So pol, how do you think the libtards will act on Emperor Trump's reelection?

What do you think?

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mom is gonna freak xD

I think libtards will riot in the streets.

like omg libtards are gonna be sooo mad haha xD


edit: thx for the gold!
edit2: holy shit didnt think this would make to the top

obummer asshole licker found. Surprise, a leaf.

shariablue spotted! reported and filtered!

it's going to be a landslide victory

Not gonna happen after all the propaganda articles and other bullshit

They'll be too busy in the workcamps, and won't even be aware of an election.

Someone has to pick those vegetables.

I just wanna see liberals gnash their teeth and cry again.

Republicans led by Paul Ryan have a plan to poison Trump. The martyrdom incentive is vast and low-hanging.

I think by November 2020 S will have already HTF

All I know is Sup Forums needs to unite for the meme magic to work like it did in 2016. Check this out

They will have lost energy by then. There will be some organized protests but not on the same scale as 2017.

Why don’t you go ahead and explain this. I’m already well aware that Rove is a treasonous rat, but Ryan did not squash the Nunes memo when he had a chance to. It makes me wonder about him.

>mfw there are people who unironically still support a man who has gone back on everything he sort of kind of stood for at one point and then flip flopped on a few times and then fucked around with it for a while

No defending it. Not even one bit. You can't go and say anything about it. You either like him because of some love of an Emperor sort of thing because he can do no wrong to you or you're just plain idiotic. Admit it.

Well said

Reddit's the other way.

This is what I'm talking about. Don't buy the shills, they want to divide us so the pepe AI doesn't work properly. Meme magic is real and we can win more than just the presidency using it.

Entire West Coast falls into the ocean, stomping brats lewd reactions.

Nah, you're simply a faggot and an obummer bunghole licker.

Only thing that worries me is how Trump supporters are already decided that they're going to vote for Trump again without considering the possibility that someone better might come along.

Not an argument. I want real people who still go to the PTG in here who aren't fucking drones, bots, etc. Use whatever brain you have left and explain to me why you like the guy other than "I want the world to end" which makes you automatically somebody nobody should care about.

hopefully lots of self cutting


Not going to happen. The best that the GOP can come up with is guys like Cruz who are so evangelical that the nonbelievers will never vote for him.

Interesting digits, there might be some validity to your hypothesis

I am more excited about 2020 than I was in 16. liberals have NO answers, none, and I want to put my boot on their throats.


but this

but hopefully this

The only thing that would worry me is if they all of a sudden stopped acting deranged about Trump and spent their energy planning and thinking about how to win with a good candidate. I am now confident to say that will never happen. They may not even win in 2024

Yup, that's the exact solution, but libs are too stupid and need to express their hate for Trump, but thankfully to their own demise.

I'm looking forward to Trump potentially running again in 2020, too, but that's still a way's away. We need to get through the midterm elections first, which will ultimately set the stage for 2020.

Someone that actually takes our border seriously.

Hillary was pushing for an open border.

They will be fine, because he is carrying out all of Hillary's policies anyway, and none of the promises he made to his conservative voters. We should cry when Drumph is re elected not Liberals.


Nice play shill.

I don't know what you're talking about but isn't this thread about his incredible small hands? I thought it was

It's the truth why am I the only one who notices? Now Drumph is sending more than 100 million to thank the Black leadership of South Africa for their white genocide program.

>Thanks for killing all the white farmers!!
>Here another 130 Millions from the US taxpayer goys!!!

Drumph ran on an alt-right campaign, got elected on our votes, and is now carrying out Hillary Clinton's policies. He's probably bombing Assad right now per Hillary's' wishes. Pile up some more sanctions on Russia? Yeah, but that is what Hillary ran on not Drumph.

we should build concentrationcamps for all niggers , worldwide

H-R-C will off herself when news breaks out she's going to the clinker.

It won’t happen and that makes me sad. His presidency is a shirtless-guy-in-a-motorcycle-accident-level wreck. I'm tired of pretending to care. It’s old.

BREAKING NEWS: The legal grounds for President Trump to demand a DNA test of Chelsea Clinton

>Emperor Trump's reelection?
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