Meanwhile, in a timeline where pro-lifers got the upper hand

>meanwhile, in a timeline where pro-lifers got the upper hand

Isn't there a prenatal test for that

We already have the upper hand because we trust and believe in God. "If God is for us, who can be against us?!"

short gerber stock

There is. Bringing a parasite retard into the world is matter of choice.


Babies aren't very good at talking. How does that work?

>life is already hard and shit when you are a normal human without born retardation
>still high chance of big problems in life including mental illness
>bring a confirmed retarded human into this world
for what purpose? Why do they do this?

>preliminary speech
>*shits himself*
>bravo for your touching speech, Luke

the retards in my town spend their days walking around picking up garbage
more useful than the niggers that throw that garbage on the ground

Even those with down syndrome can enjoy a life, that dismisses the claims of that they are suffering

Hey, your parents did it, why shouldn't other people

>that dismisses the claims of that they are suffering
They are too stupid to grasp nuances such as dignity, so I guess in a way you are right.
Literally too stupid to feel bad.

Yeaaa you tell that one year old. You really pounded him buddy! Like Mohammed and Tyrone pounded your wife last night

All the muslims you are importing that don't believe in your god are against you.

I'd support mandatory testing for developmental conditions and genetic propensity for incurable diseases. Seems like a win-win. You don't end up bringing some retard or doomed child into the world, and we reduce the burden on the healthcare system and the nation. We even slowly filter out such unwanted things from society and the genepool.

hehe downies get the rope here

Iceland LITERALLY did all that already, although the screenings aren't mandatory, but 100% of pregnant women do them because common sense.

Yes, but why the fuck isn't that a thing in every developed nation? It's not like people can cry eugenics, it's eliminating known and recognized diseases and disorders without any actual human life being destroyed. It's not like we have to wait until the third trimester to figure this shit out.

>OP proudly spreading a retard gene
>somehow baby's fault

Well, I guess it's sort of eugenics actually. But it's not promoting a particular set of characteristics so much as getting rid of universally recognized negative ones.

I thought your kind left them to die on a glacier

downsies have orangutan eyes

>Mfw Too intelligent to win in life.

You know what's funny about downies and race....

I live in Baltimore City, and blacks that have downie kids just let them run wild. What I mean is this: White downie children are accompanied by a parent. But I would play basketball and see black downie kids just randomly in the park without adults.

Because there is no difference between a downie nigger and a regular nigger?

>being pro-life means supporting the idea that people with downs syndrome are just as healthy as people without

Neck yourself.

well, you're not going to sell baby food with a dead fetus on the label, except maybe to Christopher Reeve


It's all well and good until its your kid. Family is important, and its difficult to throw your kid away because he's retarded.

The radical Christian so called "pro-life" ideology prohibits abortion even when the fetus is severely disfigured

you do know that you're basically like Hitler. Just because the kid isn't all there doesn't mean it can't exist. Have you ever seen a misshapen cloud? Only because we humans decide what is acceptable to live and what is not shouldn't give us the right to terminate it. In nature retarded animals are born every day. Nature will take care of it. Abortion is basically comparable to gassing jews because a certain group doesn't accept their way of life or their manners. What gives us the right to decide autism is bad? It can be weaponized. Some autists have even improved our way of life.


This is getting retarded

Your take on niggers?

>Abortion is basically comparable to gassing jews

Is Captcha broken?

Explain this??

Back to normal

And again.

This. Retards don't make the rape rate go up, or the homicide rate go up. They're happy to do menial jobs that no one else likes.

Unless they niggers. Also seriously wtf is going on with captcha?


abort mission.