How to win Sweden

Step 1. Get /ourguys/ into power. This is difficult, but not the subject of discussion in this thread. There is a swe general thread for this.

When this step is done, and the politics are out of the way, the question is how to commence large scale deportations. The problem is people will likely not go willingly.

In Sweden, we are lucky integration failed miserably. A majority of migrants live in segregated areas. This means they are prone to being surrounded, without expending many of our own. Additional recruits for this kind of large scale missions could be recruited from NEET ranks, through promises of gov-paid housing, military training, and a bright future for their people.

What needs to be done then, is the following.
During a cold week in winter, surround the worst no-go zones with police and military. Turn off heat, water and electricity to the entire area. Then wait for capitulation. I give them three days at most. Anyone trying to cut down trees for firewood, or make an escape should be shot with rubber bullets. Whoever surrenders should immediately be shipped off by train or bus, directly to a holding facility, awaiting deportation. Deportations should commence without agreement from the migrant's native lands. What are the odds a country will shoot down a plane filled with its countrymen? If we don't get a landing permit, parachute deportation is an option. Here, the idea is that no administrative detail should be able to block the process. This can not be allowed.

Our main advantage is our adaptation to a yearly natural catastrophe - winter. They have no habit of living in a place where there is winter. This may be used extensively to our advantage. As long as we control the infrastructure that allows us to survive winter, we have the upper hand.

Discuss this and other methods of winning.

Other urls found in this thread:

Military will take care of the encirclement. Police and Military Police will keep order in the streets during the process.
Anyone engaging in uprising against this will be deprived of their citizenship and deported alongside the migrants, and to the same places. This will minimise the amount of people who cause trouble.

The very first thing to to make open discussion acceptable.
We have to win the hearts and minds of the normies.
Even if they don't actively participate the idea of defending your race and culture must be a topic that anyone can address.
Once this is done THEN I think getting /ourguys/ into office will be a lot easier because normies will be able to go along with it.
People bitch and moan about optics all the time and there's something to be said for optics.
If we make self preservation normal then we get the main stream.
We're kinda winning this fight right now.
Keep the redpills flowing through IRL conversations.
Low level.
Not too much because most people can't handle the full extent.
But you show a crack here and there you'll get them thinking.
The best is when they think they've thought these ideas themselves.
Refrain from edification.
Ask very oblique leading questions and let the conversation come to an end once that pill starts activating.

What you're discussing is probably three or four steps ahead of where we are.
Good ideas, but implausible as of this moment in time.
They are neat ideas, though.
I like them - especially the taking of resources in order to drive the invaders out.
Very Sun Tzu.

Thanks, and yes, I'm aware this is a much later stage.
I think the purpose is twofold. If we can show this to be possible, even though it looks dark right now, we can give hope to our own, and maybe even put some fear in the migrants, if they understand how much they are dependant on our resources for survival.

Swedish winters are fucking freezing. It can easily kill you. Seriously. It's a weapon. We just need to shut off life support for selected areas, and deny them other means of heat generation - cutting down trees and so on. They will burn their furniture, but that gives them a day or two at most. Capitulation imminent.

I also realise first step must be to spread awareness, anger and the idea that protecting your own is a moral good. But you also need to point at methods of actually achieving victory. Show the viability of strategy, and so on.

We will win, sooner or later.

Yes. But we need to discuss how. Specifics.
Do you have any ideas?

I don't know, your plan sounded pretty good.
If we had control of MSM the whole thing would pretty much be over. Changing the tune of the conversation is key and also waking Swedes up, if they aren't already.

I've completely stopped responding to people calling me racist. I just say explicitly that I don't give a shit about what they call me, and that I'd rather be called anything, over being turned into a minority, marginalised and replaced in my homeland. It works better than one would suspect, senpai.

Whenever someone asks for evidence that replacement is happening, I just tell them to compare demographics today with demographics in the 60's. "We've clearly lost ground since then, and now migration happens at even higher speed".

Then I ask them to explain to me the success stories of stateless peoples. I ask if they want to be the next rohingyas or palestinians. That actually makes them think. Good tactics. I reccomend it.

You don't all of them at once. You do it house by house, chipping away their numbers. But you have to close the hemorrage too, and that requires shooting down the obvious Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators in your political parties, and the traitors who put them there.

>rubber bullets
Sweden is done.

Funny thing is, the more "minorities" I've come across the more racist I've become. In the beginning you give them excuses (which is really racist if you think about it, they're not held at the same standards as us white folks) but then you realize the pattern.
I talk quite openly about it but I've noticed people are getting a bit afraid of what they can and cannot say.

And where did the "holocaust" take us to? Did it lead to anything good at all?

Minimal force is not the same as bending over, american. The ladder of force is climbed one step at a time. If rubber bullets work, why escalate?
Of course the option is there. But civilised people solve problems with decisive but minimal force. As an american, you would not understand this.

I'm optimistic.
Recently I've seen a real swing toward sanity.
Officialdom still denies reality and yet many normal people are getting redpilled to reality.
I've seen a marked jump in Swedes who now openly discuss this.
Last year I had to trawl comments sections and blogs to get any information.
This is excelent news.
I agree that it would be nice if it was all happening at a pace that I liked (it's a bit slow in my opinion), but it is happening.
I would say keep talking and build some relationships with like minded Swedes.
I understand very well how hard this is in a bluepilled society.
I live in Los Angeles and you would be stunned at how bad it is here.
We're doing worse than you demographically.
We may be irreparably overwhelmed in my lifetime.
It's very rough.
I have more hope for Sweden right now than I do my own home state.
If I can do it, so can you.
Take heart.
Also, read about fourth generation warfare.
We're in the middle of Gen4 warfare and whites are still losing.
With an understanding of the tactics being used against us we may be able to turn it all around without having to resort to violence.
We may be able to seek a peaceful solution.
I'm still optimistic that this is possible.
Difficult, but possible.
And, I say again, your ideas are worthy of rumination.

Break the consensus by speaking out. This is even more important in a consensus culture like Sweden. If people see a dent in consensus, the question is suddenly up for discussion.


"And here we are today, in Germany... *cough* I mean the middle east"

Strictly speaking, making living conditions impossible for them doesn't even require government intervention. A couple guys with rifles could take down an entire area's power grid and be gone moments later.

Suffice to say, America has not integrated. We've done everything possible to accommodate black people, but they will never be happy in our society. And they are 200 years or more removed from their continent. I don't think Arabs will find happiness in Sweden in this lifetime. For generations to come they will assimilate or continue to thrash about and try to destroy it in a vain attempt to make it better. They should go home.


Hypothetically, a single 7.62x54r shot out of a musty old Mosin Nagant is more than enough to fuck up a transformer and that's a shot that can be done at several hundred yards.
It only takes two or three well coordinated people to take down a city.
Cheap drones can fly payloads of thermite to critical infrastructure, for instance. Hell, you can make rockets out of sugar and stump remover.

i'll warn you niggers they already started trying to blame us for the *allahu ackbar painted on the church in bastad. if you dont do this smart, they will castrate you in the media. they are already trying. carry on.
*throws historical artifacts in the furnace behind you*

If you need volunteers with mil training, im in.

Without public support and government sanction you'd be seen as no better than a Muslim terrorist.
Your idea may be technically feasible, but it's impractical from an optics standpoint.
You'll just turn off normies to the cause.

I'm only here to discuss the technical feasibility of it, not whether it should be done.

Just stop paying taxes.
Problem solved.

Nice larping, but you'll never do any of this. You already willingly gave up your country, it's not yours anymore. Enjoy retirement in the other nordics on the off-chance they'll actually accept you as a refugee (oh the irony) and helplessly watch as Sweden burns to the ground, never to recover again.

You lost, your people are lost and Sweden is gone - there is nothing you can do anymore to change this. Suck it down.

Europe will rise somewhat synchronised. We will have to volunteer to assist elsewhere on the continent if needed.

After such a joint effort, there will not be any more civil wars in Europe, and unity will be achieved, without EU. We will have become each other's saviours.

This is how we start the next empire.

Defeatist scum. Remove yourself or stop demoralising.

>During a cold week in winter, surround the worst no-go zones with police and military. Turn off heat, water and electricity to the entire area. Then wait for capitulation.

This absolutely would work. They wouldn't even be able to melt snow for drinking water. Chances are half of them would be dead within those 3 days from infighting.

Defeatist? No, Finland is doing quite fine, thanks. I am merely laughing at your defeat, I enjoy it. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving bunch of smug assholes tbqh.

You will suffer, you will fail, you will die - and I can only hope the other nordics will stand idly by and laugh at your torment.

Fuck off shitskin. This board is for white people.

you can only deport illegal immigrants and those whose visas are expired, although legislation should be made that those involved in serious criminal activities must also be deported no matter what generation immigrant they are.

You seem to have a masochist streak.
You seem to be unaware that we are in this together.
You seem a bit stupid, and a bit shit, desu, senpai. You should better yourself.

We blown stuff up. We do it real good like. Reaaaalll geeewwwd.

Ethnic finn, born and lived here all my life, but thanks for playing.

>inb4 hurr durr mongol

No, we are not "in this together", you're the proverbial canary in the coal mine that needs to die for the rest of us to come back to our senses. So thanks for that, I guess.

Laws may change, mr Paki. It's just a book.

Thanks for the brotherly love, Pekka. Really appreciate it. Now gtfo my thread. This is not for saving us, not for laughing at our currently miserable state of affairs.

>Anyone trying to cut down trees for firewood ... should be shot with rubber bullets.

How would they cut firewood? With a kitchen butcher knife?

How would these urban shitskins get a fire going with green wood? The grocery stores would be picked clean in a few days. Diarrheal diseases would start spreading pretty much instantly after the water is shut off. Alot of brown babies require formula, they would simply die after the one can of formula in the house ran out

Urban areas are a deathtrap without constant resupply.

Sweden is lost. It's sad but true and there's nothing that can be done anymore. To be honest, it might be good for the rest of Europe to see where these insane policies lead so that we might be able to avoid the same fate.

What if they hold natives hostage?

>This is not for saving us
*this is for saving us

Why would you want to save Sweden?Why would anyone want to save it? I say let it burn to the ground.

>Ethnic finn, born and lived here all my life, but thanks for playing.
>>inb4 hurr durr mongol

Your mind is that of a shitskin, making you equally worthless

I have no idea why I'm asking this but have you ever considered... you know, just talking with people instead of fantasizing about deporting them? Trying to build bridges? Attempting to understand it others point of view? Openly discussing systemic problems? That sorta stuff?

They're probably native coalburners. Toll must be paid somehow.

"60 IQ Somali would you mind not pumping your first cousin with semen so she births yet another drooling retard that costs the taxpayers $100,000 a year?"

Good idea

rubber bullets....

I case of water per white person

As if there ever was brotherly love between us, back when we were part of the empire you just extorted from us our resources and fighting men, causing famines and slowing our population growth considerably. You've always considered us expendable and a shield against Russia, thought yourself better in every way.

No more though, now you get to taste some long overdue karmic justice. The sooner Sweden and its people cease to exist, the better.

No, I mean, respectfully and in good will, treating each other as equals.

Then sweden is so fucked? Or why Poland isn't?
It wasn't the holocaust it was the extensive amount of liberalism.

If they start killing ours, in that situation, full military action will be completely and utterly justified. They're just saving us deportation costs, and showing the public their savagery.

Because I'm Swedish, brainlet.

If some squatter forcibly enters your home, rapes your wife, thrashes your living room and demands you feed them in return, it is not even slightly interesting to know their perspective.

I wonder who's behind this post.

How would you approach someone who is literally 60IQ and is fucking their cousin?

I have seen these kids with my own eyes. This isn't a scenario I made up.

No body cares about sweden anymore

They trow granades sandfags are clearly armed they will improvise explosives use guerilla tactics like they do in the midle east. You think minimal force will suffice?

>If some squatter forcibly enters your home, rapes your wife, thrashes your living room and demands you feed them in return, it is not even slightly interesting to know their perspective.

No, I'm talking about unarmed civilians who hace come to your country looking for a better life who have never meant your or anyone you know any ill will.

Try being a starving, thirsty desert dweller in the middle of Swedish winter, throwing a granade with limp hands, frozen to the bone. Try doing this against a literal siege of your ghetto neighbourhood with all exits blocked.

Try doing this in a situation where your potential comrades are your old tribal enemies, or a different tribe that you can't even communicate with.

They're not homogenous. We are.

If we import statistically significant amounts of people, we need to be able to handle them on a group basis.

And this group is only trouble.

why is that svens job? why not israels? what the fuck does he have to do with any of this?

We can't have a conversation with you (which is what you claim you want) if you will not admit basic facts. Here are some basic facts

1) Most of the migrants are military aged males
2) Most of them are low IQ and will never be able to support themselves
3) Most of them commit crime at rates much higher that whites (e.g. in the US, 1 in 3 urban black males are CURRENTLY either in prison/jail, probation or parole)
4) At current immigration rates, white people will become minorities in their own homelands and the social welfare system will collapse, which will be disastrous for everyone involved

Where was Sweden when we were dying?

Why should I care about ethnic and cultural swedes?

>Where was Sweden when we were dying?
Literally on the other side of the world.

>Why should I care about ethnic and cultural swedes?
You shouldn't. You're not even European. Go to another thread.

I have a hard time caring that some urban liberals might have their hand bitten by the rabid dog they insisted on letting run around their neighborhood


They will unite against you
also there are over a million of then concentrated in large numbers
Can your forces deal with that?
(Genuine question)

>1) Most of the migrants are military aged males

What exactly is "military age" to you? Where does it start and where does it stop?

>2) Most of them are low IQ and will never be able to support themselves

Do you have the statistics to back that up?

>3) Most of them commit crime at rates much higher that whites (e.g. in the US, 1 in 3 urban black males are CURRENTLY either in prison/jail, probation or parole)

The overwhelming majority of "urban black males" are not immigrants but the descendants of victims of human trafficking.

>4) At current immigration rates, white people will become minorities in their own homelands and the social welfare system will collapse, which will be disastrous for everyone involved

When, exactly, would these two things happen? 10 years? 20 years? 50 years? 100 years? 200 years?

What if I told you that rifle ammunition is cheaper than deportations.

This 'better life' is financed by my tax money, and it is contributing to the dissolution of my high trust, low crime society.

Why the hell should I want to support this?
Of those who came in 2008, one in eight has a full time job. Who is paying for the remaining seven? Who's been paying for these loiterers for 11 years?

They are in debt to us, and they repay us by raping, looting, complaining and demanding our shit. They need to be expelled.

I'm not arguing facts with you, honey. You can research them or remain willfully ignorant. It's your choice. Just please have enough sense to act so surprised when things don't go your way.

dont argue with globalists sven, gas them, and move on. that is the flag of globalism.

You make it seem like taking political power is a trivial first step. It is THE first and only important step. It is also the most difficult. The reality is once you have power, deportation of migrants will not be a problem. All efforts need to be towards acquiring that power.

While your concern seems genuine your solutions doesn't, if you actually want to do something like preserving ethnical heritage in the current connected world you can't be isolationist, one of the things that saved us from extinction, was being recognized as christians with souls.

As it is today for me swedes don't have souls, they are pale pleasure based machines.

There are not a million of them. Maybe one fourth of that, if you count only those in an age and sex capable of war.
They are not capable of large scale organisation. They don't even speak the same language as each other, and most are too stupid. If we organise, it will be like shooting fish in a bucket.
These are opportunists. They are cowards. They will capitulate when they see organised action against them.

Do you need full scale ethnic cleansing? Just cut welfare and enforce the fucking law (that means no such thing as "no-go zone" is allowed to exist, even declare martial law if necessary) and 99% of 'problem population' will self-deport to Norway, Denmark or whatever other cuckland.

I've read that dozens of thousands of rejected asylum seekers are out of the registration too. Also illegal immigration out of the asylum procedures are running in some high numbers. How many in total user?

Police is understaffed.

So there is some room for civil action. Rat them out.

How many policemen and military forces in total? Sweden has considerably reduced its troops in the last decades.

>get our guys into power
Who and how?

>military and police being allowed by (((NATO))) to do what we all know is the way to remove these shitskins

>discuss methods of winning

How about buying up cheap housing from the money you should have been saving with your brothers and reconquer the areas lost? Maybe actually fighting back against these shitskins and get other Swedes to get involved?

Because we don't want them going to Norway or Denmark, we want them all removed from Europe. Non-whites cannot be allowed to out-breed us and dilute our genetics in our homeland.

God, that would be cathartic. But the long-term blowback would be far worse unless it was actually justified. Just look at what happened with Breivik; he absolutely did more damage to his cause in the public mind than good.

I am not 'lost' or in 'sin', and I thus have no need for salvation. I don't denounce christianity, but it's not for me.

>1 military age = can effectively handle a gun
>2 see picture
>3 "victims of human trafficking." Fuck off over a 1.1 million blacks and majority was smuggled in?
>4 if everything goes like this 2050

>our homeland

My homeland is called Poland, that's one thing. Another is that in an event of a coup in Sweden there would be no way to force other countries to fall in line with mass deportations - so why expend resources on moving all these people to another continent, when they will return to Europe anyway? I'm just suggesting a simpler solution to Swedish problems.

Too few, man. That's why we need to use the NEETs. Train them, arm them and give them the housing they manage to liberate from migrant areas. They are mostly on our side anyhow. Easy pickings.

Pretty much like privateer ships back in the days, or a bit like Israeli settlement forces today.

There is always the Serbian option. Just Sayin

It's faith thing, it's a perception thing, currently every time I see a swede I see nothing but an empty piece of meat waiting for the slaughterhouse, nothing but vain virtue signalling and superficial obsessions, a friend girlfriend is swedish and after a couple of months living in Chile and may conversations about how we weren't dumb savages that has to be civilized like a trained dog, eventually I saw a human being that could understand other non europeans individuals, instead of the dumb shit you use when you don't have a clue about anyone else.

Sweden is very consensus driven. The ruling party is in place for decades now. The general mood will change abruptly, not slowly. There won't be a Trump rising or something. It must be done individual to individual and through indirect communication, via Internet. But group thinking is extremely strong and being outside of the group means social death really. Some basic realities of the country must be considered.

Bro the holocaust was fake. It was them trying to do what you want to do, in all reality. I think we need a real holocaust, like the one they make it seem happened, but this time we do it right.

Because Europeans kind of act like a clique. When a few countries do something, it can act as a precedent that justifies other countries doing the same thing. Not to mention that now more than ever European countries both need to maintain their own identities while also not throwing their sibling countries to the wolves.

No we just send everyone away and let them rot in the countries they created for themselves. And the US stops supporting Israel which means the jews are done for.

>Why would you want to save Sweden?Why would anyone want to save it? I say let it burn to the ground.
>that flag

This mode of action is too brutal I think, even if I'd love to have a solution that clear the problem in no time. Sweden international image will suffer considerably and violence engenders terrible solution. The solution should be discreet so that the appearance of humanitarianism must not disappear while migrants are kicked out.

A general climate of fear must impregnate the mind of the migrants: stopping asylum seeking procedures and chain migration with mass rejection and no family reunification. Sweden is for work and not establishing one's life. Draining the funds of the welfare, especially the ones for breeding gollums by the millions. Depriving hospitals with funds (money is in short supply anyway). Forcing migrants to work with controls. No work? Cutting welfare. Rising the price of energy, especially heating. Use this cheap workforce to build good apartments for Swedes, which are needed anyway, not just for migrants.

Then direct intervention: cracking down on rejected asylum seekers. Public sexual aggressions means deportation even for newly 'citizens' migrants? Police needs to be at least increased by 50% for genuine reasons. Military is a compulsory backup which can be financed through the acceptance of hilarious but trusted Russian fear.

u can drive these out to each no go zone or area with non whites and stick them in human launch pods with parachutes and launch them back to their home countries

Who does the milutary support?


Sweden has another problem that might be even worse than the immigrants. Radical feminists. You lost control over your own women. How do you even plan to get them to relinquish the power they attained and agree on submitting to male authority?

As for the immigrants, what about those that were born on Sweden and don't have foreign citizenship? Those that are mixed-race? Those that are stateless and don't have a country of their own?

Says the retard who lives in a nation of over 50 million illegal aliens.

>As for the immigrants, what about those that were born on Sweden and don't have foreign citizenship? Those that are mixed-race? Those that are stateless and don't have a country of their own?

deport them all obviously
racemixers should be deported or imprisoned too