Trudeau eternally BTFO at Town hall

Is he done for?

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>implying he already isn't

What a place!

Peopletoba lol


impeach Trudeau or annex Canada
something needs to be done

This is painful. That woman looks like she's doing everything she can to stop herself from jumping over people and strangling Justina


Nothing will happen. Leafs have been condition to do as they’re told.

>Leafs have been condition to think as they’re told.

>leader is willing to listen to constituents
>random people bombast him with complaints
>broadcasts it
You never see this kind of things in staged American political events. Why is that? I bet it’s the jews

what the fuck?

he wasn't even knocked over, he just falls down for no reason...

your opponent cannot hit you if you are on the ground

Holy fuck, Trudeau is such a dangerous retard. He tries to filibuster this kid with babbling nonsense. I literally have no fucking idea what Trudeau said.

It's like watching a chatbot try and have a long conversation with someone.

>Drumpflestiltskin won't broadcast him being lambasted by leftists calling him a racist bigot wtf :angery:

Gerald Butts is Trudeau's cia handler. Every policy, public statement and belief comes straight from Gerald Butts.
Look into it, you will be amazed as to how much control this 1 unelected official has over Canada.
Our true PM is PM Butts.


>*says nothing of substance*
>*canadians claps*
He is a politician but come on.

this was a long while ago. so no, he's not done for.

Bit like Commie Corbyn. The liberals eat up everything he says.

Trump had no problem showing his rallies live.
Unlike Hillary’s event which where all behind closed doors.
Anyone seen Scheer lately? No?

The absolute state of rich 1st world countries, can't survive on 50 thousand dollars and those people try to teach us that we transition into capitalism. Well the problem is obvious, you take from rich and when you increase prices you should also increase salaries, so you take from rich and you take as long as there are no rich in existence.

peoplesplaining much???

He fancy's himself the leader of a society which does not exist - the definition of out-of-touch

Justine JEWdough can't help it, he's got all those Castro Commie genes in his DNA

Castro didn't need investment from rich people. Lets face it, you failed, capitalism is failure, there are no Commies, since Commies could fix capitalism in 1 year, by simply killing scum like you and then everybody would have enough money.

give your wife more of your paycheck, give her another credit card to max out, give her the title to the family home so she can borrow all the equity, then do the housework and help raise the children and make yer own sammich, then listen to her tell you she is investing in your future.... while she gives money to her pet post cards african children... and stuffs her secret bank account for when she leaves with all the extra $dough she's been stealing

That's what a liberal politician is - the worst fucking wife anyone can possibly imagine...

Why is it that both wife and husband have to work nowadays and still not be able to buy a house? In Socialism you needed to work for 2 years as single human and could buy a house, no credits needed.

i despise this "man", but at least he let the guy say what he wanted to say.

i wonder how well jordan peterson would do against justin in a 2019 election?

If I could mind control someone for five minutes, I'd just have justin respond to one of these criticisms with him calling the other guy a faggot, then stripping off his clothes and screaming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER the entire time

I literally told my parents a few days ago that i may leave the country if his idiocy gets worse over another term of government if he gets voted it.

Mamma, i dont wanna be a leaf no moe

You mean BC hippies BTFO at Town Hall.

Fidelito Nuevo

It doesn't work like that

because capital countries prop you up and fight your wars for you ?
" Although it comprised only about one-eleventh of Yugoslavia's total population, it was the most productive of the Yugoslav republics, accounting for one-fifth of its GDP and one-third of its exports.[17] Slovenia thus gained independence in 1991 with an already relatively prosperous economy and strong market ties to the West.

Since that time it has vigorously pursued diversification of its trade with the West



>muh deficits
Did he say anything else?
Govt. debt is literally irrelevant.

obviously she did survive, has a child, is a single parent like that which she bitched about on her own childhood, owns a house herself, has several diseases she mentioned, was in a coma for 3 days, is an epileptic, and can travel to a town hall and take over the mic to grill the leader, whilst being the beneficiary of probably A MILLION DOLLARS IN MEDICAL TREATMENT PER YEAR... has a leg brace but stand 6'+, and yes, 50 grand a year at a shit job...

But you're so god damned brainwashed.... all you heard was oppression...

That cunt is part of the reason I emigrated.

Can't wait till he's out of office.

in other words, this brain dead epileptic cripple, lives the god damned high life on the gov dole, and does nothing but whine and brag

Q: What are you going to do about the enormous crippling debt your government is projected to create, when you promised a surplus?

A: Hey, hey hey. Look at the gibs we're making. Our party has always been about the gibs.


It's Canadian Boxing, when your opponent knocks you down, you win

>someone gives heart breaking story and real question to explain what is happening
>uh we are investing and reallocating for the middle class, and moving forward!
how long are people going to keep listening to this nonsense? more empty words with no meaning, and all the liberal shit heads eat it up and clap. it's all LIES.

the carbon tax is up to Ontario...( but we pushed it nationwide and are making every province obey or else ).... and our national add on tax hasn't kicked in yet... gawd we can hardly wait to rip you off more after our forced province policy rapes you again and again, as it already is, because you owe us for global warming !

You have to give him props for doing it, though. No political would here, at all.

One small thing could fix it all.

Great answers, Justin, not.

hope he reoffends

Are to ignore the fact that the first dude calls him 'Justin'?

Trudeau has '0' respect in any community besides the immediate people around him.

aslong as women have the right to vote, people like him will always be voted in.


Why would you vote for such a punchable man? BTFOH Canada

bump again

>Is he done for?
No. He handled it like a pro. Sup Forums won't like it but Sup Forums it not a representative sample.

This, people, is the face of a toxic narcissist. Learn it, know it, live it.

he and warner both look like drug addicts

comment is referring to OP's pic

I mean, Schiff is clearly psychopathic, Trudeau is better at hiding his 'illness'.

it's drugs

same here desu.

he looks like one of the (((tribe)))

what an ugly mutt. i'd love to punch his dumb face


>Oh fuck how do I talk myself out withouth mentioning the blood pacts and the sex magic rituals

Btw, Dow is above 24.7k and still rising. Will we see a Trump Curse™ on Soros?


Ah yes Justin. Top men.

He really is the real Zoolander.


6:00 lol

>not thanks_for_not_aborting_me.jpg

I hear she’s scheduled for a medical procedure to implant testes. Hope they have a good supply of anti-rejection meds available.
