Did Rob Porter really do this?

I can't find any court transcripts or DV arrest records for this case. As an American, I'm 100% sure this guy would have done time and a year of "Don't beat your wife" classes.

Is this just another scam?

Other urls found in this thread:


I've seen stripper tits realer than that make up job.


>woman releases photos of bruises
>this automatically means one man in particular caused them

could have been caused by anything



The media has already convicted him. Fuck due process.

>Nigger does same thing
/Pol user: hang him! Fucking nigger 666 kill all niggers.. Stacey never deserved this.. burn coal pay toll

>Clearly guilty white sociopath beats wife
/Pol: but but he's innocent.. I just know it.. he's clearly getting rail roaded by the Clinton crime machine.. I bet Obama hired her to take that picture...he's 100% innocent.. (((they))) are behind this.. I just know it

shut up fagtron

It shouldn't matter what people think.

What matters is that there is absolutely no due process anymore. Trump is not the first to point this out.

The accusations is the verdict and the process is often so life destroying that it might as well be the punishment.

With the presumption of innocence dead, so is the social construct, as it pertains to the rule of law. This is digital mob violence.

What society are we creating where everyone who has achieved a certain level of public success can be taken down with a single allegation?

As for the photo, this could have been unrelated, it could have been mutual combat (of which the majority is initiated by women, contrary to feminist narratives), it could have been an accident or even self-inflicted.

The point is not what we think happened. The point is to follow a fair and consistent process.

Whether you like that person or not, put yourself in his shoes and decide what level of scrutiny you would want to be applied to your own case.

Who cares if he did?

Maybe she deserved it. Have you ever been around a women who was acting literally loony toons?

>What matters is that there is absolutely no due process anymore. Trump is not the first to point this out.

Females don't care about due process.

All the law frameworks were created 200 years ago by smart white men. Laws established by men, followed by men. Women had no businesses or property. The few that did, were knee deep in a male-dominated society, so they behaved.

He should not have resigned.. I am sure the statue of limitations has run out.. if he did do it he should have justified it like Sean Connery did.

We must start standing up to the matriarchy and not accepting their moral principles.

>can’t hurt a woman
Women are not infallible and use men’s reluctance for violence against them. Men have the advantage with strength and testosterone and there is no good reason for us to simply give that advantage up.

Looks fake as fuck. When I beat my wife her black eyes look way different.

This women don’t care about

Western civilization was built on white male principles. If we remove those foundations we will no longer have a civilization.

she definitely waited for adema to disperse before pic related

It's almost always a scam. Every man who has had a gf or wife knows that women deliberately provoke men in a sustained fashion over the course of years and all it takes is her playing her game at the wrong time. You have to have the patience of a saint to get through a relationship without hitting a woman a single time, and even then they'll accuse you of other things because most women are totally incapable of self-evaluation.

How did this come out suddenly?

He says they were arguing about a vase. I can imagine her swinging it or holding near her face with one hand and shoving him with the other. As men are aware, it really doesn't take much of a bump to cause a black eye. For most men, it is sort of a badge of honor (or a joke). For women, it is evidence of murderous intent.

>Is this just another scam?

Never underestimate the crazyness of the crazy bitches.

The FBI is the agency that does the “background checks”. This is the FBI coming through in it’s promise to go to war with Trump. Read a Gary Aldrich. No one in the CLinton Admin could pass a background check and the kike media didn’t give a shit.

If it's an argument over a vase, 100% the woman initiated it. Men don't start fights over vases. You'll notice that when his ex went on TV she never admitted fault in anything - she went to take a shower to "disengage", which in reality is a psychological abuse tactic - cold shouldering - women typically employ after they start fights. It's a typically feminine form of passive aggressive cowardice.

Unfortunately we live in a society where every form of female abuse is pretty much legal and the institutions that rise up around them insulate female abusers - for example, if the cunt denies him sex, she gets half his shit if he obtains it from someone else.

Stupid 'relationship' sitcom role-playing schzoid cumskins made up from watching sitcoms..

That's what you get for babysitting Suzie for half your house and income to look like a fake Chad.. give up whitey tighty cumskins your end is near

Whites drink urine and wear tighty- whities.. fucking Jew's dumb urine cattle I hope they hoard every shekel off you goyim.. I want them to tax your every breath you deserve it.

>no police report
>no civil suit
>no criminal prosecution
>photo of a 3 week old bruise from years ago
yeah, I'm sure it was a legit claim of abuse.

>the process is the punishment
That's how the FBI works. Their "investigation" is so life-consuming that even if you get cleared you have already been punished

They lie, they intimidate, they threaten, they attack your family and friends all in an attempt to provoke you into fighting back or at least talking to them, at which point they "have you" for a crime even if it isn't the original one they were investigating. And it has always been this way with the FBI. They are nothing but a bunch of cheap thugs. The sad thing is that Republicans support them when they attack Democrats and Democrats support them when they attack Republicans, so they just play the two parties off against each other. The FBI only cares about one thing: more funding for the FBI. That's the way Hoover started it and set it up.

You have to be more subtle, nice try though 2/10 made me reply

That picture, if real, was taken at least a week after the blow. That amount of faded bruises would cause swelling and blood in the white of the eye. What is this from?

white is right my man. shouldn't be a nigger.

The only conclusion Ive drawn from all this is that Gen Kelly is probably a good guy since the media marxists want him gone and it takes the FBI 400 days to do the same background checks my sister who works at the police dept does 5 minues.

>no red in the whites of her eyes
having had my head caved in a couple times I can confirm this

That's what I said when that picture first came out and got a lot of shit for it in a thread. I've had a few black eyes and my eyes always had some amount of redness.