CBC hate thread

> working on the weekend
> turn on CBC radio
> firehose of transgender-this, gay that, refugees, oppression, victimhood, woman feels everywhere
> every single piece has a gay / trans / lesbian / native / ethnic / commie angle
> transgender bikers
> program host asking for advice on her tinder profile
> only male host in hours is one of the old newscasters, reading in a defeated voice
> only covers natives protesting over feels, antifa in italy, and israeli bombings in syria w/ the downed f-16
> zero mention of the olympics
> zero mentions of anything remotely substantive
> catch myself screaming at the radio like an old man
I can't stand what the cucks and commies have done. I know it's always had a hard left bent, but I grew up with CBC radio, Sup Forums - I'm really sad to see what's become of it. In the last few years it's become such a cesspool of lefty propaganda and degeneracy, that I'm now firmly in the defund camp.

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I have cbc.ca blocked in my hosts file. I do not have cable, nor do I have an antenna, nor a radio. I have completely insulated myself from CBC. You should too.

Subsidize Bell media more goyim!

I have as well, except when I encounter its media in the wild. I'm just stunned how thick they've poured on the SJW narrative to everything. It's so dense, I can cut the shit coming out of the airwaves. The shit literally clings to the air.

Spotsnet 590 is the way to go.


> rogers media
> toronto

For once, OP actually is alright.

The coverage of the Colten Boushie killing was absolutely shocking. The CBC should be defunded.

It's ongoing too. They literally omit every single relevant part of the story, except for the acquittal.

I almost red pilled my mother-in-law over xmas. I was showing my POWERLEVEL!!!! (Because we all should!!!)
She brought up the holohoax by saying don't get started on the JEWS!!.. You wifes grandma was in the CAMPs .
I then pointed out that she married one of the guards ... Would you marry one of the guards of a death camp?(My wifes grandpa was a guard at this "deathcamp") ..I could see the little symbol clashing monkey stop and her brain function for a split second ..I almost got it .. but then she went back to Coronation Street.. Missed it by that much/

nothing about hockey?

jerking off sexual deviants and brown people is the new national sport, apparently


heh. we're so fucked, aren't we.

>comfy canada thread
who'll win ontario pc election? ford, elliot, or mulroney?

It's absolutely brutal

fuck bro. if it makes you feel better im a lifelong florida panthers fan.

Gods save us from another Mulroney.

>Watching for the countdown on newyears eve
>CBC resurrected Royal Canadian Air Farce for the night
>Watch two painfully unfunny skits
>Both of them sucked Trudeau's cock so hard he might as well be Dear Leader
Fuck this country.

They owe their existence to our government and are hardcore skullfucking the populace with the bullshit sjw rhetoric fed to them by the Liberals.
Absolutely zero journalistic integrity.
Either defund them or don't tie their hands with funding cuts if they refuse to tow the government line.
Every week one of my drivers vomits out some of the drivel they heard on yhe CBC and I correct them with the omitted facts.
It's deplorable because their 20% of the truth makes the perception completely different than the whole story.

The same broadcaster that once upon a time aired shows like Dead Dog Café.

I'm genuinely concerned about the cult of personality the CBC has around Trudeau.

I'm genuinely concerned about the cult of personality regular people have around Trudeau.

That stems from the CBC and Canadian Media in general. End the CBC and it will fade.

I wonder if they may have started to overreach. I honestly never gave it a second thought until a couple years ago when it started accelerating.

This post is an accurate description of CBC Radio content. Around the 150th Canada Day it was non-stop bitching about muh colonialism and white nationalism. Today it was some numale doing the uptalk voice going on about meditation or some shit. Fuck the CBC

> piece on "going it alone"
> oh great! some dude's meditation story
> turns out it's just some faggot who got bullied when he was a kid
> gets triggered often and needs to meditate to deal with his crippling anxiety attacks

CBC is Canada's CNN - just state funded

> piece immediately prior was about a 24-y/o roastie wanting to take a "break from relationships" for a whole year, after burning through numerous relationships.
> stress of keeping away from tinder and chad's cock
> talks about wanting to find herself
> "but at the same time, I have my needs"
So brave.

> native vaginal bead art

I missed that one but I did hear one a while back about the importance of underarm hair for women. Not even a fucking joke the whole thing needs to die.

> story on medical ethics, and why it's bad to abort fetuses with detectable and crippling genetic diseases

> aboriginal "poet" writes about her tinder hookups

That sounds pretty tame, if today was any indication.

you understand now why in the old days we used to engage in "senseless violence" against these nation destroying lunatics?

At the same time, notice how we are conveniently distracted from the crushing sovereign- or sub-sovereign- debt levels in this socialist paradise.

It all unwinds when the boomers are gone.

> $10.5 million*
Fixed that for ya.

How about their NOT reporting on the government forcing religious charitable organisations to take a pro-choice statment or loose summer jobs funding.

Did they serve refugees? They don't report on anything unless there are refugees involved.

Ameribucks, but it's all fire starter when the lights go out, quand maymay

In all seriousness, the only fact-based reporting I see is morning sports, and occasionally the weather.

there's also a ton of native ads and editorial ads that are not disclosed
>muh "mental illness awarenes" - pharma bux
>muh "new book/movie/show" - hollywood bux
what a cancerous organization
there's no disconnecting yourself, your taxes pay for it

>supporting Rogers
they're pushing the same shit pal

How you going to watch the Olympics?

> excessive coverage of black history month
> segment on the challenges of being black, in 2018, in the country slaves fled to

NHL is sitting this one out. What's the fucking point?

Wow the CBC logo is so ugly it's remarkable. It looks like somebody took the Japanese flag, cropped arc slices and copy and pasted it in MS Paint.

0/10 even worse than London2012


I turned it on recently and they were literally playing some nigger rap.

CBC is how I became a Trump supporter. Was driving home after work listening to the news and they were going on about some crazy thing Trump said at a press conference. I thought "no way" and was so intrigued, I watched the entire press conference on Jew tube when I got home. That was the first time I had heard Trump speak, and discovered that not only had CBC lied, but I agreed with everything Trump said. After that I never listened to the CBC again.

yeah, it's ridiculous
see M-103 recommendations here
according to our government, regular Canadians are enemy #1

We're good shitting on ourselves without your help amerimutt, go back to /ptg

Turn off if you don't like it.

Blueprint for an Orwellian Canada of surveillance and punishment for ideological dissidents -- with our State propaganda outlet cheering them on the whole way

> 20:00 news lead: "member of trump's inner circle resigns amid allegations of sexual assault..."
> 21:00 news lead: "trump defends [] accused of sexual assault"
> 22:00 news lead: "trump praises [] accused of sexual assault"
> story hasn't changed, only the reporting
It's pretty easy, when you can watch these fuck editorialize in real time.

>Turn off if you don't like it.

Can I stop having to pay for it too?

CBC will get their comeuppance on rake day.

>in the country slaves fled to

CBC Nova Scotia has been sounding the jungle drumbeat for "reparations" for blacks in this province, most of whom are descended from slaves who escaped the US

This right here is the crux of the issue. I couldn't give two shits about commie propaganda if it weren't state-sponsored, and taxpayer-funded.

Craziest shit I ever heard on CBC radio was some silly slut saying that she heard discarded Christmas trees "screaming" in a landfill

CBC back in the day was kinda cool

This has happened to be literally every time I turned on CBC radio.
>turn on radio
>switching stations
>get to CBC
>"Canadian literature awards for indigenous--"
>switch to different station
>"Women's struggles in a male-dominated societ--"
>switch to different station
>"Anti-pipeline protestors--"
>"What it's like to be a member of the LGBTQ+*"
>fucking switch
>"We interviewed Mussaff Housein, a newly-arrived somalian refug--"
>switch faster than the speed of light

I've written several letters to the CBC about their gay propaganda, asking them instead to provide some useful news. Pretty sure they just throw all my letters out into the trash.

I have this experience too. I don't listen to it at home (God forbid) but sometimes in the car when I'm driving to the store I'll turn it on and hear the same thing. It's either feminists, Natives, Muzzies, or LGBT, non-fucking-stop. One funny remark I heard was some old Native woman complaining that "Natives are invisible in our media"!

Anyone reading this who is unfamiliar should understand they really do push gay propaganda. I have no problem with gays, personally, but the LGBTQ+ lifestyle advocacy that gets pushed is degenerate as fuck.

I hear you OP. CBC is nothing but shit. Thank fuck Sportsnet started airing Saturday night games. I swear to fuck I think this country is like some kind of test-pilot for how far left/degenerate {{they}} can push things. Most people who are either red pilled or are aware that things are amiss live in rural/small town settings. The major cities are complete shit.

They've put your letters in a file with your Sup Forums logs and porno records. They will be held against you in a court of Nu-Law.

There are millions of people in Canada who hate these smug fucking cunts, so good luck to them rounding everybody up

And the commenters there think fucking CBC is conservative and that the Liberals are conservative lite

It has a direct and deliberate agenda to undermine Canadian society and values, and they get paid to do it with our own tax dollars.

They should be defunded immediately.

Because they're to the Left of Pol Pot. They also think that because Harper appointees are on the board of the CBC it's a right-wing media site. Delusional fuckwits

> the justice system has failed [BLANK]
> let's remove due process and presumption of innocence
How many times have I heard this lately?

That's Anna Maria Tremonte's whole schtick and she gets hours every day to promote it.

It's hilarious to see how fucking absurd they are, it's like a parody

desu senpai, i'm always surprised how red-pilled the comments are, but they've started messing with the ordering of the comments, but if you read them all it's a surprising amount

but most articles they disable comments lol

Absolutely fucking spot-on assessment of the state of the CBC now.
Harper said he'd take it down - and he did. He defunded enough of it that the good journalists left, and the place got flooded with sjw hacks who now run the show.
I'm in the "fuck it - defund it, burn it down, and move on" camp as well, as much as I hate to be.
I miss the CBC,

The kids cbc killed off their old characters. my child hood is gone

It's the Canadian version of "oh no, he's crying! Quick, burn the Constitution!"

They are smug. They're so fucking smug. They're so far up each others asses smelling the farts, there's no need for the annual colonoscopy. Just holler over at the guy in the cubicle next door.

"Hey, buddy. How's it look?"

I comment there, it's fun winding up lefties with the unvarnished truth

ahh yes, the phony "cons vs libs"... they blame Harper, but meanwhile those CBC directors he put in are still there (mostly) and are pushing the current Liberal agenda... really activates those almonds

And then when you ask them why, if it's a right-wing site, it has a daily Trump-bashing story (almost always open for comments from retards posting variations on "he's dumb!" "he's crazy!" "he's a Russian agent!" etc.), they go silent.

If they didn't disable comments on most of their posts it'd be a shitnami of red pilled comments and replies. This country is quite conservative, especially in small/rural areas.

It makes no sense given some of the opinion articles they've posted, like how some guy thinks black students require special advocates in class and shit like that.

I find it varies. The Trump stories are a hate-in, very little dissent in them. But commenters hate economic propaganda about how low inflation supposedly is (when their own lying eyes tell them otherwise at the grocery store), and they are very upset about uncontrolled immigration, especially the illegal kind and what it is costing us

>Live in Alberta
>Looking around a bookstore at the local mall
>Group of guys talking
>One of them loudly calls Trudeau a cuck
>Female employees glaring at them
>They keep talking anyways

CBC is conservative

>CBC is conservative

That must be why they love Trump so much, right?

CBC has always been shitlib garbage

There is nothing wrong with CBC, it'ss the most reliable and honest news source in this country.


Says the retard browsing on Sup Forums

it absolutely used to be.
that is no longer the case. It's as biased as cnn or fox news as this point - they have an angle they want ground into canadian society, and that's the angle they're going with. Nothing else is allowed to contradict the narrative.

You'd probably feel right at home in North Korea. Actually you don't even have to move there, Canada will be the same way soon enough

I'm an oldfag and I can tell you that CBC has been as biased as shit since at least the early 80s, although it has gotten worse every year since then

>it's just a motion they said
>it's only a motion
>it's symbolic they said
>we'll still have our charters of rights and freedoms that specifically enshrines free speech
it turns out it wasn't just a motion, they've fully unveiled their goal to implement a total surveillance state.
>Further Criminalize any "Islamophobia"
>Censor internet to prevent "Islamophobia"
>Drastically increase funding to CSIS/CSEC to spy on Canadians suspected of "Islamophobia"/"Fake News"
>Create new secret police to find "Islamophobes"
>Dedicate January 29th as National Islamophobia Day
of course like all totalitarian police states "islamophobia" is subjective and will be selectively enforced against any dissidents

The report claims they're going to get around to finally defining "Islamophobia", but they'll probably leave it as vague as possible. I think it's very telling that criticism of Islam is being singled out as way worse than criticism of any other religion, it shows which faith they know has the most power to destroy our society (which is what they want)

CBC stands for Craving Black Cock.

>Dedicate January 29th as National Islamophobia Day
> agree and amplify
We could have some fun with this.


This would make my day and would probably elicit audible laughter.