American anons always talk about a future american civil war like it is something desirable...

American anons always talk about a future american civil war like it is something desirable. Ours was 80 years ago and we are still traumatized. Why burgers want to slaughter each other?

Pic unrelated

If the US isn't destroyed and broken up the jew world order will rule the world for all time. Well over a trillion dollars military budget over the next two years alone for US ZOG military and security apparatus to cause havoc in the world. Us and israel are the main source of evil in the world.

Finland's was about 100 years ago. They purged the Commies from within.

We need to do that.

t. Mexican

Burger education

mexicans of europe are Spaniards no?


the closest thing to a civil war is probably going to be riots in a few towns/cities

civilians dividing up on stuff like left / right, black / white and going around killing each other in large numbers and fighting against the military is just larping.

unless the government did something really stupid like let a private company do some fracking near our nations largest underground water reservoir, contaminate the water, and cause highly increased amounts of cancer in specific areas.

but no one would probably even notice and anyone who did is a schizophrenic conspiracy theorist

Spanish rofl, u guys are not even white u are like moor rape babies who made the worst subhuman colonies, ie Mexico/Philippines

>Why burgers want to slaughter each other?

A culture dedicated to violence and glory with no enemies to fight.

Because we are forced to live in close proximity with people we hate, we are armed to the teeth and shitlibs, dindus, and certain (((people))) just wont leave well enough alone and keep on pushing us towards the inevitable conflagration.

You don't understand burgers. Burgers are very violent. some 30K burger murders every year. So really, America is already at war-level violence. If, say, 30K Italans were killing each other, we'd call it a war. Burgers call it a good year.

So a civil way would be just one small step more violent for the burgers. The burgers are used to violence and its part of the burger DNA.

Also if we don't stop the globalists in CW2 then the future of this country is basically Brazil but worse and I don't want that.

Most of those are niggers murdering niggers. White America violence levels are actually really low.

Because it is good to kill communists. Look at what those animals do.

Are you a catalonian?

And over 50% of those murders are committed by blacks
And over 90% of black murder victims are killed by fellow blacks
If blacks and latinos were removed from the USA the crime numbers would fall in line with Europe and even better than some European nations.

But that's racist talk...

>American anons always talk about a future american civil war like it is something desirable
Because it is. If you lived in Weimerica you would understand

>Ours was 80 years ago and we are still traumatized
That's because you're a weak ass Europussy. Do you even know how many people get shot in the US every single day? Three hundred and fifteen. Civil Wars aren't shit.

>Most of those are niggers murdering niggers. White America violence levels are actually really low.

I hear the burgers say that a lot. Is that really the case?

I know that most burgers are afraid that their kids will be shot up in school Some 30 shootings this year alone I beleive. Suicide rate is amongst highest in world, so is drug use. healthcare is pretty shitty, aside from top centers that the richest burgers utilize.

In general, the life of the average burger is: violent, brutish and short.

The rich burgers have it good, however, as they can afford the ammenties and healthcare that the average burgers can't.

Dude, in three years more people died than in Syrian civil war which started 7 years amo. Spanish civil war was fucking brutal. Brother against brother. Even today those wounds are open.

This too

There have not been 30 school shootings. If you look into those claims you will see that any shooting that occurs within a block of a school is considered a school shooting. Some thugs get in a gang fight near an inner city school and leftists leap at the chance to call it a "school shooting".

Same goes for the "hundreds" of mass shootings we have every year. Go to the leftist websites that try to document these "mass shootings" and you will see that 95% of them are niggers getting in gang fights with other niggers. But because more than 3 people got shot it is a "mass shooting".

They also say 30,000 people die from guns in the USA every year. But over 20,000 of those are suicide.

Beware of leftists crime statistics.

The multicultural experiment is going to fail sooner or later. The question is will it happen peacefully (balkanization into proto-ethnostates) or with a war. War is more entertaining, so people want to see it.

>There have not been 30 school shootings. If you look into those claims you will see that any shooting that occurs within a block of a school is considered a school shooting. Some thugs get in a gang fight near an inner city school and leftists leap at the chance to call it a "school shooting".

Interesting, thanks for the clarification. So I guess that burgers are not as violent.

I would still say, however, that burgers are violent relative to other nations. The most popular TV shows are murder investigations.

U can clearly see im not anonymous dumbfuck.

I don't find it possible to make political compromises for a prosperous future of our nation with a side that will unironically call our nation a horrible place in every extremely over-exaggerated way and then wear a shirt that says Haiti is great. The only ingredient missing from us outright slaughtering each other right now is that the economy is still doing well.

Sometimes you just need a good culling.


because their lives are devoid of meaning.

When money creates law the guy printing it always wins

Burgers are finally at the point that unless they're born with money, they're fucked. Every job worth half a shit goes to the Jewish nephew

Burgers are afraid of their own shadow nowadays. It wasn't like that 15-20 years ago. Neighborhood kids disappeared all day long and came home before the streetlights came on around sunset. Now a kid playing outside alone is enough to get the cops called on you in some cases. Same thing for shootings. Leftists use statistics as a tool to push a narrative instead of trying to find truth. This is rough numbers approximated from gun violence as an example. You remember the big push a couple months ago after Vegas to van the AR15?

>30,000 gun deaths
>20,000 are suicides
>1,000 are police shootings (they even count the justified ones)

Now out of 30k gun deaths they cite we are down to 9,000 a year. Chicago, Detroit and LA all have super strict gun laws and account for like 2,000 alone. 7,000 now.

So out of 7,000 murders by gun a year, how many do you think are done with a rifle, which includes AKs, ARs, and basically any long gun except shotguns?

300. 300 fucking murders done but because it's scary and black all you ever hear is emotional bullshit.

Oh, and black men from 18-24 are like 3% of the population but commit like 50% of the murders so you do the math on how many of those are done by niggers.

You know why they say white males commit the most mass shootings? Because a mass shooting is any shooting in which multiple people get hurt while being shot at, so if someone trips running from a gunshot they are a victim. If it's a white male, they list it as a mass shooter. If it's a nigger, it's gang violence. They also pad the stats by sometimes counting Hispanics as white when convenient.

The most violent, costly war the United States has ever suffered through was against itself. 750,000-1,000,000 Americans died in the last civil war, in a country with a total population of 31 million. Only 400k American soldiers died in WWII (US pop. was around 140 million then), for the sake of comparison. We want a real war. The blood gods are thirsty. They will get their fill, soon.

we are just bored lol

It's all just memeing. I don't think anyone seriously believes that there will be a civil war in the US

Is it desirable? No. Is it unavoidable? Many of us think so. Some anons keep their spirits up by making bold statements, forgive them. We're just a nation prepping for the worst outcomes.

also, they dont count 1 kid shoots like what happens in the majority black schools. whens the last time those made the news? literally a daily occurence somewhere in teh country

This makes me think of saladfingers

Yeah it's just memeing, I honestly don't think one will happen soon, but OP was concerned with people who want to have a civil war and I don't know exactly why. People get mad really easily and so many want to be THE revolutionary hero so there are a lot of LARPs

Pretty much this. Peace is boring, and I'm sick of california.