Capitalism: Really makes you think

Don’t even act like you have an argument against this

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Don't have to. I love our fuck-huge military.

of course you do boot licker

>mad memeflagger euroshit faggot upset about american military
Wow, what a surprise.

he's right though

somebody is upset about our large military? time to build more military

You forgot that besides war our nation gives money to israel for no reason.

what about before capitalism

Healthcare and gibs cost the government literally 10x more than the military. Physically remove all the niggers and spics and we could pay off the debt, and we could fund NASA and other science programs at 20x their current levels, all without raising taxes a penny.

The federal government shouldn't be spending a penalty on education anyway, or art other than public art like monuments.

What makes someone a boot-licker as opposed to a patriot?

War is badass pansy.

>all my political opinions are formed just to piss people off online

>Be Soviet Union
>Throw most of the money into the Red Army's military projects
>Most of the country lives in just above poverty conditions
>Scientists are on welfare due to shit pay
>But at least we have Ballerinas paid for by the government

But defense spending is


Makes you think what would happen to anybody that suggest defunding military in communist country.,.

All socialist countries, not just the USSR, have spent more on the military as a percentage of GDP than any capitalist country, including the US.

that cartoon shows the evils of socialism, not capitalism. military spending is socialist.

libertarians are anti war

>implying communism is any different
>they're both ways of controlling and building money through war

I mean, I think you're confusing capitalism with America in general. Just because we spend a shit ton on our millitary doesn't mean capitalism is hyper millitarization. For every company that benefits from war spending, there are a bunch that'd just prefer to be selling their own products instead. Yemen's at war right now, and they don't have an economy any more.

This is our future
Instead of ballerinas we get Pedowood

>I love my government spending 60% of our entire GDP on the military
>I'm not a boot-licker! I'm a patriot!

Yeah, because nothing betokens a communist state more than image of the arts, science, education, and healthcare.
"As healthy as a North Korean", they'd say.

>Giving money to education is a waste, it has produced absolutely NOTHING, the only way to improve it is with local and social aid
>Healthcare is NEVER a free market, in ANY country, because it would serve only a tiny minority, therefore since the majority of nations want healthcare for the majority it usually turns out as a communistic clusterfuck that raises the prices immensly and it constantly needs gov to be adequantly regulated
>Arts could mean anything, anything could be of artistic value and you can be certain that money wouldn't produce a single thing, again, it's something that can be improved if the local community are cohesive and help each other in valuing each other's work properly
>Sciences, you mean research? Yeah I don't have an argument against that
The argument against war is not that it retains money from somebody else, but that it speculates on others' blood for self interest, which sounds interesting up until you're from the other country or if you get so much backlash for it that you actually have to help them back, with interests.

I fucking hate all the retards in my country.

shut the fuck up paki faggot, you arent even allowed to be patriotic unless you have the right license and are in a patriotic zone. Now tell me the one about your NHS not being an abject failure thanks to your out of control refugee and welfare problem

There are many industries besides the military.

I raped a girl today.

Lol. Just because your military always has to be bolstered by the literal best of the best. Doesnt me we dont lovr saving your shitasses over and over again.

Saging your slide thread.

Why would science need funding from tax payers? If your "science" is so shit that it can't secure private funding, maybe you should reevaluate what you're doing.
Why do the arts need public funding? If your "art" is so shit that it can't even get private donations or ticket receipts, then you're doing it wrong.
Why does education or healthcare need public funding? Individuals, if they value their health or the education of their young, will pay for it themselves.
Meanwhile, defence is the number one thing that a state should provide.

the government is the only legal customer of the war industry

>muh sciences
although the image has some merit putting anything "scientific" under one umbrella literally annihilates the purpose

The United States of America spends 3.3% of the GDP on military.

People aren't starving to fuel the military industrial complex. If they wanted to get better education, they could spend their money on better education, if they wanted better healthcare they could spend money on better healthcare. If they wanted to support any kind of art, they can. If they wanted to DO any kind of art, they can. If they couldn't afford better education or healthcare, they have every permission and incentive to invent, innovate, start new businesses.

People don't suffer because they are oppressed, or robbed of opportunities. People suffer because they aren't good enough. They aren't clever enough, they aren't hard enough, they aren't disciplined enough to live they way they want to live. And when they realize the shortcomings of their egos, they start blaming spooks like military spending.

But soviet science and medicine were much better than nowaday ruined hospitals and space rockets that dont fly

With the money could of bought 1400 of these

I do. America spends way more on healthcare than it does on war.

>boot licker
That flag

per year

Give war a chance.

I do actually

Because profits are a horrible way to define how useful something is?

Fuck off and play with your fidget spinner you capitalist vegetable.

Isn't that depicting the USSR?

The only true political party, is the gWAR party.

So does Israel, which I suppose is the main beneficiary of Kwanzania's military anyway, and that's all that matters.

>pro tip
war forwards all of those

If you want health care, pay for it yourself.
If you want an education, pay for it yourself.
If you want to support the arts, pay for it yourself.
Science gets funded when something of value is attempted to be achieved - ie curing baldness is worth billions of dollars, so the research gets funded. And all sorts of breakthroughs and insights that can be helpful in other scientific arenas are derived from this capitalistic pursuit.

Good way to catch my knife with your belly: You bring this cringey shit off the internet. Profit is the only way to determine how desirable something is, because "use value" doesn't fucking exist.

Your entire ideology is built on cringe, lies, and jealousy. So keep it nice and safe, nice and secret on the internet, or I'll kill you.

>out of control state allocates funding to war aka shit nobody wants
that's the opposite of capitalism

War’s interesting. When there’s no war, life gets boring and people reduce themselves to degeneracy.

Had humanity never endured a conflict, we wouldn’t have half the interesting games, movies, and media we have today. Granted, we also wouldn’t have Jews constantly reminding us about the holocaust, but if that slight annoyance is the price to pay for a decent game, then fuck it, scream away Jew-boy.

It's funny how commies think capitalism funds war, when the 2 most socialist presidents we had casually walked into both WWs.

Thanks for the sound logic my friend.

le ebinly trolled le libruls le XDDDD!!!!!

Science is still not as well funded as it should be tbqhfamalam

>I love the biggest welfare queens
The absolute state of pol



Cucked video about toxic masculinity and #metoo has been reuploaded. It got trashed hardcore yesterday. You know what to do POL.


>profits are a horrible way to define how useful something is
It's the best way to figure out how much people want something, as well as figure out how much labor and resources go into making it.

>I REALLY REALLY want thing. like omg I want it so bad
>I'll give you thing if you pay $2 for it
>Fuck no, that's way too expensive

>I sort of want thing, but not really
>I'll give you thing if you pay $10000 for it