The slippery slope isn't rea-

From Vice Canada.

When you recognise that part of the desire is the non consensual and slightly sadistic element of imposing sexuality on someone too young to understand, you realise the desire itself actually is somewhat evil, but so is all sadism which isn't something post-modern society is willing to accept.

acceptable targets are in bad taste. attraction to young girls has also been shown to be basically the norm and anyone who says they wouldn't fuck a 15 year old is seriously virtue signaling or trolling.

The pedophile in the pic is white at least they know their stuff.

I will never defend the morality of pedophilia but that doesn't mean I have to support punishing thought crimes. The op talks about slippery slope but the truth is that this is about a false dilemma. I will not be tricked into letting the government punish people for thought crimes as if it is the only way for me to express my dislike for pedophiles. A sick pervert fapping to pixels is not a criminal and I don't want the government to take away my freedom to defend those pixels.

>I will not be tricked into letting the government punish people for thought crimes

>A sick pervert fapping to pixels is not a criminal and I don't want the government to take away my freedom to defend those pixels.
It's no longer a thought crime if he's fapping to "pixels" you disingenuous faggot.
Maybe you meant if he was just fapping to his own thoughts.

When I talk about defending pixels I am obviously referring to a crime which does not have a victim other than the pixels. I am talking about drawn pictures. Do you want the government to arrest someone for drawing a stick figure and touching their penis? Should the government break down every door and confiscate every pen and paper to protect the poor stick figures?

Still wouldn't be a thought crime but a real one even if you don't like the laws it would break, faggot.
Only way I would care if your original post was what you meant.
Which is not arresting people based on their thoughts.
You don't need to draw those stick figures from your "thoughts" to fap faggot.


Shane Smith sold his fucking soul to Disney and the Yankee kikes

Pedophilia largely does not exist, pedophilia being defined as the strict attraction to pre-pubescent children. This means someone who is attracted to an 8yr old girl who has hit puberty, is not a pedophile by definition. If someone finds pre puberty girl attractive, and then still finds them attractive post puberty, they are not a pedophile. The term pedophile has been thrown around so often, most people don't even know what it means. They just attach it to whatever age group personally makes them feel uncomfortable. The truth is that dating underage girls is not the problem. The problem is under age girls becoming used up whores by 16yrs old rather then being married off by their father for life to a suitor he filtered through for her. There is no prospects of expanding family trees, bonding families together anymore. Most girls are useless to such a large extent that many fathers dread the idea of even raising one. Restore hierarchy

Yea, thats not a 15 year old girl.

The tweet is right though.

but 15 year old is not pedophile because 15 year olds are physically matured they are not children.
I think if he talks about pedophilia he means something else

>This means someone who is attracted to an 8yr old girl who has hit puberty, is not a pedophile by definition.
Sorry Muhammad but that's just fucked up.
Go defend fucking children elsewhere,
Not enough rope for your kind in this world but I guess we can make more.

that's a 6 year old...

I think I’m on a list now.

Does it ever stop?

>Gives an example of how people don't understand the definition of pedophilia
>Displays not only complete inability towards comprehension, but knee jerk reaction to what he even perceives as might be discussing the subject he doesn't like
Thanks for proving my point user

This. The early videos were awesome. He needs to go back to when he was hanging out with Liberian war criminals.

user, you're on Sup Forums
you're probably already on several lists

Why is it important? Why? No it isn't important. It is barely okay these days to have sexual feelings for grown women and now they are going to push the pedophile shit?

Depends, some girls hit puberty later then others. Either way see



What a GREAT timeline to be alive!

>The problem is under age girls becoming used up whores by 16yrs old rather then being married off by their father for life to a suitor he filtered through for her.

I'm a hebephile I cant condone fucking 5 year olds but I'd go as low as saying it's okay to have sex with 12 year olds.

user, the two are very related. Young girls enter school and by the time they graduate have slept around to the point of being of no value in terms of marriage. These post sluts then grow up and become the metoo types you now see. The solution is going back to where girls are married off younger and stay with that man for life, not go to public school and larp as a man for their entire early life.

I unironically agree with this, and I hate Vice.

Age wise, the only deciding factor should be when a girl's father decides she's ready to be married off. Whether that's 8yrs or 21yrs is entirely up to him to make

>I assume what you wrote any way I please the post
No I understood your post just quote the stupidest shit you put in it.
And the term and meaning behind the laws are two different things you're conflating body readiness over ability to understand consequences you not mental age.
Just because someone "looks" ready to fuck doesn't mean they should.
Go be a pedo elsewhere, faggot.

You need and deserve to go to Hell. Fuck you, faggot.

I have the relevant story that normally gets posted here for those interested

Can we agree though that an adult above the age of 18-19 should not engage in relationships with women of 15-16?

I don't give a fuck about fifteen year olds fucking each other.

The problem is being okay with more matured minds manipulating less mature minds. It's the same mechanic that lets pedos brainwash three year olds into doing sexual things. On a different level, a 25 year old doing the same to a 15 year old is ethically wrong in the same vein.

I somewhat agree with this, and even think CP laws go too far. However, society has deemed it acceptable to sacrifice perverts rights for the rights of minors. I will never object to that, and would even consider fighting to keep those laws in place.

pedophilia is about tanner stages.
An 8 year old usually doesn't reach pubercy and if it's so early it would still count as pedophile.
Why can't you let children grow and mature a bit? It's so fucked up that this even needs to be discussed

No. No it doesn't.
They warned us about the slippery slope and we just laughed in their faces and this is our punishment.

Every homosexual is a pedophile

>I was only pretending to be retarded
user the only way the term Pedophilia/Pedohpile changes is via DSM where it's defined as a condition. Otherwise you're going to have to be specific upon how you're defining 'pedophile/pedophilia'.
>Body readiness over understand consequences
I assume by 'body readiness' you mean 'puberty'. But what about 'understand consequences' This is never true for women, regardless of age. This is one of the ways they're fundamentally different then men, women generally peak mentally very early. They will never fully understand the long term consequences of their actions.
>You're a pedophile because you take a stance that I don't like
Yeah, I'm sure you where "only pretending" to be retarded user.

Christian hell I assume? Where does the bible take a stance on this topic? It's not the one you seem to think it is.

I like it. They're trying to normalize pedos. I really, really, really hope they add P to LGBTQIAAPPTT+, and a I really, really, really hope the Dem party add "understanding the pedophile oppressed community" to their 2020 platform.

No, historically a older man married a younger women. A woman is born with value and must only preserve it through her life, a man is born without value and most work to increase it. Men typically become more valued partners with age, while women decrease with age. A man in his early 20s is more likely to support a family, a girl in her teens is more likely to produce healthy offspring.

at least the progressives are still choosing their words carefully with their whole "dont hate pedophiles"-thing. they know most people dont agree with them

now can one of you burgers burn down the VICE headquarters please

they're easy to track if you let them be public, nice honey pot.

That's actually the perfect age for young men and girls to date.

Mark my words, I'm Canada does not condone pedophilia. The soyboys will not change our laws to protect pedoes.

So they're getting back on this horse after it is no longer politically expedient to be disgusted by pedophiles so as to beat Roy Moore?

>It's still pedophilia even if they've hit puberty because I feel so
That's not how it works user. I know this topic really makes a lot of people uncomfortable because of modern culture. But try to approach it the same way you would any other politically incorrect topic.
>Let children grow and mature
You think this doesn't happen just because girls are married off young? No, if anything it happens more so.

"Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12,[3] criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.[1] A person who is diagnosed with pedophilia must be at least 16 years old, and at least five years older than the prepubescent child, for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia."

No matter how to try to subvert there is a very clear legal definition of pedophilia. You're trying to imply there is no real definition or implying there's exception is you just trying to justify your guilty conscience.

When I was little, my sister painted one of my toe nails black without my noticing it. It was a prank she played on me and we both laughed it off. Later on in the evening my brother sees my painted black toe nail and he got pissed. Like he really scolded me. I told him that I didn’t know but he continued to get mad at me. I just sat there thinking “wtf?” Looking back, I finally understood what he was trying to do. My father wasn’t present during my most of my childhood, and if it wasn’t for brother I would’ve turned into one of these freaks just like pic related.

The mentor ship role men have provided to women whether they are the same age or 10 years apart via marriage has predominantly been beneficial to women throughout history.

There's noting wrong with older males pursuing younger females, as long as they are of consenting age.

It's only now that we have a surplus of spinster roasties, that there is such an outrage over it.

Homosexuals are typically pleasure seeking individuals, improper association formed (sometimes as a result of early childhood experiences), improper hormonal imbalance (sometimes the result of womb development) or parasitic infection. Pedophilia largely doesn't exist

15 year olds look like children to me. I would have fucked the shit out of every 15 year old thot in my year at school when I was 15 but there's almost no appeal to me at all at my current age. For one thing they have the mind of a 15 year old girl, which means this hypothetical 15 year old girl of yours has the charisma of a fucking black hole, for another she's so young she probably doesn't even know what to do with a cock, although that's changed these days.

>anyone who says they wouldn't fuck a 15 year old is seriously virtue signaling or trolling.

No. Fuck off. Don't assume that people who think differently to you have deceitful motivations for expressing those opinions. Even 18 year old girls look way too young for me now. I'm attracted to women in my age bracket.

>Yeah, I'm sure you where "only pretending" to be retarded user.
I'm sure you never pretend just is retarded.
I understood you lame and wrong opinion on the laws.
Which doesn't give a fuck about puberty in it's interpretation of pedophile.
Understanding consequences is all that matters so like stated before go be a kiddie fucker elsewhere.
Also you'll find no studies that'll agree with you adult women are mentally equal to young children no matter how much lust you have for underage flesh.

15 is not prepubescent.
pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent, like toddler vag

>If I link the Wikipedia definition and don't read beyond the surface then I can claim to know what I'm talking about
Alright champ, let's take another look at what you linked
>Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder
Where do you think such disorders are categorized/defined? The DSM by the APA. This is what I've been speaking to.
>You're implying there is no real definition
The exact opposite in fact. I'm claiming there is a very clear definition which would not apply to even 1% of the population. That the general public tends to disregard the actual definition entirely and apply it to situation that makes them uncomfortable.

It's true though. If there were less stigma about being a pedo you'd see more people seeking help from mental health professionals and what not too

A+, I believe this is the way.

I think the biggest problem with any discussion on this topic is defining terms. When sex with a toddler and sex with a 17 year old get put into the same class by some people here, there’s a massive problem.

>government has capabilities to plant cp on any one dissident's machine
>government can then arrest you for possessing this illegal information
>haha fuck pedos amirite

Women are eternal dependents, they are always under the authority of another. They lack independent agency, and will always reflect the values/beliefs of their authority. Most men are not happy because they refuse to acknowledge the nature of women. They bought into the egalitarian lie that women are like men.
>As long as they are of consenting age
That's the thing, they don't consent. If we define consent as being able to understand the long term consequences the same way men do, then women will always lack the capability to consent. The only determining factor that matters is when their father decides. Traditionally marriage was an exchange of ownership, from father to husband.
>It's only now that we have a surplus of spintsters
Yes, due to our societies embracing egalitarianism. Women suffer when not properly guided

>That the general public tends to disregard the actual definition entirely and apply it to situation that makes them uncomfortable.

Complete bullshit YOU keep denying there is such a thing and then trying make up your own definitions. Just admit your a kiddy fucker and stop trying to pretend you have the slightest moral ground on anything.
The laws follow the general public's opinions on the subject which is why there's laws against it and perfectly clear laws to define it, full stop. Any argument you try to imply over that is irrelevant to those facts, it's illegal and there's a clear definition of that.

>tfw you've been browsing Sup Forums for awhile now and realize that half the posters in an anti-pedo thread may be borderline pedos

>No discussion can take place because it makes me uncomfortable
Why are you even here?


Look at this guy ---> He's outright arguing children are property and as long as the father gives permission it's perfectly fine to fuck them. There's nothing borderline about that user.

>borderline pedos
Fuck that fren Sup Forums has always been littered with full on pedos like this faggot here .
I wouldn't be surprised if it's that hyper pedo FF that has been on here for over a decade.

Should've said borderline+

>Wrong opinion on the laws
What laws do you think I have cited? I have spoke to the clinical definition of the condition.
>The law is not based upon biology
No shit, that's part of the problem here. The law is not based upon anything tangible. A society's rules must be based upon something solid, not feelings.
>The law defines pedophilia
You're confusing age of consent laws, and pedophilia. Age of consent laws are the age in which consent can legally occur, pedophilia is a psychological condition defined by the DSM.
>Understanding consequences is all that matters
Which women always lack the ability to do, thus part of the reason our society is in ruins.


> Even 18 year old girls look way too young for me now. I'm attracted to women in my age bracket.
kek, that's indeed the trend. Within the next decade people are going to be accused of being pedophiles for being attracted to 18-22 year olds

Here we fucking go. The day pedos become an accepted protected class is the day I head for rural Montana and divorce myself from society

Pedophilia is a Marxist kike buzzword, the real problem is premarital fornication and promiscuity

>You keep denying a definition exists
>Proceeds to cite law rather then psychiatry where it's defined
>Practically begging me to justify his already explained butthurt
The absolute state of nu/pol/

If i knew who you were, id murder you very slowly, chain you to a fucking ceiling with your balls down and cut your skin off piece by piece, let it heal and repeat

sorry user this was wrong ID, but if youre a pedo still applies

No I'm saying women are property, first of her father then through marriage to her husband. If you're going to straw man, at least try.

1) There's a difference between being attracted to 15-16 year olds and being attracted to 6-8 year olds.
2) There's a difference between being attracted to 15-16 year olds and fucking or fapping to underage girls/boys.

Just admit you're that pedo Freedom Faggot and I'll just sage my way out of this pointless and circular logic thread.

I'm not FF, just an user with background in biology and psychology and felt inclined to speak on the subject. Since these threads are normally filled with over emotionally idiots these days

milkies on the left

The accusation of pedo is just an excuse to engaging in degenerate violent fantasies, it's akin to the left when they call someone a nazi

>Proceeds to cite law rather then psychiatry where it's defined

Irrelevant to the laws you fucking retard.
The law clearly defines it and it the laws that will persecute you when you get caught, and someday you will.
Again, try to dance around it all you want but no matter how you try to subvert it the law is clear on the subject.

Just don't post pedophile shit online, problem solved.
Don't sympathize with fetishizing children.

Because I'm anti-pedo? Your vernacular seems to suggest that you are the kind of people I despise.

>He doesn't know about the traditional Mormon communities in Montana who marry off their girls young still

Do you realize that the very first law that the Jewish feminist movement shoved through the legislature was Age of Consent (even before female suffrage)? It’s literally Marxism

>the real problem is premarital fornication and promiscuity


Lel nw.

>I want to justify my torture fantasies the post
Seek help

It's not wrong though and we should be researching how to cure pedos. Imagine just take a moment from virtue signaling to actually study their brains and figure out why they're fucked up then developing a cure or at least effective therapy.

You could possible save some kids instead of making it look like you give a fuck.

Okay so I’ll concede that there may be fucking depraved paedos that haven’t molested children- HOWEVER, I can guarafuckingtee that every single one of them would if provided the opportunity.
Castrate these fucks.

>just an user with background in biology and psychology and felt inclined to speak on the subject.
SO just another opinionated faggot, gotcha.
I'm out.
You spout bullshit on biology in relation to women and I'm suppose to take anything else you post serious.
Either way Laws don't give a fuck about you feelings.

I find girls post puberty attractive, so I fall outside the definition of pedophilia. Are you ready to present an argument now?

As someone trying to imply it's fine to fuck children based on some completely made up "psychiatry definition" that's rich user.

>A term specifically rooted in psychiatry is irrelevant from psychiatry

Goddamnit, straya. Is it too much to ask for you guys to not bang children?

Checked, let the truth be known

Look it's all degenerate as fuck but the chick on the far left has very nice breasts.