New Study Raising Minimum Wage does Not Kill Jobs

What argument do you have against raising the minimum wage now reptards?

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This study assumes the ones making well over average in the business won't mind sharing their (((earned))) higher income.

This assumption will never come true.

>they don't realize these fastfood joints are going to not make it
>it's going to become too expensive
>food is shit so why eat there if it's expensive

fast food is not regulated by minimum wage here either btw. you are not supposed to work here all lyfe. Just temp till you get something better. It's only teenagers working them here. Then they get older and find a proper work.

Nobody is bitching that it's not so well paid there, because that's the deal. Like how you can't expect to be paid a proper salary from delivering fucking newspapers. Only some line of work are regulated with minimum wage, most is not

LOL what? They do not have to share a damned thing. The ones make over the average get to keep their wage. How retarded can you get, and what a shit argument in the first place.

Cool. So we can raise the minimum wage to a trillion shekels an hour and all get rich as fuck.

*increases part-time, low paying jobs

>you are not supposed to work here all lyfe. Just temp till you get something better.
Is the entry level job market in Norway actually alive? In America entry level jobs are awarded on nepotism. This means the lifetime minimum wage workers are common.

Read your own study. Where do you think the extra money is coming from? Nowhere? Higher costs for products? It is coming from the ones making above average.

Look at what just happened in Ontario after raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. SAGE

Sure. it doesn't "kill jobs"; rather, it simply raises the cost of living in a way that nullifies the raise.

God ancap literally has to be the dumbest larp flag there is. 1.) The sstudy shows that small to moderate increases in the minimum wage have no effect on employment. 2.) If you raise the minimum wage, then suddenly people have more purchasing power which drives up demand and creates new jobs. Obviously, there is a limit to how high we can raise the minimum wage you silly brainlet. Wow I thought ancaps where the ones that knew economics.

shills with crew are out in full force

You do realize that worker wage is only like 35% of a products total cost right? There are shareholders they gotta pay out and CEO bonuses. A minimum wage increase of 10% may result in a total price increase of about 1%-2%. Again learn some econ you downy soyboy.

Real facts. Not assumptions based on what MIGHT happen.

Cool. So there is no upward pressure on inflation and everyone's purchasing power will increase. We can all get rich as fuck.

It is true inflation does increase with wage increase, but inflation generally take much longer to increase after wages are hiked because businesses compete to keep prices low. I am literally your own conservative economics against you. Learn some econ you idiot.

Nobody says that, obviously. You can raise wages a certain amount and the effect is likely negligible. Though many economists don't actually favor federal minimum wage hikes of too large a degree because they think the local effects will vary too much, but these same economists are the ones that do studies on the effects of the minimum wage and generally find the elasticity of employment for really low skilled workers (they generally look at teenagers and such because studies in the mid to late 90s were showing no significant effect to the net employment figures) is, like, .10. But that can't be applied across all cases, economies are complicated. The OECD, which used to recommend more flexible wages for growth, now has reports that will acknowledge the empirical evidence isn't clear on how effective lowering or raising wages is for increasing growth, which is a nice way of saying "it doesn't matter much in general, it depends on a lot of factors".

That is why earned income tax credits are such a meme among economists, they can be applied variably and they don't actually punish businesses since they're just a subsidy. DESU they're probably better, but leftists generally don't like them because in terms of political capital they sound boring. $15 minimum wage is catchy and resonates with a lot of low-income workers because they know what their paychecks look like at $10 or whatever, they can imagine it will look much larger at $15.

The study I posted covers 130+ cases of minimum wage hikes. You post just 2 examples. GG soyboy loser.

Post an example case with numbers that follows the money. Ideally you would use real numbers from a company, but a mock presentation will do.

>Dogg, Dogg, Listen...We just raise minimum wage to a million dollars an hour
>every nigger is rich then
>retire at 18

You're arguing for kicking the (((problem))) down the road ad infinitum.

Some plan.

>price fixing doesn't work
>minimum wages are price ficing

hurrr durr fuck off retard, making things more expensive does not increase budgets

Derp herp businesses do not compete to keep prices low and inflation down. Inflation takes a long time to catch up to minimum wage raises. Once again, literally your own economics against you.

You want a universal rule with exceptions, realize your retardation.

Funny thing is that Seattle politicians didn't like the findings of that initial study so they went to get a new (((study))) that would show what they want.

You can pretty much get a study to say whatever you want. It's sad that people will use them to replace common sense and logic.

You mean to tell me that while raising the minimum wage a reasonable amount may have its benefits in certain contexts, raising it excessively can harm the workers?

Complete nonsense!

Merba cookie factory produces chocolate chip cookies and sell them at 99c per pack. They make 1c profit on every pack. That means for to raise the wage per hour for 8 hours of a single worker by a single cent, they have to produce and sell 8 extra packs of cookies. Unless you have a magical wand that drastically increases consumer demand, you are costing dozens of minimum wage workers their jobs.

Competition is brutal, try running a business if you have all these magic money trade secrets. Don't you want to have well-paid employees or something? What do you have against workers?


Um yeah. No problem is solved indefinitely. Get over it pumpkin.

Does this study take into account the people making 20-25/hour that have actual responsiblity leaving their post for a shittastic career at McDonalds for nearly the same rate? I travel to make $35/hr. I would stay close to home for a bit over $20 just because of the vehicle savings.

How can these niggers at mcdonalds compete with someone with a degree? If I want a $15/hour no-brains job I will be shoe in next to GED carrying idiots. Hell, just showing up every day and on time is enough to keep your job at places like that.

>salaries raised since Trump took over
>zero unemployment
>yeah well vote for us and we will raise minimum wage and get more people out of work and unemployed again!

You're right there, but what you're proposing isn't even attempting to solve it. It's giving entitled children money they don't deserve in order to shut them up for a year.

What about the CEO of the cookie factory that gets multi million dollar bonuses annually? What about shareholders expecting to get a 10% + return every year when they should be getting closer a more realistic 5-7% ROI. What about efficiency upgrades to make their energy bill cheaper for making cookies. Your example is childlike and trash.

You are just a purely evil person who wants to put people out of work so they become income dependent on government and vote Left. You can't win with words so you use violence. Your ideas are terrible and you are the worst kind of person. You would rob children of their happiness and futures for personal gain? You sick fuck, you disgust me.

> Against minimum wage hikes because MUH increased prices
> Parades around praising recent wage hikes while conveniently forgetting his argument from above
> Meanwhile, Jews are raising prices left and right to steal anything extra you make

The absolute state of Trumpshits. The system you praise is designed to fuck you over. Your extra $70 a month (kek) means nothing in the long run. Enjoy staying poor.

You're just babbling about your made up scenario, economists have been studying this for decades. It's not as simply as you made it out to be. For one thing, it actually IS the case that quantity usually responds faster than prices. Prices are sticky because competition usually makes them slow to move, and the marginal cost of another unit of some good doesn't usually necessitate more capital investment. The Federal Reserve keeps statistics on the variable utilization of productive capital, and that number goes up and down all the time. The supply chain can also be monitored by looking at data on factory orders and rail loads, among other things. These numbers can vary, but prices don't have a 1:1 relationship to the supply of goods and services being produced.

I actually do work for a small business, and we do business service work. Our prices don't change based on fluctuating demand, we have a set price for our services that we decided upon years ago which hasn't changed, and usually if there is a significant dip in clients in one area it gets made up in another. It is more often the case that, instead of devaluing the work we do by changing out prices, we will look for a new service to offer and set a price on that to expand our market.

>raising minimum wage doesnt kill jobs
>Canada lost 88,000 jobs in the month of January when Ontario raised it minimum wage from $11.40 to $15.00

You mean companies will have to raise the wage of workers that make more then the minimum wage to retain their employment or else they will leave. *Gasp* it is almost as if that is logical. koekjesfabriek oosterhout&oq=merba koek&aqs=chrome.2.0j69i57j0l2.3498j0j7&client=tablet-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#istate=lrl:iv&rlimm=806754933364337774

Why don't you go run a factory and pay people well? Don't you want people to have good wages?

Actually, I just won you with words and I resorted to no violence at all. Get taken to school more loser, now get back to studying.

You showed you want to make people dependent on your political handouts and that you don't give a shit about workers, congratulations you monster.

>Why don't you go run a factory and pay people well? Don't you want people to have good wages?
Good point. Start your own successful business that channels CEO payouts and shareholder payouts into making the lowest wage at your business a high amount. Just do it.

>What about the CEO of the cookie factory that gets multi million dollar bonuses annually?
You are just creating the perfect situation to bitch about. Go get a real education. You don't have a fucking clue.

All I showed was how retarded you are.

Right? All these geniusses know exactly how to run a business with large profit margins and they are just too lazy and selfish to do it, so they want to force others to do it for them. What evil assholes.

lol if I wanted people in general to be paid well it would be better to make policies that create the conditions for that to happen than own a single factory that pays well. Besides, it is those conditions which often drive wages lower, not necessarily a monopoly man with devil horns smoking a cigar.

But politically I'm not strictly concerned with the wage share of GDP. There are many means of increasing the real amounts of goods and services available to people, but raising the minimum wage is fine.

I showed you an actual company where your increased minimum wage would put dozens of people out of work and your response is basically FUCK workers, it's worth it for the cause.

Go run a business.

Find me one economist that supports price floors

A study that finds the minimum wage doesn't hurt jobs is like a study that finds adding weight to a car doesn't hurt gas mileage.

We are already seeing the effects of this in ontario, i read in an article that 500k jobs were cut in ontario and a bunch of companies are cutting benefits, im scared that my workplace in bc is gonna downsize to account for the min wage workers. I also wonder how companies will handle the workers who have worked their way above minimum and spent years at a company only to have new employees get paid the same as them.

Gdp is like bmi, it doesn't look at content and included government spending. Paying people to dig ditches and fill them is not productive, so government spending does not create more goods and services. Price fixing cuts off anyone who produces value below that price. If I make carrots 10000 dollars a piece, people will just not eat and consequently grow carrots.


Raise minimum wages tomorrow, and I'm going to fire one of my employees.


With the government printing more money like it does all the time. Inflation of currency isn't real with fiat currency desu.

Ignorant white trailer trash are acceptable loses so we can get at the immigrants and niggers and realize the ethnostate.

Somebody was going to have to be sacrificed for the greater good.

These assholes refuse to understand to get the best workers, you need to create the best labor conditions so capitalists want to pay as much as they can spare. Profits are usually only a few % and mostly invested forward. Shareholders would riot if a ceo took too much money and they can't even do that without permission.

More of them support earned income tax credits rather than price floors, but I doubt most of the conservative elements on Sup Forums would like that either. That kind of logic usually extends to a lot of shit, like housing. Studies on rent controls usually show that they have limits and inefficiencies when applied as a blanket cap on rates, but are more doable when they are done basically as a subsidy to lower income groups to effectively cut the cost of their rent. Most economists appreciate nuance because they stare at complex systems all day and it is more interesting to try to understand how they interlock and behave in their multiplicity than to simply look at dogmas and say "all X is bad, market outcomes always good".

>Raise minimum wages tomorrow, and I'm going to fire one of my employees.

If they raise minimum wage tomorrow to $15/hour, I am taking a niggers job. This will leave my high skill job unfilled, as I take out a total idiot from the workforce.

There's not such thing as inflation or purchasing power the way you put it, that only happens cause the laws say that's how our fiat currency works.

That makes zero sense. If its an idiots job it doesn't matter if a nigger or a high IQ person works it. In fact they would rather pay the idiot because he will stay in it longer. You guys seriously need to think before you type.

They increase part time jobs with decreased hours, so employers don't have to include benefits.

>Eliminate one full-time position
>Create two part-time positions
>Look, more jobs!
Works every time.

Yet, another reason for universal healthcare. If employers gotta pay taxes for universal healthcare no matter what, then they will start working their employees long hours again.

>In fact they would rather pay the idiot because he will stay in it longer.
If you owned a business, you might understand. Do you want an employee with a proven track record of excellence, or Tyrone who shows up late a few times a week and is less than stellar?

Too bad that's not how it works. Do you have any idea how much gross shit is in American food that's commonly consumed? Have you ever been in a restroom at a fast food place? Have you ever been to a construction site and saw how many injuries happen? Conditions are not set by the market but by government regulation. This was observed during the industrial revolution where you have deplorable factory conditions and no child labor laws, those didn't come with market demand they came with monopoly control that had to be busted by state action.

I just find it wrong it principle. Earn your wage. Minimum wage just becomes the standard wage for low-skilled labor, and trainees on their first day will make almost the same as seniors who have been there for years, because the employer can't afford to pay extra to people who've earned it.

holy shit that made me lol

That way of thinking is what's killing the job market in America for younger generations. No one trains anymore cause they think it's a waste of time and money, they all want people with years of experience doing the exact same thing already.

>Paying people to dig ditches and fill them is not productive, so government spending does not create more goods and services.

lol that isn't all the government pays people to do. Medicare and Medicaid, some of the biggest Federal government expenses, pay people to provide medical care and generate medical technology, pharmaceutical drugs and provide revenue that builds out medical infrastructure. The Federal government delivers packages all across the country, such that even the private mail carriers have contracts with them to deliver packaged (though it goes both ways, but the postal service delivers to more locations than FedEx or UPS because it isn't as profitable for them to reach certain areas). Social Security is just direct payment which generates goods and services for the elderly.

Though the latter point is one of importance for the general role government spending plays in the economy, because a part of the ditch digging joke goes back to Keynes talking about paying people to dig holes. This is usually used a dig against him for making such an absurd statement, though it is ironic because in context Keynes was making fun of mining for gold. He was pointing out that gold mining operations generated booms for both their local areas and the general economy, precisely because of the fact that the useless holes people were digging were pumping money into the economy which generated work, people creating goods and services. It may have been driven by people digging holes for metal to sit in a vault, but that is basically one of the weird inanities of our economy. We have tons of shit to do all the time, but often we aren't accomplishing that work.

This. Couldn't find entry level work and refused to go back to school to chance learning a new skill from scratch.

t. building up my NEET gibs portfolio now. 18 more months anons.

It says clearly on the graph they presented
>jobs paying less than the new minimum DISAPPEAR
the it says that there's an increase in jobs paying just new min wage. but since it's all about percentages, a net loss or not depends on actual numbers.
Even if net loss is zero, you're hurting the people who can't provide more value than the new min wage, those are the jobs that DISAPPEAR, as their own graphic states

I was trained to do my job, but I do consider it a CAREER, and not a job. By trade I am a "Pipe fitter", and I spent 5 years in training to gain the distinction of being a Journeyman.

Training is good when a job requires it. McDonald's training is 3 days or less. It is a repetitious action that anyone can do (even downsies). These people need to look at their jobs, and their co-workers. IF you have a co-worker that has one more or one less chromosome then you, then you are simply not worth $15/hour.


Experience is key, but motherfuckers don't seem to understand how a resume works. A resume is where you trump up your skills. People don't seem to think it is worthwhile to try to move past their minimum wage jobs, and I think they don't understand the resume.

Bro companies would pay you nothing if they could get away with it. They do not want to pay a person any more than they have to. This is why we need a minimum wage that can support basic living without welfare dependency.

Ontario sheds 59,300 part-time jobs in January as new $14 minimum wage begins

Just as an aside too about the Keynes joke, he was offering that is the more irrational solution compared to some kind of big, directed spending project. He was basically saying if people had a problem with the notion of a big, government spending project that actually had a goal, they might as well dig holes and bury dollars for people to go dig up again because it would create a boom, even if it was clearly absurd.

t. boomer from reddit who grew up before today's situation
>muh experience
How does anyone get experience when EVERY FUCKING EMPLOYER these days refuses to give anyone experience and only wants already experienced people? This shit is why we have increasing demand of immigrants since there aren't enough experienced Americans anymore and it's because of wrinklenigger scum like you.

Then those companies wouldn't exist and all labor would be overseas.

And plenty of countries, like Singapore and Bernie's utopian Scandinavian ones, don't have minimum wages.

Does it explain what right the government has to tell an employer what to pay his workers?

Money goes out before it ever goes in. Leftists will never understand this.

Yeah, but Scandinavian countries have a lot of support for unions. Makes it very easy to joins unions in the US and I wouldn't care about minimum wage raises.

Lets just make ot 100 dollars to take in account every future crash.

Do you like paying more in taxes? Because that is exactly what you get when companies pay their employees so litter that they become dependent on welfare just to survive. By being anti-basic-living-wage you are basically saying that you enjoy subsidizing welfare.

Bitch stop talking nonsense. Do you read what you're writing? You've already been absolutely BTFOd in this thread.

t. economically ignorant

You didn't ask compared to what. Before that people were mostly subsustence farmers and half the kids under 5 died. Yes the factories were shit but better than certain death for a lot of people. You watched too much propaganda and compare it to now.

Also monopolies functionally can't exist in a free market because you can't stop competition using violence, that requires government.

Doctors cure people, taxes do not.

Your ideology has been BTFO for 100 years now, doesn't stop your little bitch ass from larping.

If you raise minimum wage up to 1.000.000$ everyone's problems would solve for ever and economy would work greatly


This was already answered above captain brainlet downy. Don't you have some paste to go eat or something?

>nigger-level intelligence tries to educate Sup Forums

Here's the thing bucko, it's not the wages that are the problem but the percentage of total taxation.
taxes too high = no hiring new workers, cause it costs 2 times the salary in taxes.
High wage + low taxes = bingo, me hire.

Why are libtards so stupid they cant understand basic rules of economy yet pretend they are socialists or commie scum?

>This is why we need a minimum wage that can support basic living without welfare dependency.
Wrong. You have to justfiy your value to society. Just because you have a job does not mean that you are making a meaningful contribution to society.

Most minimum wage jobs are minimum skill, and low social value.....due to a number of factors....One being supply and demand. A job that requires no skill can literally hire any retard off the street (mcdonalds and other fast food actually hire retards). This is what dictates the minimum wage.

Get a real skill you can leverage and you will watch your wages go up. Quit living in a fantasy world, and commit to living in the real world for a change, and you will do much better with yourself. If you insist on hiding and blaming, you will get nowhere. EVER. No matter how much you are paid.

Man this is the answer we would be rich

$15/hour bumps a person into a higher tax bracket....Remember this.

It also will drive up the price of simple things like eggs, milk, TP etc. Any basic food supplies will go up in cost. It won't be much, but will be enough that at the end of the week, the $15 per hour won't be much different then the minimum wage you were making before.

Demand would be millions up and lot of million dollars job would be created

I'm literally an employer, and minimum wage literally determines the number of positions I hire for.
I know it must be hard for someone who has never done anything to comprehend reality without some asshole in a lab-coat spoon-feeding him interpretations of data labeled "study" or "research", but you have to try.

I think inflation would affect all goods and services(except high-end ones).
So what we have to do man is raise minimum wage to 1 Million Dollars. That way everyone would be fucking rich. Isn't like inflation would make a carrot cost 500.000

Sure, but inflation would be a byproduct, not a cause in itself