"women are the ones trying to silence my opin..."

>"women are the ones trying to silence my opin..."

how is it political?


>I need to exclaim that I'm a woman

How is nigger hate general political?


What are some threads where men are so throughly BTFO they have to report spam the thread to oblivion until the mods cave and delete it just so the insecure penisniggers will stop annoying them?

did you know more than 90% of all black males
that voted in the '16 elections, voted for Trump?

The difference is that men have the scale tipping upside and are inherent to any given society

You fucking retard

neo-Sup Forums is more authoritarian than the neogaf haven't you noticed?

It's also more hypocritical. More than 2/3rds of this board found this place through r/teh_dumbald yet the most convincing "argument" Sup Forums is capable of fielding is to back to redit.

>men btfo
By what, spaming of "men commit more crime" statistics?
Stop using internet since it's evil men tool to spread patriarchy

>the niggers of sex who murder each other over insults can't handle the banter
You don't say

Well,Blacks tend to rape more in general.

>penisniggers will defend this

All Sup Forums threads, even deleted ones, are archived.

Why stop there though? Eliminating all men virtually eliminates all rapes. Why stop at a D+ when I can get an A.

I mean as a man I can see why you'd shoot for the lower grade. Most boys in the school system tend to while girls perform substantially better. It's not a surprise you'd pick the lazier option.

>Make uninteresting thread
>No one shows up and replies

Can't continue a discussion though can you.

Stop pretending to be an oldfag newcuck. Beta virgins like you used to be jerking off to me while this site while lolichan was still relevant.

>Why stop there though? Eliminating all men virtually eliminates all rapes.
Because men are better than women at most logical tasks, especially anything related to science. They may rape, but they make up for it with societal progress.

>page 1 for two hours
>no replies
You faggots report bombed it because you literally cannot argue against it without making niggers look good


Really makes you think

>muh no replies though

It just means your post didn't get any attention.
As for your question, men are more logical then women. They run the top companies, government, they are most of the country's educated elite [engineers, economists], they're basically the engine of the country -- and this isn't the result of oppression, but rather the result of a meritocratic free market.

OP only posted once, and it was a shit thread.

Get fucked

Why do you faggots use anime girl avatars, play as girls in online games, pretend to be girls and spend all your time watching animes of cute girls doing cute things?

If you faggots aren't suffering from pussy envy you can't pretend you don't at least act the part.

>make a shitty b tier threat

read the sticky