How do we put the final nail in the coffin that feminism resides in?

how do we put the final nail in the coffin that feminism resides in?


They're already doing it to themselves. By calling everything they don't like sexist or misogynistic to see what they can get away with they're making a joke out of it and even turning on eachother for it.

Damn since JFK? thats crazy

No. Fuck off. It gives us a good idea of what their current standardized arguments are and allows us to dissect them for the btfoing


But some provide useful insight.

This. First they attacked the far right. Then they attacked the moderate right. Then they attacked moderates. Now they’re starting to attack moderate leftists. Soon they’ll be fighting full on leftists. Eventually they’ll be attacking the most hardcore leftists; the proof is in the pudding: the only path identity politics leads to is eventually the individual is the only thing that matters. Currently leftists are arguing that moderate allies aren’t serious enough about whatever the issue de jour is but eventually each individual will be claiming they’re the only one on earth who is serious enough about anything and they’ll self seclude, ultimately fragmenting and destroying the cause.

So, November 1992?

Let them dig their own grave.
Just don't enable them and socially exclude them once they start their bullshit. Women can't hande being considered losers.

doesnt matter they'll come together to vote democrat to steal your money and kill you. they will ballot stuff in the cities they control. soon they wont even need to do that anymore.

they are not standardized arguments, they are the beliefs of individual nobodies and the discussions about them result in the shittiest of threads because they always become circle jerks of agreement and are never entertaining or informative

What was Trump even referring too? No one explained

Thank you edgy, defeatist, child.

Please remove the black pill from your side asshole.



looks like a psy op post, reads like a psy op post...


>looks like a psy op post, reads like a psy op post...
i wouldn't even have made it if there was a way to filter them out but there's not and i'm getting really annoyed having to sift through the opinions of dipshits tweeting their thoughts and then seeing a thread full of more dipshits acting like that twitter dork speaks for anyone but themselves

Just try to stay safe while the insanity runs it's course.

Wrong. Child-trafficker child-abuser Hillary lost
the election.


>i clicked on a thread i dont like pls cater to me *namefield sage* i-it's nothing you should talk about because i know just know it isn't you dipshit

how about no? return to catalog and kys

They're doing it to themselves, they can't agree on anything. Leave them to it.