Is this show redpilled? i'm about to start watching it but if it's jewish nonsense then I will skip it

is this show redpilled? i'm about to start watching it but if it's jewish nonsense then I will skip it

You really think it would show the nazis as a good force? Have you learn nothing from Sup Forums

I swear I just saw this thread a couple weeks ago. It’s accidentally redpilled.
>50s aesthetic in German controlled America
>white picket fences
>manicured lawns
>low crime
>more than 90% white
>Leave it to Beaver basically
The second season’s plot make Hitler and his crew out to be the heroes. I don’t think they intended the viewer to be more attracted to the Third Reich and Imperial Japan than they were before they watched the show, but that’s the effect it had on me.

If you are a white male with an authoritarian political leaning, you'll love it.

all tv and movies are jew trash. avoid it all in favor of a good read.

It's Jewish as fuck, but the world building and characterization of people like Smith make it unintentionally look good.

Nobody likes Juliana, they like Smith.

It is redpilled in the sense that is not written to push an agenda but to tell a story of humans with actual human emotions and motivations.

The Nazis are bad, but also human. There is a very sad subplot about a high ranking Nazi who learns his son has a genetic disease and must be euthanized.

The Jews are victims, but also con men terrorists. A Jewish character learns that he didn't need to commit so many crimes to feel okay with himself when he meets a Jewish family that is just quietly being Jewish while no one is watching and has everything he has been missing his entire life.

The Japanese are imperialists, but not the chauvinists their propaganda makes them out to be. There's a weeaboo who thinks he's going to be recognized as an honorary Jap by a bigwig, so he shits on American culture as degenerate Jewish-controlled scum, only to get shunned when the Jap bigwig reveals that he lives in the former US because he's a huge admirer of American culture.

9/10 show. Production quality and plot are also top notch.

I saw it and mostly liked it, in the same way others on this board did. In season 2 a big minister literally describes a plan for re-fertilizing the fucking sahara desert. The "rockets" (planes) used by Reich territories look like theyre better than modern day boeings. Berlin looks miles ahead of NY or any current major city.
Obviously the show tries to portray all of that as bad seen by the SJW main characters (one of whom is part jewish of course), but to me and my gf they looked more like obnoxious idiots based on the decisions they make. The Reich had its flaws but it certainly did not look like a world I would hate living in. Then again I'm Slav so who knows if I would have made it that far.

>I haven’t watched the show

The book is awesome, it’s not redpilled or blue pilled, just a great great read

>You really think it would show the nazis as a good force?
They unintentionally did.

I liked watching it. It's not going out of it's way to paint the "bad guys" as bad, and unintentionally makes them look really good sometimes.

I think show-business needs to impose a soft ban on nazi themed shows.
Futuristic eugenic societies are a better thing to explore.

I wouldn't say it makes Japan look good.

This show does explore a futuristic eugenic society though. They portray German tech as super advanced, and all the lebensborn young adults are all chads and 10/10 qt grills.

The show is awesome, the first season may be a bit slow but season 2 is fucking insane.

They think they're setting up Nazi America as though it's some sinister thing, but it winds up looking a fucking lot better than what we actually have.

>here is a very sad subplot about a high ranking Nazi who learns his son has a genetic disease and must be euthanized.

why do you spoil it for him?

It's actually not that bad. Season 2 is better than 1

Super Jewish.

stopped watching as soon as the hero didn't kill the villain who was shooting at the hero & his gf moments before, allowing the villain to get up and chase them again 5 seconds later. Too retarded for words. The nazi ubergrubbenfuhrer guy was the good part of the show.

This. Even reddit likes the nazi characters the most, at least the main nazi guy.
Also, season 2 showcases life in the American reich, and they unintentionally made it pretty appealing.

they fucked up by trying to portray good honest white people in a white country as evil. Everyone who watches it relates to the nazis and likes them over the faggot resistance. Even the brutal japs are liked more than the resistance.

The show is awesome, I fear what will happen in season 3 now that Gronald Drump is president.

This. They’ll make the third season a political commentary on Literally Hitler.

Alt history is fucking gay. It completely glosses over all the intricate details that were indirectly effected and possibly lead to other stuff.

Fuck that fairytale bullshit.

It's not redpilled but the best and most interesting character is Nazi Obergruppenfuhrer Smith. The setting is cool and the cold war style espionage and political intrigue between the Nazis and Japan is interesting.

Seriously though, I'f watch a whole season of just their domestic life.