If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims it will be "publicly attacked and humiliated"

Someone bombed the page and removed any links to it and its content on Wikipedia recently.




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Because word around the kike meeting room is that will continue with their propaganda until Poland caves. Luckily it seems like the kikes have way to much on their plates this tyime and Poland has a serious chance to beat the kikes once and for all. Everything will come down to what the US has to say about it once the Kikes starts kvetching with passion and pulls out the "America refused to help"-card.

This is insane. Source of the interview is is Reuters 1996 and they remove the source because it can't be verified? What the fuck? Who are these wikipedia editors?

>what the US has to say


we must defend Poland
spread the word
send words of support to the Polish people

damn the jews to hell forever


I'm not an antisemite. Just want to know why do we have to deal with this shitshow? It's only money. Is it worth to destroy long lasting past relationships for some fucking money?


>I'm not an antisemite.
You will be.

I know. But that law doesn't mean anything really. In order for them to get the inherited infrastructure they need to prove inheritance rights in a court and according to Roman law (Polish, American) the state is the rightful owner when there are no direct relatives. Both US and Poland have to go against their (((own))) laws and that would not look good on the international scene. Both countries would be considered as banana republics and Russian propaganda would tear them to pieces. The whole thing will come down to a settlement. The question is, how much?

Poles gleefully massacred their Jewish neighbors when the Nazis invaded. This is common knowledge. Poles look ridiculous trying to cover this up.


I hate those faggots.

Fuck off, Schlomo. Nobody believe in your lies. You're finito!

>common knowledge
Share some sources creatura or i call the police

The info is back on wiki.

get over it you fucking butthurt faggots. nobody in isreal gives a shit about this. its was the polish jews who started talking about this shit.

according to their idea of relationship, dog shouldn't bark at it's master

jews are not a good friends for goyim

sauce. any examples faggot??

No faggot. It was your politicians and that faggot Macron who wanted to start this shit with the Poles (Probably Russian ivolvment too). Now when you have been publicly ridiculed for the last two weeks you are acting like nothing happened and everyone should be "friends" again.

For how long?
Also removed from polish wiki.

Dunno. Yeah someone is definately messing with the articles as we speak.


>Copyright @ 1998 by Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski

We were never "friends" with poland.

Yes you were, jewmutt. And by "Friends" I mean friends on the surface.

>Who are these wikipedia editors?

Even in Israel you dont like polish jews? xD

Well, he has right, for some stupid people it may looks like friendship but its great time to kill this relation in order to let past gone.

Hey, our first lady is jewish. This entire attack on Poland makes no sense.
They want Poles to start attacking polish Jews? Protip : we won't. They are Poles.

half jewish, her father is jewish. This attack i assume is for trying destroy myth of Israel(jews need live in israel because everywhere are antisemites) and all work on their trips to Poland. I dont know how it looks from inside but seems that these Jew who talk that Israel set young people against Poland has right. Dont forget that Israel is build with big help of Polish Jew ,even half of their first sejm was talking in polish and most of who survive war was jews who was abused by some pleb tier Poles or was commies.

Polish- Israel relations have always been a charade. They have always hated eachother with passion but as far as I know Poles have really tried hard to improve the relationship by building holocaust memorials, museums etc but the Jews have never given anything back. Its time to end this poisonous reltionship, at least the Polish pandering.

Are you new here?

Her father? That means that she's not Jewish.
The kikes are a matrilineal society, you are a Jew if your mother is one

Because Poles inside are pity for communism and best commie butchers come from Polish jewery even in some cases defended by Israel like Morel while in same time most of Jews are antipolish after 2ww and i assume people who come from USSR. This friendship will never work if it wont based on true and I dont think that Israel will start talk about these bad jews.

No, they want money. This whole scam is about getting reparations from Poland and they try to stir up anti-semtism so that they can point finger on Poland and say: Look, look at these anti-semtiic Poles. They never change so they need to pay gibs to us otherwise they will start a new shoah.
It's all a money game for the kikes, this is the definition of their chutzpah.

I like what jews are doing. Sowing hatred against themselves all over the world.
Please also claim the Winter Palace in St Petersburg as Jewish property stolen by the Russian Nazis.
Or why not the Louvre with all its art?

We know word chutzpah because its in Polish tounge used too, there is a lot words from yidish. xD I wonder how many people in Israel talk in Polish still.

No, jews will never admitt to anything that could tarnish their precious holocaust vicitmcard. They have used it to gain financially and moraly ever since the end of the war. The problem with jews is that they are sneaky as fuck but they are also self-destructive and this whole thing has really shown how far they are willing to go in order to keep their vicitmhood-status. I think this ws the best thing that could happen because it woke up milion of people. The jews took it one step to far this time and this may very well be the tunring point for their kikery.

Look, as a Serb I'm really fine if Western Slavs like Poland are attacked too by Jooland and ZOG because I believe we could crush any power in the world if we all united to defeat a common enemy.
I doubt that any race on this earth could defeat us. Fucking jews controlling Russia alone took most of Europe and there was A LOT of internal resistance.

Yeah, Chutzpah is the perfect word to describe these kikes. A lot of US jews still uses a lot of yiddisch loan words like: Sztyk, Szpil, mensch etc ect-

Never forget that they are your enemy. They sold Polish women as sex slaves to the Ottoman Empire back in the old days.
The usual usury contract they gave Polish peasants included the right for the jew to take the peasants wife or daughter as payment in case that the peasant couldn't pay the money he owed back.
To them you people are animals, nothing more.

I dnt think that even most of jews are like that but there is some dickheads who even dont care about their own people like Israel Singer who want fuck with us and in same time get money on all this stuff.
Well, our criminals use words from yidish like git of trefny. xD

T. Sharejew

The problem with slavs is that they are a very tribalistic society and every slavgroup wants supremacy for themsleevs. At least the major slavic groups.
Serbs vs Croats = Problem
Poles vs Russians = Problem
If this cooperation can have any chance they have to convert to one common religion, otherwise they will fuck eachother up forever.

Dude unlike israeli i know history own people and we cant blame them for literally killing christ or something likethis.

Oh Polan, you still have much to learn about the Juden...

bello, new fren
>It's only money. Is it worth to destroy long lasting past relationships for some fucking money?
for the Jew, yes. you will learn this, hopefully in time

We can't blame the descendants of the Christkillers for this terrible crime but what we can do is understand that there is a common theme of Jewish treatment of "goys" whenever they can get away with it.
And the common theme is that they treated our people like animals consistently and they will never stop doing so.
Why do you think these fuckers don't even use the "+" sign in Mathematics? Because it reminds them of Christianity and triggers an intense hatred within them.
As long as this is their mentality, namely to hate everything in the world that is not Jewish or controlled by jews, they are my enemy. And I mean every single one of them without exception.

I can say it like this: The "good" jews are a minority. This is because they have been taught just like the muslims that everyone who is not a jew is cattle (Goyim) and is not as worthy as a jew. This creates supremecy and if you teach this to children from an early age through generations this becomes a dangerous pathology. This is why jews are working furiously in every single EU-country to promote multiculti, No religion, hate towards Christians etc etc. Jews have pledged to themselves that their mission is to hate and be against evrything that Jesus preached aka the foundation of western society. Poles need to be very cautious when dealing with these types because if Poland lets them place a guilt on the Poles your future will become a eternal fight against destruction of your society.

Dirty kikes

Israelis are mad that their ancestors moved to eastern europe and copulated with poles

Nah, we are not tribalistic at all, meaning we don't treat our people somehow better than other Europeans.
But we are very territorial, aggressive and religious, this is true. We do not tolerate other religious groups ruling over us.

I'm so tired of them they're always crying about something


They have bad and good luck cuz if not priests and rabbies they we cant talk about Israel at all. There was some period of time that Poland can assimilate Jews in our society after that event any Israel wont happen later. Later there was time(before war) when Polish gov try help them make Israel in Palestine or on Magadaskar but their ancestors dont like idea change green poland for desert at nowhere xD

Slavs are tribalistic within the tribe and have always been at eachothers throats. I would say that Russian slavs are known for their tribalism and supremeacy.


You will be at this rate
Prepare Poland

I don't plan to stay here forever.




If idea of nations rise a bit later then instead meet polish slav you will meet polish hybryd slav and jew.

I disagree particularly about the Russians. Something like 15% of their population consists of various ethnicities and even races, which is basically peoples that they have conquered in the past 500 years.
They didn't exterminate them, even the Tatars who once had them enslaved and treated them terribly.
Their descendants are all still around and they still live on the territories of their ancestors.
What Russians are though is that they are hyper-paranoid. Everyone is a potential enemy and they act very aggressively but this has obvious historical reasons and goes back centuries before WWII.
Their type of nationalism isn't like some kind of purely ethnic or racial nationalism like we've often seen in other countries. It's a different culture and world view they have.

the Jews are SERIOUSLY jewing too hard lately with no indication that they will slow down whatsoever

You are practically arguing against yourself. I said that russians are tribalistic and have practised supremecy over others before and you are literally confirming it by saying that most of the different ethnicities in russia are a direct results of russians conquering other tribes. :) How is that different from ex. germanic or Anglo supremacy?

al britoni your mom needs to take more refuggee dick.

Isn't it great? They are literally jewing themselves at this point. :)

They've been accidentally going overt more and more lately. They think the problem is they're not suppressing opposition hard enough, when in fact people are becoming anti-Jew at break neck pace because of other Jews.

>be me
>live in irrelevant country
>polish steal rightful clay
>soviet union occupies country
>germany liberates
>ethnic Lithuanians form their own group to kill jews at home and abroad
>poles save jewish qts from evul germans

your clay is in belarus

kek you are next

True story

Seinai and Suvalkai were also given to Lithuania by the German Empire.
already happened
already happened, but no one gives a shit

>that grin

It's different because there always was a separation of peoples within Russia where every people had their own territory, their own ruler and their own customs and laws.
The only exception to this was always big metropoles like Moscow and to some degree St Petersburg.
There Russians didn't racemix the Chechens or the Dagestanis out of existence.
You could say that's similar to Anglos and India, but the Anglo approach obviously failed.
The Russian Empire was very similar to the Habsburg Empire, which also was very strong and stable for many centuries.
Every people within it had its place and its land and the existence of these peoples was never questioned by trying to turn them into something else.
Also Germans generally did not try to conquer other peoples. They didn't desire a multi ethnic empire.
Their attempt to have a colony came very late and was very half assed.

>already happened, but no one gives a shit

at least you are not eternally stalked by a legion of "muh ze germanz" retards

I don't get it, how do Poles not know their own history? The Jews being in Poland was ALWAYS about money. Jewish citizens where given more rights and freedoms than the ethnic Pole in return for being taxed significantly higher than everyone else, not to mention the constant gifts to nobles. In the 1930s, something like 70-80% of Jews in Poland ONLY spoke Yiddish, while a handful of Jews spoke Polish as a first language. They kept seperate from Polish culture as much as possible. Historically speaking, Jews in Poland considered themselves Jewish first and many ONLY Jewish. The very few talented Jews who assimilated and put their Jewish identity aside for a Polish one are the ones celebrated in History, but the mistake is made that they are representitive of the average Jew but they are the exceptions.

When WW2 came around and the Nazis were doing their thing, who do think the local Poles helped? The Jews who spoke Polish, considered themselves Polish, and made contributions to Polish society? Or the Jews whom kept themselves seperate as to be a nation within a nation, essentially foreigners to the average Pole. It wasn't malicious, its just people can be quite apathetic to alien peoples. Of course, when the war was over, it was time for revenge on the goyim. Remaining Jews overwhelmingly voted for Communism in the sham elections, and join the Communist ranks with a zeal and fanaticism that would make the 1920s Russians blush. The early Polish communist regime was disproportionately Jewish, and it's the regime that committed terrible repressions and murders. After many Jews left for Israel the second "new" Communist regime finally made up of mostly ethnic Poles was relieved that so many Jews left.


If we one day rename Russia into Sverige, will you become our rightfull clay?

Belarus is the descendant of the medieval Lithuania, not the dwarf meme-state in the Baltic(no offense to lithuanians intended)


The Jews claim so many "Poles" (Poles of Jewish decent) as their own (even though these "Poles" explictly chose Poland over the Jewish community), on order to say "look, we were good contributing members of your goy society! Why aren't you kissing our asses?". Learn the difference between a Pole of Jewish descent and a Polish Jew. You will then quickly see exactly who is agititating.

Russia is swedish clay tho, Since your first Tsardom was founded by swedes.

No it wasnt. The chronicles say that Rus was a separate people like Danes, Swedes, Gotes and Angles.

Belarus isn't even a decendent of Ruthenia. All ethnic "Belar*sians were either killed in ww2 or fully assimilated into Russian culture. Why is it that only 29 of people who identify as Belarusians can speak the language?

Rus were from upsala using swedish names and etnically svear swedish

prove it then, their names look default scandinavian to me and there is still no archeological evidence of their motherland so you can claim that they were aliens from Hypeborea with the same success

Rurik was swedish, therefore Russia = Swedish clay.
gib back now

Humiliation is a feeling for the weak and socially dependent

danes and norwegians didn't go down that route through russian and ukraine.
Only swedes and Gothes did.

>gib back now

Ok, as soon as Russia becomes part of Sweden I move to Malmo with my 3 brothers and cosplay our common ancestors raiding, pillaging and raping, deal?

I wouldn't call USSR a inclusive empire, desu. So, your whole argument falls on this and the only resason why shit has not hit the fan in Dagestan or Chechnya is because Vlad has made a deal but as we all know, russian deals are very flexible. Chechen war is a good example.

Russian slavs were and still are tribalistic. This is a fact you can't refute.

Swedes, Gothes and Rus, as written in the Chronicles

Let the poles say what they want , no one here is bothered about..

>GrybauskaitÄ— (president of Lithuania) picks up a note on her desk
>could you like stob pressing criminal charges against jewish communist partisans who fought de nazis? T. Goyim
>rips paper

Swedes descend according to genetical studies from the ancient tribe of Illyrians, who today are commonly known as Albanians.
Also Nordic pagan gods like Odin, Thor, Loki and others are based around the epic Albanian myth of conquering and bringing the golden Kebab from Kabul to Tirana.
So you return your soil back your rightful rulers, Albanian master race.

The USSR was a jew empire, don't act like you are dumb.

Its a common meme, one of those things people think they know, because Jews made it up and pushed it as reality in their phony films.

>the Tatars who once had them enslaved
we were never enslaved, we were but their vassals, paying them tribute and going to war with them. Everything went all around later, the Tzars brought tatars with them on war and they became russian subjects.

>What Russians are though is that they are hyper-paranoid

We are not paranoid, we are realistic and you would never understand it

>Their type of nationalism isn't like some kind of purely ethnic or racial nationalism like we've often seen in other countries. It's a different culture and world view they have.

Read Dostoyevskiy, the man who invented Great-Russian nationalism.