Americans. So, they are just mixed, just like how the southern europeans are mixed with some north african/middle eastern. Make sense? Also, that ms13 guy is not mes but indigenous.

Calling them mestizos would be less stupid than calling them hispanic though lmao

>italians aren't white

Fuck off el atrocidad.

Hispanics are generally spaniardmutts riddled with nigger genes, and the Spanish themselves are bleached slav-arab shitskins.

Most people don't into genetics, so they use loanwords despite not knowing what they're referring to exactly.

White people who hail from Spain (as in, were born in Spain, or all ancestors consist of people who were born in Spain) certainly exist.

"White Hispanic" is just an odd misnomer. If a Slavic man went to Zimbabwe and had a kid, that kid would be "multiracial" or "African", not Black Slavic.

>If a Slavic man went to Zimbabwe and had a kid, that kid would be "multiracial" or "African", not Black Slavic.
But that's literally a slavnig

That’s too new and nuanced of a term for dumb fat americans. They are already custom to “mexican/hispanic” so a new term would confuse the retarded masses

>Hispanics are generally spaniardmutts riddled with nigger genes,

Key word there is generally

Not every hispanic is a mestizo, why is this so hard to grasp

Hispanic is not a race, you guys are retarded

You can't fix stupid I guess. There's a reason why hispanics that don't look like aztecs or mayans are the most insecure people in terms of race

>Key word there is generally
Not really. The majority of them are still spanishmutts, the highbreeds are far and few between.

I never said that and I completely disagree with bullshit d&c tactics when Italians also established Rome while the rest of Europe was still living in huts.

>dey are European mixed with indigenous peepul
that distinction isn't made for ANYONE else though. I know plenty of Americans who are European/Indigenous and are "white" because they're less mixed up than South Americans. I'm sure there are people with Asian and African genetic mixture but they're not treated as anything but mutts, why is "Mestizo" and "Hispanic" so different? I get that Spanish/Portuguese explorers blanda'ed up wtih the indigenous peoples and were the first to mutt themselves but why are their descendants considered "Hispanic" which really means "whatever color they are but also some indigenous Mexican/South American mixed in there"

Well should the ones that aren't mestizos be blamed for mestizos breeding like rabbits?

>Funny enough the same is true of Arabs, they're not tracked specifically on Census, but anyone can look at the average Arab and tell you they're not "White".
Just as with Hispanic, Arab isnt a race or ethnicity. Its a culture that encompasses many ethnicities (Semitic, Hamitic, Berber, Bedouins etc). Semitic and Hamitic Arabs are a branch of the Caucasian race so scientifically they are considered white and thats why there is no separate box for them. People who go off the pseudoscience socially constructed definition of "white" do not consider people like that white based solely on phenotypes. All the same can be said with Hispanics, its a culture that encompasses many races and ethnic groups, mainly people of native indian decent (Asian), Spanish European decent (white) or a mixture of both. Its easier for the government to just label them as Hispanic

>just like how the southern europeans are mixed with some north african/middle eastern.

I mean from what you say, you sound like a white hispanic yourself. Nevertheless, even if your ancestors descended from mother Spain, native spainish folk are mixed themselves. I bet you tan easily, which may make you insecure so I understand you


>Not every hispanic is a mestizo, why is this so hard to grasp

in the same way that not every white guy is "caucasian".

this is a blatant flaw I'm just asking how it originated and why it persists to this day.

However I will say the majority of "Hispanic" is "Mestizo" and the U.S. gov't doesn't track these people in any way shape or form

>what is Italy and greece

>tfw spanish-american
>tfw literally hispanic-white
it should be latino-white or latino-black if they're gonna have this stupid classification at all. what does spain have to do with latin america at this point in history?

>(Semitic, Hamitic, Berber, Bedouins etc).
Why are Dutch, Germanic, English, Scottish, Swede all lumped into "White" while it's blatantly clear that Berber isn't anywhere near similar to Dutch and German as Dutch and German are to each other.

>me no understand why da govament make mutt category
>me want meztizo category

Like a said before, that is too complex and nuanced of a term for most americans. Why do you want another racial category anyway, whats it to you?

>be indigenous country
>spaniard sails some thousands of miles over
>Spaniard and an indigenous woman make a baby
>5 centuries later other Europeans can't figure out what the fuck to call the 80% indigenous 5% african 15% euro spawn they create
>oh well let's just treat these spawn completely different from the offspring of people from literally every other country in the world but similar ancestral mix-ups.
>we'll come up with unique names like "Hispanic" or "Latino" even though these are related to one fraction of your unique heritage
>also we'll just completely pretend you're special and ignore indigenous status

centuries later other Europeans can't figure out what the fuck to call the 80% indigenous 5% african 15% euro spawn they create

Mestizo but america didn't pick up the spanish caste system for some reason

Also "hispanic" and "latino" were not created with the intention of it being just for mestizo mutts

>while it's blatantly clear that Berber isn't anywhere near similar to Dutch and German as Dutch and German are to each other.
Based off what? The same can be said of Spanish, Greek, Portuguese, Italian etc being fairly physically/visually different to Dutch or German yet no one makes the argument that those people arent white here. Again youre going of phenotype variations as a way to define what is white instead of what defines someone as Caucasian. One is Science (Caucasoid) the other is a social construct based off phenotype

>Why do you want another racial category anyway, whats it to you?

The U.S. Census tracks:
>"Caucasian" - European descendants (except those with indigenous South American admixture)
>"Asian" - Gook/Chink/Nip/Currynigger descendants
>"Pacific Islander" - Hawaii, Guam, Indonesia, pacific shitpit descendants
>"African-American" - African descendants
>"Multi-racial" - any mix of the above
>"Hispanic White" and "Hispanic Black" - descendants of a particular mix of Caucasian (BUT ONLY FROM SPAIN OR PORTUGAL) and indigenous (BUT ONLY MEXICO OR SOUTH AMERICA) or black (African) and indigenous American (BUT ONLY SOUTH OF THE RIO GRANDE OTHERWISE YOU'RE JUST A BLACK/NATIVE AMERICAN MUTT AND SHOULD CHECK MULTI-RACIAL!!!!!)

do you see the flaw?

Modern hispanic are like 2% indigenous, tops. Native Americans are all but a dying breed.

>social construct
lol no

Also it's much more difficult to tell a "Dutch" American from a "Italian" or "Portuguese" American (all Amerimutt memes aside) than it is to tell the "Berber" American you're looking at isn't Dutch.


Hi burger.

I am an Hispanic.
Not in the way you are probably thinking, though. I'll explain:

All "Hispanic" American countries were founded by Europeans.
Particularly Europeans from Southwestern Europe, a peninsula that the Romans - who were Latins - named "Hiapania".

So... if an anglo moves to america ... he doesn't change his race.

In the same vain... if an Hispanic moves to america ... he still does not change race.

What you burgers consider "Hispanic" countries are really varied countries and some are undoubtedly whiter than the United States - if you are smart enough to consider "white" as a synonymous for European origin.
Most "Hispanic" american countries though, are not whiter than the United States, like Mexico, for instance.

Now, atrocidad, what have you not understood exactly and how can I help?

>Modern hispanic are like 2% indigenous, tops.

The 95% black-haired dark eye'd tan skin are almost exactly the same as the rest of European descendants, ok user.

By the way you fucking stupid burgers:

I'd say a third of "Hispanic or Latin Americans" in the United States are easily assimilable to the american right wing.

You are so fucking stupid in letting democrats make "Hispanic" a race (lol) and play identity politics.
The result will be that all "Hispanics" will be politicised against the United States. And you'll always have 500 million democrat voters lining in at the border and the dems will have all the reasons to let them in.

You stupid fucking burgers. If you would just drop the term "Hispanic" and create something like "Mixed Race from Latin America" the millions and millions of European latin americans that live among you already and you don't even recognise... they wouldn't be so tempted to sing the way the (((dems))) want them too.

Hat Tip: anti commie Cubans.

>t. Jose
Sorry man, shitskin is from spaniards' arab genepool. Natives are redskin

The Census allows the Fed Gov't to track people's ancestry and give an official record of who, in America, is "white" and "black". However there is a large number of people who have "white" ancestry but also indigenous ancestry, they all have the same hair and eye color, and the majority of them are anti-white, anti-"colonialism". The majority of people from Columbia don't identify with the majority of people from Luxembourg for example. However if, 500 years ago, a man from Luxembourg went to Japan and had some Hapa kids they would today be considered "mixed race", but your ancestors also came over here and boned some indigenous South Americans and created Brazilians who are "white hispanic".

Why is there an appreciable difference there when the Census was developed as a way to track minority growth and origins?

>I'd say a third of "Hispanic or Latin Americans" in the United States are easily assimilable to the american right wing.
BASED civnat poortugese
fuck off

>Also it's much more difficult to tell a "Dutch" American from a "Italian" or "Portuguese" American (all Amerimutt memes aside) than it is to tell the "Berber" American you're looking at isn't Dutch.
Clearly you havent met too many Southern Europeans if you think its easy to tell them apart from your average Levant Arab. If youre going to define white by phenotype than being racist to "white people" isnt racist since what qualifies someone as white has nothing to do with being of the race (Caucasian) and more to do with having particular physical trait within that race. Just as with your comment about how most Mexicans are Mestizo not based on sources you can cite but based off your limited perception of Mexico.

The Nixon administration started using the label to break away from the White vs Black dichotomy during the Civil Rights Era


And by giving in to the Jew meme you are basically turning Texas into a blue state without the need to.

I am not a one drop rule guy. I know there are white Hispanics and that they are a minority.
HOWEVER... I'll tell you that white-ish hispanics are not necessarily hostile. They have lived in a semi-European environment for centuries and have been somewhat middle class in values in their respective countries.

White-ish Hispanics are not always immediate trash.

Take Oklahoma for instance. It is full of indians but yet they have been somewhat assimilated. I know they are not state of the art citizens but they don't go feral in general just because. Think about it.
There's a reason why Chile isn't such a shit hole as Guatemala or fucking Mexico.

And Chile is not even a white majority country.
I am just saying that the average brown Chilean has assimilated some manners that can make him behave in a fashion similar to a functional human being.

This will weaponise them all against america and make the dems want ever more and more immigration.
Hispanics will be the new blacks, saying no to blacks entering will be the most racist thought crime.
But this time America will border the whole of Africa.

Americans are literally the only people on the planet who treat hispanic as a race, even though officially they're an ethnicity.

It was mainly started by Progressives to justify treating them like shit, paying them in dirt, and then deporting them back to the shitholes they came from if they got uppity. Literal nigger replacements for the Democrats.

Historical reasons, the USA had lots of dealings with the spanish colonials but they weren't necerrsily spanish anymore were they? they were all sovereign nations. If you have to deal with a bunch of new world countries all united under spanish culture, but not actually spanish how do you catogorize them? The USA just decided to lump them all under "Hispanic" which is latin for spanish or something, It's kind of like if Mexico needed a way to categorize australians, Canadians and the Americans for their census and chose unused antiquated term for their cenus and it caught on due to the popualrity of their culture in their international stage.

Because they are just mixes of different races.
You seem to have fallen for the 56% meme. It's not real. America has part of its population that is white, a part that is black, and a part which is mixed.

The same applies to almost all countries in Latin America. I'd be surprised if Mexico had less than 10 million whites. And most Mexicans are obviously not white.

virtue signalling faggot.

The vast, vast majority of Mexicans have significant indigenous background. far more so than Americans. That's not an "uneducated" belief or a baseless claim. Just fucking look at them.

And yes, it's pretty easy to tell the difference between Southern Europeans and Levant Arabs, regardless of the silly shit you see on this website, I will say there are visible differences between those whose ancestors founded the Roman Empire and those whose ancestors invented "female circumcision".

"Hispanic" means "High-Spanish", referring to their genetics. They were called Spanishmutts before the term mutt was used

Hispanic is not treated as a Race, but an ethnicity. Started by a Republican administration

>I've fallen for a meme about my home country

and no, you're simply wrong. It is very easy to distinguish the average Mexican or South American from the average Spaniard or Portuguese. I'd probably get a couple wrong but I'd get atleast 75% of them correct.

Hispanic refers to Hispania, the French used Latin America to include themselves

Hispanic denotes only culture/language, it literally has nothing to do with race.

The French didn't come over to South America and breed like rabbits with the locals.

>even though officially they're an ethnicity.

You stupid fuck. Both Uruguay and Argentina are whiter than America.

Also, Hispanic is the name the Romans gave to the Spaniards (and Portuguese) themselves - who lived in Hispania - the Iberian Peninsula.

Hispania -> Hispanic
Britannia -> Brittish / Britonyc

That's what the Romans called us.
Now those in the Americas are not British nor Hispanic by default. Only the pure descendents of Hispanics and British are.

You americans are the dumb ones who fell into the (((democratic))) trap into weaponising all Hispanics as an undestinguishable mass for the purpose of making them more left wing.

In Brazil, the left created the term "negro" because half of brazilians identified as "mixed" and not with some underprivilliged minority in need of protection.
Negro in Brazil is now synonymous with non white and is used by the left to draw the darkies into some sort of perpetual communist rebellion against white people and European civilisation.

A civilisation of which most mixed Brazilians used to consider themselves to be part of as they had adopted until recently (almost) completely european mores and norms.

>The vast, vast majority of Mexicans have significant indigenous background. far more so than Americans. That's not an "uneducated" belief or a baseless claim. Just fucking look at them.
Oh so youve gone to Mexico and looked at every single fucking Mexican? Youve met every single Mexican here is the US? Again youre going off the Fox New/Breitbart/media perception of that demographic. You have no sources to prove that most Mexicans are Mestizo just a simple "look at them".

>Then what race is this guy???

He seems like a fucking indian!!! (native american)

And probably has some white blood.

Does he look European? No? Then he's not a true hispanic. He's either an african, an indian or a fucked up mix a la 56% meme.
It is that simple.

Why is it the only ethnicity tracked in the census?

Basically, because you and america are that stupid.
It probably started as a way to control the "Hispanicisation" of the Southwest of the U.S. but ended up binding a vast swath of immigrants together who could have otherwise have integrated somewhat.

Americans are literally too dumb to realize there are more than one race in other countries. Thus they create some sort of big tent terms for all the races of south and central america called hispanic.

>Started by a Republican administration

I also suspected this was bullshit. Hispanic was first used in the 1980 census by Democrat Jimmy Carter, you lying piece of shit.


hispanics are so heavily mixed that it isn't proper to refer to them by races.

Some of the most racially mixed, diverse countries in the world are in South and Latin America

The French invaded Latin America, tried to retake Haiti, collaborated with the Confederates, they wanted a slave empire. They later tried getting colonies in Africa, the Middle East and creating a Mediterranean Union. The indigenous population declined after colonization

>Both Uruguay and Argentina are whiter than America.
Pfffttt ok bud, yeah let me list off some Nobel prize winning Uruguayan's... uuuhhhmm...
>You americans are the dumb ones who fell into the (((democratic))) trap into weaponising all Hispanics as an undestinguishable mass
the same is true of any fucking conglomeration of mankind in any society in history, Croat's and Lithuanians are very different but they're both called "white" and/or "Slavic", stop treating South Americans in a special and different way.
and you are grossly inflating the "pure Spaniard" population, the vast majority of South Americans believe themselves different from European-Americans anyway. Pure Spaniards/Portuguese act like victims in Europe anyway

Don't count Portugal in really. Brazilians are not Hispanic for Hispanic in your censuses has to do with Spain.

According to you "European Spain" is "Hispanic" while "Latin American Mostly Mixed Race Brazil" is not.
That's how fucked up it is.

You should allow Hispanics to consider themselves "mixed race from mexico and other latin american countries" and demand them to behave or be deported (they are from Mexico and Latin America in the census after all, aren't they) or White European and demand them to behave as white Europeans or deport them.

Your Hispanic problem would be solved politically and mostly culturally as well.

So they didn't breed like rabbits with the locals, thank's for playing, next time try refuting a post with an actual point.

>americans really think like this.
>if you mix you have no race and america is not mixed


They do things to fit whatever goal(s) they are trying to achieve. The pick and choose because it fits their agenda.

Yes they are. Just get out of your car and head to Texas and New Mexico.
It is way better and more culturally European than New York, Los Angeles or fucking Seattle.

Talk to them Texans and New Mexicans they'll tell you there's a difference between age old "hispanics" and the new arrivals. Just talk to them, you'll see I'm right.


>Talk to them Texans and New Mexicans they'll tell you there's a difference between age old "hispanics" and the new arrivals. Just talk to them, you'll see I'm right.

Talk to them Germans and Britbongs they'll tell you there's a difference between age old "Europeans" and Amerimutts. Just talk to them, you'll see I'm right.

I agree with you.
It wouldn't be easy to distinguish the upper 10% of Mexican and especially South American societies from the average Spaniard or Portuguese.

That was my point.

(Fucking hell I can even distinguish the average white Brazilian for the average Iberian.)

Black balled for being unstated nazi allies during and after wwii--no joke, go look at most of post-wwi escape routes and destinations. Go look at Hitler's quotes about the fighting quality of Spaniards and why he could never invade Spain.
Only lifted slightly to counter the rise of socialism in the late 50s/60s (look how that worked out).
Basically, Spain & Nazis were actual material allies, victors write history, Spain turned into Mexico via USA.

The US Census workers write down whatever race/ethnicity the person interviewed tells them they are. It's not not accurate. I could tell them I'm black, and that's what they'd have to fill in, even though I'm clearly not. I worked for the census once in the past.