Mass immigration and the impact on quality of life and culture: US case study
US impact on quality of life via population increase.
US demographic change due to current immigration.
In tandem we see that essentially the immigrants who are called 'minorities' will actually become majority in the US as time goes by. But it's not so cut and dry, infact the literal amount of these numbers will cripple in the next few decades US infrastructure logistics and demands due to immigrants having no cap on amount of children compared to actual current american citizens. To make the case for even the most stupid, the immigrants who they call minorities will become majority at the current trajectory, us habitat (the US proper) will be taxed heavily on its natural ressources nearly 2/3rds extra than what it currently is now. Quality of life of average citizen will go down a similar amount as this progresses, and the cultural and behavioural and direction of the US and how it operates will be negatively incurred by these which you pretend to call minorities.
Now historically the US was around or close to 90% european ethnic majority with the majority of minority being the black diaspora from africa after slavery abolished now 153 years ago. The reason these others were called minorites now start to make mathematical sense, they were so tiny that they barely had any impact. Now the US is at a trajectory where these become a formed majority of the entire country.

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This negative trajectory with regards to altering ethnic demographics in the us, is solely the responsibility of the 1965 immigration reform act. Which promised the american citizens that it would NOT change us demographics (a clear lie), and that quadroupled legal immigration, and that promoted mass immigration to the US from non european areas. Before this immigration act was put in place, they had a european first principle, and had only 250k annually and ran a merit based immigration policy with heavy vetting.
In case you doubt this;
The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (H.R. 2580; Pub.L. 89–236, 79 Stat. 911, enacted June 30, 1968), also known as the Hart–Celler Act,[1] changed the way quotas were allocated by ending the National Origins Formula that had been in place in the United States since the Emergency Quota Act of 1921. Representative Emanuel Celler of New York proposed the bill, Senator Philip Hart of Michigan co-sponsored it, and Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts helped to promote it.
>The Hart–Celler Act abolished the quota system based on national origins that had been American immigration policy since the 1920s. The 1965 Act marked a change from past U.S. policy
>which had discriminated against non-northern Europeans.[2]
>discriminated against non northern europeans
>discriminated against
>US wanted only northern europeans for the most part of the 250k annually
>muh america is land of immigrants from everywhere, that is a lie.
>In removing racial and national barriers the Act would significantly, and unintentionally, alter the demographic mix in the U.S.[2]

>would significantly, and unintentionally, alter the demographic mix in the U.S.
>significantly and unintentionally
Well. Let's see about that, here's what a little fine lady from the SPLC have to say about that.
>white people are going to be replaced, but there's nothing they can do about it, cause this was planned long ago.
Hmm... interemeresting. Did anyone ask americans or europeans about this matter?

give me some coke you bastards. All that effort posting and you're jacking off to anime, atleast tell me i'm wrong.

Do you think they split hispanic by their races in the charts

here's a bump, friend. too late for me to put any input though.

That's happening under Trump too, nobody seems to give two shits about the debt except for pic related

Thank you. My god, yeah ofcourse they didn't not entirely. They've been deliberately lobbing people as white when they weren't for a long time since the reality of how fast it was declining from since 1965 might tick you off so severely. Definately some fuckery there for sure.
>here's a bump, friend. too late for me to put any input though.
It's so good to hear from you. You've done your duty.
>That's happening under Trump too, nobody seems to give two shits about the debt except for pic related
I think you didn't get the irony, they curse him for ramping up the deficit, this time the deficit on the annual budget is to actually have a ROI for brining up the GDP over time, and they're rambling over about him increasing the deficit. I've never seen such a charicature of this than rand paul in his speech about it would be intellectually dishonest to talk so much about excess spending that if trump increased it republicans should not complain either, and making it into a matter of decency, the level of corny politician just went of the stratosphere, either he's too dumb or he's catering to a dumb audience that he did in the past.

>I think you didn't get the irony, they curse him for ramping up the deficit, this time the deficit on the annual budget is to actually have a ROI for brining up the GDP over time, and they're rambling over about him increasing the deficit. I've never seen such a charicature of this than rand paul in his speech about it would be intellectually dishonest to talk so much about excess spending that if trump increased it republicans should not complain either, and making it into a matter of decency, the level of corny politician just went of the stratosphere, either he's too dumb or he's catering to a dumb audience that he did in the past.
Except he's right dumbshit, Republicans want to keep fucking spending and Trump is happy to rubberstamp it. Quit riding Trump's dick so hard it's not your tax dollars and currency being flushed down the toilet

Californianon here
Wake me up from my misery

Have a (you), my danish friend

>Except he's right dumbshit, Republicans want to keep fucking spending and Trump is happy to rubberstamp it. Quit riding Trump's dick so hard it's not your tax dollars and currency being flushed down the toilet
Wow, do i have to explain your own financial policies to you as an outsider. The reason trump clearly wants to ramp up the budget deficit which is already massive, is that the US desperately needs those tax cuts and other things to get the US economy working again and to bring over companies back to the US from where they had migrated. It's part of a larger strategy where basically the US is going to return to a tarif state of mind more than likely, in the current situation the chinese have tarif for if you sell to china, but for china to sell to us no tarif, this lets them outcompete companies in the US, and suck them to china. and many such cases with other countries. To then setup shop and sell to the US, with tarif reenitiated, it will no longer be profitable to do so, actually negative profitable to do so, if they want to sell to the US market. Now this move is terribly bad for many corporations that already has a lot of vested things in construction of manufacturing etc. in those places, but they would then come soaring back and lick their losses with salt in their mouth, and come back to the US and hire americans again. It's a temporary deficit for heavy ROI. Businessmen would understand, but to idiots it's like oh he's increasing spending. Dude, you're already ded, under hillary they were getting ready to siphon off the US. Trump brought you back to life. They had you nearly bankrupt to facilitate the greatest plundering the world had ever seen. You got '' this close. This is why they are panick'ing.

You don't realize, or maybe you don't think about this. 20 trill near now. 22 trill point of no return, the US would declare financial bankruptcy a year or two thereafter, and a new reserve currency was to be built. I can give some candidates, merkel hoped to be in one why she want to be one EU and why they panick also over there, but the point is, it got stopped or atleast heavily stalled. If trump doesn't get in and gets it right, probably in 2 year into his second term you're on safe side. If he doesn't. Same program continues. Probably US arsenal confiscated and massive secession of major states of the US, many of them going immediately bankrupt and so on and so forth.

thank you brother.

caveot. Real research old and new into tesla and others. Tesla is one rare thing outlier with mixing nordic dna into med euro dna or whatever of that similar latitude. sparked by highlights from mid east dna before they were retarded by cousin breeding and cultural negative prefects rendering from improving. Free energy to everyone, static electricity used as a conduit, more stable than ac/dc. Tesla and people like him is what made able the integrated circuit of your computer which is really infantile in comparison. Have to actually stable clock the ones so you can't even touch them just so they have to make more for every generation. Generation K unlocked for clocking. It's all some kind of little play with those in know. K like the constant K in the blade runner, perfect hunter artificial designed man. r/k r, breed inside its natural habitat, creating k to procure its environment and all its technological fortitudes. K is negative for rebirth, it prefers small scale but high quality environment. r breeds mass producing and mass consumption. But r like a rabbit cannot have nourishment without k. K could give all freely but r would ruin it. It's why we can't have nice things.

K is next level outlier. of k produce. western nations.

Diversity makes us more diverse.

What happens if a US State goes bankrupt?

Riddle me this. What makes more an effective team. A team which is streamlined of similar mentality but different competences each finding the one thing they are best at, functioning as a cohesive unit, present a task. Or as the diverse, where each element could not be more different, but they could argue or elaborate about what eachother meant, and someone might be offended. It's easy. The similar and streamlined wins. They mistake the notion of diversity. They think it means of people of different tasks, they believe the more different people are people of different tasks will do better, not when they have different baseline of intelligence and competence but that is their ideal, an ideological fallacy it is, that they have never dared to take to its final conclusion and run it algorithmically. Similar but with high iq and high intellect and high cunning and high competence is better, each ofcourse perform their role to wit their competence and their merit and function as a cohesive organism. A k organism lead by K will be better than r k distribution organism lead by (-k) or (r+ to try to mimic k leadership). With k and K each knows what the other is doing, if he needs something response time is minimal and the result is actual, and the accuracy is unparalleled.

>What happens if a US State goes bankrupt?
Power vacuum and another reserve currency will simply be selected on an interim pending a more broad solution to solve petrol dollar, so that it has minimal mathematical negative impact to markets since a collapse would be in not anyones favour. the US can easily fall as reserve currency, it has violated the trust enough as it is, not to say anyone wants it to. Do you ever play your own game that came all the way back from the summerians even older, two opposites dark and light and the truth is above both. The difference when you play chess with a normal person is they have 2-5 analyzed what they do and what the next one does. A grandmaster have memorized the chesspieces and the game, so he can think maybe 50 maybe 100 maybe more ahead of you and only you can do and lure it into what you want it to do.

>60% at 2020
They wish.

It's not because he's actually smarter than you he knows how those patterns result in before as such he is able to make judgement of about what happens 100 moves later and mapped out already what you can do and what you can't do and so on and so you go what did that happen, the person is not actually thinking, it's the mystery and the lie of chess. It's not actually about intelligence it's a memorization of past events, and the ability to compare them with the current situation.

Go check out grandmaster chess book they memorized the patterns, many of the grandmasters have eidetic memory and are mapping things out like that, why the AI can inevitably beat them, somehow the brain forgets a pattern, if it makes a new one the ai remembers. AI is a fond thing in chess because it has set pieces all are the same of opponent and of home, but each can do same thing. So it's a set thing to train those things and to adhere to mental acuity. But the grandmaster actually is not thinking like you, he's remembering. So he's so much faster than you. You make one move like this, he has already correlated a thousand different ways how you can play like this, and so he has you out of your game where noone can save you.

The true AI is extending the playfield which is way more difficult and we can't hope to do so, we can automate them and select from a segment in which we have experience from and determine best outcome better than thousands or millions of those whilst retaining their failures and correction things when they go die as people do eventually. But true AI is far far more complex it's a god organism and we should be idiots to suggest we could ever attain that. Even if it thinks for itself, but it's fascinating. What it does however is the important part, it narrates our desire for PERFECTION! a very european thing, just the joy of everything functioning perfectly from every inch nook and cradle. That all is optimized so it gives us a great lee way to promote higher quality. Through learning of mistakes made.

Whilst we forget mistakes made, a machine records, it acts it is, it doesn't differentiate unless we tell it so, it remembers it archives all we are all we can be and all we should be and our lives on the internet and everything is so much metadata for future pattern analysis of super computers. To figure out how can we better mankind. This data might be collected. But it's something ever lasting that you are a part of a future, even when you are no longer here anymore.

damn- we need to get the pope to sign off on abortion and birth control
t. 20 years ago

But it should always be for identity to be stripped, let's say in the future it tracks you to ancestors, correlate your ancestors with you produces a very thing, i think it should be to make identity unavailable to it. Its purpose should be to catalogue human experience and those who would violate that should really be put on noose, to mess with the archivist thing that is. To modulate a better answer and compute how we can adress the things that are before us, and what that are past us and how we can move forward.

The pope hahahaha. i think this is cute. how he violate his own doctrine and his own people.

well, 20-years-ago-pope wasnt from the brown wave

I think we should not understimate the level of technology we have now, we have the power to archive every sentient human being on this planet, what they said what they did what they dreamed, their hopes, their aspirations, their loves their lost, their lives their lost their could have beens factoring in drugs alcohol comsumption etc. Before in human history all these things were blank to us. This might teach us more about who we are to let the fly right out in the open, but ident should be stripped from it for it. Like a collective conciousness in a way of archiving. From trainwrecks to excellence nothing is really lost fully in the sense of what they dared to share.

Their ups their down their everything. It's said nobody cares about the dead, maybe the data saves the dead.

You can say whatever but atleast stored in metadata. For future reference. With no bio ident, or if in that this bio ident is a case currently that stripped.

when you're gone you die, i saw this with my grandmother, the nicest person i have ever met aside from my mother. Always her last wishes was that our family should not fight with eachother. She had cancer of the intestines, they doped her up on morfine, she never cried, never said much nothing but heey my lovely When they're gone they're gone. You don't know this youth, because you're too frail yet, you still think that you are forever, and all the good things you have won't be taken away from you. It's not that someone is taking them to punish you, it's just the way things are, wouldn't it be amazing if it was saved for you and for everyone else?

She was 90's she lived a good life, it was just her time, the doctor, fucking idiot foreign doctor, they could not operate it, i found a alternative for with the cannabanoid mix to ingest, but they had already done intestinal bypass so nothing you can do. And colonostopy (you shit in a bag). Cause they took part of her intestine out. And my father also had cancer but survive it and i told the doctor about this, he said, we cannot administer this treatment because it is experimental, it has good results but it is experimental so cannot do it. He survive she didn't, was too late.

Because with cannabanoid ingest, has to go through system, and they did bypass.

Here's thing about cannabanoid of indica strain, it is a fascinating thing, it hunts down and destroys mutating cells aka viruses and these things. It's like a built in fucking weird thing. What it does is it goes into body and asks cell. Are you human of this dna and well? no. Ok, kill yourself. Yes i will do this. fucking amazing they watch it happen in petri dish.

My contention with that thing is that someone put it there to when us as plebs we encounter radiatory technology like wifi and other things, we have a simple cure, that grows like fucking weed, to when we can manifacture more pure state technology.

We literally have in our bodies natural receptors for those things, and but the medical industry can't make money off or a 'weed' or non propriatory, so take this which doesn't work half as well, but atleast you can have it by medical condonance.

I mean isn't it just a little bit too convienient that it knows every cell in our body and instructs the pathogen to die off to avoid invasive surgery.

Right now we have the one option cut it out. We're cavemans of science of microbiology right now. But doctors make a lot of money. And atleast they have discovered bacteria and these things. And bacteria phages, what is that, looks like a launch mechanism for bacteria. If we can develope nanites that enter and work and look at these things, a lot of these things can be identified.

this is what annoys me the most tbqh

at least the turks took Constantinople in a fair fight

these spics are literally taking over and our people are too dumb to realize what is happening
>baby in 56%
Just kidding
>you remind me of the babe
what babe
>babe with the power
what power
>power of 'voodoo'
who do?
>do what?
remind me of the babe.
>i saw my baby, crying hard as babes could cry, what i could i do. My baby's love has gone, and left my baby blue, nobody knew, what kind of magic spell to use, slime and snails or poppy dogs tails, thunder or lightning, and baby said, dance magic dance.

Kubrisque stuff, everyone's wearing disguises but they're all looking very sick.
What is it for instance drug dealers have ever done for the world, all this power but they had the truth right in their fingertips to cure so many and did they do anything but make themselves wealthy. The world is not for these people. The world is not for the people who do not love eachother who do not want to do good for eachother, who do not recognize the obstacles we face, and who choose not to deal with them, the future is not for these people. Man has a baby, so what. Are we relegated whilst others dream and create a beautiful tomorrow that we are of the infantile remark of who makes most. In truth the ones that are the most of are the least deserving in every way. They don't have the light within them to even do a good thing, they are hollow shells, they are mimics, they have a human outer shell, everything seems to work, but they don't have it in them to be true and create the beautiful things that they would soon seek to posess. They are guests of our hospitality. That's what they are, what do they make of their own, nothing, what do they make that is not derived, virtually nothing. They are nothing without those who they seek to destroy, and as a grand faux pass, they want to destroy that which grants them the reason they always lacked. Check mate'ing themselves with a peasant. I feel sad for them that they have not witnessed fully a good human i have had that luxury, so i don't blame them, but please do not pretend as if this charade of well meant intentions doesn't have to end and pragmatism now must ensue, to bring a better way for all of us.

These apes will make mass murder, and proclaim that they did god a good service, and they did not know god whatsoever, as they have done before many times, the perverse man which the west wants to protect against. Man is man and it is appointed for man once to die and live forever in another man/way. We make such evil that it is incredible that we can live through it, sufficient is the evil of this day. They think man is what it is, the race realists are the most honest ones, man is flawed, your diversity, you like that? don't you, you hold that up as a banner for effort well done, it is the other thing, you are mixing iron with clay, the clay is brittle, it's whatever the nuveau whatever. the iron is the europeans. They have forged this age of iron of metal of keyboards of mouse of the internet, of everything you take for granted. They are the last people on earth you want to fuck with. And they have been nothing but nice and grandstandingly accommodating towards you, till now.

Snowstorm about to hit, already starting. We are stormbringers, the hotheads of the middle east, like they want to act as vanguard of past events, and build large cathedrals to themselves, to glorify themselves thinking bigger means better. We laugh at such notion, they build mighty little things for themselves, what good that do them, now without empire level labour, what do they do. They can barely do any thing reasonably. It's a mentality difference. You don't prove yourself by making cathedrals after your honor, you prove it in might in cunning and in contribution to your people. Fools embrace these idols. They try to reach the stars to find the lack they feel within themselves. They build them up and then tear them down.

That first video is very persuasive to the average normie. I can't believe it came out in 2010. I think they would be far more receptive to the message now if it could just be spread into the normieshpere.

> I think they would be far more receptive to the message now if it could just be spread into the normieshpere.
if you feel so inclined.

>i walk into an empty room, suddently my heart goes boom.


It's 7:30 am central here not gonna get too much traffic to thread from ameribros, but gonna drink my coffee and read your stuff
oh the 90's one of my favourite, of how they were. Hopes and expectations hahaha. All so mild so enjoyable so kind.
Truth does not turn out all way as you espect of it.
Ahahah this woman! so marvel at her good traits. all turned down worse than people hoped, it's one of those things. If she had only been so lucky.
Well i apologize my american brother of going off on some tangents but i think you'll be overbearing and the OP is what you should be concerned about at any rate. Best of wishes to you and i appreciate you more than you know. Not because of all military shit, but because you're my brother, and that's really what all that matters more than anything.

Just so you know we have a 4th of july celebration for over 100 years and not to dox myself but i know about that. Celebrate every year your independence day, not much to be celebrated over the last years, till trump, there will always be haters, make their substance be shown or fuck off.

No need to apologize, was just explaining why you're not getting much replies, we're all asleep/waking up.

If i could i would make america better than ever, all the shit you burgers have been through you deserve good things now. Anyways thank you for your diplomacy.

It's the kind of shit when people do bad things in your name, and it sucks ass.. and you have to take it back what it means. all with you.

Look give the spics the papers and you get the end of the democratic party the value of the spic is more conservative then any Democrat also kick all the mexicans out since they belive the reconquist of the mexican empire so just let Central Americans and South Americans have the papers

funny how the US democrats turned into the let's replace americans party and nobody called them out on it. How the hell did that happen.

I wish I could help you lad but I don't operate within the normiesphere. I have no social media accounts and I dont use reddit or twitter. I haven't used them in years and am basically too anti-social to use them now, but I wish you luck on your righteous crusade.

hey, you're a champion for knowing it within yourself, never discount small victories. It all matters.

the only thing that matters is the truth, that yields to anyone surprisingly if they want to look for it and question it from all angles and all sides and find it to be the case.

Truth is more precious than any man and any simple life, i have seen videos of people dying and people being dismembered from their core in the goriest videos, would you say i am not worthy to say it because i enable that by watching it, no i hate it and feel sad that this is what we are, that we went from entertaining that some might not be a virgin to literally see drug cartel snuff films of where they literally cut their arms and legs off with machetes or chainsaws and other things. This seems very clear it is the opposite of what i want with a return to innocence. But if man wants to know good from evil they certain got it in spades. This is not good for a man whatsoever. It hurts and it destroys the natural empathy that should be towards those who are in these ways. You are not tough any more than a battle seasoned veteran is accustomed to killing, you have not brought the sword for the engagement, but you are subdued by it to to the point where it barely hurts you, now you can say this is not bad thing, now i'm tough guy. yeah. It was better when you didn't know good from evil and you were in the garden. Figured it out yet? ^^ man is wicked as fuck, and animalistic, and only very few of these are of higher order of thinking that everyone should be like that. To them it's like someone of them died. AHAHA what an IDIOT, he died, why should i care.. nono.. you can't do that don't you see.. no i really don't.. uphill battle of indoctrinating them to our values.

they think it's all fun and games because they have been desensitized to war, it's not fun and games, and you do go away.
They think because they see some of these things in advance, it makes it less real, if they do bad shit. they think they are professor. They think they are truly professor, you can't teach them anything. Same as why they don't deserve higher knowledge and tech, which relies on cooperation which they just rejected cause fun.
This is the thing of man, for good or for bad. Whatever it is, it could be amazing, it could be terrifying, man adapts. Man needs to snap out of that phase, deal with what is right for a change, or that what is right, will get rid of both man and it's 'powerful' handlers trying tohandle things they don't have the right to do with.
>women wins, it's not that simple. Saving humanity from itself.
>umbrella, red_white - experimental
>umbrella white_red - elite
If you look at umbrella logo it's the danish flag tilted 45 degrees for umbrella high command, tilted 90 for experimental designs. The white cross is cross of illumination, the red cross is blood undertaking, english flag. This is what they are pointing at in the movies with wes anderson.
The tribe of dan, tribe of judges from the bible involved in genetic research. Denmark it's not called denmark, it's to throw you off, it real name is DANmark, it doesn't mean dans mark, it means resting place of dan/field of dan. Dan is in the bible supreme house of judges, the highest order of judges. Who judge all others being of the house of god. jews are fraud.

The name of our house literally means field of dan, dan was also commander of the triad of the what you know now as vikings, dan was bannerhead, naphtali and asher is sweden norway in that context. The chief of the northern congregation. Doesn't get much northern than that.

It's completely peaceful dan is also the house of peace, extremely boring nothing bad shit goes on there, extremely wealthy people also live here.

When the frankish king of the french defended europe from the ummayads he had viking dna, his order was to put all bodies in field and not clean it up, when the muslim invaders came and saw the ones that came before they never came again, so they settled for spain, tours/portiers.

In the house of god almighty, the congreation is divided into triads, each with bannerhead, dan is head of the northern congregation, then you have west, east and south remaining to locate the lost tribes of 'israel' a much older story. Most of the viking kings were danes, when they colonized britain who then colonized rest of world, they put in place in britain dane law.

Dan is described as a winding serpent that strikes the one who attack him. He is a serpent on the wayside, he leaves a trail, it's because wherever this tribe went they call it dan din or dun. ScanDINavia is no coincidence.

I understand and empathize with you user. You have to observe the darkness and evil of humanity to truly appreciate the light and goodness, I think that is the realization that many of the fine folks here on this mongolian basket weaving forum came to. I can also become very cynical, but In life I always try to treat well those that are deserving of it and continue to spread positive energy out into the world in hopes of at least negating some of its evils. Ultimately it is the desire for truth that led me here and that same desire will lead others too. The elites have essentially figured out a way to highly efficiently program our minds, culture, and steer our economies so that we would never be able to stand against them in any meaningful way but a true game changer was bestowed upon us in the form of the internet. Any time information is allowed to flow more freely chaos ensues and the truth fights to be free, It happened in the time of Martin Luther with the printing press and translation of the Bible and it is happening again now with the internet. The truth will ultimately prevail but not with out hardship and sacrifice along the way.

Here is some insight into how they have been programming us and steering our culture and economy from a top secret CIA document found in a copier in 1986 that was to be sold for scrap parts.

Nor is it coincidence that it was danmark who christined scandinavia, both sweden and norway and finland and iceland and faraoe islands, and put cross in their banner by king command.

>The elites have essentially figured out a way to highly efficiently program our minds, culture, and steer our economies so that we would never be able to stand against them in any meaningful way but a true game changer was bestowed upon us in the form of the internet.
Yes, they are liars and total decievers, they hide the truth in plain sight, and then try to destroy people at the same time. THe ones they want gone is the ones you must hold on to as much as you can. It is no coincidence why they are trying to get rid of these people, much better than they ever were.

Every single target for mass immigration is top 5 of accomplishments to human civilization. Top 5 most under attack then everyone else lower.

Jewish media and financiers bullied all dissenters until they gave up.

Thanks to Obama’s disastrous presidency, and the miserable effect it has had on social matters, people are waking up.

The answer to the 1960s is the 2020s.

Yes, i know but and what the things i said it's outlandish and weird and awkward, but look at who they are attacking, once you know why they are attacking them, it is in the eye of the beholder, why are they attacking these people these nice people some of nicest in entire world, why they attack them, when you understand this then you understand why they attack them, and they don't want you to know this. The jews are liars. should not be big surprise, but bigger liars than you know.

>funny how the US democrats turned into the let's replace americans party and nobody called them out on it. How the hell did that happen.

lel you're right

normies are fucking dumb

when you realize why they are trying to erase those bloodlines using every stupid excuse they can, because there is no good one, then their little game is up, and when you fully realize this, their game is up and all they can do is call you anti semite etc. Infact i don't want to kill all jews, i just want them to stop messing with europe as they have for millennia and kicked out a thousand times, now you see what they were trying for. I would very much like jews have good time in 'israel' just have their time there.

I agree with you. But I still can't figure out why they are trying to get rid of us. Why do they do it?

They know what they know, it stops being funny when you realize you have to live with these people. They don't go away because you realize they are stupid, nor would you want them to go away but it's a good understanding of the situation.
Because we are the true gods house. And the jews are fraud, it's in their own text of esau the jews selling birthright and jacob become supplanter, he is his brother. Then esau goes and pretend to be european and fuck up europeans, and the parable in matthew where there are wheat which are children of the kingdom but there are also tares, a tare is something that looks almost like wheat, but its seed is poisonous to wheat.

>hello fellow white man
>white people need to fucking be exterminated.
A slightly different approach from the original comment you might say. But done all the time.

Oh i forgot that they ofcourse affirm that they are part of jewish tribe. of the babylonian talmud that is even more authoritative than moses, eventhoug it isn't.

>Because we are the true gods house. And the jews are fraud,
what do you mean

when esau fell to worship saturn (the fallen cherubim) europe was selected as house of god and house of god was transplanted, this is why dan is harped so much on in the bible. because by locating DAN the house of the supreme judge of all the 12 tribes, you can locate all the other tribes. Dan is located in the high north. bannerhead of 2 tribes, hello scanDAN/DINavia, hello DANmark, sweden norway.

They are not permitted to attack dan directly so they attack his brother sweden. If they attack dan directly there will be dire consequences, so they skirt around it trying to subdue dans allies.

In the bible you read this as esau he was a chosen, but he sold his birthright for pottery to his brother jacob which means literally supplanter/he who replaces.

Esau = jews, jacob = christian europe

Jacob wrestled with an angel symbolically so much that he would not relent, to prove his worth now that esau had failed, he broke his shin. And angel said, now i will call you jacob israel. It's an allegory of transplantation of the entire doctrine. Dan christined northern europe by king command, the reason i now carry this banner, and why sweden, norway finland and others carry the cross banner. over a thousand years ago. Germany is also part of crossbanner but did not have it in their banner.

Reason why is because germany and denmark had massive strife, see what happened after the triad split danmark stood alone, and germany got ready to buttfuck danmark, and retake their northern territory, and it was brutal.

See Danmark under the triad the vikings (danmark, norway, sweden) they had taken some bits of german land, and they wanted it back.

I am well aware of their deceptions and behavior. They seem to fight against the goodness of man and European innovation. They have deceived us into being ashamed of our own rich histories and cultures. They attack and exploit our empathic and altruistic natures while feeling no remorse themselves. They wish too see us slaughtered, subjugated, and bred out of existence so they can steer the world into being some twisted dark dystopia where they reign supreme. It is a fight for survival of the European peoples and their glorious culture. It is a fight that we must win or else the entirety of humanity will suffer.

And with no two brothers to help them, danmark stood alone against germany, and we got fucking ass whopped. But for mutual respect and honor about our shared lineages they reclaimed what we took and left it at that.