/MSG/ - Masculinity General:

Alright faggots, enough of this endless circle jerking each other off. The time has come get educated about Masculinity and the ways of the Chad.

The element of Masculinity is what's missing in our contemporary gynocentric societies, and I for one intend to put an end to that sad fact effective immediately. I can assure you that none of the bullshit on Sup Forums right now is as invaluable to your immediate daily existence as the information contained within the following podcasts and ebooks that I am providing to you for free. So quit sitting around on here all day like women wasting your lives shitposting and complaining over utter nonsensical distractions, and start walking the path towards fulfilling your destiny as a man as nature intended for you, that (((they))) have tried so diligently to deter you from, and steal from us all. Shadilay brethren! I'll be standing by to answer any of your questions but the information is pretty self explanatory.


FREE EBOOKS: pdfsr.com/pdf/the-principles-that-govern-social-interaction


Other urls found in this thread:


Here's someone's review of the first book:

>I wish I'd had this 25 years ago. I learned this shit the hard way, (I'm in my 40s now), and I can attest that the vast majority of it is true. Reading it for me now was a confirmation that I'm on the right path, but I had to learn it through the school of hard knocks. To be perfectly honest I stopped reading after speed reading about the first 20% of the book, because it was like being an expert in rebuilding engines and reading a book on how to change the oil. This should be required reading for all Western Males, but due to reasons mentioned in the book it never will be. I'm a Father of 4 boys and 1 Girl, and my Boys are getting this as part of their Homeschool now. (Not kidding). Peace.

Btw I'm not, nor do I have any affiliation with "the professor" (the guy who came up with this stuff), but because he has since taken down his site and disappeared from the internet, I thought I'd take it upon myself to republish his work for posterity's sake, seeing how much it has improved my life and way of thinking after having discovered it on here many years ago.

So no I'm not trying to sell anything or pulling any affiliate marketing bullshit, this is purely from one user to the rest of you.

I'll be bumping the thread with random stuff as I continue uploading the rest of the podcasts.





Men want real Women, Not thoting whores, useless cunts that can't cook or clean or keep their vagina closed for anyone other than their bf/husband. =)

>translation: don't do anything that you like and dont take time for yourself, time = money you are wasting my time go make me more money because i have a vagina

when will women do something other than make babies and leech off of mens work?

That's what all this information is about, how to shape people into how you want them to be through reward and punishment conditioning.

Here's what Cumguzzler of a Fag had to say about Manhood Academy back when it was in its prime.


t. Retard bumping his own threads


Yeah I'm the retard shit for brains, go back to playing with your fucking action figures nigger.

I promise you I'm the smartest person that browses this fucking site.

I think you missed the point of the thread entirely. Ya weak sot boy

If Soygoy hates it, then you know its good.



why would anyone who has respect for their dick want to put it inside a slattern who has been ridden more times than the average pony at the central zoo?

Because it feels good?

Here's some excerpts from the first book:


>Today, most people view feminism as a political and social movement purporting to secure equal rights and legal protections for women. However, to properly understand how feminism threatens your social competence, it is necessary to distinguish between its political phases and its fundamental governing philosophy.

>At its heart, feminism represents women’s desire to control men. By attempting to seize male authority through the legal system, women hope to gain special rights and privileges, entitling them to your male resources.

>But because feminism is masked by feel-good slogans of gender equality, it is often misunderstood and rarely ever opposed. In fact, it thrives on the ignorance and complacency of its victims who unknowingly help perpetuate its damage on society.

>However, once its modern political slogans are sifted out, we’re left with a destructive social philosophy that blames men and absolves women. Not only does feminism poison relationships, it also erodes the very gender functions necessary to maintain healthy relationships and a healthy society. In fact, nothing more aptly captures the destructive spirit of feminism than the age old sentiment: “I don’t need a man!”

I agree with what's written on the board, but what are the chances she can behave like a real woman ? 5% ? 10%?
It's not like she has anything to offer besides her genitals.

That's exactly what the information I am presenting addresses. Its your job as a man to guide a woman's behavior, by using reward and punishment (pleasure and pain) to get them to act in an orderly manner that gets both of your needs met. And being able to do this effectively is also what naturally generates attraction in a woman towards you.

Any questions, doubts, discrepancies with what I'm saying? Sound too good to be true? These are the mechanics of social dynamics, download and read the pdf for yourself.

>Consider how restriction affects a child’s life. Since children lack foresight, they act according to their immediate desires. More often than not, they fail to consider the possible consequences of their actions. Thus, children require healthy restrictions to protect them from their own short-sighted behavior. If this protection is removed, children will be in danger of suffering the consequences of indulging their reckless whims.

>A child admiring a parent’s ability to drive a car will desire the same privilege. Even though a child lacks an adult’s mental and physical capacity, they will still insist on shouldering adult responsibilities. The exciting prospect of impressing others to gain praise is just too enticing. Although this foolish decision places the child and others in danger, they lack the foresight to understand why their function is limited. Thus, the child requires an adult to restrict their actions for the sake of everyone’s welfare.

>Women also lack foresight 3 because, like children, they focus on themselves to a dysfunctional degree 4 . Even the way they argue reveals their love of appearance over substance. Instead of addressing the merits of your argument, women will focus on the way you argue; if your point hurts their feelings, they will complain about your intentions. If your argument upsets their beliefs, they will scold you for lacking manners.

>Women place priority on their feelings above all else. Reason and common sense come in a distant second. Discovering the painful truth is less important to a woman than maintaining her pleasurable delusions. Without male guidance, women invariably neglect to consider the viewpoint of others. As Florence Nightingale once said:

>In one sense, I do believe I am “like a man,” as Parthe [the writer’s sister] says. But how? In having sympathy. [...] Women crave for being loved, not for loving. They scream out at you for sympathy all day long, they are incapable of giving any in return, for they cannot remember your affairs long enough to do so. [...] They cannot state a fact accurately to another, nor can that other attend to it accurately enough for it to become information. Now is not all this the result of want of sympathy?

>Thus, women lack the capacity to bear the same heavy responsibilities that men bear.

Redpills anyone?

shit doesn't work anymore because after ~100 years of female suffrage, slowly but surely 'being masculine' has been outsourced to the legal system. try to act 'classically masculine' and you are arrested, resist arrest and you are shot.

As much as the (((social engineers))) are trying to emasculate and sterilize society, they can not change what is inherent to human nature.

As the book explains, women are naturally/automatically attracted to men who posses the capacity to create an orderly expression of theirs and others behavior. Kinda like how PUA's always say "demonstrate that you're a leader of men (and by extension women)". So as much as women that have been brainwashed by jewish feminist ideology will SAY (LYING, EVEN TO THEMSELVES) that they are turned off by masculine behavior, its really the only thing that they actually find attractive, on a subconscious/biological level IN TRUTH.

Please, tell us more about how you learned to be a Real Man from podcasts and ebooks. I want to sleep with a smug cunt with bad handwriting like in your pic.

She should shut up her whore mouth cause meenn wan reel weman NAUT WHAURES

So are you beginning to see how this actually works, as opposed to the lies that have been implanted into everyone's heads, unbeknownst to themselves by you know who?

As someone who's been redpilled for 10 years and studied this shit on virtually a daily basis, I am telling you this is how the world actually works. Read the book, this very information used to be common place on here several years ago.

Not until you tell me about how you learned about masculinity from your fucking absentee father and your daily talmudvision programming, cocksucking nigger.




>It's difficult to even address feminism’s glaring hypocrisies and damaging social policies when women have been conditioned for so long to believe they can only be victims. In fact, female victimhood has been thoroughly ingrained into our culture that trying to hold women accountable for anything is universally condemned. You’d have better luck blaming a newborn baby. To even question feminism brings up immediate accusations of misogyny and sexism. Thus it’s easy for feminists to deceptively change the nature of the argument to absolve themselves of any blame:

>• Instead of answering why financially independent women should get free dinners, men are accused of being sexist pigs.
>• Instead of answering why women are allowed to advertise their sexuality, men are accused of being sexual predators.
>• Instead of answering why women take advantage of the child support system, men are accused of being deadbeat dads.
>• Instead of answering why women should benefit from unfair divorce laws, men are accused of having commitment issues.
>• Instead of answering why women are allowed to provoke violence, men are accused of being default abusers.
>• Instead of answering why women (who demand sole ownership of their bodies) are allowed to defraud men into paying child support, men are accused of being sexually irresponsible.
>• Instead of answering why women demand equal pay for less work in less demanding jobs, men are accused of being oppressive and misogynistic.

>If changing the nature of the argument fails, women resort to petty threats and angry denunciations: “You’ll never get laid! You’ll never get a date!” Threatening dissenting men with sexual starvation and social ostracization is a common practice. Refusal to abide by this emasculating social code even elicits public outrage. Dysfunctional women condemn masculinity. Emasculated men punish it; both prevent males from regaining their Manhood.

>This creates an environment hostile to the proper exercise of male authority. Today, a perverted version of masculinity exists where dominance over other men is celebrated while dominance over women is condemned.

>As a writer for Feministing recently stated:

>“For some men, the perfect woman is one you can control, have sex with whenever you want and in a perfect world, vacuums and cooks. Those men are what we call misogynists.”

>Thus, according to feminists, governments hate their citizens by controlling them with laws, generals hate their soldiers by controlling them with orders, parents hate their children by controlling them with boundaries and healthy people hate their own lives by exercising self-control over their diet. All functional relationships are automatically deemed hateful when control is demonized to mean slavery. Feminists figure it's much easier to apply intellectually dishonest definitions to their opponents than it is to answer for their assault upon the male gender identity.


I hope you guys aren't so dumb as to ignore info that could actually have a massively positive impact on your life.

Just leave your parents when you're 17-18 and you will be fine.

WTF does that even mean?

The only way you can become masculine is living by yourself from early ages. There are no alphas on mom's meals.

>28 posts by this ID
You argue like a woman so I'm going to assume you are one.

Stop fetishizing chinks

And you're a retarded nigger, so I don't care...

Youbshouldnstop watching trap pork though and stop playing vista too such a waste

Alright, big ups to all the people with the intellectual capacity to grasp the relevance of this information. To all the manchildren with the attention span of goldfish and the critical thinking skills of a postmodernist, we'll see you on the day of the rope, and let's hope that it's sooner than later.

If that's you in the picture you need to go play on the freeway



Why do women think we care what they want?
Solipsistic cunt, be gone.

Oh, virgin fag, you already do not exist.

>white women